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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Ah yes. You don't see things black and white. Things can be anything as long as it helps with your argument. My point was to counter your point that people should have consistent views that are not biased. Look at your quote below.

Ironically this also applies to you, a champion of human rights when it comes to China but "backtracks" when its about Turkey, simply dismissing atrocities Turkey has done as small and inconsequential "mistakes".

You mean just like Pakistan should be loathed for sponsoring terrorism?

I said if true, since you are defending it hence i can assume it's true, well Having proxies which every govt does cannot be compared to wild acts of wiping out ethnicity by your govt.
In case you didnt know Turkey put Etim into terror list.

Turkey declares ETIM a terror group

Dude at the very least i admit it was wrong, this is something i havent seen from any Chinese member so far.
In case you didn't know China declares that it doesn't have any of those so-called re-education camps.
With Turkey turning more theocratic each day, one would be a fool to actually trust its commitment on an issue such as ETIM.
I said if true, since you are defending it hence i can assume it's true, well Having proxies which every govt does cannot be compared to wild acts of wiping out ethnicity by your govt.
I am not defending wiping out ethnicity OMFG. I am doubting the veracity of the claim that China has those camps. I alluded to Pakistani terrorism to show that China's camps are just as non-existent.
In case you didn't know China declares that it doesn't have any of those so-called re-education camps.
In case you havent read this post of mine...

To make it clear, i dont know whether the allegations are true or not but you guys trying to excuse this is pathetic as said.
With Turkey turning more theocratic each day, one would be a fool to actually trust its commitment on an issue such as ETIM.
You should first know the definition of a theocracy before making a bold claim like this, there is not a single religious law in Turkey.
The ruling party might be conservative but the Constitution has paragraphs that cant be changed securing the secularism in Turkey.
And when you claim that Turkey supports separatism in China then prove it instead of throwing empty claims.
I am not defending wiping out ethnicity OMFG. I am doubting the veracity of the claim that China has those camps. I alluded to Pakistani terrorism to show that China's camps are just as non-existent.

You would have conveyed it simply by just saying news is fake.
In case you havent read this post of mine...

You should first know the definition of a theocracy before making a bold claim like this, there is not a single religious law in Turkey.
The ruling party might be conservative but the Constitutions has paragraphs that cant be changed securing the secularism in Turkey.
And when you claim that Turkey supports separatism in China then prove it instead of throwing empty claims.
If you can talk about my country as if non-existent things do happen there, then why can't I?

You would have conveyed it simply by just saying news is fake.
I was a little pissed off and English isn't my first language. Excuse my ambiguous language.
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I understand your perspective on wanting to maintain cultural identity, that being said doubt all those people are suspected of extremism. I have read that suspicion is aroused for things simple as going to pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Which is pretty important to the religion, and I don't see how Chinese people will be influenced by Arabs much. Or if Arabs even have such an intention.

You need to understand, lots of religious people whether Muslims or Christians are more so cultural type religious people so they concern themselves with anything involving other Christians or Muslims and feel they should be activists for their affairs. That is because don't understand Abrahamic religion is not that way, it's not cultural and is all based observing religious tenets and sincerity towards God. Many people see it as a culture, however, and they are misguided. So such comments like that can annoy you(they annoy me too as a Muslim), but it shouldn't cause China to take some over the top measures that aren't helpful or needed.

I personally empathize with all those treated unjustly irregardless of background and religious background is not an issue for me. So I see these people as Chinese who need more freedom to practice but I'm not in favor of separatism or empathizing strictly because of similar background/ethnicity. Anyway my final comments is the world is an ugly place where ethnicity is unfortunately driving force for some people to adopt certain causes, or interests plain and simple. If I could change that I would, but I can't, and the least humans can do is limit human rights violations(ideally) in these war of interests they're having.
There are 10.5 million Hui Muslims in China. They go to Mecca and Medina too. They do not agitate for separatism or extremist violence. So why suspect China of treating Uighurs badly when the Hui (and Kazakhs for that matter) have no extremism issue in their community? In fact, there is no reason for the suspicion. Rather, the Uighur community was infiltrated by radical forces and now there is no choice but to re-educate the lost souls. This is not treating them badly but rather cleaning up the mess created by foreign instigators.
Where did i claim there are those camps? Find me the post pls.
If you don't believe those camps exist, then why have you been posting?
Chinese state is a subduer in the regions it conquered which is not surprising for a communist/socialist state, we have seen this in soviet union i dont see a reason why China should be any different.
I hope the words of the Turkish government are more reliable than yours.
Speaking of which you should fight against Turkey for the Armenian genocide and oppression of the Kurds. Don’t act like you are a saint and everybody else is a Satan worshipper when you don’t even look at what your people have done.

I hear your currency isn’t doing so well. Have you given up all of your foreign currencies like Edrogen told you to do?
I lived in China for about 4 years. I did not have long conversations with Uyghurs since there were not many where i stayed in but from the Chinese friends i talked to about them, i can say Uyghurs are seen as potential terrorists by both the government and Chinese people. Even the military personel are not very eager to serve in the East Turkistan (Xinjiang).

There is also ethnic discrimination at employment. Uyghurs have litlle to zero chance to find a regular job in the private sector and (probably) in the governmental positions. (You can refute me by giving sources to prove opposite)

Meanwhile here in Turkey, the kurds occupy most of high rank political positions. We have had a kurdish president in the past, the prime minister at the present. Even today many of the ministers are ethnically kurdish.

Most of the Kurds of Turkey do not even pay the utility bills like electricty, water etc...

This topic is too much sensitive. so i prefer not to say more...
Chinese state is a subduer in the regions it conquered which is not surprising for a communist/socialist state, we have seen this in soviet union i dont see a reason why China should be any different.
So you judge China because you assume all communist countries are the same. How about Cuba? Is Cuba a "subduer" too?
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