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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

yeah, anyone who doesn't use CNN and Al-Arabiah is brainwashed!!! Al-Nusra and the rest of foreign terrorist's mission in Syria is establishing peace!!! this is your Zionism logic.

we didn't beg for weapons, we used smugglers, that's why you and your masters are so pissed off about Iranian government, we don't beg them anymore.
in nuclear talks they didn't beg for money too, it was our own money stolen by your thief masters.
whatever I said is in response to your off topic's B.S .
yeah, anyone who doesn't use CNN and Al-Arabiah is brainwashed!!! Al-Nusra and the rest of foreign terrorist's mission in Syria is establishing peace!!! this is your Zionism logic.

we didn't beg for weapons, we used smugglers, that's why you and your masters are so pissed off about Iranian government, we don't beg them anymore.
in nuclear talks they didn't beg for money too, it was our own money stolen by your thief masters.
whatever I said is in response to your off topic's B.S .
idiot, do you think that those military equipments are like candy that they can buy it from smugglers without any problem? Do you think that they sell anti-tank missiles or F-14 spare parts in Farmers market(Jom'e baazaar)?!!!
I don't give a damn about Nusra, or any other brain dead vahabis, and I consider them the exact copy of you and your type.
Anyway, you are a brainwashed idiot, and lack the ability to comprehend. So, there is no point in talking with you.
they already did, and their government punished them, and retired the F-14s and all of its manufacturers to make sure it wont happen again.
the fight is between Syrian government and these terrorists, you are supporting these terrorist already and you say you don't give a damn?! your hypocrisy has no end, just like Mr carry who swore in American congress that there is no Al-Qaeda in Syria.
The moe people get educated the less they need some middle age regimes.

The regime in Iran keeps people in iran isolated from the World to breath more.

The failure is the light at the end of the tunnel.
You would think Iranians would be religious nuts with all the mullah rule they have.... but every Iranian I ever met was pretty much "meh" on religion. I think they keep the mullahs just to irritate everyone.
You would think Iranians would be religious nuts with all the mullah rule they have.... but every Iranian I ever met was pretty much "meh" on religion. I think they keep the mullahs just to irritate everyone.
LOL, no, the reason is that the Iranians that you see in US are mostly educated or rich Iranians who don't give a damn about religion and have emigrated(escaped) from mullah regime since they hate it.
You would think Iranians would be religious nuts with all the mullah rule they have.... but every Iranian I ever met was pretty much "meh" on religion. I think they keep the mullahs just to irritate everyone.
iranians I met outside are like you said, one is even militant atheist, but need to visit iran to know what people there think.

LOL, no, the reason is that the Iranians that you see in US are mostly educated or rich Iranians who don't give a damn about religion and have emigrated(escaped) from mullah regime since they hate it.
possibly true. Lot of them are very very angry with regime and islamists. Also many of them are monarchist it seems (want to bring back the king)
LOL, no, the reason is that the Iranians that you see in US are mostly educated or rich Iranians who don't give a damn about religion and have emigrated(escaped) from mullah regime since they hate it.

The funny thing is that he(Juice) ironically supports me by trying to refute my claim.

Early 2000s very little part of americans did have passport, i see the consequnces now.
iranians I met outside are like you said, one is even militant atheist, but need to visit iran to know what people there think.

possibly true. Lot of them are very very angry with regime and islamists. Also many of them are monarchist it seems (want to bring back the king)
Nope, those royalists are a few 80+ years old, and are a minority. Most of Iranians in US are the educated part of the society who have emigrated(fled) from mullahland. they are mostly secular, liberal, and anti mullah.

The funny thing is that he ironically supports me by trying to refute my claim.

Early 2000s nearly all of americans did barely have passport, i see the consequnces now.
Whom? I did not get it. elaborate it plz ...
Iranian people chose islam in 1979 with 98% discretion.
Even nowdays in Tukey islamist win the election.(fake islamists)
I can see Iran becoming more religious actually. The Middle East is reverting to its original state of sectarian warfare, and we are in the front lines. With America pivoting away from the region, the Wahabi/Salafis will replace the US as the main enemy.
Iranian people chose islam in 1979 with 98% discretion.
Even nowdays in Tukey islamist win the election.(fake islamists)

You statement is invalid.

People have chosen their government not their religion.

Turkey is a secular state unlike Iran. No need to do a comparison as it will be unrelevant.
Even nowdays in Tukey islamist win the election.(fake islamists)
Nope, people choose a conservative party which also exists in US and almost every European country.
The overwhelming majority supports secularism in Turkey.

Nope, people choose a conservative party which also exists in US and almost every European country.
The overwhelming majority supports secularism in Turkey.

i assure even where Islam is the officially preferred religion, people are talking about that Islam which lives and let lives, and not the Islam of the Mullahs, who go about forcing it on others.

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