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What is going on in BURMA and why?? - Zaid Hamid

I was very tensed today then I watched this video and other videos of Zaid Hamid. And I had a great laugh. Now I am so relieved that I can focus on my work. Thanks to Zaid Hamid, many Indians are having daily dose of laughter, which is best medicine, increasing our efficiency and hence helping our country to grow. What an irony. :lol:


BTW why didn't he say anything about Chinese investment in Burma which is much more than India. Also in Afghanistan. Why doesn't he question silence of China on Burmese issue and why is Bangladesh silent too. Their brothers are getting killed there, isn't it their moral duty to save their Muslim brothers.

They show anger and bash India for Gujrat and at the same time don't allow these Rohingyans to get asylum in their country. They show solidarity to Kashmiris, but turn their back on these people when they get chance to help them. Hypocrites.

Also in the pics shown, why were the Abu Gharib prison images shown which has no link with this situation ?

I am happy that people like that engineer, Zaid Hamid etc. gets air time in Pakistan. As long as people like them are in Pakistan, Indians can sleep well. We know these termites will eat the very foundation of Pakistan and make them weaker. Its upto Pakistan to take some action against them or keep helping India indirectly. :enjoy:
Nothing is more harmful than spreading of lies by maniacs. This zahid troll gets too much attention IMHO.
What sins has China done in Myanmar, may I ask, aside from helping them to build up their economy and infrastructure so that their people can have better lives. And we too was dumped for better pastures of the west.

Supporting the junta according to this hate monger's logic. :enjoy:
So this Zaid Hamid is not going to Burma to fight for them?

All he can do is shout in TV studios about India!
u need to read tht in context, its not us calming them as sins ,if thts what u mean.

the statement ur replying to it just rhetorical sarcasm.

No problem at all, I don't even mind China's name to be used as a rhetorical convenience, but the word 'sin' is perhaps a little overkill here.
So this Zaid Hamid is not going to Burma to fight for them?

All he can do is shout in TV studios about India!

I thought he would call for Ghazwa e Burma and Radio Pakistan in Rangoon. :rofl:
He is waiting for that white Arab horse he ordered to come !

Once it arrives Sir Zion Hamid will embark upon his Ghazwa-e-series starting in India and culminating perhaps in Thailand.

He won't stop before Hanoi. :rofl::rofl:
But did India or in that case China caused this action against Rohingyas.

This same Zaid Hamid blames India for 2010 flood, do you really think that he will think positive about India building port or Highway while skipping China's greater role.

he is rite

What is wrong in building port and Highways. :blink: Everyone is doing, India, China and Thailand. :agree:
Again its India who is responsible.
Ins't Bharat really responsible?
Again its India who is responsible.

Well Whatever is happening in Burma..it's none of Pakistan's business.Pakistanis should shut up and care about Pakistan only.Interfering in internal affairs of other countries is a big NO-NO unless the other country is your eternal enemy.
Non interference policy is the best policy. You have given a very good advice. This advice must be forwarded to America, Russian, Britain and Bharat first. These cited countries are the biggest intruders in the internal affairs of other countries.

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