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What about licence production of Attack Choppers at PAC


Nov 23, 2007
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:pakistan::cheers: The importance of attack choppers in a war or in an operation is quite vital, because of the fact that it can conduct very deep penetration and hovering operations like even no UAV/UCAV can do.
So in the scenario of Pakistan we need a good number of choppers as well as they must be good at quality. So i thing what i have studied that Z-10 might going to be abondened and U.S is not selling us AH-64D Apache, so in this manner we have only one option open like to go for Tiger or A-129/ATAK(Turkish version, may be able to join with turkey as partner) and may be 100 of them. An:pakistan::cheers:d we could have evaluated well, if they were quite serious they might have did it well in PAST , but still the time is there they could take the licence production of any evaluated one and start its licence production.
I wrote many times about this topic and opend also a thread, If Europe dont help Pakistan in this field then Iran and china can help us very well, If pakistan just send one message to iran through pakistan embassay and they will be on board to support pakistan in this field. There are links of Iranian achievments in this field.

Avonics and radar can be made in pakistan with the help of china.
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I like you thinking irians do have a heli named tufaan it like super cobra but with TOW mussels no hellfire we can get them but they are illegal copies of their western counter part sooo
I think we should take courage from fact if Iran a nation under sanctions can make a helicopter and missiles I am sure we can develop ours or at least buy some from Turkey

We do not have any country offering us licenced production due to financial issues
well let finish first JF 17 to PAC they are struggling to produce them for last 7 years 5 a years they are producing
honestely ATACK can be santioned by turkey beacuse of EU and NATO pressure so wz-10 BAABY
I have by many senior members that Z-10 programme is just going to finished for all and the chinese might be going to buy russian stuff. I was amazed to hear that coz in 2009 i have heared that Z-10 is performing quite well and it will be in production in 2010/2011. So if Z-10 is getting ready then it will be great if going to get around 70-100 in TOT agreement.
There are/were several good options, but we have a dimwitted leadership unable and unwilling to take initiatives to inquire about such possibilities. The best option was the South African New Attack Helicopter (NAH) program as it was designed and offered to countries with infant aerospace industries. The domestic manufacturing of NAH and a medium-weight utility helicopter (such as AW139 or AW149) would've been an excellent sight. I don't blame the military leadership, but instead I scorn the civilians for not having the insight nor interest nor intelligence for strategic planning and vision in such matters. The West is loaded with a healthy mix of strategic and national security analysts of both civilian political-policy and ex-/serving military backgrounds.
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Where will the money come from, the engineers, the materials..... Pakistan has a lot of things going right now, a money tree isn't one of them. Buying off the shelf to reach minimum parity is a hell of a lot cheaper now, than building a functional industry from scratch. To build such an industry means cuts somewhere else in the middle of a war with its attendant population dislocation...
I agree with zraver here - We're not very rich right now so what we need to do is invest more money in public sector and get some quick solution that will keep balance wrt to enemy (minimum deterrence).Establishing a indigenous weapons industry is not the best thing right now.
I agree with zraver here - We're not very rich right now so what we need to do is invest more money in public sector and get some quick solution that will keep balance wrt to enemy (minimum deterrence).Establishing a indigenous weapons industry is not the best thing right now.

Man i didn't meant that, i mean to say if we are getting
For ARMY: 40 ***-550 Fennec and 40 Bell-407(both are quite in the same class), 50 bell-214, 46 Mi-17+20 supplied by U.S by buying it from other to Army and 25 Puma.
For Air Force: which they i think didn't placed the orders but they will about 20 ***-550 Fennec and 20 Mi-17s type
For NAVY: Although as the surface fleet increases they will nedd more choppers like 20 Z-9 and 20 Sea King type.

Then why not to go for the licence production of 100+ ***-550Fennec (20 for PAF and 80 for Army), and about 100+ Lynx or ***-565 Panther(80 for Army and 20 for Navy) and 160+ EH-101/AW-101 (120+ for Army, 20 for PAF and 20 for Navy)

Although you would say that this nos. are more than they have had but don't forget that they always say we have a shortage of choppers in our military. Like when i was watching a documentary about the Siachin Glaciar they where saying in the documentary that only a single Puma Chopper given to them for supplies. And they can build more to replace GOPs chopper of different classes although they didn't need to but it would be viable to produce more choppers so as to keep the PAC running and the employement also. And they could gain money by selling older choppers and some in terms of spares also, that money could also be utilized in building new ones.
Think Again n Again man and then repli don't deny it so easily.:pakistan:
Where will the money come from, the engineers, the materials..... Pakistan has a lot of things going right now, a money tree isn't one of them. Buying off the shelf to reach minimum parity is a hell of a lot cheaper now, than building a functional industry from scratch. To build such an industry means cuts somewhere else in the middle of a war with its attendant population dislocation...
True...but the bigger issue for Pakistan is whether it can maintain and replenish a fleet of aircraft and vehicles during political, economic and commercial embargoes, i.e. medium to long-term periods.

Normalized and well-integrated states (such as UAE) have the luxury to buy whole products off the shelf, but a controversial and reluctantly accepted nuclear power going through internal political turmoil doesn't.

Granted the JF-17 is very far from being 100% indigenous, but I am sure the PAF is aiming to produce parts and systems that it guessed (based on F-16) would be difficult to import during rough times. A similar philosophy will need to be adopted on helicopters and other aircraft in order to ensure long-term conventional deterrence and capability.

I agree it is a very expensive affair, but it is better to spend it upfront now than to end up paying costly bills in order to import parts and systems we could've been building before an embargo/sanction.
U are quite right but was it possible for PAF to invext in J-10 as a 50% partner rather than JF-17 which was supposed to join in bcoz its twin seater variant will give role as an AJT but now they have selected L-15 even to replace K-8 in which are/were 25% partner?????

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