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What is wrong with You people ?


Aug 18, 2015
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Life throws something at us and the first thought that comes to mind is to quit. Did we not think it through when we joined PDF or are we so used to quitting that there is no other option that all our mind explores. If PDF is not worth it, then why did you waste your time by joining it. You really have so much time on your hands to experiment and waste.

Is quitting all that there's left to it ?

Quitters quit and winner win. Life is not peachy, but things can be resolved. We are all given brains to use; an un-used brain is a useless brain. Tomorrow, should we quit on life? relations? friends ? children ? job ? .....our own selves ?

If you have the guts to quit for something you stand for, then why dont you have the guts to stay and fight for what you stand for ? Quitting is the easy way. hey I quit and its over.
If you took a stand , then stay and face it and make sure you win. Face what you stand for !

Do you know What separates you from the rest of the rat race?
That you take a stand for something that you think is right and stay and make sure it gets resolved, you stick to belief in yourself, you stand among wolves and not only survive but rise, you stand amongs people who dont share your point of view, who cuss at you, who insult you but through your words you win their hearts, through your persistence you gain their respect, through your belief in yourself you make your place among them.

Mate, If you quit on anything, lets say PDF, how will i know you wont quit on me ? you wont quit on your friends? Inception-06 left, Django left, Khafee left. They took a stand to QUIT, you take a stand to STAY. Don't run away from the battle ground coz if you run away from this battle ground, you will run away from any battle ground. Running away and quitting will become your habit, your second nature. You will run away from every tough time which comes in your life.

Ask your self, are you a quitter ?
If things get tough, do you point fingers at Mods ? do you point fingers at trolls?

I hear all the time quality of PDF gone down...PDF is not like before...Mate, you are here, I am here...WE make the quality. We post informative stuff, we remain away from trolls, we will ensure the quality rises. Its in our hands, we as members are here on PDF and PDF is what we make of it.

Mods have a rule book in their hands to follow, but i don't and you don't. We do our job of good posting and they do their job of policing. we stay out of each others paths. If i cant
force my views on you, should i target Mods? should i quit ?

Ask Yourself:
Is my ego too high ?
Am i too scared inside ?
Am i too weak that i cant face a challenge, i cant face a set back, i cant face what life throws at me ....so yeah im weak if i quit.

You see failure every day in gym...you lift weights...You do few reps...you get tired....you keep weight down...you FAIL to lift more.... but mate you are at the gym next day again... ready to face failure...you didnt quit !

When we are babies, we try to walk, we fall million times...no ones counting....do we quit ? NO. we dont quit....we keep trying till we start to learn to walk !!! We dont quit !!

How far will you run if you quit ? how far can you run if you quit ?

If a challenge comes in life....face it coz it will make you stronger...it will show you your weakness which in turn will make you better, stronger and wiser than before. Be thankful to that challenge which taught you something new !

Separate yourself from the pack, dont be a sheep following a sheep...be a leader, and leaders don't quit.

You got something to do in life and need to leave PDF, go ahead...its your life, you know your priorities, but you are not quitting, you are leaving. Just don''t whine and leave that you are quitting coz of him or her or he said that or she said that !

Some will say dont take PDF seriously and quit. Mate, if you put your time and effort somewhere, then take it seriously, you invested in it. You made friends here, got to know people. is it so easy for you to give up on all this ?

Change your thinking, we are not born to quit. We didnt quit when we were babies. we cried for what we wanted from our parents and got it. we faced failure but learnt walking, talking etc. Then what happened to us in our teens ? adult life ? what made us quitters ?

No mate, we are not quitters, we stand our ground, we stand for our beliefs ! We study, we earn, we love, we respect.... we are humans, not quitters !

Forget the past, make the rest of your life the best of your life. Throw the word QUIT out of your life, it has no place in your life. Make good posts to improve quality on PDF. Learn something new from PDF and teach something new in return.

@Zibago @Amigator @Gryphon @Basel @Hakikat ve Hikmet The Sandman @CriticalThought @Hell hound @Indus Pakistan @Dawood Ibrahim @Rafi
@Nilgiri @Mentee @Tps43 @The Eagle and rest of PDF.
Well around her in Australia if someone is acting like an assh*le, we are taught to walk away instead if engaging him :D.

In PDF context, a blasphemous post and it's poster are a stinking arseh*le that one simply doesn't need to tolerate. Walk away until the sh*t gets cleaned.

@Signalian rest assured if I am not posting here, I am engaged in something really, really creative elsewhere.
Life throws something at us and the first thought that comes to mind is to quit. Did we not think it through when we joined PDF or are we so used to quitting that there is no other option that all our mind explores. If PDF is not worth it, then why did you waste your time by joining it. You really have so much time on your hands to experiment and waste.

Is quitting all that there's left to it ?

Quitters quit and winner win. Life is not peachy, but things can be resolved. We are all given brains to use; an un-used brain is a useless brain. Tomorrow, should we quit on life? relations? friends ? children ? job ? .....our own selves ?

If you have the guts to quit for something you stand for, then why dont you have the guts to stay and fight for what you stand for ? Quitting is the easy way. hey I quit and its over.
If you took a stand , then stay and face it and make sure you win. Face what you stand for !

Do you know What separates you from the rest of the rat race?
That you take a stand for something that you think is right and stay and make sure it gets resolved, you stick to belief in yourself, you stand among wolves and not only survive but rise, you stand amongs people who dont share your point of view, who cuss at you, who insult you but through your words you win their hearts, through your persistence you gain their respect, through your belief in yourself you make your place among them.

Mate, If you quit on anything, lets say PDF, how will i know you wont quit on me ? you wont quit on your friends? Inception-06 left, Django left, Khafee left. They took a stand to QUIT, you take a stand to STAY. Don't run away from the battle ground coz if you run away from this battle ground, you will run away from any battle ground. Running away and quitting will become your habit, your second nature. You will run away from every tough time which comes in your life.

Ask your self, are you a quitter ?
If things get tough, do you point fingers at Mods ? do you point fingers at trolls?

I hear all the time quality of PDF gone down...PDF is not like before...Mate, you are here, I am here...WE make the quality. We post informative stuff, we remain away from trolls, we will ensure the quality rises. Its in our hands, we as members are here on PDF and PDF is what we make of it.

Mods have a rule book in their hands to follow, but i don't and you don't. We do our job of good posting and they do their job of policing. we stay out of each others paths. If i cant
force my views on you, should i target Mods? should i quit ?

Ask Yourself:
Is my ego too high ?
Am i too scared inside ?
Am i too weak that i cant face a challenge, i cant face a set back, i cant face what life throws at me ....so yeah im weak if i quit.

You see failure every day in gym...you lift weights...You do few reps...you get tired....you keep weight down...you FAIL to lift more.... but mate you are at the gym next day again... ready to face failure...you didnt quit !

When we are babies, we try to walk, we fall million times...no ones counting....do we quit ? NO. we dont quit....we keep trying till we start to learn to walk !!! We dont quit !!

How far will you run if you quit ? how far can you run if you quit ?

If a challenge comes in life....face it coz it will make you stronger...it will show you your weakness which in turn will make you better, stronger and wiser than before. Be thankful to that challenge which taught you something new !

Separate yourself from the pack, dont be a sheep following a sheep...be a leader, and leaders don't quit.

You got something to do in life and need to leave PDF, go ahead...its your life, you know your priorities, but you are not quitting, you are leaving. Just don''t whine and leave that you are quitting coz of him or her or he said that or she said that !

Some will say dont take PDF seriously and quit. Mate, if you put your time and effort somewhere, then take it seriously, you invested in it. You made friends here, got to know people. is it so easy for you to give up on all this ?

Change your thinking, we are not born to quit. We didnt quit when we were babies. we cried for what we wanted from our parents and got it. we faced failure but learnt walking, talking etc. Then what happened to us in our teens ? adult life ? what made us quitters ?

No mate, we are not quitters, we stand our ground, we stand for our beliefs ! We study, we earn, we love, we respect.... we are humans, not quitters !

Forget the past, make the rest of your life the best of your life. Throw the word QUIT out of your life, it has no place in your life. Make good posts to improve quality on PDF. Learn something new from PDF and teach something new in return.

@Zibago @Amigator @Gryphon @Basel @Hakikat ve Hikmet The Sandman @CriticalThought @Hell hound @Indus Pakistan @Dawood Ibrahim @Rafi
@Nilgiri @Mentee @Tps43 @The Eagle and rest of PDF.

You quit when you were born and win in the end. Life is one big definition defined by you.
Life throws something at us and the first thought that comes to mind is to quit. Did we not think it through when we joined PDF or are we so used to quitting that there is no other option that all our mind explores. If PDF is not worth it, then why did you waste your time by joining it. You really have so much time on your hands to experiment and waste.

Is quitting all that there's left to it ?

Quitters quit and winner win. Life is not peachy, but things can be resolved. We are all given brains to use; an un-used brain is a useless brain. Tomorrow, should we quit on life? relations? friends ? children ? job ? .....our own selves ?

If you have the guts to quit for something you stand for, then why dont you have the guts to stay and fight for what you stand for ? Quitting is the easy way. hey I quit and its over.
If you took a stand , then stay and face it and make sure you win. Face what you stand for !

Do you know What separates you from the rest of the rat race?
That you take a stand for something that you think is right and stay and make sure it gets resolved, you stick to belief in yourself, you stand among wolves and not only survive but rise, you stand amongs people who dont share your point of view, who cuss at you, who insult you but through your words you win their hearts, through your persistence you gain their respect, through your belief in yourself you make your place among them.

Mate, If you quit on anything, lets say PDF, how will i know you wont quit on me ? you wont quit on your friends? Inception-06 left, Django left, Khafee left. They took a stand to QUIT, you take a stand to STAY. Don't run away from the battle ground coz if you run away from this battle ground, you will run away from any battle ground. Running away and quitting will become your habit, your second nature. You will run away from every tough time which comes in your life.

Ask your self, are you a quitter ?
If things get tough, do you point fingers at Mods ? do you point fingers at trolls?

I hear all the time quality of PDF gone down...PDF is not like before...Mate, you are here, I am here...WE make the quality. We post informative stuff, we remain away from trolls, we will ensure the quality rises. Its in our hands, we as members are here on PDF and PDF is what we make of it.

Mods have a rule book in their hands to follow, but i don't and you don't. We do our job of good posting and they do their job of policing. we stay out of each others paths. If i cant
force my views on you, should i target Mods? should i quit ?

Ask Yourself:
Is my ego too high ?
Am i too scared inside ?
Am i too weak that i cant face a challenge, i cant face a set back, i cant face what life throws at me ....so yeah im weak if i quit.

You see failure every day in gym...you lift weights...You do few reps...you get tired....you keep weight down...you FAIL to lift more.... but mate you are at the gym next day again... ready to face failure...you didnt quit !

When we are babies, we try to walk, we fall million times...no ones counting....do we quit ? NO. we dont quit....we keep trying till we start to learn to walk !!! We dont quit !!

How far will you run if you quit ? how far can you run if you quit ?

If a challenge comes in life....face it coz it will make you stronger...it will show you your weakness which in turn will make you better, stronger and wiser than before. Be thankful to that challenge which taught you something new !

Separate yourself from the pack, dont be a sheep following a sheep...be a leader, and leaders don't quit.

You got something to do in life and need to leave PDF, go ahead...its your life, you know your priorities, but you are not quitting, you are leaving. Just don''t whine and leave that you are quitting coz of him or her or he said that or she said that !

Some will say dont take PDF seriously and quit. Mate, if you put your time and effort somewhere, then take it seriously, you invested in it. You made friends here, got to know people. is it so easy for you to give up on all this ?

Change your thinking, we are not born to quit. We didnt quit when we were babies. we cried for what we wanted from our parents and got it. we faced failure but learnt walking, talking etc. Then what happened to us in our teens ? adult life ? what made us quitters ?

No mate, we are not quitters, we stand our ground, we stand for our beliefs ! We study, we earn, we love, we respect.... we are humans, not quitters !

Forget the past, make the rest of your life the best of your life. Throw the word QUIT out of your life, it has no place in your life. Make good posts to improve quality on PDF. Learn something new from PDF and teach something new in return.

@Zibago @Amigator @Gryphon @Basel @Hakikat ve Hikmet The Sandman @CriticalThought @Hell hound @Indus Pakistan @Dawood Ibrahim @Rafi
@Nilgiri @Mentee @Tps43 @The Eagle and rest of PDF.

now who is leaving pdf?
Don't worry... That's they only way they know to live

I worry when Kareena twitters on FM radio how old school she and saifoo are (cringe central) and how kids hook up and romance online now.

Makes me wonder how babies get made.

Cheers, Doc

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