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We want freedom


Mar 23, 2011
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Pakistan is a slave nation.we are under occupation from NATO and all our politcal leaders and military elite kiyani are CIA agents running our country they have done to pakistan which no one else can do they sold us without shame for dollars which they admit.now they are selling our troops for dollars.WHAT ELSE CAN THEY DO?SENDING US TO SLAVE LABOUR CAMPS IS LEFT AND IT WILL SOON HAPPEN.ALL THESE GENERALS SONS AND DAUGHTERS ARE LIVING OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND STUDYING WITH ELITE OF THE WORLD.We need FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM.We should pour on to the streets and pick up arms against all those who comes in our way including politicans police and army and we should welcom all those who join us we should start a freedom struggle from this zalim system and rulers.THEY PUT US IN A PRISON OF POVERTY HUNGER AND SELLING US LIKE CHICKENS TO OTHER COUNTRIES LIKE DR AFIA SIDDUQI .
Its about choices

a.) Military development

b.) Economic development

Pakistan for long have chosen military development but it have not helped as pakistan was broken into half (Bangladesh) and now NATO/USA is violating sovereignty. The insurgencies, extremism, terrorism, freedom movements etc. etc.

If you chose economic development the insurgencies, extremism, terrorism, freedom movements etc. etc. will fall into place and yeah your military will automatically gets more funds to get developed.
If we start fighting for their freedom then you will lose kashmir in 6 months like u lost half of it in 1948 when the people decided to free it ur troops were fighting and our people were fighting as we didnt had army and it was under a british general which made u run to UN to declare a ceasefire without gaining back what u lost.so shut up.

lol this is new people were fighting not the pak army god am un educated
And I want Sanam Baloch but we can't always have what we want now can we?
Pakistan is a slave nation.we are under occupation from NATO and all our politcal leaders and military elite kiyani are CIA agents running our country they have done to pakistan which no one else can do they sold us without shame for dollars which they admit.now they are selling our troops for dollars.WHAT ELSE CAN THEY DO?SENDING US TO SLAVE LABOUR CAMPS IS LEFT AND IT WILL SOON HAPPEN.ALL THESE GENERALS SONS AND DAUGHTERS ARE LIVING OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND STUDYING WITH ELITE OF THE WORLD.We need FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM.We should pour on to the streets and pick up arms against all those who comes in our way including politicans police and army and we should welcom all those who join us we should start a freedom struggle from this zalim system and rulers.THEY PUT US IN A PRISON OF POVERTY HUNGER AND SELLING US LIKE CHICKENS TO OTHER COUNTRIES LIKE DR AFIA SIDDUQI .

it starts with a thought . then its grows as idea which becomes the driving force towards progress . concentrate on education development , trade , infrastructure and see how things fall into place over a period of time . there are no short cuts . (curbing the extremist in the country would help cut this time down by at least two decades.)
Instead of focusing more on improving military power Pakistan needs to focus on Education ,on their people , infrastructure , trade with other countries and last thing they have work hard to remove terrorism from their country..
Instead of focusing more on improving military power Pakistan needs to focus on Education ,on their people , infrastructure , trade with other countries and last thing they have work hard to remove terrorism from their country..

And in addition to this we should focus on to make sure that NATO soldiers die in good numbers in Afghanistan. I agree with your post.

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