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What Can Trigger an Indo-Pak War? Will it remain LimitedWar?

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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KhooniVirus making rounds, killing people, locking the down...and in the process eating GDP of everyone... creating millions upon millions jobless people..

For now we only see CeaseFireLine on permanent high temperature.... TrenchWarfare tit-for-tat... the brave Indians killing PakCivilians... PA responding robustly...but with extra care...since the valiant Indians have positioned themselves among PakKashmiris in IoJK...

All Activity...but no Movement from either side.

StatusQuo of being stuck in the TrenchWarfare on the CeaseFireLine....

In essence an Inertia....

The KillerVirus has done great damage to PakEconomy already...and when the lockdown ends ..it will take FiveYears to be in good region of GDP growth... that is above 5% .... and then there is Redemption of Loans and the good old FATF behaving like an expensive mistress never happy with anything...never in the mood... asking ever more things for the delight in return!

PulwamaDrama... IAF's killing OurTrees and Murdering OurCrow... landslide Victory for Modi.... SwiftRetort proved a Dangerous Fact... there is NO Hegemon... that India cann't impose its will on Pakistan.

It is now split milk talking about we should downed 9 IAF fighters instead of 2.... we can feed this spilt milk to dog or a cat..but cats are selecitve...

We dominated the Escalation Ladder... proved to the good Indians and IndiaPhraandz... that StatusQuo is the Rules of the Game!

Back to drawing boards...

India did a paper excercise of annexation of IoJK... trying to pre-empt the US exit from Kabulistan.... and put PakKashmiris in Lockdown...they are still in LockDown...

The good Indians took 14.000 young PakKashmiris and where they are... only the good Indians know...

PMIK made his speech in the UN and has successfully put a harpoon in the side of FacistModi the Hitler of the East.... and the harpoon is still there...

No O-I-See meeting... is more than obvious that we, Pak and PakKashmiris are alone in this... save China, Turkiye and Malaysia... we are ALONE nevertheless!

Now that stunt of PulwamaDrama might have gotten Modi a landslide ... but the Indian economy was already tanking before that... @CrazyZ @BHarwana

Since, the FacistRegime has grander agenda it launched CAA to the horrors of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... who took to the streets... and those MuslimWomen of MaqboozaDelhi sat there protesting... a lot of liberal joined... but what actually came out of it?

The IndianMonk in UP unleashed his FacistPolice on the protesting Muslims.... the good GoraMedia wrote about the brutalities of the good IndianMonk and his FacistPolice... what came out of it? Nothing...

KhooniVirus came as blessing for Modi... now he can lockdown 1.3Bln good Indians and none to protest about CAA...

The flip side is that the Modi Regime has to borrow from its CentralBank.. printing money that is... and Indian GDP keeps tanking further with many BlackHoles in its BankingSector... the jobless growth of previous two/three years is now coming home to roost...with ever increasing number of jobless young good Indians....

And even in this Reign of KhooniVirus the Hindutva/FacistRegime has been trying to frame Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan one way or the other.... economic bycott of msulims is all the rage in India.... with fruit/veg sellers putting on the Saffron Flag to Identify that they are Indians and not muslims....

Lockdown... will end... but when it ends ... India will be facing some severe economic and social challenges.... CAA is not implemented yet...

It is imperative to understand that the Delhi Pogrom started when the POTUS was in town.. that goes on to show the level of confidence that the FacistRegime and its StateApparatus feels... especially now that the CombinedWest is all hell bent to 'punish' China....

The good Indians feel that their market value has gone up in this scenario...and the prospects of some manufacturing coming there way.... mouthwatering....

Kabulistan is going to be left to its own devices...accelerated by the KhooniVirus... Persia has a footprint there... so some proxies fights..like the good old days.... thought Taliban of today are NOT the Talibans of olden years.... On with Fencing!

Oil is Cheap. Oil is now going to be Cheap for sometime.... GCC can only afford so many expats working there.... KhooniVirus and CheapOil... eating GDP everywhere... The GreatShrink might turn into the GreatDepression....

That would essentially mean lack of Forex for Pakistan...already in deeply distressed state... also for the Indian Forex as well... but to a lesser degree...the good Indians still count $500+Bln in their Forex...

Pakistan's internal political unstability will gain more momentum...given the nature of Khottaism of the pervailing Khottacracy called JumWhoriat.... cherry on top is the Judiciary which is now fashioning itself int the mirror as ThePowerCentre of the PakState....

Already all instituition are hollowed out...effectively turning Pakistan into SoftState...that cann't even prosecute an EconomicTerrorist even when it holds all the smoking guns in its hands...

In this backdrop if the social unrest or deep recession hit India badly .... Modi will go for a Grand Distraction ...unlike PulwamaDrama... this time the FacistRegime needs to frame PakKashmiris, Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan into one Giant Villian...

FATF is some months away... PulwamaDrama happened before the UN vote...which China Vetoed in our favour... then was FATF .... we got saved by the skin of our teeth!

Pakistan is hit so hard with EconomicTerrorism and the CriminalEnterprise that stability and economic growth will take all the strength and effort we can muster...

And this financial year we have to redeem more debt and service the interest as well....

Pakistan is in pretty bad shape on many fronts... it is a FACT that we better see as it is....

With the US now fully supporting India and bent on creating a counter-weight to China ..the same way it used China as counterweight against the Soviets.... Balance of Power ...well... on paper at least...

Hence, India is in a better negotiation position with the CombinedWest ... and we are NOT.

We need to take the rhetoric of attacking GB/AJK seriously....

Attacks in Balochistan and former FATA will continue...might expand.... Fenching...Fencing... Fencing...

As long as Pakistan is miltarily strong enough to punch back... India will remain chained to the dust plains of Gangees... not even a strong regional power... SwiftRetort showed that the Emperor has no cloths...

All we hear now is:

Eik F sola ka sawal hae baba, eik F sola dae dae, baba (Credit: PaaJee @SIPRA )

All those IndianConcentrationCamps and those warnings from GenocideWatch.... Delhi Pogrom ... still nothing from the CombinedWest in form sanctions/reprimands... NOTHING!

This all provides India a window of opportunity... perhaps, very last window of opportunity to engage in Intense Limited War with Pakistan... to weaken or cripple OurArmedForces... but it needs a context far bigger than PulwamaDrama!

EconomicDepression/Recession... highest percentage of jobless young Indian... CAA, IoJK... CheapOil... Good Forex... and should things go hot internallly for the FacistRegime... then a Grand Distraction...

After PulwamaDrama the good Indians are already conditioned by their media... so if a Series of Massive FalseFlags were to happen then Modi will be 'forced' to take punitive actions against the 'tarrorishts'

The most likely theatre appears to be AJK/GB... we need to understand there is strategy behind the brave IndianArmy tragetting PakCivilians... the good Indians want to create an exodus of PakCivilians and might push PakKashmiris in...

North is the logical Indian target... should it succeed ..it will cut off CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan linkage by land... which the CombinedWest also won't mind at all...

Our Navy is still in the process of modernising..and all assets are in the Future...

PAF is good...but could be much better with 50 odd Blk3.

The new tank deal for PA is great...but its delivery is in the Future too...

All these factors make it likely that the FacistRegime will give it one last shot to get out of the StatusQuo of FrozenWar...and Hindutva might be willing to Open the Giant Can of Worms... leveraging its better negotiating position with the CombinedWest....

Funnily, enought the window of opportunity for the CominedWest to box China is also closing fast...as China climbs the ladder of TechnoFeudalHierachy and starts to become Techological Independent Actor.... China needs max five years to change the equation of TechnoFeudalHierachy ....

In other words alot of Strategic Interests of the CombinedWest and India align rather well...

Will it remain a Intense Limited War?

Victtory for Pakistan is quite simple: Keeping the Boundaries of Pakistan intact and keeping PakArmedForces highly functional after such an imposed war.

What could be classified as Victory for India?

Unless, Pakistan has developed DisruptiveWarfighting strategies and tactics... a standard StatuQuo ClockworkWarFighting is going to be very expensive....

CheapOil n KhooniVirus!!!


@StormBreaker @Reddington @Blacklight
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KhooniVirus making rounds, killing people, locking the down...and in the process eating GDP of everyone... creating millions upon millions jobless people..

For now we only see CeaseFireLine on permanent high temperature.... TrenchWarfare tit-for-tat... the brave Indians killing PakCivilians... PA responding robustly...but with extra care...since the valiant Indians have positioned themselves among PakKashmiris in IoJK...

All Activity...but no Movement from either side.

StatusQuo of being stuck in the TrenchWarfare on the CeaseFireLine....

In essence an Inertia....

The KillerVirus has done great damage to PakEconomy already
...and when the lockdown ends ..it will take FiveYears to be in good region of GDP growth... that is above 5% .... and then there is Redemption of Loans and the good old FATF behaving like an expensive mistress never happy with anything...never in the mood... asking ever more things for the delight in return!

PulwamaDrama... IAF's killing OurTrees and Murdering OurCrow... landslide Victory for Modi.... SwiftRetort proved a Dangerous Fact... there is NO Hegemon... that India cann't impose its will on Pakistan.

It is now split milk talking about we should downed 9 IAF fighters instead of 2
.... we can feed this spilt milk to dog or a cat..but cats are selecitve...

We dominated the Escalation Ladder... proved to the good Indians and IndiaPhraandz... that StatusQuo is the Rules of the Game!

Back to drawing boards...

India did a paper excercise of annexation of IoJK... trying to pre-empt the US exit from Kabulistan.... and put PakKashmiris in Lockdown...they are still in LockDown...

The good Indians took 14.000 young PakKashmiris and where they are... only the good Indians know...

PMIK made his speech in the UN and has successfully put a harpoon in the side of FacistModi the Hitler of the East.... and the harpoon is still there...

No O-I-See meeting... is more than obvious that we, Pak and PakKashmiris are alone in this... save China, Turkiye and Malaysia... we are ALONE nevertheless!

Now that stunt of PulwamaDrama might have gotten Modi a landslide ... but the Indian economy was already tanking before that... @CrazyZ @BHarwana

Since, the FacistRegime has grander agenda it launched CAA to the horrors of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... who took to the streets... and those MuslimWomen of MaqboozaDelhi sat there protesting... a lot of liberal joined... but what actually came out of it?

The IndianMonk in UP unleashed his FacistPolice on the protesting Muslims.... the good GoraMedia wrote about the brutalities of the good IndianMonk and his FacistPolice... what came out of it? Nothing...

KhooniVirus came as blessing for Modi... now he can lockdown 1.3Bln good Indians and none to protest about CAA...

The flip side is that the Modi Regime has to borrow from its CentralBank.. printing money that is... and Indian GDP keeps tanking further with many BlackHoles in its BankingSector... the jobless growth of previous two/three years is now coming home to roost...with ever increasing number of jobless young good Indians....

And even in this Reign of KhooniVirus the Hindutva/FacistRegime has been trying to frame Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan one way or the other.... economic bycott of msulims is all the rage in India.... with fruit/veg sellers putting on the Saffron Flag to Identify that they are Indians and not muslims....

Lockdown... will end... but when it ends ... India will be facing some severe economic and social challenges.... CAA is not implemented yet...

It is imperative to understand that the Delhi Pogrom started when the POTUS was in town.. that goes on to show the level of confidence that the FacistRegime and its StateApparatus feels... especially now that the CombinedWest is all hell bent to 'punish' China....

The good Indians feel that their market value has gone up in this scenario
...and the prospects of some manufacturing coming there way.... mouthwatering....

Kabulistan is going to be left to its own devices...accelerated by the KhooniVirus... Persia has a footprint there... so some proxies fights..like the good old days.... thought Taliban of today are NOT the Talibans of olden years.... On with Fencing!

Oil is Cheap. Oil is now going to be Cheap for sometime.... GCC can only afford so many expats working there.... KhooniVirus and CheapOil... eating GDP everywhere... The GreatShrink might turn into the GreatDepression....

That would essentially mean lack of Forex for Pakistan...already in deeply distressed state... also for the Indian Forex as well... but to a lesser degree...the good Indians still count $500+Bln in their Forex...

Pakistan's internal political unstability will gain more momentum...given the nature of Khottaism of the pervailing Khottacracy called JumWhoriat.... cherry on top is the Judiciary which is now fashioning itself int the mirror as ThePowerCentre of the PakState....

Already all instituition are hollowed out...effectively turning Pakistan into SoftState...that cann't even prosecute an EconomicTerrorist even when it holds all the smoking guns in its hands...

In this backdrop if the social unrest or deep recession hit India badly .... Modi will go for a Grand Distraction ...unlike PulwamaDrama... this time the FacistRegime needs to frame PakKashmiris, Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan into one Giant Villian...

FATF is some months away... PulwamaDrama happened before the UN vote...which China Vetoed in our favour... then was FATF .... we got saved by the skin of our teeth!

Pakistan is hit so hard with EconomicTerrorism and the CriminalEnterprise
that stability and economic growth will take all the strength and effort we can muster...

And this financial year we have to redeem more debt and service the interest as well....

Pakistan is in pretty bad shape on many fronts... it is a FACT that we better see as it is....

With the US now fully supporting India and bent on creating a counter-weight to China ..the same way it used China as counterweight against the Soviets.... Balance of Power ...well... on paper at least...

Hence, India is in a better negotiation position with the CombinedWest ... and we are NOT.

We need to take the rhetoric of attacking GB/AJK seriously....

Attacks in Balochistan and former FATA will continue...might expand.... Fenching...Fencing... Fencing...

As long as Pakistan is miltarily strong enough to punch back... India will remain chained to the dust plains of Gangees... not even a strong regional power... SwiftRetort showed that the Emperor has no cloths...

All we hear now is:

Eik F sola ka sawal hae baba, eik F sola dae dae, baba
(Credit: PaaJee @SIPRA )

All those IndianConcentrationCamps and those warnings from GenocideWatch.... Delhi Pogrom ... still nothing from the CombinedWest in form sanctions/reprimands... NOTHING!

This all provides India a window of opportunity... perhaps, very last window of opportunity to engage in Intense Limited War with Pakistan... to weaken or cripple OurArmedForces... but it needs a context far bigger than PulwamaDrama!

EconomicDepression/Recession... highest percentage of jobless young Indian... CAA, IoJK... CheapOil... Good Forex... and should things go hot internallly for the FacistRegime... then a Grand Distraction...

After PulwamaDrama the good Indians are already conditioned by their media
... so if a Series of Massive FalseFlags were to happen then Modi will be 'forced' to take punitive actions against the 'tarrorishts'

The most likely theatre appears to be AJK/GB... we need to understand there is strategy behind the brave IndianArmy tragetting PakCivilians... the good Indians want to create an exodus of PakCivilians and might push PakKashmiris in...

North is the logical Indian target... should it succeed ..it will cut off CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan linkage by land... which the CombinedWest also won't mind at all...

Our Navy is still in the process of modernising..and all assets are in the Future...

PAF is good...but could be much better with 50 odd Blk3.

The new tank deal for PA is great...but its delivery is in the Future too...

All these factors make it likely that the FacistRegime will give it one last shot to get out of the StatusQuo of FrozenWar...and Hindutva might be willing to Open the Giant Can of Worms... leveraging its better negotiating position with the CombinedWest....

Funnily, enought the window of opportunity for the CominedWest to box China is also closing fast...as China climbs the ladder of TechnoFeudalHierachy and starts to become Techological Independent Actor.... China needs max five years to change the equation of TechnoFeudalHierachy ....

In other words alot of Strategic Interests of the CombinedWest and India align rather well...

Will it remain a Intense Limited War?

Victtory for Pakistan is quite simple: Keeping the Boundaries of Pakistan intact and keeping PakArmedForces highly functional after such an imposed war.

What could be classified as Victory for India?

Unless, Pakistan has developed DisruptiveWarfighting strategies and tactics... a standard StatuQuo ClockworkWarFighting is going to be very expensive....



@StormBreaker @Reddington @Blacklight

Both Nations dont have the money to fight even a limited WAR for now- "Peace is calmness and tranquility, a time when there are no wars going on or the state of having no war or conflict. An example of peace is a feeling you have on a quiet Sunday morning as you sit on a deck in the woods and watch the birds.
There are 2 kinds of nations who can fight war...Either you can be super rich like US or China or kind of NK or from the troubled region of Syria who can think of fighting war...Rest will have a chance to kill each other in PDF only..
KhooniVirus making rounds, killing people, locking the down...and in the process eating GDP of everyone... creating millions upon millions jobless people..

For now we only see CeaseFireLine on permanent high temperature.... TrenchWarfare tit-for-tat... the brave Indians killing PakCivilians... PA responding robustly...but with extra care...since the valiant Indians have positioned themselves among PakKashmiris in IoJK...

All Activity...but no Movement from either side.

StatusQuo of being stuck in the TrenchWarfare on the CeaseFireLine....

In essence an Inertia....

The KillerVirus has done great damage to PakEconomy already
...and when the lockdown ends ..it will take FiveYears to be in good region of GDP growth... that is above 5% .... and then there is Redemption of Loans and the good old FATF behaving like an expensive mistress never happy with anything...never in the mood... asking ever more things for the delight in return!

PulwamaDrama... IAF's killing OurTrees and Murdering OurCrow... landslide Victory for Modi.... SwiftRetort proved a Dangerous Fact... there is NO Hegemon... that India cann't impose its will on Pakistan.

It is now split milk talking about we should downed 9 IAF fighters instead of 2
.... we can feed this spilt milk to dog or a cat..but cats are selecitve...

We dominated the Escalation Ladder... proved to the good Indians and IndiaPhraandz... that StatusQuo is the Rules of the Game!

Back to drawing boards...

India did a paper excercise of annexation of IoJK... trying to pre-empt the US exit from Kabulistan.... and put PakKashmiris in Lockdown...they are still in LockDown...

The good Indians took 14.000 young PakKashmiris and where they are... only the good Indians know...

PMIK made his speech in the UN and has successfully put a harpoon in the side of FacistModi the Hitler of the East.... and the harpoon is still there...

No O-I-See meeting... is more than obvious that we, Pak and PakKashmiris are alone in this... save China, Turkiye and Malaysia... we are ALONE nevertheless!

Now that stunt of PulwamaDrama might have gotten Modi a landslide ... but the Indian economy was already tanking before that... @CrazyZ @BHarwana

Since, the FacistRegime has grander agenda it launched CAA to the horrors of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... who took to the streets... and those MuslimWomen of MaqboozaDelhi sat there protesting... a lot of liberal joined... but what actually came out of it?

The IndianMonk in UP unleashed his FacistPolice on the protesting Muslims.... the good GoraMedia wrote about the brutalities of the good IndianMonk and his FacistPolice... what came out of it? Nothing...

KhooniVirus came as blessing for Modi... now he can lockdown 1.3Bln good Indians and none to protest about CAA...

The flip side is that the Modi Regime has to borrow from its CentralBank.. printing money that is... and Indian GDP keeps tanking further with many BlackHoles in its BankingSector... the jobless growth of previous two/three years is now coming home to roost...with ever increasing number of jobless young good Indians....

And even in this Reign of KhooniVirus the Hindutva/FacistRegime has been trying to frame Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan one way or the other.... economic bycott of msulims is all the rage in India.... with fruit/veg sellers putting on the Saffron Flag to Identify that they are Indians and not muslims....

Lockdown... will end... but when it ends ... India will be facing some severe economic and social challenges.... CAA is not implemented yet...

It is imperative to understand that the Delhi Pogrom started when the POTUS was in town.. that goes on to show the level of confidence that the FacistRegime and its StateApparatus feels... especially now that the CombinedWest is all hell bent to 'punish' China....

The good Indians feel that their market value has gone up in this scenario
...and the prospects of some manufacturing coming there way.... mouthwatering....

Kabulistan is going to be left to its own devices...accelerated by the KhooniVirus... Persia has a footprint there... so some proxies fights..like the good old days.... thought Taliban of today are NOT the Talibans of olden years.... On with Fencing!

Oil is Cheap. Oil is now going to be Cheap for sometime.... GCC can only afford so many expats working there.... KhooniVirus and CheapOil... eating GDP everywhere... The GreatShrink might turn into the GreatDepression....

That would essentially mean lack of Forex for Pakistan...already in deeply distressed state... also for the Indian Forex as well... but to a lesser degree...the good Indians still count $500+Bln in their Forex...

Pakistan's internal political unstability will gain more momentum...given the nature of Khottaism of the pervailing Khottacracy called JumWhoriat.... cherry on top is the Judiciary which is now fashioning itself int the mirror as ThePowerCentre of the PakState....

Already all instituition are hollowed out...effectively turning Pakistan into SoftState...that cann't even prosecute an EconomicTerrorist even when it holds all the smoking guns in its hands...

In this backdrop if the social unrest or deep recession hit India badly .... Modi will go for a Grand Distraction ...unlike PulwamaDrama... this time the FacistRegime needs to frame PakKashmiris, Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan into one Giant Villian...

FATF is some months away... PulwamaDrama happened before the UN vote...which China Vetoed in our favour... then was FATF .... we got saved by the skin of our teeth!

Pakistan is hit so hard with EconomicTerrorism and the CriminalEnterprise
that stability and economic growth will take all the strength and effort we can muster...

And this financial year we have to redeem more debt and service the interest as well....

Pakistan is in pretty bad shape on many fronts... it is a FACT that we better see as it is....

With the US now fully supporting India and bent on creating a counter-weight to China ..the same way it used China as counterweight against the Soviets.... Balance of Power ...well... on paper at least...

Hence, India is in a better negotiation position with the CombinedWest ... and we are NOT.

We need to take the rhetoric of attacking GB/AJK seriously....

Attacks in Balochistan and former FATA will continue...might expand.... Fenching...Fencing... Fencing...

As long as Pakistan is miltarily strong enough to punch back... India will remain chained to the dust plains of Gangees... not even a strong regional power... SwiftRetort showed that the Emperor has no cloths...

All we hear now is:

Eik F sola ka sawal hae baba, eik F sola dae dae, baba
(Credit: PaaJee @SIPRA )

All those IndianConcentrationCamps and those warnings from GenocideWatch.... Delhi Pogrom ... still nothing from the CombinedWest in form sanctions/reprimands... NOTHING!

This all provides India a window of opportunity... perhaps, very last window of opportunity to engage in Intense Limited War with Pakistan... to weaken or cripple OurArmedForces... but it needs a context far bigger than PulwamaDrama!

EconomicDepression/Recession... highest percentage of jobless young Indian... CAA, IoJK... CheapOil... Good Forex... and should things go hot internallly for the FacistRegime... then a Grand Distraction...

After PulwamaDrama the good Indians are already conditioned by their media
... so if a Series of Massive FalseFlags were to happen then Modi will be 'forced' to take punitive actions against the 'tarrorishts'

The most likely theatre appears to be AJK/GB... we need to understand there is strategy behind the brave IndianArmy tragetting PakCivilians... the good Indians want to create an exodus of PakCivilians and might push PakKashmiris in...

North is the logical Indian target... should it succeed ..it will cut off CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan linkage by land... which the CombinedWest also won't mind at all...

Our Navy is still in the process of modernising..and all assets are in the Future...

PAF is good...but could be much better with 50 odd Blk3.

The new tank deal for PA is great...but its delivery is in the Future too...

All these factors make it likely that the FacistRegime will give it one last shot to get out of the StatusQuo of FrozenWar...and Hindutva might be willing to Open the Giant Can of Worms... leveraging its better negotiating position with the CombinedWest....

Funnily, enought the window of opportunity for the CominedWest to box China is also closing fast...as China climbs the ladder of TechnoFeudalHierachy and starts to become Techological Independent Actor.... China needs max five years to change the equation of TechnoFeudalHierachy ....

In other words alot of Strategic Interests of the CombinedWest and India align rather well...

Will it remain a Intense Limited War?

Victtory for Pakistan is quite simple: Keeping the Boundaries of Pakistan intact and keeping PakArmedForces highly functional after such an imposed war.

What could be classified as Victory for India?

Unless, Pakistan has developed DisruptiveWarfighting strategies and tactics... a standard StatuQuo ClockworkWarFighting is going to be very expensive....



@StormBreaker @Reddington @Blacklight
Cancellation of gangu H1B visas, economic woes, political backlash for the monkeys in power, are random reasons that come to mind.

What I am divided about is not how China will support us, will China also open another front and take their share of Kashmir as well?
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Good points. We should encourage political and economic instability in India. High employment will definitely increase political instability. In order to keep the poor masses from revolting against them.....the BJP will push sectarian conflict against Muslims. I don't think they will seek direct conflict against Pakistan.....not until Modi is up for re-election.
KhooniVirus making rounds, killing people, locking the down...and in the process eating GDP of everyone... creating millions upon millions jobless people..

For now we only see CeaseFireLine on permanent high temperature.... TrenchWarfare tit-for-tat... the brave Indians killing PakCivilians... PA responding robustly...but with extra care...since the valiant Indians have positioned themselves among PakKashmiris in IoJK...

All Activity...but no Movement from either side.

StatusQuo of being stuck in the TrenchWarfare on the CeaseFireLine....

In essence an Inertia....

The KillerVirus has done great damage to PakEconomy already
...and when the lockdown ends ..it will take FiveYears to be in good region of GDP growth... that is above 5% .... and then there is Redemption of Loans and the good old FATF behaving like an expensive mistress never happy with anything...never in the mood... asking ever more things for the delight in return!

PulwamaDrama... IAF's killing OurTrees and Murdering OurCrow... landslide Victory for Modi.... SwiftRetort proved a Dangerous Fact... there is NO Hegemon... that India cann't impose its will on Pakistan.

It is now split milk talking about we should downed 9 IAF fighters instead of 2
.... we can feed this spilt milk to dog or a cat..but cats are selecitve...

We dominated the Escalation Ladder... proved to the good Indians and IndiaPhraandz... that StatusQuo is the Rules of the Game!

Back to drawing boards...

India did a paper excercise of annexation of IoJK... trying to pre-empt the US exit from Kabulistan.... and put PakKashmiris in Lockdown...they are still in LockDown...

The good Indians took 14.000 young PakKashmiris and where they are... only the good Indians know...

PMIK made his speech in the UN and has successfully put a harpoon in the side of FacistModi the Hitler of the East.... and the harpoon is still there...

No O-I-See meeting... is more than obvious that we, Pak and PakKashmiris are alone in this... save China, Turkiye and Malaysia... we are ALONE nevertheless!

Now that stunt of PulwamaDrama might have gotten Modi a landslide ... but the Indian economy was already tanking before that... @CrazyZ @BHarwana

Since, the FacistRegime has grander agenda it launched CAA to the horrors of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... who took to the streets... and those MuslimWomen of MaqboozaDelhi sat there protesting... a lot of liberal joined... but what actually came out of it?

The IndianMonk in UP unleashed his FacistPolice on the protesting Muslims.... the good GoraMedia wrote about the brutalities of the good IndianMonk and his FacistPolice... what came out of it? Nothing...

KhooniVirus came as blessing for Modi... now he can lockdown 1.3Bln good Indians and none to protest about CAA...

The flip side is that the Modi Regime has to borrow from its CentralBank.. printing money that is... and Indian GDP keeps tanking further with many BlackHoles in its BankingSector... the jobless growth of previous two/three years is now coming home to roost...with ever increasing number of jobless young good Indians....

And even in this Reign of KhooniVirus the Hindutva/FacistRegime has been trying to frame Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan one way or the other.... economic bycott of msulims is all the rage in India.... with fruit/veg sellers putting on the Saffron Flag to Identify that they are Indians and not muslims....

Lockdown... will end... but when it ends ... India will be facing some severe economic and social challenges.... CAA is not implemented yet...

It is imperative to understand that the Delhi Pogrom started when the POTUS was in town.. that goes on to show the level of confidence that the FacistRegime and its StateApparatus feels... especially now that the CombinedWest is all hell bent to 'punish' China....

The good Indians feel that their market value has gone up in this scenario
...and the prospects of some manufacturing coming there way.... mouthwatering....

Kabulistan is going to be left to its own devices...accelerated by the KhooniVirus... Persia has a footprint there... so some proxies fights..like the good old days.... thought Taliban of today are NOT the Talibans of olden years.... On with Fencing!

Oil is Cheap. Oil is now going to be Cheap for sometime.... GCC can only afford so many expats working there.... KhooniVirus and CheapOil... eating GDP everywhere... The GreatShrink might turn into the GreatDepression....

That would essentially mean lack of Forex for Pakistan...already in deeply distressed state... also for the Indian Forex as well... but to a lesser degree...the good Indians still count $500+Bln in their Forex...

Pakistan's internal political unstability will gain more momentum...given the nature of Khottaism of the pervailing Khottacracy called JumWhoriat.... cherry on top is the Judiciary which is now fashioning itself int the mirror as ThePowerCentre of the PakState....

Already all instituition are hollowed out...effectively turning Pakistan into SoftState...that cann't even prosecute an EconomicTerrorist even when it holds all the smoking guns in its hands...

In this backdrop if the social unrest or deep recession hit India badly .... Modi will go for a Grand Distraction ...unlike PulwamaDrama... this time the FacistRegime needs to frame PakKashmiris, Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan into one Giant Villian...

FATF is some months away... PulwamaDrama happened before the UN vote...which China Vetoed in our favour... then was FATF .... we got saved by the skin of our teeth!

Pakistan is hit so hard with EconomicTerrorism and the CriminalEnterprise
that stability and economic growth will take all the strength and effort we can muster...

And this financial year we have to redeem more debt and service the interest as well....

Pakistan is in pretty bad shape on many fronts... it is a FACT that we better see as it is....

With the US now fully supporting India and bent on creating a counter-weight to China ..the same way it used China as counterweight against the Soviets.... Balance of Power ...well... on paper at least...

Hence, India is in a better negotiation position with the CombinedWest ... and we are NOT.

We need to take the rhetoric of attacking GB/AJK seriously....

Attacks in Balochistan and former FATA will continue...might expand.... Fenching...Fencing... Fencing...

As long as Pakistan is miltarily strong enough to punch back... India will remain chained to the dust plains of Gangees... not even a strong regional power... SwiftRetort showed that the Emperor has no cloths...

All we hear now is:

Eik F sola ka sawal hae baba, eik F sola dae dae, baba
(Credit: PaaJee @SIPRA )

All those IndianConcentrationCamps and those warnings from GenocideWatch.... Delhi Pogrom ... still nothing from the CombinedWest in form sanctions/reprimands... NOTHING!

This all provides India a window of opportunity... perhaps, very last window of opportunity to engage in Intense Limited War with Pakistan... to weaken or cripple OurArmedForces... but it needs a context far bigger than PulwamaDrama!

EconomicDepression/Recession... highest percentage of jobless young Indian... CAA, IoJK... CheapOil... Good Forex... and should things go hot internallly for the FacistRegime... then a Grand Distraction...

After PulwamaDrama the good Indians are already conditioned by their media
... so if a Series of Massive FalseFlags were to happen then Modi will be 'forced' to take punitive actions against the 'tarrorishts'

The most likely theatre appears to be AJK/GB... we need to understand there is strategy behind the brave IndianArmy tragetting PakCivilians... the good Indians want to create an exodus of PakCivilians and might push PakKashmiris in...

North is the logical Indian target... should it succeed ..it will cut off CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan linkage by land... which the CombinedWest also won't mind at all...

Our Navy is still in the process of modernising..and all assets are in the Future...

PAF is good...but could be much better with 50 odd Blk3.

The new tank deal for PA is great...but its delivery is in the Future too...

All these factors make it likely that the FacistRegime will give it one last shot to get out of the StatusQuo of FrozenWar...and Hindutva might be willing to Open the Giant Can of Worms... leveraging its better negotiating position with the CombinedWest....

Funnily, enought the window of opportunity for the CominedWest to box China is also closing fast...as China climbs the ladder of TechnoFeudalHierachy and starts to become Techological Independent Actor.... China needs max five years to change the equation of TechnoFeudalHierachy ....

In other words alot of Strategic Interests of the CombinedWest and India align rather well...

Will it remain a Intense Limited War?

Victtory for Pakistan is quite simple: Keeping the Boundaries of Pakistan intact and keeping PakArmedForces highly functional after such an imposed war.

What could be classified as Victory for India?

Unless, Pakistan has developed DisruptiveWarfighting strategies and tactics... a standard StatuQuo ClockworkWarFighting is going to be very expensive....



@StormBreaker @Reddington @Blacklight

I hate war, including between Pakistan and India. I actually would love to see a brotherly existence between us, But, since Modi came to power and Hindutva agenda has set its roots everywhere in India, I have been desperately waiting for a proper war, but a war instigated by India, not Pakistan. We already have enough opponents, we cannot afford to enter a war where we are seen as the aggressor.

Among Indians, there is this fantasy-based superiority complex that refuses to go away, even after we have slapped them back so many times. These people need to be taught a hard lesson, perhaps after that, we can have a peaceful future.

I honestly cannot find another solution to the future of South Asia. It’s like in Europe they went through two world wars before realising that peace is the only solution, I hope one war will be enough for the Indians, and they will realise that we must live in peace.
A full scale conventional war would definitely become a full scale nuclear war. Both parties know that and both parties will avoid that. MAD...
Looks like the Coronavirus needs to get even more lethal...

The coronavirus will decide the outcome...
A full scale conventional war would definitely become a full scale nuclear war. Both parties know that and both parties will avoid that. MAD...

Though the RSS Nazi swines are literally 'MAD' to have gone this far, they are egging for war.. they do not have the cognitive capacity to think rationally, likewise they probably think radiation fallout will not apply to them.
KhooniVirus making rounds, killing people, locking the down...and in the process eating GDP of everyone... creating millions upon millions jobless people..

For now we only see CeaseFireLine on permanent high temperature.... TrenchWarfare tit-for-tat... the brave Indians killing PakCivilians... PA responding robustly...but with extra care...since the valiant Indians have positioned themselves among PakKashmiris in IoJK...

All Activity...but no Movement from either side.

StatusQuo of being stuck in the TrenchWarfare on the CeaseFireLine....

In essence an Inertia....

The KillerVirus has done great damage to PakEconomy already
...and when the lockdown ends ..it will take FiveYears to be in good region of GDP growth... that is above 5% .... and then there is Redemption of Loans and the good old FATF behaving like an expensive mistress never happy with anything...never in the mood... asking ever more things for the delight in return!

PulwamaDrama... IAF's killing OurTrees and Murdering OurCrow... landslide Victory for Modi.... SwiftRetort proved a Dangerous Fact... there is NO Hegemon... that India cann't impose its will on Pakistan.

It is now split milk talking about we should downed 9 IAF fighters instead of 2
.... we can feed this spilt milk to dog or a cat..but cats are selecitve...

We dominated the Escalation Ladder... proved to the good Indians and IndiaPhraandz... that StatusQuo is the Rules of the Game!

Back to drawing boards...

India did a paper excercise of annexation of IoJK... trying to pre-empt the US exit from Kabulistan.... and put PakKashmiris in Lockdown...they are still in LockDown...

The good Indians took 14.000 young PakKashmiris and where they are... only the good Indians know...

PMIK made his speech in the UN and has successfully put a harpoon in the side of FacistModi the Hitler of the East.... and the harpoon is still there...

No O-I-See meeting... is more than obvious that we, Pak and PakKashmiris are alone in this... save China, Turkiye and Malaysia... we are ALONE nevertheless!

Now that stunt of PulwamaDrama might have gotten Modi a landslide ... but the Indian economy was already tanking before that... @CrazyZ @BHarwana

Since, the FacistRegime has grander agenda it launched CAA to the horrors of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan... who took to the streets... and those MuslimWomen of MaqboozaDelhi sat there protesting... a lot of liberal joined... but what actually came out of it?

The IndianMonk in UP unleashed his FacistPolice on the protesting Muslims.... the good GoraMedia wrote about the brutalities of the good IndianMonk and his FacistPolice... what came out of it? Nothing...

KhooniVirus came as blessing for Modi... now he can lockdown 1.3Bln good Indians and none to protest about CAA...

The flip side is that the Modi Regime has to borrow from its CentralBank.. printing money that is... and Indian GDP keeps tanking further with many BlackHoles in its BankingSector... the jobless growth of previous two/three years is now coming home to roost...with ever increasing number of jobless young good Indians....

And even in this Reign of KhooniVirus the Hindutva/FacistRegime has been trying to frame Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan one way or the other.... economic bycott of msulims is all the rage in India.... with fruit/veg sellers putting on the Saffron Flag to Identify that they are Indians and not muslims....

Lockdown... will end... but when it ends ... India will be facing some severe economic and social challenges.... CAA is not implemented yet...

It is imperative to understand that the Delhi Pogrom started when the POTUS was in town.. that goes on to show the level of confidence that the FacistRegime and its StateApparatus feels... especially now that the CombinedWest is all hell bent to 'punish' China....

The good Indians feel that their market value has gone up in this scenario
...and the prospects of some manufacturing coming there way.... mouthwatering....

Kabulistan is going to be left to its own devices...accelerated by the KhooniVirus... Persia has a footprint there... so some proxies fights..like the good old days.... thought Taliban of today are NOT the Talibans of olden years.... On with Fencing!

Oil is Cheap. Oil is now going to be Cheap for sometime.... GCC can only afford so many expats working there.... KhooniVirus and CheapOil... eating GDP everywhere... The GreatShrink might turn into the GreatDepression....

That would essentially mean lack of Forex for Pakistan...already in deeply distressed state... also for the Indian Forex as well... but to a lesser degree...the good Indians still count $500+Bln in their Forex...

Pakistan's internal political unstability will gain more momentum...given the nature of Khottaism of the pervailing Khottacracy called JumWhoriat.... cherry on top is the Judiciary which is now fashioning itself int the mirror as ThePowerCentre of the PakState....

Already all instituition are hollowed out...effectively turning Pakistan into SoftState...that cann't even prosecute an EconomicTerrorist even when it holds all the smoking guns in its hands...

In this backdrop if the social unrest or deep recession hit India badly .... Modi will go for a Grand Distraction ...unlike PulwamaDrama... this time the FacistRegime needs to frame PakKashmiris, Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan into one Giant Villian...

FATF is some months away... PulwamaDrama happened before the UN vote...which China Vetoed in our favour... then was FATF .... we got saved by the skin of our teeth!

Pakistan is hit so hard with EconomicTerrorism and the CriminalEnterprise
that stability and economic growth will take all the strength and effort we can muster...

And this financial year we have to redeem more debt and service the interest as well....

Pakistan is in pretty bad shape on many fronts... it is a FACT that we better see as it is....

With the US now fully supporting India and bent on creating a counter-weight to China ..the same way it used China as counterweight against the Soviets.... Balance of Power ...well... on paper at least...

Hence, India is in a better negotiation position with the CombinedWest ... and we are NOT.

We need to take the rhetoric of attacking GB/AJK seriously....

Attacks in Balochistan and former FATA will continue...might expand.... Fenching...Fencing... Fencing...

As long as Pakistan is miltarily strong enough to punch back... India will remain chained to the dust plains of Gangees... not even a strong regional power... SwiftRetort showed that the Emperor has no cloths...

All we hear now is:

Eik F sola ka sawal hae baba, eik F sola dae dae, baba
(Credit: PaaJee @SIPRA )

All those IndianConcentrationCamps and those warnings from GenocideWatch.... Delhi Pogrom ... still nothing from the CombinedWest in form sanctions/reprimands... NOTHING!

This all provides India a window of opportunity... perhaps, very last window of opportunity to engage in Intense Limited War with Pakistan... to weaken or cripple OurArmedForces... but it needs a context far bigger than PulwamaDrama!

EconomicDepression/Recession... highest percentage of jobless young Indian... CAA, IoJK... CheapOil... Good Forex... and should things go hot internallly for the FacistRegime... then a Grand Distraction...

After PulwamaDrama the good Indians are already conditioned by their media
... so if a Series of Massive FalseFlags were to happen then Modi will be 'forced' to take punitive actions against the 'tarrorishts'

The most likely theatre appears to be AJK/GB... we need to understand there is strategy behind the brave IndianArmy tragetting PakCivilians... the good Indians want to create an exodus of PakCivilians and might push PakKashmiris in...

North is the logical Indian target... should it succeed ..it will cut off CPEC i.e. China and Pakistan linkage by land... which the CombinedWest also won't mind at all...

Our Navy is still in the process of modernising..and all assets are in the Future...

PAF is good...but could be much better with 50 odd Blk3.

The new tank deal for PA is great...but its delivery is in the Future too...

All these factors make it likely that the FacistRegime will give it one last shot to get out of the StatusQuo of FrozenWar...and Hindutva might be willing to Open the Giant Can of Worms... leveraging its better negotiating position with the CombinedWest....

Funnily, enought the window of opportunity for the CominedWest to box China is also closing fast...as China climbs the ladder of TechnoFeudalHierachy and starts to become Techological Independent Actor.... China needs max five years to change the equation of TechnoFeudalHierachy ....

In other words alot of Strategic Interests of the CombinedWest and India align rather well...

Will it remain a Intense Limited War?

Victtory for Pakistan is quite simple: Keeping the Boundaries of Pakistan intact and keeping PakArmedForces highly functional after such an imposed war.

What could be classified as Victory for India?

Unless, Pakistan has developed DisruptiveWarfighting strategies and tactics... a standard StatuQuo ClockworkWarFighting is going to be very expensive....



@StormBreaker @Reddington @Blacklight
You depict Indians ( by Indians you mean Hindus ofc) as some kind of bloodthirsty animals. Assumptions made by you are ludicrous. Modi wins the heart of Hindus by waging a war on Pakistan.

I will cite a historical incident to prove you wrong. Indira Gandhi dis-members Pakistan in 1971 yet lost next election due to issues like inflation, unemployment and corruption.

Lots has changed since 1971. Pakistan has acquired nukes. Modi cannot dismember Pakistan bye means of war. He knows that. If he were be able to do that. It wouldn't win him the elections. Most Hindus prefer economic prosperity over religion. And Hinduism does not grant you paradise for fighting the 'infidels'.

What I find amusing is your annoyance at the West for not delivering justice to Muslims. How many innocent Muslims did the west kill? Why do you want the west to intervene on the behalf of Indian Muslims? Did not the same west approve excesses committed against Hindu populace of erstwhile East Pakistan by it's ally?

Don't cry foul if it grants the same privilege to it's new ally - India.

Especially not when it's not true. Western Media has portrayed recent Delhi riot as some kind of pogrom. The US has put India in it's religious freedom violator's list.

Don't forget Pakistan's economic problems are a bit worse than India's. It needs a war as much as India if not more, to divert attention.
Cancellation of gangu H1B visas, economic woes, political backlash for the monkeys in power, are random reasons that come to mind.

What I am divided about is not how China will support us, will China also open another front and take their share of Kashmir as well?

O yaar,

China Factor really depends upon how much pressure the CombinedWest exerts to retard its forward march... and in which shape/form the valiant Indians take part in it....

For now the Hybridwar on China is just warming up.... I suspect a total Technological Embargo on China... like in the 1980s...

The brovadoz of TwoPhruntWar of the IndianArmyChiefs .... needs study to validate proablities of their capabilities in such a scenario.
Could just be Machoismo for the local consumption...but I doubt it...since, this would be the field for the FacistIndianMedia or their politicoz.

Have a look at the SupplyLines/SeaLinesOfCommunications ...in the AfroPak/AfroAsianOcean.... why is INS so jittery? And look at their purchases of assets.... what does it tell you?

And SouthChinaSea is going to get hotter... maximum pressure point reallly...

In nutshell China will be facing the latest version of the Hybridwar with some innovations in WeaponisedFinance!

This is the backdrop where the good Indians will try to be of use to the CombinedWest ..in AfroAsian/AfroPakOceanRegion.....

PLAAN is already in the AfroPak/AfroAsianOcean for years now...and they are graducally increasing their presence there as well...

In all likelyhood...it is India which will try to leverage its better negotiation position with the CombinedWest and go for an Intense Limited War against Pakistan.... but if this comes combined with INS doing so Bollywood in AfroPak/AfroAsianOcean against the Chinese.... the Chinese will be forced to defend...

Just to recall...very recently the good Indians impounded a HK registered ship which offloaded in Gujarat...and seized an Industrial Dryer...which can be bought from AliBaba...but the good Indians tried to frame it as illegal Sino-Pak nexus in missile tech ....

It was rather agressive move by the good Indians!

ModiRegime has unilaterly declared Ladakh as union territory... and in effect sought to resolve the border issue in Ladakh by default... the Chinese cann't accept this....

So, in short, the involvement of PLA in any Indian adventure against Pakistan is totally dependent what the Indians do the Chinese Interests...

China will do level best to avoid any direct conflict...

This brings back to the idea of DisruptiveWar ....

I believe Pakistan must avoid any form of ClockworkWarfighting and focus only on developing a DisruptiveWarDoctorine ....

All our assets/capabilities are directed towards Defence...even the OffensiveDefence is Defensive by nature...

As said in the OP the window of opportunity is closing fast for the CombinedWest to retard the Chinese Technological clime to the high table... and similary the same window of opportunity for the goood Indians is closing regarding Pakistan...

All Pakistan needs is 5yrs of Stability and economic growth to create momentum for sustained development... Will India allow Pakistan this...and let Pakistan become stronger?

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Just to recall...very recently the good Indians impounded a HK registered ship which offloaded in Gujarat...and seized an Industrial Dryer...which can be bought from AliBaba...but the good Indians tried to frame it as illegal Sino-Pak nexus in missile tech ....

It was rather agressive move by the good Indians!
WeStillHaveTheIndustrialDryer. China Can doNothingAboutIt.
I am against causing corruption on Earth but Justice must prevail. If Hindus start killing muslims left and right and go on a genocide spree, Pakistan has to step in at that point.
Can someone help me put on the priorities/gravitas when this poster writes in
- Default font
- Normal font but higher size
- Bold but in black
- Bold, in black but higher in size
- Default Font but colored
- Default font but colored and higher in size
- Bold, high size and colored

And then add "underline" to permutation and combination. :tsk:

Astonishing to see how much time poster spend on finding the adjectives and coloring them in bold.

Wondering whether he really want to post some message or seek some applause for being creative with words. Looks like poster is in awe of himself.

PS: Sorry for being off topic but its really sore to eyes to read his posts.

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