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US strategy to pitch India against China

China poverty rate is 8%, definately less than pakistan's population.:eek:

Is your point that all areas of US are just like New York?:lol:

From this statements, I can make sure you'v never been china.:lol: You just copied what west media is saying everyday.

Its 16%. That's the correct figure.:sniper:
China poverty rate is 8%, definately less than pakistan's population.:eek:

Is your point that all areas of US are just like New York?:lol:

From this statements, I can make sure you'v never been china.:lol: You just copied what west media is saying everyday.

If 160million is 8% of china's population then sure poverty rate is 8%?
Here is a link to the FULL World Bank 2009 report on poverty in China:

China - China's evolving poverty reduction agenda - The World Bank

Download the "full text" PDF file. The data is on page 16.

Here is the quote:

The percentage of China’s population consuming less than the World Bank poverty line is estimated to have fallen from 10.3% in 2004 to 4.0% in 2007 (Figure 0.2).

- From the World Bank 2009 report, page 16.
Just now your fellow comrade pointed out that it's 8%
Please stock at a single answer.

My data is aslo old. Really, I dont pay much attention to china's poverty rate, because china's poverty rate is almost the same as japan.

Poor people in China is still more than Pakistan's population,so?

Have you been to China?Well i have been.
Gotta tell you it's quite different than what the government controlled Chinese media shows.
Beijing Shanghai,Guagnzuuoh and other handful are good,no doubt but the rest of China isn't like what you think.
Btw,India's poverty population is 26-27% ,do the calculations yourself.

Try Wuhan, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Qingdao, Tianjin, Chengdu, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shijiazhuang, Shenyang, Dalian, Dandong (this is on the north korean border too, you'll be surprised).

Obviously if you go to Qinghai, Guizhou or Tibet people will be very poor, but in the core of China (east of Sichuan, south of Inner Mongolia) things are great. Well, not great. But we don't worry about starvation, illiteracy, lack of electricity, lack of transport or sewage.

Otherwise I agree, the US is trying to mind control India to contain China, as well as spread propaganda in China to destabilize our government.
India IS more poor than china! Because it's democracy so, there will always be inequality of income between poor and rich. Why don't you mention 4 indians in top 10 richest people in world?! In china governemnt owns everything so, you won't see many chinese billionaires in top 10 richest people's list but you'll have less chinese under poverty line? That's how it is!
The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com

Wikipedia 'United States currently has the most billionaires amongst the world's top 10 but India is expected to soon overtake the United States to gain more billionaires among the world’s top 10 than any other country.' And Mukesh Ambani is predicted to take over bill gates, and warren buffet to become RICHEST PERSON IN THE WORLD by 2013-14?
latest statistic(2010) of those living under poverty line is 2% in China vs. 28% in India.

China's poor(living under poverty line) have access to the relief.
Because the price is very low. Even though a lot of the rural population still live on what appear like measly incomes - food, water, shelter, electricity and other basic needs have been fulfilled in the vast majority of the country.

One bottle of Nestle drinking water in Beijing is one RMB Yuan, that is 15 cents. The same bottle of wter in a convient store in San Francisco is 2 USD.
One bus ride in beining is 40 cents RMB, that is 6 cents USD, the same bus ride in San Francisco is 2 USD.
One subway ride in beijing is 2 Chinese Yuan in a brand new 14 lines system with free transfer, that is 30 cents USD. The same BART ride in San Francisco is 6 dollars, the ride is horrible and slow like hell, it is nothing like the Chinese brand new trains and stations.
Oh, But the cost of a MBZ in China is hell lot more expensive than USA and India.

Payment of benefits to the poor:





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What do you know this strategy of US might work just fine. China's GDP is about 1/3rd of America and look how independent (some would say belligerent) its policies and decisions are.

The way i see it is that China will never be able to be what US has been in the last 50 years militarily. Even after China overtakes the US economy around the 2030-2040 mark as predicted, US will still be the major power and player in the world.

With major European powers on its side, Japan and not to forget India which will be the third largest economy in the world when China gets to the first position, China will still be no match for the Americans. China needs some decent sized allies (economy and military) wise. Only if by some miracle China-India-Pakistan could form an alliance :tup: we ll have an Asian equivalent of NATO. Instead of alienating and seeing India as a foe China should bring India closer if anything. One can only hope :cheers:
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Also all this talk about poverty and yada yada is irrelevant. You only need so much money to make enough weapons to annihilate your perceived enemy . Any country's poverty (whatever percentage it may be) will not stop someone from launching a nuclear tipped missile.

Take North Korea for example, majority of its population is seen relatively poor. But if it feels threatened in the event of an invasion, and if they have nukes, its poverty wont stop it from nuking the far richer South Korea.

Hope am making sense. So stop talking about poor people. We as privileged people have no right to talk about and compare poverty. Go and help poor people come out of poverty if anything .:frown:
by P.kid

Originally Posted by IND151
us will do best to contain china. for this, it will make India strong; militarily and economically. we should exploit this opportunity but should not fight china. instead using china as bogyman GOI must get ultra high technology from us of a. then we will be able to built world class products and existing ones will be much more effective.
Please enlighten me how it will make the Indian economy stronger? It's simple, its a waste India's resources. India should so more projects to remove poverty and increase its education rates. Education is the key of inventing/obtaining ultra high technology.

Right now we are living through partially peaceful times. Buying more arms from the west will increase hostilities between the asian countries which is not needed at this moment.
Indian economy is doing good job. India has uplifted millions from poverty. buying more arms from west will not increase hostilities between Asian countries. buying more arms is essential to replace outdated soviet era arms. if India remains strong only then there will be peace between Pakistan and India(M.A.D)
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The way i see it is that China will never be able to be what US has been in the last 50 years militarily.

Of course. China does not want take America's job as a "superpower" or a "global policeman".

That is a complete waste of money and time. The stated goal of the Chinese leadership, is to transform China into a "middle income" country. They never talk/boast about "superpower" nonsense.
we dont consider ourselves as super power....not even close to be super power but at the same time we dont consider China as super power too.
Definitely China is 7-8 years ahead than us and more developed but super power:nono:
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