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We are cautious about Chinese companies,People of Bangladesh haven’t forgotten that India, and not China, lent support to their quest for liberation

They just claim other countries as their territory / Tibet Taiwan in particular
Taiwan is China. Tibet is also China.
However, Mangrol, Junagarh, Hyderabad Deccan and Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu are not India. And India should be aware of that.

No one is cheaper than India, why you can't make things by yourselves?
India is catching up very fast, and soon, if not sooner, Indian manufacturing capability will be matchable to China. As per design capability and capacity, India will sure surpass majority of the world within next 5 years.

As far as the creative capability, India must work on it. All browns lack it.
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by us if you mean China, because chinese work cheap and we have trained all of you to work for cheap
You are right. The US and China are cooperating with each other. Let Indians do cheap assembly work.


Taiwan is China. Tibet is also China.
However, Mangrol, Junagarh, Hyderabad Deccan and Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu are not India. And India should be aware of that.

India is catching up very fast, and soon, if not sooner, Indian manufacturing capability will be matchable to China. As per design capability and capacity, India will sure surpass majority of the world within next 5 years.

As far as the creative capability, India must work on it. All browns lack it.
Can Indian industry approach China? Sorry. I'm not so optimistic. India cannot even manufacture high-quality steel.

Can Indian industry approach China? Sorry. I'm not so optimistic. India cannot even manufacture high-quality steel.

See, China is China and India is India. You simply can't compare the two, as people are different, societies evolved differently and definitely they will reach a different destination.
As far as the capacity is concerned then yes India will manufactur way more than China. As far as capability is concerned, India is differently abled country. So no comparison of capability.
You are right. The US and China are cooperating with each other. Let Indians do cheap assembly work.

View attachment 944993

Luxshare and Sunny Optical are Chinese companies.

Indians better start learning some Mandarin soon.

See, China is China and India is India. You simply can't compare the two, as people are different, societies evolved differently and definitely they will reach a different destination.
As far as the capacity is concerned then yes India will manufactur way more than China. As far as capability is concerned, India is differently abled country. So no comparison of capability.

I admire your optimism brother, but I cannot share in it. I have been to India, as have many of my Bangladeshi compatriot brothers/sisters over the last five decades.

I don't hold their productivity or attention to detail in very high regard as a population (especially Northerners) - of course there can be outliers. No comparison with China and I have been a visitor to China many times in the last decade.

Also - Indian industrialists are not focused on making money and improving the lot of Indian low level workers at the same time.

They are only focused on making a quick buck and funneling money out of India - like 3rd-rate-cheats Subrata Roy of Sahara and Vijay Mallya of UB breweries etc., just to start with.

Take the money and run is their mantra, as their industrialists deem the Indian populace unemployable.

Can Indian industry approach China? Sorry. I'm not so optimistic. India cannot even manufacture high-quality steel.

It's not only steel, it's almost all items. These people are always looking for shortcuts, and low-level cheats and frauds, because their businessmen are considered far lower level than their academics. Profiteering by cheating and utilizing human misery is their principle.

Ask us - we have been dealing with Indian businesses for five decades now, long time sufferers. If it wasn't for their govt. arm-twisting, we'd have stopped importing their garbage a long time ago.

How do I know? Half of the Dhaka Chamber of Commerce are known to me. They all know what India does.
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I admire your optimism brother, but I cannot share in it. I have been to India, as have many of my Bangladeshi compatriot brothers/sisters over the last five decades.

I don't hold their productivity or attention to detail in very high regard as a population (especially Northerners) - of course there can be outliers. No comparison with China and I have been a visitor to China many times in the last decade.

Also - Indian industrialists are not focused on making money and improving the lot of Indian low level workers at the same time.

They are only focused on making a quick buck and funneling money out of India - like 3rd-rate-cheats Subrata Roy of Sahara and Vijay Mallya of UB breweries etc., just to start with.

Take the money and run is their mantra, as their industrialists deem the Indian populace unemployable.

It's not only steel, it's almost all items. These people are always looking for shortcuts, and low-level cheats and frauds, because their businessmen are considered far lower level than their academics. Profiteering by cheating and utilizing human misery is their principle.

Ask us - we have been dealing with Indian businesses for five decades now, long time sufferers. If it wasn't for their govt. arm-twisting, we'd have stop importing their garbage a long time ago.
One factor : Indians follow things, they copy, they study. Indians extract the best scheme to earn money, just like refined sugar. That's the reason why they are manufacturing more than ever, they are getting jobs more than ever, they are all over the place. India is improving on every front, but one: mentality front. Mentality is not improving. It's the same, chimp.

So yeah, you can disagree with me, may be I can do that as well, but I am sure that disagreement is because we are looking at a thing from different aspects.
One factor : Indians follow things, they copy, they study. Indians extract the best scheme to earn money, just like refined sugar. That's the reason why they are manufacturing more than ever, they are getting jobs more than ever, they are all over the place. India is improving on every front, but one: mentality front. Mentality is not improving. It's the same, chimp.

So yeah, you can disagree with me, may be I can do that as well, but I am sure that disagreement is because we are looking at a thing from different aspects.

Yup - understood.

To know Indians, you have to watch them at home, not in the US or EU, where only the best-of-the-best go.

My views are from dealing with Indian companies personally for the last two decades.

As a people, the experiences vary. However their govt. is as bureaucratic as ever -which is a huge hindrance to development (the baboo culture).

And most underclass Indians are famous for their lethargy and inaction, especially in Northern states. These people and the Chinese - the differences are like night and day.

Bureaucracy and archaic labor laws is one of the very reasons they could not compete with us in apparel, which is one of the easiest export businesses. Easy like falling-off-the-log easy.

They produce anything in one state and to get it to port, they have to pass through four states (Paying Octroi and incurring delays), taking up four times longer than Vietnam or Bangladesh.

On top of that - they don't have liberal hire/fire regimes.

Here is Bangladesh position vis-à-vis India (in a country like USA which tariffs us to the hilt -15.62% duty). Globally Bangladesh is in 2nd place with apparel production, having North of 8% share. By 2025 this will go up to 10% or so.

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My opinion is. Although xi is a criminal. But all your American dads are begging him.
why do you lower yourself with silly meaningless phrases such as your american dads etc? is that how you are brought up? whether yours is american japanese chinese philipino taiwanese or pigmy dad, did you get to chose ? may be that is why you think dads are swappable,

Taiwan is China. Tibet is also China.
However, Mangrol, Junagarh, Hyderabad Deccan and Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu are not India. And India should be aware of that.
technically yes but taiwanese don't agree. chinese writ and law are accepted there. mainland chinese require a permit to visit

You are right. The US and China are cooperating with each other. Let Indians do cheap assembly work.

View attachment 944993

sure and India will pay chinese based on their quality and quantity; and allow them to operate as long as they don't try tax dodge and other corporate crimes like xiaomi and huawei did
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1942. Democratic China leader visits British India. And received leaders of the Indian independence movement. This angered Britain. Britain demands an immediate explanation from Democratic China. Final. Democratic China promises not to support/recognize the independence movement of British India.

View attachment 944988

But in 1949. Mao openly declared recognition of the independence of India and Outer Mongolia.

Well. India supports Bangladesh's independence. So Indians believe that Bangladesh is grateful to India. But China also supports India's independence. When do Indians thank China?

Unlike commie bots I can distinguish between 1942 and 1949

India is catching up very fast, and soon, if not sooner, Indian manufacturing capability will be matchable to China

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
why do you lower yourself with silly meaningless phrases such as your american dads etc? is that how you are brought up? whether yours is american japanese chinese philipino taiwanese or pigmy dad, did you get to chose ? may be that is why you think dads are swappable,

technically yes but taiwanese don't agree. chinese writ and law are accepted there. mainland chinese require a permit to visit

sure and India will pay chinese based on their quality and quantity; and allow them to operate as long as they don't try tax dodge and other corporate crimes like xiaomi and huawei did
what the name of the country of so called "taiwan"
Unlike commie bots I can distinguish between 1942 and 1949

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

why do you lower yourself with silly meaningless phrases such as your american dads etc? is that how you are brought up? whether yours is american japanese chinese philipino taiwanese or pigmy dad, did you get to chose ? may be that is why you think dads are swappable,

technically yes but taiwanese don't agree. chinese writ and law are accepted there. mainland chinese require a permit to visit

sure and India will pay chinese based on their quality and quantity; and allow them to operate as long as they don't try tax dodge and other corporate crimes like xiaomi and huawei did
Calm down. Indians. We all know that India is a colony. India's independence is illegal. But now we can see. Although the CCP supports India's independence. But India still hates CCP. Even India following Britain's expansion policy, wants to steal Tibet.

This is the biggest mistake and strategic failure of CCP!
Calm down. Indians. We all know that India is a colony. India's independence is illegal. But now we can see. Although the CCP supports India's independence. But India still hates CCP. Even India following Britain's expansion policy, wants to steal Tibet.

This is the biggest mistake and strategic failure of CCP!
Cut India's North-East off from India and give it to Bangladesh. This way you will have a friendly country bordering China.
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