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Vaccinate the World: Bill Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction

After Reading Vaccination and POP. Reduction Agenda of Elite, Will you give your Children Vaccines?

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The global elite has launched a world-wide operation against an unaware population to reduce and control fertility. Vaccines and even staple food crops have been modified to achieve these goals.

The activities of the ruling elite in controlling population, writes Plato, must be kept secret
If you can’t seem to bring yourself to believe that such an undertaking is possible, or that there are human beings willing and capable; Look back in time, this kind of conspiracy isn’t new, in fact this kind of control was idealized by Plato some 2,300 years ago in his momentous work TheRepublic. Plato wrote that a ruling elite should guide society, “…whose aim will be to preserve the average of population.” He further stated, “There are many other things which they will have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State from becoming either too large or too small.”

The activities of the ruling elite in controlling population, writes Plato, must be kept secret. He writes, “Now these goings on must be a secret which the rulers only know, or there will be a further danger of our herd… breaking out into rebellion

Peering back into the mists of time and history reveal that there is truly nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done again, and the 21st Century manifestation of global elites have advanced tools at their disposal.

The GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
The GAVIAlliance, founded in 2000 with the help of the Gates Foundation, has the goal of vaccinating all of the third world. The member organizations of GAVI are listed on group’s the website, which include:

“…national governments of donor and developing countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), the Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO).”

In December of 2000, David Rockefeller and William H. Gates Sr., among others, (pictured to the right) visited the Rockefeller University campus to take part in a meeting on “Philanthropy in a Global Century”. While there, Gates spoke glowingly about his inspiration from Rockefeller in founding GAVI,

“Gates said that ‘Taking our lead and our inspiration from work already done by The Rockefeller Foundation, our foundation actually started GAVI by pledging $750 million to something called the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, an instrument of GAVI.’”

He also praised the Rockefeller family’s century of philanthropy, saying, ‘It seems like every new corner we turn, the Rockefellers are already there. And in some cases, they have been there for a long, long time.’”

The fact that such a global mechanism like GAVI exists – in the hands of outspoken population control advocates – for delivering vaccines to millions of people across the world should be disconcerting to say the least; Especially when confronted with the mountains of documentation proving that anti-fertility vaccines have been researched and delivered by the World Health Organization with grant money from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Bill Gates
reaffirmed the global population control agenda during a recent TED conferencepresentation in which he stated,

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Anti-fertility vaccines
As Jurriaan Maessen reports, the World Health Organization, one of GAVI’s partners, teamed up with the World Bank and UN Population Fund in the 1970′s under the “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation”. The Task Force,

…acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines and vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.

In 1989 research was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India on the use of ‘carriers’ such as Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and deliver the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The research paper was carried in the Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled “Bypass by an alternate ‘carrier’ of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.” The Rockefeller Foundation is listed in the document as giving grants for the research.

By delivering hCG within a Tetanus vaccine – which acts as the carrier – the human body treats hCG as an intruder and creates antibodies against it. This has the effect of sterilizing women who receive the vaccine, and in many cases miscarriage when given during pregnancy

Soon after anti-fertility vaccines were successfully developed, hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin) containing Tetanus vaccines were deployed across multiple third-world counties. Many of these countries were specifically targeted in the U.S. Government’s 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 document for population reduction. The document recommended at the time in 1974 that “injectable contraceptives” receive further funding.

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In the aftermath of widespread covert use of anti-fertility vaccines, the BBC aired a documentary titled “The Human Laboratory” in 1995 (transcript available here). The discovery of “contaminated” Tetanus toxoid vaccines and the resulting sterilization of Philippine women was exposed.

The following are excerpts from the BBC program:

MARY PILAR VERZOSA: The women would say why is it that the tetanus shots that we’ve been getting have had effects on us? Our fertility cycles are all fouled up, some of the women among us have had bleedings and miscarriages, some have lost their babies at a very early stage. The symptoms could come soon after their tetanus vaccination – some the following day, others within a week’s time. For those who were pregnant on their first three or four months the miscarriage was really frightening.

MARY PILAR VERZOSA: I began to suspect that here in the Philippines that’s exactly what’s happening. They have laced the tetanus toxoid vials with the Beta HCG.

MARY PILAR VERZOSA: Oh boy that was really something when this came out of my fax machine. Report on HCG concentration in vaccine vials.
Three out of those four vials registered positive for HCG, so my suspicions are affirmed that here in our country they are not only giving plain tetanus toxoid vaccination to our women, they are also giving anti-fertility.
According to the local population of the Akha in Thailand, pregnant women are forced to receive vaccines – including tetanus – in order to get ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results with miscarriage. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has been working with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two Akha women about the forced Tetanus vaccine and the resulting miscarriages.

Rural populations of the third world have caught on to possible effects of vaccination. Their fears are dismissed as “rumors” and “myths” by the mainstream press that fails to report on the established precedence of anti-fertility vaccine research. Often, those reassuring that the vaccines are safe are the very organizations engaged in population reduction efforts. A 2006 press release from UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund), which is involved with vaccinating many third world countries, quotes the Assistant Project Officer for Health in Ethiopia’s Southern Nations, Tersit Assefa,

“In other places, women of this age often stay away,” said Ms. Tersit. “All sorts of misguided rumours go round that the injections will sterilize them or harm them in some way. But here, the village elders are on board. They are here, encouraging the women to come along.”

While the needle is an obvious and visible form of vaccination, new technologies have been developed with the financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation. Edible vaccines, according to the Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, will be a more “socioculturally acceptable” alternative to needles. In other words, people will be less resistant to eating a mundane banana than taking a shot in the arm. The Journal states that new edible vaccine technology may serve a dual purpose of birth control. As stated,

“Edible vaccines hold great promise as a cost-effective, easy-to-administer, easy-to-store, fail-safe and socioculturally readily acceptable vaccine delivery system, especially for the poor developing countries… A variety of delivery systems have been developed. Initially thought to be useful only for preventing infectious diseases, it has also found application in prevention of autoimmune diseases, birth control, etc…”

The war against population is an ongoing effort on part of the global elite. This operation is truly massive in scope, but if we live our lives in fear of what the future may bring, we allow ourselves to be defeated. Let your awareness of the situation drive you to make positive changes. We still have the power to raise awareness among our fellow man, and despite what the elite may believe, they do not have a monopoly on the future

Islamic cleric claims vaccinations are a Jewish conspiracy - YouTube

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation - YouTube

Bill Gates: Population Reduction Using Vaccinations - YouTube

Bill Gates advocates vaccines for global population reduction - YouTube

How vaccines are used to reduce human population
Sun. Oct. 14, 2012

(NaturalHealth365) Sounds like science fiction, but the efforts to slow human population growth is spreading throughout the world. This is not just conspiracy propaganda we are seeing; it is the strongest intention (and action) of the most powerful individuals and corporations on the planet.

You will be SHOCKED at what you’re about to hear! If you doubt the (hidden) agenda of vaccine programs – this video shows Bill Gates talking about the need to lower human population to “save the earth” and the use of vaccines can help! His presentation was given at a TED talk conference and it’s about as evil a 3-minute presentation as you will ever hear. Please help us spread the word about the intentions of the global elite – share this article (and video) with your family and friends.

The truth is vaccines contain many toxic ingredients that are damaging to fertility including detergents like, triton x-100, also known as octoxynol 10 – which is a known spermicidal used in experiments to strip sperm of their ability to fertilize an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of “most potent spermicidal,” which would produce 100 percent effectiveness in destroying sperm.

Stop and think before you inject yourself

Vaccines contain lots of chemical ingredients you wouldn’t consider safe to ingest. For example, the “MMR” vaccine has: measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue. Many other vaccines contain disgusting ingredients like, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal. (mercury) If you don’t believe this – try asking your doctor for a list of ingredients during your next office visit or look it up yourself.

Another ingredient besides triton x-100, which is problematic, is polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80), which is in numerous vaccines including the Pediacel five-in-one vaccine given to infants and the gardasil HPV vaccine. Polysorbate 80 is a known sterility causing agent in rats. It caused changes to the vagina and womb, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles and this impaired the rats’ ability to reproduce. By the way, the Depo-Provera contraceptive shot contains polysorbate 80 and has been added to experimental animal contraceptive injections – as an ideal sterilizing ingredients.

Crimes committed against humanity – in third world countries

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility – as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is polysorbate 80. As a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility.

In addition, Squalene (shark liver oil) is used in the H1N1, HPV and anthrax vaccines, as well as others that have been implicated in the devastating immune dysfunctions of the soldiers who suffered from Gulf War Syndrome and whom returned from the Gulf with infertility problems.

Vaccination programs are viewed as an effective bioweapon against the population

A single-dose of the much-hyped panacea for future pandemics may be all we need to limit population growth on a global scale. There is a newly-published study that looks at skin electroporation (EP) delivery systems as an “attractive” method for mass vaccination by decreasing dose levels, increasing tolerance of the vaccine, and in increasing the breadth of viable vaccine targets. (sounds like war against the people)

Even though our own government may be capable of achieving mass vaccination in the near future; vaccines are an unproven technology, which interact with the human system in ways we may not fully understand. The collaboration of government and drug companies to push vaccines is completely unethical – to say the least.

Fortunately, there are alternative approaches to healthy living – which are capable of offering broad virus protection and eliminates the threat of disease. The only reasonable way to solve global health problems is to promote healthy eating and living programs. Better living through nature – not chemicals. Post your thoughts below.

- See more at:
How vaccines are used to reduce human population | Natural Health 365

About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She had the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in Natural Healing including Naturopaths, Scientist, and Energy Healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

Bill Gates Talks Vaccines to Reduce Population by F. William Engdahl
H1N1 Swine Flu - Vaccination, Profit, Population Control and Murder!
List of vaccine ingredients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vaccine Ingredients - Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, Etc
Vaccine Ingredients

- See more at: How vaccines are used to reduce human population | Natural Health 365

Rumors of plot to sterilize Muslims with polio vaccine spark killings in Pakistan
So far nine health workers have been murdered while walking door to door to deliver polio vaccines to children in need because some believe the immunizations are part of a U.S. plot. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports.

By Mushtaq Yusufzai and Waj S. Khan, NBC News
Updated 8:00 p.m. ET: PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Pakistan may be one of the world's three remaining polio-stricken countries but Sartaj Khan has decided that the government-sponsored vaccination campaign is much more sinister than it appears.

"These vaccines are meant to destroy our nation," said Khan, a 42-year-old lawyer in the city of Peshawar. "The [polio] drops make men less manly, and make women more excited and less bashful. Our enemies want to wipe us out."

Khan is not alone in the belief, propagated by extremist groups, that is gaining currency in the Pashtun belt of northwestern Pakistan: The government’s anti-polio campaign is a ruse by the Americans to sterilize or spy on Muslims

Many also believe that much like the Pakistani physician, Dr. Shakeel Afridi, who helped the CIA run a fake vaccination program to establish the presence of Osama bin Laden, the army of health workers employed to vaccinate the country’s children are also on the United States’ payroll.

The belief has turned deadly: Nine anti-polio workers have been killed by gunmen on motorcycles this week. Some of those killed were teenage girls. Following the violence, the United Nations pulled back all staff involved in the vaccination campaign and officials suspended it in some parts of the country.

Slideshow: Pakistan: A nation in turmoil

Muhammed Muheisen / AP

Images of daily life, political pursuits, religious rites and deadly violence.

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There are ranks of parents whose awareness is low and suspicions high when it comes to the deadly virus: A November World Health Organization study found that 41 percent of those polled had never heard of polio — and 11 percent refused to vaccinate their children.

The reality is that polio can paralyze or kill within hours of infection. It is transmitted person-to-person, meaning that as long as one child is infected, the disease can be passed to others.

Photos: Vaccination workers gunned down in Pakistan
Nuclear-armed and militancy-struck Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are the only countries still struggling with polio. Extremists have opposed vaccination programs in Afghanistan and Nigeria, although they haven’t resorted to the sort of violence seen in Pakistan. According to the World Health Organization, there were 213 new cases of polio worldwide in 2012, including 56 in Pakistan.


Mohsin Raza / Reuters

A female polio worker gives polio vaccine drops to a child in Lahore, Pakistan, on Thursday.

Polio also disproportionately affects members of the Pashtun population in Pakistan, who largely live in the country's northwest and border region. They account for roughly 15 percent of the population, but 75 percent of all polio cases.

Shamim Bibi, a 25-year-old mother of two who has been working in Peshawar’s suburbs as an anti-polio campaign worker for the last nine years, said she had never before faced hostility in her line of work.

"For years, we were welcomed into homes by families," she said. "In 2012, attitudes changed. Now, they look at us with a sort of suspicion. Some people have even said it to my face: that I’m an American spy"

More Pakistan coverage from NBC News
Suspicion of the United States does indeed run deep. Unknown gunmen may have assassinated 14-year-old anti-polio worker Farzana Rehman in her hometown of Peshawar but her grieving father is placing the blame for her death further afield.

"My daughter was too young to leave this world," an obviously distraught Said Rehman told NBC News. "Polio didn’t take her. This American war did. So what’s the bigger danger, huh?"

The American war refers to the post-Sept. 11, 2001, violence that has swept Pakistan and Afghanistan, in particular U.S. drone strikes that enrage many. In parts of Pakistan, the war is also called the Kharji, or "white person's" war.

In Pakistan's largest city, 'Old Glory' is flammable and profitable
As experts cite the latest violence as a new form of "low tech, high concept" attacks by Pakistan’s militants, Rehman can only wonder if those trying to stop the disease are missing the point.

"Disease didn’t take my child. A bullet did," he said.

Reuters contributed to this report.
Billionaire advocates curbing CO2 by reducing earth's inhabitants

Read more at Bill Gates: Use vaccines to lower population

One of the world’s wealthiest men and the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, has suggested vaccines as one method of reducing the world’s population.

Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Technology, Entertainment and Design 2010 Conference in Long Beach, Calif. His February address was titled, “Innovating to Zero!”

He presented a speech on global warming, stating that CO2 emissions must be reduced to zero by 2050. Gates said every person on the planet puts out an average of about five tons of CO2 per year.

“Somehow we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero,” he said. “It’s been constantly going up. It’s only various economic changes that have even flattened it at all. So we have to go from rapidly rising to falling, and falling all the way to zero.”

A video of his presentation follows:

Read more at Bill Gates: Use vaccines to lower population
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