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What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan?


Feb 19, 2007
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What are the Top 10 reforms needed to save Pakistan? how to implement these?

Here is my list.

1) Judicial reform, ECP, ET (Laws to prevent corrupt politicians hijacking judicial system, bribing judges)
2) Strong Legal System [need more high courts and judges to handling overwhelming number of cases pending in high court] *related to #1
3) Electoral Reforms (*related to #1 and #2)
4) Strong Anti-Corruption Policies (banned politicians from politics found guilty of Corruption)
5) Pakistan needs a "Patriot Act" as a law passed by the government - Strong Anti Terrorist ACT.
Any group, individual, politicians and political party promoting agenda of Enemy of the state or agenda of foreign country/s should be arrested and tried by special court (Example, GEO, PMLN, MQM, TuQ, etc).
6) Strong Political Reform Policies
*reducing government overhead
*decentralization of Power to province and district level.
*After implementation of #1, #3 and #4, Pakistan should transfer the power to people by having General Election, Provincial election, District election, Tehsil Election and union council Election.
7) Strong Democratic Political system (related to the #5)
8) Strong Economic Reform Policies
9)*Strong Privatization Policies
10) Strong Central Government
*Strong National Defense Policies
*Strong Foreign Policies
*Strong Standard Education Polices.
*Strong Universal Healthcare Policies
*Strong Social Justice Policies
*Labour Reforms Policies
Here are my top ten reforms to save Pakistan forever:
1) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
2) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
3) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
4) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
5) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
6) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
7) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
8) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
9) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
10) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
Here are my top ten reforms to save Pakistan forever:
1) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
2) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
3) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
4) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
5) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
6) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
7) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
8) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
9) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
10) Get rid of PPP / PMLN

No one can completely get rid of them right now.

System needs to be reform before anything can happened. Once system is reformed, it will certainly reduce their power.
No one can completely get rid of them right now.

System needs to be reform before anything can happened. Once system is reformed, it will certainly reduce their power.

A party needs at least 2/3 majority in the parliament to get Pakistan back on the right track in order to save the country from further self-destruction. Unfortunately, as long those two corrupt parties exist, these reform of yours can never be implemented.

PMLN is currently in absolute majority and they can pass any law they like. Yet their PM was missing from the parliament for at least a year after being "elected" :D So much for good governance and reform-driven party :D
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You mean we should end up like Indian mess? Slums, poverty, hunger and corruption everywhere?
Depends on how you look at things.. Most Indians were very poor during 80s and 90s(middle class practically nonexistent) but we got a massive middle class now who came out of poverty...
the current state is vastly better than how poor and bad we were... and I give credit to democracy(and capitalism) for that.
The swelling middle class will reform polity, push accountability and things will get better than before.

Compared that to pakistan's journey in the opposite direction(starting in relative affluent state but not being able to maintain that)..I would blame weak system/structure for that.
Make Bilawal the new PM :P
But seriously Pakistan needs to think what it wants .... If it is a theocracy then Islam should be adapted in full .... If Democracy then reform the constitution.
Those points are too vague.

It's easy to say you wan't these reforms, but there will be no clean sweep where some magician on a unicorn swoops down from the skies to save us. Each reform, for each reason, using whatever means/methodology to achieve said reform is a battle within itself.

I have an excellent reform:

1) Change the way Pakistanis as a people think.


Here are my top ten reforms to save Pakistan forever:
1) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
2) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
3) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
4) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
5) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
6) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
7) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
8) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
9) Get rid of PPP / PMLN
10) Get rid of PPP / PMLN

What about the rest of the angels in politics?
I would blame weak system/structure for that.
You probably can but that's not the truth. Pakistan was heading forward towards democratic system when Zia, the dictator died in a plane crash and free elections were held electing PPP to power. Then what happened? Their democratic government was toppled within years due to widespread corruption by Zardari aka. Mr. 10 %. So came Nawaz in a democratic way and he looted our banks along with the treasury. There was a sudden hike in prices / inflation during the 90's with PPP / PMLN rule even when global economy was booming. So came nuclear debacle and Kargil war that further destroyed Pakistan's stability and led to its consequent Martial Law. During Musharraf's reign, economy started to flourish again, but also terrorism and extremism. And when he was forced to retire democratically, we got stuck again with same old corrupt and tested PPP / PMLN. People in Pakistan has lost faith in electoral system anyway after decades of these incumbents in government.

What about the rest of the angels in politics?
There are no other angels. Rule of the thumb is: Momin aik hi soorakh se baar baar dasa nahin jaata. Our nation is getting bitten over and over again from the same snake pit. Why can't we change this Noora-Kushti?
Sorry to sound pessimistic I don't see Pakistan ever getting rid of the terrorism part, especially as you have so much external influences pouring in..
There are no other angels. Rule of the thumb is: Momin aik hi soorakh se baar baar dasa nahin jaata. Our nation is getting bitten over and over again from the same snake pit. Why can't we change this Noora-Kushti?

Patience, it will change, in our lifetimes too. Rome wasn't built in a day.
And in my opinion, as you know from discussing with me before, uprooting the system again and again caused the mess we're in. It's as if Pakistan as a democracy was only born 6 years ago. It's an infant.

Sorry to sound pessimistic I don't see Pakistan ever getting rid of the terrorism part, especially as you have so much external influences pouring in..

Extremism is in the fabric of our society. That is the be all and end all. Until that changes, nothing done at higher levels will make the ultimate difference.
As a starter saying Economic reforms are needed is not enough. Which economic reforms are you talking about? There are 50 different sectors in an economy. Currently most of those are crippled in Pakistan.
You mean we should end up like Indian mess? Slums, poverty, hunger and corruption everywhere?

you're talking as if slums, poverty, hunger and corruption are not part of Pakistan, all these exist in both countries.. take a chill pill, you watch our Bollywood movies, and we watch your Pakistani tv serials..

both are in the same boat, as to my opinion why India is on it's journey to be a world player, leaving Pakistan behind, is the sole difference of extremism being woven into the fabric of your country, whereas it occupies a far smaller footprint in India..

sure we have our Indian Taliban, in the form of some Hinduvta idiots and deobandi madrasa morons, but they occupy much less space, and our national media is always tearing into them, as their favorite punching bags..

When you can change the mindset of extremism that is woven into the fabric, then Pakistan would find it's true place in the world.. till then no top ten list is going to work..

please don't think this is India vs Pakistan, but think logically that extremism is inversely proportional to development.. for that don't consider India per se, but look at the developed countries of the west, see how developed they are vs their level of extremism, and you'll get your answer..

All the best!
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