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Was Iraq better off under Sadam Hussein ?

Ironically , the same question was asked by hollywood in "the green zone".
Not Saddam Hussain, but a milder man from within the Iraqi Army could have kept the country in line.
Currently, Iraq is in civil war. At least during Saddam's time, there was a sense of calm and peace.

Had Saddam been still alive, this so called ISIS would have been dealt with quickly.

That's the nature of humans, when they are not satisfied with something, they tend to stick to the past, even if it wasn't any better. Saddam is the sole reason that Iraq was attacked, came to verge of financial collapse and a human crisis and finally was invaded and overthrown. He killed tens of thousands of Kurds and Shiites, executed every single opponent, started 2 unnecessary wars that broke the country and now we are where we are.

it's like saying North Korea is better off now because it has no terrorist attacks. Groups like ISIS will not tolerate any Shia even breathing, let alone ruling a country. So, na matter how much mistakes Maliki has, it still doesn't matter because these scums want to eradicate every single Shia and 'infidels' from the globe. If it wasn't for Saddam's stupid policies, Iraq would be a major economic powerhouse in ME, even far better than countries like UAE or Qatar, because they didn't even exist when Iraq was a prosperous country in late 60s and 70s.

PS: I also forgot to say that many Sunnis were slaughtered because of his wars.
That's the nature of humans, when they are not satisfied with something, they tend to stick to the past, even if it wasn't any better. Saddam is the sole reason that Iraq was attacked, came to verge of financial collapse and a human crisis and finally was invaded and overthrown. He killed tens of thousands of Kurds and Shiites, executed every single opponent, started 2 unnecessary wars that broke the country and now we are where we are.

it's like saying North Korea is better off now because it has no terrorist attacks. Groups like ISIS will not tolerate any Shia even breathing, let alone ruling a country. So, na matter how much mistakes Maliki has, it still doesn't matter because these scums want to eradicate every single Shia and 'infidels' from the globe. If it wasn't for Saddam's stupid policies, Iraq would be a major economic powerhouse in ME, even far better than countries like UAE or Qatar, because they didn't even exist when Iraq was a prosperous country in late 60s and 70s.

PS: I also forgot to say that many Sunnis were slaughtered because of his wars.

Saddam was a dictator like Hitler, both were on warpath with dreams to conquer, a path to unavoidable disasters, this pix explains his ideology using people in all his wars.

We still need a different system however as Iraq's current political system & constitution are both destructive, maybe a dictator, but an intelligent and stable one who isn't on warpath to conquer everything, a secular as well important to mention.
depends on who you are asking.
It has never been better for kurds, they almost got a kurdistan.They got the best deal.
Shias finally rule their own people too, they were being ruled by a sunni establishment earlier.
However its certainly is quite worse for sunnis, and hopefully the current conflict will make sure they get the fair share in iraq.
depends on who you are asking.
It has never been better for kurds, they almost got a kurdistan.They got the best deal.
Shias finally rule their own people too, they were being ruled by a sunni establishment earlier.
However its certainly is quite worse for sunnis, and hopefully the current conflict will make sure they get the fair share in iraq.

Except for kurds your story is false.
The sunni shia division story started not long ago, most members of the Iraqi Ba'ath party were Shiites.

this thread has the potential to bring out lot of angry iranis, and khomenei-loving shia from iraq :D how can they speak well of the enemy of mullah khomenei and the supporter of mujahideen-e-khalq??

but yes, president saddam hussain was a great leader, much loved outside iraq, and iraq was better off with saddam and the baath movement. but why worry?? his trusted comrade, izzat ibrahim al douri, wanted by the usa military for 10 years, is leading his heroic baath fighters into sure victory soon. these fighters seem also to have fought the nato invasion of libya, in 2012. my salute to saddam and his heroes.

this thread has the potential to bring out lot of angry iranis, and khomenei-loving shia from iraq :D how can they speak well of the enemy of mullah khomenei and the supporter of mujahideen-e-khalq??

but yes, president saddam hussain was a great leader, much loved outside iraq, and iraq was better off with saddam and the baath movement. but why worry?? his trusted comrade, izzat ibrahim al douri, wanted by the usa military for 10 years, is leading his heroic baath fighters into sure victory soon. these fighters seem also to have fought the nato invasion of libya, in 2012. my salute to saddam and his heroes.

So much false info not even worthy to respond to.
People of Iraq need a hardened leader to lead with an iron fist. Their attitude is not suitable for democracy.
Because he owed them a ton of cash from the Iran war and didn't want to pay them back. It's an old Mafia trick. Borrow a lot of money from a loan shark and then kill him. Debt erased.:triniti:

here comes the white house propaganda service. next he will say, "oh, but evil saddam's evil solldiers pulled out innocent kuwaiti infants from hospital incubators and stood there watching them the little babies die...".
here comes the white house propaganda service. next he will say, "oh, but evil saddam's evil solldiers pulled out innocent kuwaiti infants from hospital incubators and stood there watching them the little babies die...".

Yeah !!! 'Innocent kuwaiti infants' !!!! So genius, why DID Sadaam invade Kuwait ? Diagonal oil drilling ? I was against the 2nd Iraq war, but the 1st one, man that was fun !!! We fucked some shit up, BIG TIME !! YEEEEE HAAAAAA !!!!!! Who can forget this golden oldie ? The old 'Road of Death' :usflag:

1-As someone who actively took part in various anti-war demonstrations in Canada during the spring of 2003 I already felt vindicated years ago when the violence erupted. And the vindication is not a joyous one.
2-For all his fault, under Saddam, Iraq was a far better place than it is now. Shame on the likes of Wolfovitz, Blair and Bush Jr. who still justify their aggression. These war-mongers should be tried in the ICJ for war-crimes.
3-Did you know that the top political officer in Iraq after the fall of Saddam was Paul Brenner and his fraternity friends, utterly clueless in anything related to foreign affairs and the Middle East?
4-In case someone is trying to make an argument here that long term Iraq is better off--ooh, please!! What is 'long term'? Thirty year later? Three centuries later? Only imperial hubris can think of killing and displacing untold millions along such thoughts.

I hope Iraqis find some peace, security and prosperity soon.
In my opinion, Saddam should not have invaded Kuwait , and should have merely consolidated its power and rebuilt itself after the Iraq-Irani War. The loss of Iraq's military power, led to such power vacuum that has allowed many organization(s) to capitalize on.

Slant Drilling with the approval of USA

Kuwait, Iraq accused, had been slant drilling in to Iraq’s Rumaila oil fields. In addition, since the end of the war, Kuwait had hugely exceeded OPEC production quotas, costing, Iraq claimed, $14 billion a year, in addition to the $2.4 billion estimated loss from the war period extractions of “some millions of barrels” – additionally “capturing some of Iraq’s customers.

The equipment to slant drill Iraq’s oil illegally was bought from (US National Security Advisor to President George H.W. Bush) Brent Scowcroft’s old company. Kuwait was pumping out around $14-billion worth of oil from beneath Iraqi territory … Slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas, and it’s certainly enough to start a war in the Mideast.
Oil - The Biggest Prize

As of 2006 there were only 2300 wells drilled, compare that with 1 Million wells in Texas. There were 80 oilfields discovered, only 21 developed. No cutting edge technology used so far in exploration. Estimated 200 bbl still undiscovered, i.e. almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia. That's the reason why Baghdad has World's largest US embassy.

A stab in the back from USA

“The cease-fire between Iran and Iraq began on August 20, 1988. On September 8, 1988, Iraqi Foreign Minister Sa’dun Hammadi was to meet with U.S. Secretary of State George Schulz. The Iraqis had every reason to expect a warm welcome in Washington and to begin an era of closer co-operation on trade and industrial development.”

In the event, two hours before the meeting, without warning to Hammadi, State Department spokesman Charles Redman called a press conference charging that: “The U.S. Government is convinced that Iraq has used chemical weapons … against Kurdish guerillas. We don’t know the extent to which chemical weapons have been used but any use in this context is abhorrent and unjustifiable.We expressed our strong concern to the Iraqi Government which is well aware of our position that the use of chemical weapons is totally unjustifiable and unacceptable.”

When Hammadi arrived at the State Department for his meeting with Schulz, he was besieged by the media asking about the massacre and unable to give coherent answers. Bewildered, he repeatedly asked the journalists the basis for their questions.

Within twenty-four hours of Redman’s press release, the Senate voted unanimously to impose economic sanctions on Iraq which would cancel sales of food and technology.

USA deceived Iraq (gave green signal) regarding attack on Kuwait

On 25th July 1990, at the Presidential Palace in Baghdad, America’s Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie assured Saddam Hussein: “We have no opinion on your Arab – Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960′s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America.(ix) “ On 2nd August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.

There is even a more sinister story in which USA was about to use chemical weapons on it's own soldiers as a pretend that Iraq did it; just to create a pretext for war. Details are given in the article:

America’s Chemical Weapons: Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History | Global Research

This is what they have done to Iraq; none of these existed before the US invasion:

UN Sanctions – Murder of Half Million Children till 1995

This was the situation when the UN Security Council imposed sanctions - UN in name only, political philosopher Joy Gordon points out, since they "were at every turn shaped by the United States", whose "consistent policy" was "to inflict the most extreme economic damage possible on Iraq".

The UN estimated in 1995 that the policy had murdered over half a million children - "worth it", in former secretary of state Madeleine Albright's infamous 60 Minutes assessment - one factor prompting two successive UN Humanitarian Coordinators in Iraq, Denis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck, to resign.

Halliday's conclusion was that "the member states of the Security Council are indeed guilty of intentionally sustaining a regime of genocide"; von Sponeck concurred, deeming findings that the sanctions violated the Genocide Convention perfectly "sound". A few years later, in June 2003, New York Times reporter David Rohde managed to write, with a straight face, of how "the concept of demokratiya has taken hold in the Iraqi imagination" ... "Just as neoconservatives in Washington had hoped", following the post-genocide (itself post-near-apocalypse) illegal invasion, and initial assault.

Genetic malformations in Fallujah – 14x of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

The effects of the US assaults on Fallujah are only beginning to be understood. In a March 2013 interview on Democracy Now!, Dahr Jamail, the courageous investigative journalist, explained to Amy Goodman the legacy of Washington's indiscriminate use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus.

"There is one doctor, a pediatrician named Dr Samira Alani, working on this crisis in the city," he began. After conducting research in Japan, Dr Alani determined that "the amount of congenital malformations in Fallujah is 14 times greater than the same rate measured in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the aftermath of the nuclear bombings."

There seems to be no precedent for many of the deformities, such as "massive central nervous system problems" or "babies being born with half of their internal organs outside of their bodies", Jamail said, identifying some of the victims of Washington's foreign policy. But this fact is too revealing to be mentioned in our papers of record.
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Yeah !!! 'Innocent kuwaiti infants' !!!! So genius, why DID Sadaam invade Kuwait ? Diagonal oil drilling ? I was against the 2nd Iraq war, but the 1st one, man that was fun !!! We fucked some shit up, BIG TIME !! YEEEEE HAAAAAA !!!!!! Who can forget this golden oldie ? The old 'Road of Death' :usflag:


not every american is as insane as you. are you living the characters from the "mad max" films?? you called the above beyond-sad photo a "golden oldie", like it was a nice song or a great scene. i have no words.

i have seen what your dogs, al-gay-da and talibunny, did in libya and syria, from hangings to cuttings to head cookings to cutting necks of cats... i vomited when i heard the cat screaming. i have also seen what your all-american depleted uranium shells have done to iraqi babies.

i can say just this to you. if you need good money, come to india and join as adviser with the many hindu fanatic groups to teach them how more efficiently burnings and cuttings can be done. the hindu groups classic tactic against muslims is to put a burning motorcycle tyre around the body of men so as to fit them tightly. with the ladies, their breasts are cut away. when pregnant, their bellies are sliced.

but i think you can teach them extraordinary things.

edit : and this is why, the usa military is such great friends with the psychopathic iran government.

edit : you, @boomslang, have provided me and the world with further reason, why your usa military and its puppets everywhere, should be eradicated. you are the scum of humanity.

allah muammar libya bas.
allah sooriya bashar oo bas.
viva president saddam hussain.
viva world socialism.
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