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USA will turn Azerbaijan into the next Ukraine


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
With no doubt Zelenskyy knows very well that USA despite the tall claims of its leaders decreased its support from strategic levels before confrontation with Russia to tactical levels after getting engaged with Russians. He knows, if he loses the fight, with zero doubt Ukrainians will execute him by their own hands for high treason and also destroying Ukraine by his trust in USA. Therefore he has two choices, escape to Israel or stay and wait for execution.

Today, USA is planning a similar scenario after Libya, Syria, Georgia and Ukraine for Azerbaijan. And who could be better than Aliev, a person who has gained power with zero effort just because his father was leading Azerbaijan once. Here is what you need to know about this corrupt person, an article written by a Turkish citizen :

The American created crisis in Ukraine which started with coup against Viktor Yanukovych resulted in Russian annexation of Crimea, after a referendum in which majority of Crimeans voted for joining Russia, resulted in destruction of Ukraine. After a chain of incidents which continues to this day.

Ukrainian crisis for whichever reason is still continuing. There could be plenty of reasons for it amd Anglo hatred of Slavs cpuld be one, geo political reasons could also be other reasons for it.

But the American trouble makers won't stop at that point. American officials are once again planning for an other crisis in Caucasus. One of the most GeoStrategically important and hotspots which connects Caspian sea to Black sea hence a bridge between Europe and Central Asia, a bridge between west of Asia and North Africa to Russia and east of Europe. The importance of this region is beyond explanation and obviously Americans will plan for it. As we can see already the American think tanks and major policy makers, forget about retards called presidents of USA, are planning for an other crisis and an other proxy war in Caucasus.

Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken are already lobbying woth democrat senators in congress for more support for Azerbaijan. Despite Iran and Russia trying for peace in that specific region for obvious reasons, USA and Israel are pushing the corrupt leaders of Azerbaijan to escalate even more. Just recently Azerbaijan broke the 2020 ceasefire and attacked/blocked Lachin corridor. They also claimed they are trying to completely occupy Zangezur corridor which connects Iran to Russia and historically always belonged to Armenians.

American government and American think tanks the ones that dictate major policies of America, have not fallen in love with Azerbaijan nor Ukrainians to give them unlimited support, they just make them useful idiots of theirs and useful tools for geopolitical gains. If Azerbaijan pushes too much in Qarabaq and Zangezur and follows American/Israeli written instructions then they will throw themselves in a game designed by NATO and western imperialists, a proxy war with a limited support like the case with Ukraine.

If an other proxy war happens in this special region, its flames won't be limited to its geography. And it is Because of too many stakeholders that would appear right after the conflict gets started.

USA has been playing a game of confusion in its foreign policy, stating ridiculous support for Armenia with a gesture of supporting the invaded side and support for human rights is as nonsensical as US support for Ukrainian people. USA has done absolutely nothing to support Armenia but on the contrary they have facilitated the Azerbaijani invasion of Armenia by developing oil fields of Azerbaijan providing them with huge dollar reserves and allowing Israeli arms sales to Azerbaijani side. In fact USA is strengthening Azerbaijan by proxy means and has been preparing them for an invasion for decades.

Unless they regime change Aliyev, I don’t see that happening
Aliev is being introduced to Azeri people as a hero who is taking back Qarabaq. In the shadow of war, it is not Azerbaijan but in fact it is USA using its Israeli and NATO minions Trying to change the equations in Caucasus.
Unless they regime change Aliyev, I don’t see that happening
Totally depends on his expiry date. They can easily change or overthrow him, the Pashayev clan has all the potentials. Still depends, for example, Erdogan is more popular than him among Azeri masses despite Aliev's complete domination on Azeri media. A
Okay, Azerbaijan is going to be next Ukraine but who is dumb enough to be next Russia in this case? Iran? If so, why?
Okay, Azerbaijan is going to be next Ukraine but who is dumb enough to be next Russia in this case? Iran? If so, why?
No, absolutely not.

More like Turkey will play that role. A faultline has been maded in the block.
Someone said op had tta or mod potential. After reading this stupidity, can you all still say the same thing?
You could just say, what a non sense and move on. And who claimed that my account could be a moderator's account? A mod needs to be completely neutral and strong with a kind heart and devoted to this forum, i have non of those factors. Someone like @waz, no one can claim a bad memory of his moderation. I always enjoy his patience and neutrality.

Btw, that's just an opinionated article gathered from multiple sources, feel free to criticize it my friend.
Someone said op had tta or mod potential. After reading this stupidity, can you all still say the same thing?
It is our common wish that war does not materialise. However, if there will be a war, it will take place on the territory of Armenia. The country of Armenia will be mostly destroyed. For the war to take place in Azerbaijan, the intervention of a third country to Azerbaijan is necessary, which, simply put, would be the beginning of the third world war.

So, if we write without distorting the issues, the picture will be clearer.

The United States will hold military exercises in Armenia in the coming days. At the moment, when everyone who is pro-Russian in Armenia is being arrested and a witch hunt is taking place... If you list the countries that their policies aligned with the US on this issue, it will be clearer who is with whom in this war.
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