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US will leave the JCPOA (this is what will happen with very little doubt)

Blue In Green

Nov 30, 2016
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United States
United States
With the recent news that the US under Trump's administration coupled by Bolton/Pompeo and other foreign agents whispering into Trumps ear. The US effectively has stymied benefits to Iran that were promised under the deal all the while Iran continues to follow said deal to the letter. US will leave and Europe will have to make a choice, Iran or the US (maybe even a work around but Trump is a weird one).

I just wanted to get your guy's opinion on the situation. What do everyday Iranians think about the US now that the US has lied through it's teeth about everything it said it will live up to. What can Iran do realistically in response , what are your thoughts and hopes for the Europeans and their response to US departure from the landmark diplomatic deal.

My personal hopes is that Iranians who give the benefit of the doubt to the US finally realize that the US never had and continues to not have intentions to respect Iran's sovereignty as a people and a nation. Iran should go back, increase it's rightful nuclear energy program to it's heart content if it can't get the benefits from the deal.

Words cannot describe how shameful it is for me to see how Trump/America is acting when it comes to deals/diplomatic missions. It really destroys our credibility as a nation. Might as well just call a spade a spade at this point...
With the recent news that the US under Trump's administration coupled by Bolton/Pompeo and other foreign agents whispering into Trumps ear. The US effectively has stymied benefits to Iran that were promised under the deal all the while Iran continues to follow said deal to the letter. US will leave and Europe will have to make a choice, Iran or the US (maybe even a work around but Trump is a weird one).

I just wanted to get your guy's opinion on the situation. What do everyday Iranians think about the US now that the US has lied through it's teeth about everything it said it will live up to. What can Iran do realistically in response , what are your thoughts and hopes for the Europeans and their response to US departure from the landmark diplomatic deal.

My personal hopes is that Iranians who give the benefit of the doubt to the US finally realize that the US never had and continues to not have intentions to respect Iran's sovereignty as a people and a nation. Iran should go back, increase it's rightful nuclear energy program to it's heart content if it can't get the benefits from the deal.

Words cannot describe how shameful it is for me to see how Trump/America is acting when it comes to deals/diplomatic missions. It really destroys our credibility as a nation. Might as well just call a spade a spade at this point...

The U.S. leaving the JCPOA would be a political victory for Iran! Prior to the JCPOA both Iran and the U.S. doubted the other sides ability to stick to the deal!

Iran would say the U.S. can't be trusted to stick to the deal and hardliners in the U.S. would say Iran can't be trusted and they are just wasting time and they want negotiation just for the sake of negotiation and even if they agree to the deal they will never implement it.....

Today it's quite evident who can't be trusted and now they want to threaten to abolish the JCPOA if they don't get a new deal on top of the JCPOA! Which is absurd because if Iran agrees to a new deal then Iran would have to ready it's self to give concessions to every new U.S. president! Which basically means in the long run Iran will become subservient to the U.S. without reaping the benefits of being subservient to the U.S.!

Iran's entire Defense Doctrine is based on deterrence and Iran's main weapon for deterrence is Missiles. And Iranian politicians would have to be delusional to think that giving up the countries main line of deterrence would have any long term advantages for the country.
And clearly U.S. behavior since the signing of the JCPOA proves once and for all to everyone that Iran would NOT be able to trust any type of security guarantees coming from the U.S. in exchange for it's Missile program!

The French President today announced that they will stick to the deal because France has signed it so either he is very smart and is playing trump like a trumpet or he is truly deluded enough to think that Iran would give up it's deterrence capabilities under current threat environment.
The French President today announced that they will stick to the deal because France has signed it so either he is very smart and is playing trump like a trumpet or he is truly deluded enough to think that Iran would give up it's deterrence capabilities under current threat environment.

its more of a classic good cop bad cop play. trump is the "Bad cop". making threats left and right. threatning to leave the deal outright etc... Macron is the "good cop" he will try to persuade trump to keep it. and in the end, they hope macron can go back to iran and convince us that he persuaded trump not to bring back sanctions... in exchange for: irans national defence programs, and foreign policy (lol)

they still think iran is some colonial small African country they can boss around. This is mere delusion at this point. as iran has never had a stronger position vs. the west post revolution as it does today.

if iran didn't back down 1 inch in times where the west had actual military options on iran. they certainly will not do so again.

IF you listen to macron you can kind of understand the delusional world he lives in. A young naïve man who still thinks france is relevant. look at his laughable comments on Syria where he sais we must prevent "Assad and iran" from running around, and gratiously adds that turkey and Russia MAY (if they ask france nicely) have some role in Syria in the future.

the man is absolutely delusional, and has an inflated sense of worth that's beyond comprehension.
If that happens, We're going to leave JCPOA, NPT and IAEA and build the bomb right away. Then, The world would be an interesting place!
If that happens, We're going to leave JCPOA, NPT and IAEA and build the bomb right away. Then, The world would be an interesting place!

Iran won’t built the nuclear bomb. It won’t be allowed to build one. As simple as that.

I don’t think Iranian leadership will go for it bc they know US will invade them and topple the regime.

So status quo will remain with Iran comprising more and more to sustain its economy in
If that happens, We're going to leave JCPOA, NPT and IAEA and build the bomb right away. Then, The world would be an interesting place!

That would be dumb move... Why do you think its all happening,,, Setting up for an Strike / invasion or a regime change...
If that happens, We're going to leave JCPOA, NPT and IAEA and build the bomb right away. Then, The world would be an interesting place!

we could do this and force KSA , TURKEY , EGYPT to try to arm themselves with nukes ... by doing this we could simply *** up The west centuries old strategy against mulsims country and Midddle East but Islamic Republic betrayed Iran and Muslims and back down ....

now our Politicians are highly corrupted and due their corruption and mismanagement , Iran is on the edge of collapse ...
This very hard for me to say this but , IR will accept The west new terms .... which will repeat Lybia/Iraq scenario for Iran ....

highly unlikely.
Do you still have faith on Islamic Republic !?
Iran won’t built the nuclear bomb. It won’t be allowed to build one. As simple as that.

I don’t think Iranian leadership will go for it bc they know US will invade them and topple the regime.

So status quo will remain with Iran comprising more and more to sustain its economy in
That would be dumb move... Why do you think its all happening,,, Setting up for an Strike / invasion or a regime change...
Make no mistake, We WILL do what needs to be done. When it comes to a bloodthirsty enemy like the americans, That's a time for war, It's not a time for passive resistance.
Iran won’t built the nuclear bomb. It won’t be allowed to build one. As simple as that.

I don’t think Iranian leadership will go for it bc they know US will invade them and topple the regime.

So status quo will remain with Iran comprising more and more to sustain its economy in
You mean like the same way the DPRK wasnt allowed to develop nuclear weapons or thermonuclear weapons or thermonuclear armed icbms or...oh...wait a minute!?
LOL!,you sound like that cretinous snail eater macron.I`ve got news for you m8 and I know its going to come as a shock,but it isnt up to the west to decide if iran has nuclear technology or nuclear power or an indigenous nuclear fuel cycle or even a nuclear weapons program and the resulting nuclear weapons,that choice and that choice alone belongs to the government of the sovereign nation of the islamic republic of iran ie the iranian government,not to the presidents of the us or french governments or indeed the leader of any other tinpot western government that is operating under the utter delusion that he is the god emperor of the world and must be obeyed.
Lastly trying to set up an invasion of iran would be neither a quick nor easy undertaking and thats assuming that iran did nothing to actually stop the us build up prior to any actual attack.
US can't topple Taliban for last 15 years, and here you hindu-pak type colonized people think they can pull a regime change in Iran?.......lol

Iran won’t built the nuclear bomb. It won’t be allowed to build one. As simple as that.

I don’t think Iranian leadership will go for it bc they know US will invade them and topple the regime.

So status quo will remain with Iran comprising more and more to sustain its economy in

its happening because Iran is ready to castrate you, so you quit breeding.

That would be dumb move... Why do you think its all happening,,, Setting up for an Strike / invasion or a regime change...
If that happens, We're going to leave JCPOA, NPT and IAEA and build the bomb right away. Then, The world would be an interesting place!

1st order of business as a response to the French Presidents comments should be a rush towards 12,000km ICBM. Ballistic Missiles are Iran's main deterrence capability and just as Iran went from 1000 centrifuges to 20,000 centrifuges and then accepted a deal for 6000..... we need to increase the ranges of our BM from ~3000km to 12,000km and we can negotiate and accept a deal for under 4,500km (excluding space activities)

Rohani administrations & Iran's Parliaments response to the French President should have been an immediate $1-$2Billion USD budget increase to Iran's Ballistic Missile Program

I don't see the need for a massive increase in Iran's nuclear activities nor a need to rush towards a nuke

And if the U.S. leaves the JCPOA as a response all Iran has to do is restrict IAEA access to Fordow, install 1000 of the most advanced centrifuges in Iran's capability (IR-8) and start enrichment to above 40% and if the U.S. doesn't move back from it's position at that point then we would leave the NNPT
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