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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

Right now, as I write these lines, Americans have overt and covert involvements in acts of violence in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen, in one way or another. I don't want to copy and paste a rather long list of US involvements since 1890's alone with various violent international events.

Of course ALL of those are others' faults? Rrrrrightt! How about some accountability of the runaway Military Industrial Complex which are thieving Americans themselves of hard earned tax dollars? Let's face it: There is a very powerful cabal of people in America who basically thrive on wars. It is their bread and butter. And yet these people have brought American economy to this dismal level despite the huge resource, geopolitical, and human resource advantages the US has.

And then they accuse Pakistanis of denials!

you did give a good explanation from the prespective you see the situation but I did not get why you have quoted my post.
you did give a good explanation from the prespective you see the situation but I did not get why you have quoted my post.

I quoted one line where you said that US has to stop interfering in other countries affairs. I think that was appropriate.

What needs to happen is some kind of introspection. This forum will show you that Pakistanis are doing it enough with VCheng, Muse etc actually going some great length to criticize Pakistan. But may be, for the reasons of 'self selection' in such forums, I don't see Americans here asking as to why America has been in so many wars since 1890's alone? It is not unpatriotic to question the government. It is not unpatriotic to challenge the cabal of the Military Industrial Complex who are looting Americans, above all, and killing countless people in other countries.
Actually, it does. $300 million out of the $800 were reimbursement costs, for Pakistan keeping 100,000+ troops on the Western border. This does not include the fact that the NATO supplies flowing through Pakistan were not taxed. And thirdly, the US never paid Pakistan for the infrastructure damage their NATO supplies caused flowing supplying through the country, the losses which are in the billions as well.

The 20 billion already payed by the US alone (not to mention additional international funds) in the last 10 years should easily cover that and more.. so no, it doesn't owe Pakistan anything.
Stronger? Iran is the only one mentioned out of the group that seems to do well. Cuba is dirt poor, N. Korea starving. Iraq? They will do well now...as our Ally and base.

1.I believe our concept of 'doing well' differ. Pakistanis will feel freer and prouder as well as more honorable. They will find their asset to be measured by inner strength, not treaties, understandings, etc with others having their own agenda.

2. I have seen abject poverty and hunger in USA also. If you meet Cubans, N Koreans or Iraqis, you will realize how proud they feel about their soveregnty. Yes, it will take a while yet for the Iraqis to get rid of "the Israeli Army of USA". That quotation is from the Israel's UN ambassador's speech to UNSC just after Iraq was invaded by USA.
...it will take a while yet for the Iraqis to get rid of "the Israeli Army of USA". That quotation is from the Israel's UN ambassador's speech to UNSC just after Iraq was invaded by USA.
Then I'm sure you will provide the EXACT reference from a defensible source or provide a correction, rather than suffer humiliation and dishonor. After all, according to you Pakistanis need to feel prouder and more honorable!
The 20 billion already payed by the US alone (not to mention additional international funds) in the last 10 years should easily cover that and more.. so no, it doesn't owe Pakistan anything.

yara you are miking lot of noise.
America gave us 20 b$.this is their side of story.
we people of Pakistan thanks American people for their support.they give us money when they are jobless and etc etc.
now please listen our side of story
-first of all govt of PAK and people of PAK are two different things.
-people of PAkistan paid for each dollar with their blood.air bases,rymond davis,and hell fires in tribal areas.
-whole pakistan was on lease to America at the cost of 2.7b$/year
-at this cost they get the influence in our internal matters.like foreign and interrior ministry.
-money they given us for education was at the cost that we modify the syllabus/carriculam

so in short.we people of Pakistan will be very happy if American dont give us any aid.
This is one unique thread I have seen where majority of posters are Pakistanis and not Indians. In many other threads the majority of posters are Indians who generally trash everything that Pakistan is and few Pakistanis respond to their shenanigans. This one had an overwhelming population of Pakistani posters who despite good or bad english have stood up and shouted in almost unison.

And it is not because of anti-Americanism, it is only because of Pakistan, which makes people like me very very proud indeed.

If I may suggest, the admins may like to archive this thread because of this fact.

If Pakistan didn't need it, they wouldn't have to threaten to pull their own troops from their own borders eh? They could have just ignore it and move on. Their actions tells me otherwise.
I don't think the statements issued by the Defence Minister are really worth the air he breathes in to spew the nonsense we hear so regularly from him.

The military has made clear that it can continue fighting the war against terrorists from its own funds. Given the frequency of attacks by terrorists operating from sanctuaries in Eastern Afghanistan, and the ANA's occasional shelling across the border, and the potential of US incursions, I doubt the check-points along the Afghan-Pakistan border will be vacated.

Pakistan has already made clear where it intends to pressure the US - limiting the activities of US personnel in Pakistan.
Then I'm sure you will provide the EXACT reference from a defensible source or provide a correction, rather than suffer humiliation and dishonor. After all, according to you Pakistanis need to feel prouder and more honorable!

Be carefull of this guy he is a very old man paid by american government to spread crap about pakistan. He copies our posts onto a more partisan zionist audience, to critisize muslims and pakistanis
Stop this aid and do us this last favor!

In exchange we will gift you our hole leadership...bring them to U.S or else where, most of them already got canadian, british, and other nationalities, so feel free to do anything to them but take them with you U.S.A!

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