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NASA Mars lander InSight falls silent after four years​


It could be the end of the red dusty line for NASA's InSight lander, which has fallen silent after four years on Mars.

The lander's power levels have been dwindling for months because of all the dust coating its solar panels. Ground controllers at California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory knew the end was near, but NASA reported that InSight unexpectedly didn't respond to communications from Earth on Sunday.

"It's assumed InSight may have reached the end of its operations," NASA said late Monday, adding that its last communication was Thursday. "It's unknown what prompted the change in its energy."

The team will keep trying to contact InSight, just in case.

InSight landed on Mars in 2018 and was the first spacecraft to document a marsquake. It detected more than 1,300 marsquakes with its French-built seismometer, including several caused by meteoroid strikes. The most recent marsquake sensed by InSight, earlier this year, left the ground shaking for at least six hours, according to NASA.

The seismometer readings shed light on Mars' interior.

Just last week, scientists revealed that InSight scored another first, capturing a Martian dust devil not just in pictures, but sound. In a stroke of luck, the whirling column of dust blew directly over the lander in 2021 when its microphone was on.

The lander's other main instrument, however, encountered nothing but trouble.

A German digging device—meant to measure the temperature of Mars' interior—never made it deeper than a couple feet (half a meter), well short of the intended 16 feet (5 meters). NASA declared it dead nearly two years ago.

InSight recently sent back one last selfie, shared by NASA via Twitter on Monday.

"My power's really low, so this may be the last image I can send," the team wrote on InSight's behalf. "Don't worry about me though: my time here has been both productive and serene. If I can keep talking to my mission team, I will—but I'll be signing off here soon. Thanks for staying with me."

NASA still has two active rovers on Mars: Curiosity, roaming the surface since 2012, and Perseverance, which arrived early last year.

Perseverance is in the midst of creating a sample depot; the plan is to leave 10 tubes of rock cores on the Martian surface as a backup to samples on the rover itself. NASA plans to bring some of these samples back to Earth in a decade, in its longtime search for signs of ancient microscopic life on Mars.

Perseverance also has a companion: a mini helicopter named Ingenuity. It just completed its 37th flight and has now logged more than an hour of Martian flight time.

Russian space debris forces space station to dodge, cancels US spacewalk​

The Russian space junk is part of an old Fregat upper stage and will pass within a quarter-mile of the station at 11:17 a.m. ET.

NASA has called off a planned spacewalk at the last moment after a large piece of Russian space debris came dangerously close to the orbital outpost.

NASA astronauts Frank Rubio and Josh Cassada were getting ready to step out from the QUEST airlock on the International Space Station early Wednesday (Dec. 21) morning to install new solar arrays to improve the power system of the orbital outpost when their ground control team commanded them to halt the work. Instead, the space station will perform an emergency maneuver to get out of the way of a large piece of space debris that is on track to get dangerously close to the lab later today.

The debris in question is a piece of a Russian rocket, the 11-foot-wide (3.35 meters) Fregat upper stage used on Soyuz and Zenith launchers. The junk was predicted to get within less than a quarter of a mile (0.4 kilometers) from the station later today, triggering a "red," highest-level warning, Dan Huot, NASA spokesperson at Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, said during live commentary.

NASA astronauts unfurl 4th roll-out solar array on spacewalk outside space station​

Only two more new solar arrays to be installed after successful spacewalk.

The International Space Station (ISS) has a fourth new solar array thanks to the work of two NASA astronauts on a seven-hour spacewalk.

Frank Rubio and Josh Cassada, both flight engineers on the space station's Expedition 68 crew, again ventured outside of the orbiting complex on Thursday (Dec. 22) to install a new ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) to augment the station's power supply. The spacewalk was a near repeat of the extravehicular activity (EVA) that Rubio and Cassada performed almost three weeks ago, but this time focused solely on a power channel located on the station's port-side truss.

The two astronauts also reversed roles, with Rubio serving as the lead spacewalker (EV-1) for Thursday's outing. Rubio and Cassada began the spacewalk at 8:19 a.m. EST (1319 GMT), exiting the U.S. Quest airlock and quickly getting to work on their first assigned tasks. As Cassada set up a foot restraint at the end of the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm, Rubio configured the cables that they would later connect to tie the new array into the station's 4A power channel.

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio (in the foreground) transitions along the space station as fellow NASA astronaut and Expedition 68 crewmate Josh Cassada moves an International Space Station (ISS) Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) on the end of the Canadarm2 robotic arm during a spacewalk on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022.

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio (in the foreground) transitions along the space station as fellow NASA astronaut and Expedition 68 crewmate Josh Cassada moves an International Space Station (ISS) Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) on the end of the Canadarm2 robotic arm during a spacewalk on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022. (Image credit: NASA TV)

The two astronauts then worked together to free the iROSA from the platform on which it was launched and temporarily stowed on the station. Like the array that was installed on Dec. 3, the 4A iROSA was delivered to orbit by a SpaceX CRS-26 Dragon cargo spacecraft, which arrived at the ISS on Nov. 27.

After Rubio freed the last bolt holding the array in place, Cassada, now positioned at the end of the robotic arm, took hold of the assembly to carry it to its installation site. At the controls of the Canadarm2 was NASA astronaut Nicole Mann, with Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) coordinating her actions with Cassada outside.

"Just a head's up, Koichi," radioed Cassada during a break between moves, "that last one stopped a little quickly on me. If you see it ramping up on the next one, can you give me a heads up? That would be awesome." Although weightless in the microgravity environment of space, the mass of the 750-pound (340-kg) still had significant inertia when being moved.

Rubio transitioned along the truss to meet Cassada the P4 site. The two spacewalkers then unfolded the iROSA from its launch configuration and then secured the array atop a mounting bracket installed on an earlier EVA. Using a power tool specifically designed for astronauts to use on spacewalks, Rubio tightened the four bolts on the right and left sides of the iROSA to hold the assembly open.

After waiting for the space station to be in "eclipse," or when it was in the shadow of Earth, such that the existing solar array wings were not producing electricity, Rubio and Cassada then integrated the iROSA into the 4A power channel by attaching cables connecting the new array to the station.

At that point, all that was left to do was let the iROSA unfurl. With the release of two bolts, the potential energy stored by the rolled-up carbon composite booms caused the array to unroll on its own to its full 63-foot (19 meter) length with no motor needed.

A new International Space Station (ISS) Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) unfurls in front of the legacy 4A solar array wing, augmenting the power for the orbiting complex.

A new International Space Station (ISS) Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) unfurls in front of the legacy 4A solar array wing, augmenting the power for the orbiting complex. (Image credit: NASA TV)

"We can finally run that microwave we've wanted to run," said Cassada, joking about the extra power from the new array.

The whole process took about 10 minutes. Cassada tightened two bolts to stiffen the array and its installation was complete.

The ISS Roll-Out Solar Arrays are being installed in front of, and partially overlaying, slightly-degraded, existing solar panel wings. When used in tandem and once all six iROSAs are in place, the upgraded power system will increase the space station's electricity supply by 20 to 30 percent.

Cassada and Rubio completed the spacewalk by cleaning up and taking inventory of their tools before reentering the airlock at 3:27 p.m. EST (2027 GMT), seven hours and eight minutes after they began the EVA.

Thursday's excursion was had been scheduled for Wednesday, but was delayed a day because the space station needed to be maneuvered away from an approaching piece of Russian rocket debris. It was the third spacewalk for both Rubio and Cassada. They now have logged 21 hours and 24 minutes working the vacuum of space.

The EVA was the 12th for the year, the fourth for Expedition 68 and 257th since 1998 in support of assembly and maintenance of the ISS.

Astronaut Harrison Schmitt (the last man to walk on the moon) talks about the 50 year Anniversary of his Apollo 17 mission.

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Fly to space and back in amazing SpaceX booster cam video - Launch to Florida landing​


James Webb Space Telescope confirms its first exoplanet​

Researchers have confirmed the presence of an exoplanet, a planet that orbits another star, using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope for the first time. Formally classified as LHS 475 b, the planet is almost exactly the same size as our own, clocking in at 99% of Earth's diameter.

The research team is led by Kevin Stevenson and Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, both of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. The team chose to observe this target with Webb after carefully reviewing data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) which hinted at the planet's existence.

Webb's Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) captured the planet easily and clearly with only two transit observations. "There is no question that the planet is there. Webb's pristine data validate it," said Lustig-Yaeger. "The fact that it is also a small, rocky planet is impressive for the observatory," Stevenson added.

"These first observational results from an Earth-sized, rocky planet open the door to many future possibilities for studying rocky planet atmospheres with Webb," agreed Mark Clampin, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Webb is bringing us closer and closer to a new understanding of Earth-like worlds outside the solar system, and the mission is only just getting started."

Among all operating telescopes, only Webb is capable of characterizing the atmospheres of Earth-sized exoplanets. The team attempted to assess what is in the planet's atmosphere by analyzing its transmission spectrum. Although the data show that this is an Earth-sized terrestrial planet, they do not yet know if it has an atmosphere.

"The observatory's data are beautiful," said Erin May, also of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. "The telescope is so sensitive that it can easily detect a range of molecules, but we can't yet draw any definitive conclusions about the planet's atmosphere."

Although the team can't conclude what is present, they can definitely say what is not present. "There are some terrestrial-type atmospheres that we can rule out," explained Lustig-Yaeger. "It can't have a thick methane-dominated atmosphere, similar to that of Saturn's moon Titan."

James Webb Telescope confirms its first exoplanet
The graphic shows the change in relative brightness of the star-planet system spanning three hours. The spectrum shows that the brightness of the system remains steady until the planet begins to transit the star. It then decreases, representing when the planet is directly in front of the star. The brightness increases again when the planet is no longer blocking the star, at which point it levels out. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, L. Hustak (STScI), K. Stevenson, J. Lustig-Yaeger, E. May (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory), G. Fu (Johns Hopkins University), and S. Moran (University of Arizona)
The team also notes that while it's possible the planet has no atmosphere, there are some atmospheric compositions that have not been ruled out, such as a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere. "Counterintuitively, a 100% carbon dioxide atmosphere is so much more compact that it becomes very challenging to detect," said Lustig-Yaeger. Even more precise measurements are required for the team to distinguish a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere from no atmosphere at all. The researchers are scheduled to obtain additional spectra with further observations this summer.

Webb also revealed that the planet is a few hundred degrees warmer than Earth, so if clouds are detected it may lead the researchers to conclude that the planet is more like Venus, which has a carbon dioxide atmosphere and is perpetually shrouded in thick cloud. "We're at the forefront of studying small, rocky exoplanets," Lustig-Yaeger said. "We have barely begun scratching the surface of what their atmospheres might be like."

The researchers also confirmed that the planet completes an orbit in just two days, information that was almost instantaneously revealed by Webb's precise light curve. Although LHS 475 b is closer to its star than any planet in the solar system, its red dwarf star is less than half the temperature of the sun, so the researchers project it still could support an atmosphere.

James Webb Telescope confirms its first exoplanet
The graphic shows the transmission spectrum of the rocky exoplanet LHS 475 b. The data points are plotted as white circles with gray error bars on a graph of the amount of light blocked in percent on the vertical axis versus wavelength of light in microns on the horizontal axis. A straight green line represents a best-fit model. A curvy red line represents a methane model, and a slightly less curvy purple line represents a carbon dioxide model. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, L. Hustak (STScI), K. Stevenson, J. Lustig-Yaeger, E. May (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory), G. Fu (Johns Hopkins University), and S. Moran (University of Arizona)
The researchers' findings have opened up the possibility of pinpointing Earth-sized planets orbiting smaller red dwarf stars. "This rocky planet confirmation highlights the precision of the mission's instruments," Stevenson said. "And it is only the first of many discoveries that it will make." Lustig-Yaeger agreed: "With this telescope, rocky exoplanets are the new frontier."

LHS 475 b is relatively close, at only 41 light-years away, in the constellation Octans.

The team's results were presented at a press conference of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) on Wednesday January 11, 2023.

New spacecraft, new firsts, new hardware – International Space Station wraps up a busy and historic 2022​

2022 has marked another busy chapter for the International Space Station (ISS). Along with its constant plethora of scientific and engineering experiments, the Station saw the first docking of Starliner, the all-private Axiom-1 mission, and new hardware installed to increase the lifespan of humanity’s collaborative space laboratory.

The year onboard the Station began during Expedition 66, followed by Expedition 67, and has continued with the ongoing Expedition 68. “Expeditions” are approximately 6-month time periods on the ISS that begin and end with certain crew rotations.

During this holiday season, the ISS is the temporary residence of seven humans. The Expedition 68 crew currently consists of NASA astronauts Frank Rubio, Josh Cassada, Nicole Mann, JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata, and Roscosmos cosmonauts Dmitri Petelin, Anna Kikina, and Sergey Prokopyev. The Station is currently commanded by Prokopyev.

Like many other industries and programs, the ISS was also affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which began on Feb. 24 of this year.

The resulting geopolitical turmoil resulted in impacts across the whole aerospace industry — and the ISS was no exception.

Antares, the purpose-built launcher of the Station’s Cygnus cargo resupply spacecraft, is nearing a pause in launches as a result of the war.

The rocket’s first stages have been manufactured by PA Pivdenmash in Ukraine — whose factory was heavily damaged by missile strikes in the war. In addition, each first stage featured two Russian-made RD-181 engines, which Russia banned exports of following the onset of the war. These two factors led Northrop Grumman, which manages and operates Antares and Cygnus, to come up with a domestic redesign of the rocket.


An Antares 230+ rocket launches a Cygnus resupply spacecraft to the International Space Station. (Credit: NASA)
This new 300-series Antares is expected to debut in late 2024, though one remaining 200-series Antares is awaiting launch in February 2023. Three Cygnus missions will then fly aboard Falcon 9 rockets from Cape Canaveral before the spacecraft returns to Antares.

The invasion has also created additional tension between Russia and the numerous other 15 nations that contribute to the ISS program. However, both the West and Russia have managed to continue working together on orbit and launching joint Russian and American crews on missions to the ISS.

Some of these joint missions have included Soyuz MS-22, which featured NASA astronaut Frank Rubio flying with two other Russians, and the SpaceX Crew-5 mission that carried Anna Kikina, the first Russian on a Commercial Crew spacecraft.

This year also marked two milestones for diversity in spaceflight aboard the ISS. Nicole Mann became the first Native American woman in space with her launch on Crew-5. Additionally, Jessica Watkins, who launched on Crew-4, became the first African American woman to stay on the ISS for a long-duration mission.

The month of December marked a series of multiple delays and issues onboard the orbiting laboratory. The first of these began on Dec. 14 when a coolant leak on the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft occurred while cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin were depressurizing the Poisk module for an upcoming spacewalk, which was soon after canceled for the day.

NASA later conducted a media teleconference to follow up on the Soyuz leak on Dec. 14. The event featured ISS program manager Joel Montalbano and the executive director for Human Space Flight Programs at Roscosmos Sergei Krikalev.

Krikalev noted that teams are conducting thermal analysis to further determine if the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft is safe for a nominal crew return. If teams determine that another spacecraft is needed, he added that Soyuz MS-23 could launch uncrewed to the Station to return Prokopyev, Petelin, and Rubio back to Earth.

Soyuz MS-22 would then undock and return to Earth autonomously if this plan is needed.

According to Montalbano, the leak on Soyuz MS-22 emanated from a single hole. Teams on the ground have not determined if the leak was caused by micrometeorite debris or some other failure. He also stated that teams are also looking for better imagery and video of the anomaly to determine the cause.

During the teleconference, Montalbano added that there were no concerns about the impact of the leak on the Station itself in terms of leakage contamination.

“The direction of the leak was afted starboard, and it boils off very quickly. So, we’re not concerned with any contaminants left on board,” Montalbano said.

The year has also seen the addition of two more ISS Roll-Out Solar Arrays — or iROSAs — to increase the available power aboard the Station. This included a Dec. 22 spacewalk which worked on installing the fourth iROSA, located on the P4 truss segment.

Going into 2023, NASA will install the final two iROSAs onboard the ISS. These six solar arrays are being placed on mounting brackets in front of the existing legacy solar arrays that were launched on NASA’s now-retired Space Shuttles. The older arrays have been slowly degrading — as expected — and are now being supplemented by the iROSAs to help extend the Station’s lifespan.


A NASA diagram of iROSA installation progress on the exterior truss segments on the ISS from the Dec. 22 EVA coverage. (Credit: NASA)
The year 2022 also saw a multitude of both departing and arriving spacecraft at the orbiting outpost, ferrying crew and cargo both to and from the Station.

The first spacecraft departure from the Station in 2022 occurred on Jan. 23 with the undocking of SpaceX Cargo Dragon C209 from the zenith port on the Harmony module. The spacecraft later splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico, concluding the CRS-24 mission. It was soon after retrieved by SpaceX’s recovery ship Megan.

On Feb. 15, Progress MS-19 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome carrying cargo to the ISS. It later docked to the zenith port on the Poisk module on Feb. 17.

This was then followed by the launch of Northrop Grumman’s NG-17 Cygnus spacecraft from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on an Antares 230+ a few days later on Feb. 19. Cygnus then arrived at the Station and was berthed to the nadir port of the Unity module two days later.

The first crewed launch to the ISS in 2022 was the launch of Soyuz MS-21 onboard a Soyuz 2.1a rocket on March 18. The spacecraft docked to the Prichal module’s nadir port later the same day. Soyuz MS-21 was the first all-Russian crewed spaceflight to the ISS.

Expedition 66 ended and Expedition 67 began with the undocking and departure of Soyuz MS-19, which later landed on the Kazakh Steppe.

The next crewed flight to the ISS, Axiom-1, marked a historic milestone: the first ISS mission consisting solely of private astronauts. The crew consisted of Michael López-Alegría, Larry Connor, Eytan Stibbe, and Mark Pathy. The crew arrived at the Station aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour on April 9 following a liftoff from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center the day prior.


The Axiom-1 mission lifts off from LC-39A. (Credit: Julia Bergeron for NSF/L2)
The Axiom-1 mission also saw the beginning of an era with the involvement of Axiom Space in the ISS program. Axiom is planning on adding its own commercial modules to the Station, which will later split off to form a free-flying space station ahead of the eventual deorbit of the ISS.

Crew Dragon Endeavour later undocked from Harmony with the Axiom-1 crew on April 25 after a total of 15 days docked to the Station. Endeavour splashed down in the Atlantic later that day.

SpaceX followed up Axiom-1 with the launch of the next ISS crew rotation mission — Crew-4 — on April 27, where Crew Dragon Freedom made its first flight into space. The same day, Freedom docked to the zenith port on Harmony. The Crew-4 mission consisted of Kjell Lindgren, Robert Hines, Jessica Watkins, and Samantha Cristoforetti.

On May 5, the astronauts of the Crew-3 mission departed the ISS on Crew Dragon Endurance following the end of a long-duration stay. The spacecraft later splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico.

This year also marked the long-awaited arrival of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner at the Station. Starliner launched atop an Atlas V N22 from Space Launch Complex 41 on May 19. This was a part of the Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) mission, which was attempting to reach the ISS following the partially-unsuccessful OFT mission in Dec. 2019.


SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Freedom is seen beside the Boeing CST-100 Starliner during the OFT-2 mission aboard the ISS. (Credit: NASA)
For a total of four days, Starliner was docked to the forward port on Harmony, near Crew Dragon Freedom — marking the first time both crew Commercial Crew Program spacecraft were in orbit together. Starliner successfully returned to Earth on May 25.

The NG-17 Cygnus then departed the ISS on June 28. It later conducted a deorbit burn and burned up during reentry over the Pacific Ocean, as expected. Cygnus not only delivers cargo to the Station; it also serves as trash disposal after departure.

Next, SpaceX’s Cargo Dragon C208 arrived at the ISS for the third time on July 16 and docked to the forward port on the Harmony module. This was part of the CRS-25 resupply mission. It later undocked from the Station and returned back to Earth on Aug. 20 along with another load of science collected on orbit for examination back on the ground.

The Russians then conducted their next crew rotation aboard the Russian Orbital Segment. This saw the launch of Soyuz MS-22 with Sergey Prokopyev, Dmitri Petelin, and Frank Rubio, who arrived at the ISS on Sept. 21 and docked with the nadir port on Rassvet.

After the arrival of Soyuz MS-22, the Soyuz MS-21 crew departed the Station, marking the end of Expedition 67 and the beginning of Expedition 68.

Crew-5 then launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with Josh Cassada, Nicole Mann, Koichi Wakata, and Anna Kikina on Oct. 5 aboard Crew Dragon Endurance. They arrived at the ISS the next day.

Following this, Crew Dragon Freedom and her crew departed the orbiting laboratory on Oct. 14.

The Station ended the year with the arrival of three cargo resupply vehicles to the orbiting outpost in the form of Progress MS-21, the NG-18 Cygnus, and the SpaceX CRS-26 Cargo Dragon. The NG-18 Cygnus launched on the penultimate Antares 230+ launch.

2023 looks to be another important year as two more brand-new spacecraft launch to the Station — Dream Chaser and Soyuz GVK.

Hubble Space Telescope captures chaotic globular cluster near Milky Way's core​


The globular cluster NGC 6355, located in the inner Milky Way, is densely packed with tens of thousands to millions of stars. (Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, E. Noyola, R. Cohen)
Globular clusters are found in galaxies of all shapes and sizes and tend to be the oldest structures in their home galaxies. They are packed with older and redder stars than those found in open star clusters, which are smaller than globular clusters.

This image of NGC 6355, which used data from the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3, captures the stunning details of a dense and bright heart of stars packed in the center of the globular cluster, according to the European Space Agency (ESA), a partner on the mission. The sparser scattering of stars on the outskirts of the globular cluster are also seen in crystal clarity.

The central red and blue stars of NGC 6355 can be distinguished clearly in the image, demonstrating the tremendous observational power of Hubble, which has revolutionized the study of globular clusters. Hubble is capable of capturing these amazing views because it is positioned around 330 miles (530 kilometers) above our planet's surface. This vantage point frees the telescope from the distorting effects of Earth's atmosphere that make it almost impossible for ground-based telescopes to distinguish the individual stars in globular clusters.

Hubble observations have led to a wealth of information about globular clusters.

In 2006, the telescope made the first direct observations of white dwarfs — faint stellar remnants that form when stars with masses similar to the sun's run out of fuel for nuclear fusion and undergo gravitational collapse — in globular star clusters. These observations gave astronomers a better understanding of the ages and origins of stars in globular clusters and the evolution of those clusters.

In 2021, Hubble observations allowed astronomers to make the first measurement of black holes in the core-collapsed globular cluster NGC 6397. They were expecting to find an intermediate-mass black hole at the heart of this globular cluster, but instead, they discovered a concentration of smaller black holes throughout NGC 6397, which is located around 7,800 light-years from Earth.

Hubble also has produced images of Messier 15, which, at about 12 billion years old, is the most ancient known globular cluster.

You can see more Hubble images of globular clusters on ESA's website.
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Happy anniversary, Perseverance! NASA rover marks 2 years on Mars​

This image of the floor of Jezero Crater was taken by one of the Navcam imagers aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover on Feb. 5, 2023, the 698th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.

This image of the floor of Jezero Crater was taken by one of the Navcam imagers aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover on Feb. 5, 2023, the 698th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Two years ago today, NASA's Perseverance rover made its white-knuckle arrival on the surface of another world.

On Feb. 18, 2021, a rocket-powered sky crane lowered the car-sized Perseverance and its tiny ridealong partner, the Ingenuity helicopter, to the floor of Mars' Jezero Crater, then flew off to crash-land a safe distance away.

Perseverance and Ingenuity have been extremely busy ever since, as have their handlers here on Earth. But the two-year milestone offers a chance for everyone to take a step back and appreciate how much the missions have accomplished thus far.

"Anniversaries are a time of reflection and celebration, and the Perseverance team is doing a lot of both," Perseverance project scientist Ken Farley, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, said in a NASA statement on Friday (Feb. 17)(opens in new tab).

"Perseverance has inspected and performed data collection on hundreds of intriguing geologic features, collected 15 rock cores and created the first sample depot on another world," Farley added. "With the start of the next science campaign, known as 'Upper Fan,' on Feb. 15, we expect to be adding to that tally very soon."

As Farley's words suggest, sample collection is one of Perseverance's chief mission objectives. The rover is drilling out rock cores and scooping up Mars regolith (dirt and gravel), material that a joint NASA-European Space Agency (ESA) campaign plans to bring back to Earth as early as 2033.

Perseverance has filled 18 of its 38 titanium sample tubes so far. Fifteen hold rock cores, as Farley noted, two contain regolith, and one is an "atmospheric sample" captured after the rover's first drilling operation went awry. (The rover also carries five "witness tubes," which are designed to help the mission team determine if any sealed sample tubes might contain contaminants from Earth.)

The baseline sample-return architecture calls for ESA to launch an Earth Return Orbiter (ERO) in 2027 and NASA to send a rocket-equipped Sample Retrieval Lander (SRL) toward Mars the following year.

If all goes according to plan, Perseverance will drive its sample haul over to the SRL, which will touch down inside the 28-mile-wide (45 kilometers) Jezero. The SRL's onboard rocket will then launch the Mars material to orbit, where it will be grabbed and hauled to Earth by the ERO.

There's no guarantee that Perseverance will still be healthy in the late 2020s, however — and that's where the depot comes in. As a backup, the rover recently dropped 10 sample tubes in a section of Jezero the mission team calls Three Forks. If need be, two Ingenuity-like helicopters that will launch aboard the SRL will collect the depot tubes one by one, bringing them back to the lander for launch.

After Perseverance's samples reach Earth, they'll be analyzed by scientists in well-equipped labs around the world. Many of these researchers will hunt for signs of ancient Mars life, for Jezero was once a habitable environment; it harbored a big lake and a river delta billions of years ago.

The six-wheeled robot is conducting a life search of its own inside Jezero, but such work is complicated; confirmation of life on Mars may be beyond the capabilities of a lone robot with a limited scientific payload, mission team members have said. (That's why getting those samples to Earth is such a high priority for NASA and astrobiologists around the world.)

Perseverance's campaign will soon take it off the crater floor and onto the top of the ancient delta, an environment the rover has not yet explored.


This photomontage shows each of the sample tubes deposited by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover at the Three Forks sample depot, as viewed by the WATSON camera on the end of the rover's robotic arm. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

Ingenuity wasn't supposed to be a big contributor to Perseverance's mission; the 4-pound (1.8 kilograms) helicopter is a technology demonstrator, tasked with showing that aerial exploration is possible on Mars despite the planet's thin atmosphere.

The little chopper quickly did just that, acing its five-flight original mission. And then it kept on flying, on an extended mission during which it's serving as a scout for Perseverance. (Perseverance is now exploring on an extended mission as well; its prime mission lasted one Mars year, which is about 687 Earth days.)

Ingenuity has now completed 43 flights on the Red Planet, which together have covered nearly 5.5 miles (8.9 kilometers) of ground.

Perseverance is even more well-traveled than its aerial partner; the rover has put 9.05 miles (14.57 km) on its odometer since touching down. And some of its other numbers are truly mind-boggling.

For example, the rover has taken more than 166,000 images on Mars with its various cameras, mission team members said in Friday's statement. Perseverance's ground-penetrating radar instrument has performed 676,828 subsurface soundings to date, and its SuperCam instrument has fired its rock-zapping laser 230,554 times. In addition, SuperCam's microphone has made 662 audio recordings since touchdown. There are more crazy Perseverance numbers in Friday's statement as well; check it out here.

Perseverance and Ingenuity aren't the only NASA robots exploring the Martian surface.

The Curiosity rover, which is about the same size as Perseverance, has been exploring a 96-mile-wide (154 km) crater called Gale since August 2012.
Not long after landing, Curiosity determined that Gale hosted a potentially habitable lake-and-stream system for long stretches in the ancient past.

Since September 2014, the rover has been climbing Mount Sharp, which rises 3.4 miles (5.5 km) into the sky from Gale's center. Curiosity is reading the rock layers as it goes, seeking clues about Martian environmental change over time.

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A sign positioned near one of the giant tracks of NASA's Crawler-Transporter 2 identifies the Artemis-upgraded, Apollo-era vehicle as a Guinness World Record holder.

A sign positioned near one of the giant tracks of NASA's Crawler-Transporter 2 identifies the Artemis-upgraded, Apollo-era vehicle as a Guinness World Record holder. (Image credit: NASA)
It has taken seven years (or 57, depending on how you count), but now it is official: one of NASA's Apollo-era rocket movers is the heaviest self-powered vehicle in the world.

Guinness World Records on Wednesday (March 29) presented the space agency with a certificate confirming that Crawler-Transporter 2 tipped the scale(opens in new tab) at 6.65 million pounds (3,106 tonnes), or about the same weight as 1,000 pickup trucks.

That is a record, said Guinness, but noted it was set during the last decade.

"The vehicle's weight was increased as part of a round of upgrades(opens in new tab) that were completed on 23 March 2016," read Guinness' website(opens in new tab). "These upgrades, which included replacing the two massive locomotive engines that provide power to the four sets of caterpillar tracks and strengthening various other systems, brought the vehicle's overall weight up to what it is now."

In fact, both of NASA's crawler-transporters previously shared the record after they were built by the Marion Power Shovel Company in 1966. Originally designed to carry the Apollo Saturn V rockets(opens in new tab) and their mobile platforms as they moved from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to either launch pad 39A or 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the pair of giant tracked vehicles first weighed in around 5.95 million pounds (2,700 tonnes).

Even at 700,000 pounds (320 tonnes) lighter than Crawler-Transporter 2 weighs today, both movers were in a class of their own. Later-built, land-based vehicles were larger and more massive, but required external power sources to function. The NASA twins (sometimes referred to as "Hans" and "Franz" after a bodybuilder skit made popular by Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon on "Saturday Night Live") generated all their own power.

In 1973, the two crawlers were repurposed to support the smaller and lighter space shuttle. At the end of that 30-year program, Crawler-Transporter 2 was selected to carry the much larger Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and its mobile launcher platform that are now part of NASA's moon-bound Artemis program.

"NASA's crawlers were incredible pieces of machinery when they were designed and built in the 1960s. And to think of the work they've accomplished for Apollo and shuttle and now Artemis throughout the last six decades makes them even more incredible," said John Giles, NASA's crawler element operations manager, in a statement released by NASA(opens in new tab). "To have a Guinness Worlds Records title is icing on the cake for an extraordinary piece of equipment."

Guinness World Records officially designated NASA's Crawler Transporter 2 as the heaviest self-powered vehicle, weighing approximately 6.65 million pounds. At a March 29, 2023, ceremony at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Guinness World Records presented the certificate to teams with the Exploration Ground Systems Program and Kennedy leadership.

Guinness World Records officially designated NASA's Crawler Transporter 2 as the heaviest self-powered vehicle, weighing approximately 6.65 million pounds. At a March 29, 2023, ceremony at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Guinness World Records presented the certificate to teams with the Exploration Ground Systems Program and Kennedy leadership. (Image credit: NASA/Isaac Watson)
The now-record-setting Crawler-Transporter 2 was most recently used to deliver NASA's Artemis 1 launch vehicle to the pad for the mission's November 2022 liftoff. The crawler will next be used to support Artemis 2, NASA's first mission to send astronauts to the moon in more than 50 years.

Though other external-powered vehicles hold the record for sheer size, the crawler-transporters are still impressively large(opens in new tab) with a span about the same size as a baseball infield (131 feet long by 114 feet wide, or 40 by 35 meters) and a variable height that maxes out at 26 feet (8 m). Due to the extremely heavy weights the already heavy crawler carries, the 4.2-mile (6.8 kilometers) drive from the VAB to the pad takes anywhere from eight to 12 hours while traveling at approximately 1 mph (1.6 kph).

"Anyone with an interest in machinery can appreciate the engineering marvel that is the crawler transporter," said Shawn Quinn, NASA's exploration ground systems program manager.

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