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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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This is a valid point and this forum is for valid points.

This forum is also for losers like S-2 who probably were ignored in high school years and now they come on such forums and try to get attention by writing utter nonsense.

If you were see a dark brown desi with dyed blond hair then please ask him if he is S-2.

Please ignore this guy and carry on with your meaning ful conversation and see if you can come to a solution.

In the meanwhile, I will go out for dinner.

Good night!

Hmm let me explain something to you...Now there are a few of us on here who like to speak plainly. They tend to be ex army personnel who have a low bullshit tolerance.therefore we tend to be blunter.

SO let me point out a few things as you seem not to have been around long enough to learn.

Don't make assumptions about people, the gentleman is a former military officer and has seen service.

He is NOT a desi

And frankly the only person is needs to be ignored is someone like you wh contributes very little it seems.with your "valid points"
I'm appreciative.

"If you were see a dark brown desi with dyed blond hair then please ask him if he is S-2."

Had to check it out as I was unfamiliar. VERY BIG GIGGLE:lol:
The taliban were funded during the russian incasion of afghanistan. As a result the same weapons are being used aganist NATO troops in Afghanistan.
The taliban were funded during the russian incasion of afghanistan. As a result the same weapons are being used aganist NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Actually their top of the line gear is captured ISAF equipment. They don't have stingers anymore, the IED's are home made, and small arms/ammo have always been more widely available than food. Whatever funding they received from the west was dried up against the Russians and civil war.
Coming back to post topics.

Is US decision to attack Afghanistan justified because Talaban refused to hand over osama with out any solid proof .Release of only video film is not enough which can be made in Hollywood.

If this law is acceptable then India has right to attack pakistan even they dont have any solid proof of mumbai attacks.

Actually it's not just based on one video, but tapes and probably captured operatives as well as tacit previous knowledge. Regardless, it can be argued that 911 is indeed a part of a string of attacks by AQ...

1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

The bombings also happened at an symbolic date:

August 7th, 1998, was the eighth anniversary of the arrival of American troops in Saudi Arabia in 1990, an issue of Osama bin Laden's greatest concern.

Can we then say he is innocent?
Let's help him out there, Kharian Beast, lest he not fully understand/remember what happened on that day- Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam.
OBL is a self appointed false prophet, who was a small time warlord in Afghanistan with the well wishing of the Americans and Saudi's. Power consumed him because he took advantage of Afghanistan, he saw this area as a fertile ground to breed extremists to strap on suicide vests because of a little family feud he had with the royals back home. He is basically a rogue who is working for Darth Vader and The Empire.
No school thought of muslims except wahabism support OBL ,he faced defeat in iraq and will be eliminated from Afghanistan soon also.but if US make talaban their enemy then how they will support them against OBL.:hitwall:

Because the taliban take orders from his management staff, and confused people are being caught up along the way. Talib means student, but what do they study exactly?

Also why are you changing your argument, I thought Iraq and Afghanistan were soon to be failures and now you admit AQ and taliban face defeat? If Muslims don't support him what makes his fight right for Islam?
OBL is more likely a Qutbist adherant to salafism.

I hope this matter to be cleared before somebody drills the fcuk between the eyes and leaves us all wondering about this irrelevant tidbit.
Srry, but Taliban, is in FATA..

No there not........not a single commander from mullah omars taliban has attacked the pakistan army.
If you check mullah omar himself has called on waziri tribesman/terrorist not to attack the pak army but fight the NATO militia in afghanistan.

Ok but my point is, wt abt the innocent ppl killed by them.

And what about the innocents killed in NWFP by the pak army.........what about the innocents killed by the US ect.

The only thing i would say negative about the taliban is that they are stupid...lack true islamic education and are fighting more for the afghan culture then they are for islam.

The only reason i want a taliban govt to run afgahnistan is that it will be more pro pakistan the NA govt.

How many indian consulates do you think the taliban will allow..?
Let's help him out there, Kharian Beast, lest he not fully understand/remember what happened on that day- Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam.

Lets not also forget Sabra and Shatila,Amiriyah shelter,Iran Air Flight 655 ect.
OBL is more likely a Qutbist adherant to salafism.

I hope this matter to be cleared before somebody drills the fcuk between the eyes and leaves us all wondering about this irrelevant tidbit.

The only fuk that needs a drill bit between the eyes is george sumbag bush....the guy will ooze bullsh*t from his skull.
"US killing in afghanistan are incresing with passage of time."

So too the taliban's. Worse, they kill civilians at a rate of nearly 2.5/1 even accounting for ISAF aircraft strikes.

From Human Rights Watch-

"In 2006, a minimum of 929 Afghan civilians were killed in fighting related to the armed conflict. Of those, at least 699 died during Taliban attacks (including suicide bombings and other bombings targeting civilians) and at least 230 died during NATO or US attacks. Of the latter, 116 were killed by NATO and US airstrikes, and at least 114 were killed by NATO or US ground fire.

In 2007, a minimum of 1,633 Afghan civilians were killed in fighting related to the armed conflict. Of those, at least 950 died during attacks by the various insurgent forces, including the Taliban and al-Qaeda. At least 434 civilians died during US or NATO attacks in 2007—321 killed by airstrikes, and 113 by US or NATO ground fire. Another 57 civilians were killed in crossfire, and 192 died under unclear circumstances."

Troops In Contact: Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan- HRW

NATO hasn't been accused of deliberately targeting civilians. The same can't be said of the insurgents.

For more on total civilian deaths from all violence related causes see-

Civilian Casualties of the War In Afghanistan-Aggregate Wikipedia

With estimates between 1,000,000-1,500,000 during the Soviet-Afghan war and a further estimated dead of 400,000 stemming from the Afghan Civil War and the consequent taliban grip on power through the late nineties-

Life Under Taliban Cuts Two Ways-CS Monitor

-it's plain to see that, however regrettable, civilian deaths from NATO's intervention and the subsequent insurgency are miniscule by comparison. Further, the clear majority of those result from insurgent actions-not NATO.

War is hell and we actually care. Too bad the same can't be said of the insurgents-

The Human Cost: The Consequences Of Insurgent Attacks in Afghanistan- HRW

Fair to say any victory of taliban is HARDLY a victory for Islam if this be the cost of their actions. Aircraft strikes and other NATO-inflicted casualties pale against the true culprits.

Read and learn, waraich66. You, more than most, need to know the truth as seen by neutral observers whom care for only one side of three- the afghan civilians.
The Talebans were funded by CIA to destabilise the pro-Iranian government in Kabul, some peole conveniently refrain from mentioning that fact.

Hold on a second here. The old Northern Alliance govt in Kabul was indeed pro Iran, pro farsiwan and anti pashtun as well as anti pakistani to a slight extent. But from what I gather it was elements of the pakistani ISI backed by heavy funding from the Saudis and UAE who helped the taliban overrun the NA and establish their rule. If anything the CIA and US military came in to destabalize the taliban and through their oopsie woopsies managed to do Tehrans's dirty work by deposing the taliban and resurrecting the Northern Alliance. :cheesy:
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