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What are China’s options?

At Doklam it is given that India holds strategic positions so it will be very difficult for China to dislodge India from there without itself taking heavy casualties. So what all can they do and what will be the consciences of the same?

1. First would be a surprise attack to take up the land and stop there

Consequence: India will launch a counter offensive and it will be beginning of either a low intensity or all-out war

2. The surprise attack will not stop at the valley and will go deeper inside Indian territory to teach India a lesson

Consequence: Again India will launch counter offensive and can also open other fronts as well. This will again lead to low intensity or all-out war

3. Most likely - China will intrude in some other place and sit on India’s territory and ask India to vacate troops from Doklam and then only it will pull-back

Consequence: India may open another front of it’s own 'OR' Both will negotiate and accept the formula Doval took to Beijing. India and China both withdraw and China builds the road at a safe distance. Face-saver for both.

Both India and China don’t want a live border where-in their other border is already hot. Any pointers on what kind of hardware can be used by both side guys?

If I were China, I would start any war by sinking the only Indian Carrier.
That would give a significant advantage in the Indian Ocean.
An area critical to Chinese Trade.

The proper approach would be to decide the fate of the disputed area in court.
If I were China, I would start any war by sinking the only Indian Carrier.
That would give a significant advantage in the Indian Ocean.
An area critical to Chinese Trade.

The proper approach would be to decide the fate of the disputed area in court.

Good luck doing that. India has integrated Bramhos and China might end loosing more than it bargained for while trying to do it.

China can not even move it's Navy because it will get spanked by SCS countries who are waiting for an opportunity like this.
And even if China does decide to move, crossing Malacca straits would be suicide waiting to happen.
India was tamed by western world, not like Russia, China, Pakistan, even Japan. India did this to please U.S,
nothing more.
China has not taken a movement just because it doesn't want U.S, who is behind all of this, to benifit from the issue.
You can see North Korea takes actions a lot but U.S did nothing real, so it's a matter between bosses.
Tamed by the western world. Not like China, PAKISTAN, Russia, JAPAN.:lol:
The new book on general knowledge released by the ISPR must have told you so.
Unlike you we don't do things to please our masters. We have made certain commitments to Bhutan and protecting them against the expansionist Chinese is one of them.
Wrong China can only win if there's an all out war, mere border skirmish is going to end very bloody time for China. and with coming congress meet in november, a defeat will be the last thing XI wants in his resume, his oppenents are waiting to eat him out, after he fired CCP members. Xi knows this very well this is the main reason he will never go for a small war, the real war is Between Xi-CCP not China-India
china has better mobility, better infrastructure at boarders for "cold start" like type of warfare.
just compare the amount of airlift they have its 8x times more than india has.
china has better mobility, better infrastructure at boarders for "cold start" like type of warfare.
just compare the amount of airlift they have its 8x times more than india has.
Backup your claims with proof, instead of simply writing down a dumb down version. When you say China has Better infra at the borders, show us with proof, infact all of PLAAF base in Tibetan plateau lhasa, xigatse, shiquane or nyingchi lacks hardened shelters
Shoughting dogs doesn't bit . But smile and clam dog byte that directly neckout of enemy .See this time . India can be win that war finally . Because CHINA lot of miscalculated for indian but this time teach that lesson form also provide books for lost Chinese soldiers take and read that lost history.
Wrong China can only win if there's an all out war, mere border skirmish is going to end very bloody time for China. and with coming congress meet in november, a defeat will be the last thing XI wants in his resume, his oppenents are waiting to eat him out, after he fired CCP members. Xi knows this very well this is the main reason he will never go for a small war, the real war is Between Xi-CCP not China-India
China will start with a strategic nuclear strike on New Delhi, reducing it to mere rubble. Then China will capture all surrendering Indian Army troops and parade them as POW in Beijing. We can dress them up as cows and put a red dot on their heads.
Shoughting dogs doesn't bit . But smile and clam dog byte that directly neckout of enemy .See this time . India can be win that war finally . Because CHINA lot of miscalculated for indian but this time teach that lesson form also provide books for lost Chinese soldiers take and read that lost history.
Kidhar say ho Bhai china town say kaa
China will start with a strategic nuclear strike on New Delhi, reducing it to mere rubble. Then China will capture all surrendering Indian Army troops and parade them as POW in Beijing. We can dress them up as cows and put a red dot on their heads.
Wow cool story, now wake up
Firstly, its Bhutanese territory.

Secondly, no urgency to resolve?
That is just plain BS.

Why keep warning every other day?
Why write 15 page warning essays?
Why does the Chinese FM have to lie publicly about the issue?

The only people who are not proactive about the issue are us Indians.

Lastly. Yes, India can stay there indefinitely, Bhutan is not 1000s of miles away from India.
And if anything with each passing day that China does not take "its territory" back it looks like India is successfully defending Bhutan.

Haha. Man you Indians can lie through your teeth. You can fool yourself but the fact of the matter is that India is asking for a simultaneous withdrawal to get a face saving exit, and which China is not allowing.

The funny thing is that China warns India daily and Indians think that it is a matter of pride to be threatened and not respond in any way. I wonder how you will explain it when India will have to retreat from Doklam in utter shame.

No it has not. Both Chinese and Bhutanese soldiers have been patrolling in that land. Problem started when China started changing status quo and building a road in it and Bhutanese soldiers found it while patrolling. So you agree there's no political milages for China in that? Lolz

Chinese and Bhutanese soldiers patrol the edge of Doklam right next to the border of Bhutan, with Doklam being inside the territory of China. The problem started when the road construction was spotted by India and it became clear that China could achieve a capability to quickly access the "Chicken Neck" of India.

Now India has grasped more than it can handle by marching onto Chinese territory, on which it has no claim. There is a lot of political mileage for China in this.

1. As India has no claim here, it is clearly the aggressor and so this is why no major power of this world has come out vociferously in its support.
2. The longer this standoff gets, the more it will become tiresome for all parties, and especially for the external parties which might support one over the other.
3. By showing restraint, China comes across as a mature power which gives preference to diplomacy.
4. As India is sitting in disputed territory controlled by the Chinese for centuries, it will have to retreat to restore status quo as per standards of diplomacy and so will be embarrassed by its unilateral actions.
5. India's retreat damages its image as a regional power.

You yourself have said India is occupying Chinese land.
So, decide whether India has pulled it off or not before posting.

First you decide on WHAT IT IS THAT INDIA HAS DONE.

Then we can debate. You seem confused and incoherent!

Just marching across and sitting in tents on a plateau is NOT a sign of any power. India had done the same thing in 1962 and we know what happened after that. It is the ability to hold on to this land that will be any sign of power. India is already begging for a simultaneous withdrawal so that it can get a face saving exit, so India's weakness is clearly visible and it is India's foolishness which bared it all. I think you should wake up and see it too.

And who is supporting Chinese claims?
Pakistan? North Korea? Who else?

Know any one apart from these 2 which have supported China in this issue? Care to share the links perhaps?

I didn't see any support for India either. Their silence says it all that they are NOT standing behind India.

Makes no difference to us.
We are stronger and hence have kicked out the Chinese. It's all about might is right.

Let Chinese display their might and we will see what happens, until then, they can cry all they want. They ain't getting anything back.

Lol. Look closely and you will see that they are smirking. Now India can neither move forward (annex Doklam) nor retreat (embarrassing). It has shown their military weakness and allowed China to open dialogue with India's client states (Nepal and Bhutan), which erodes India's regional influence.
Haha. A diplomatic victory is of much greater value and prestige than any military victory in international relations. China is watching and enjoying the show. It is India which is squirming as it is sitting in an area which it neither controls nor claims.
China is watching and enjoying the show by giving warnings every other day?? If you can remove your colored glass then perhaps you will see through it...What would happen if India announces that she is backing down?? It would be the de-facto announcement that China is Asia's new boss...and what would happen if these empty warnings failed to impress us?? I will let you fill in the blanks here.....but will say only one thing...watching and enjoying is the last thing Chinese are doing right now....!!

Haha. Man you Indians can lie through your teeth. You can fool yourself but the fact of the matter is that India is asking for a simultaneous withdrawal to get a face saving exit, and which China is not allowing.
So we are asking from a simultaneous withdrawal from a land which don't belong to us(and we have been open about it from day 1)...and that as per you is our face saving mechanism...and china is denying us that...by letting us sit on a land...that is not under us and nor claimed by us...Sure :lol:
Low intensity war (Kargil type) would be costlier for India than it'd be for China considering their numbers, IAF should be there for close support for our troops (within our territory) & there should be complete blockade by IN in Malacca straits & Indian ocean for all type of Chinese ships until situation gets cool down, it would hurt them more. Chinese Navy is decades away to fight thousands of miles from their coastline,
After two weeks if nothing happens we should open a thread on Warnings of Chinese ministry and their PDF members.
Dude..its 'China Ministry of Warning affairs'...Also reliably learnt that china is planning to make a new ministry called 'China ministry of cheerleadering resources'.. :D

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