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what should Iftakhar chouhdry do?

Don’t think the point is what he should do; million dollar question is what he will do?
My fears are:

CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is indebted to Nawaz Sharif and being a mortal enemy of Musharraf, he will embark on a vendetta against Pervez Musharraf and indirectly against Zardari. If he declares ordinances passed by Musharraf as unconstitutional (in other words illegal) Zardari is a goner and we can expect NS as PM of Pakistan with CJ himself as President after he retires from office.

We have seen a detailed report of the previous bench of Judges explaining why they disqualified the Sharif brothers. We will see that verdict overturned but without any detailed explanations.

In his previous stint as CJ, Iftikhar Chaudhry made a joke of Suo Motto powers, taking notice each time GOP issued an order which he did not like. He also made a mockery of the CJ's protocol; wasting time of senior police officers by ordering them to stand by wherever he went. He was also guilty of using his position as CJ to help further his son’s career, no different from what Justice Hamid Dogar has been accused of. He also ordered the release of hundreds of suspected terrorists (who knows how many of these were involved in subsequent suicide bombings) and Lal Masjid/Jamia Hafsa to be rebuilt and handed back to the same administration so that lathi wielding burqa clad females can start all over again.

I have seen many posts which imply that his reinstatement is a panacea of all that ails Pakistan including the economy. In actual fact nothing will change and things will go as before; only with different faces on the powerful positions as happened with the removal of Musharraf and installation of Zaradri in his place.

CJ has gained a lot of stature and respect by his stand against Musharraf; I sincerely hope that he doesn’t spoil it all by reverting back to his old ways. However, leopard doesn’t change his spots; I personally have little hope of any thing good coming out of this or any noticeable change in the law and order situation or anything else for that matter. Except a repeat of the same vindictive attitude by him and by his cronies such as Khalil Ramday.

Only the time will tell and for the sake of Pakistan, I sincerely hope that I am proven wrong.
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He has restored Shahbaz Sharif first and soon the time will come that he will avenge Musharraf along with the tough times Zardari has given him he will question him too but overall it will be another political era in the history of Pakistan.
CJ has gained a lot of stature and respect by his stand against Musharraf; I sincerely hope that he doesn’t spoil it all by reverting back to his old ways. However, leopard doesn’t change his spots; I personally have little hope of any thing good coming out of this or any noticeable change in the law and order situation or anything else for that matter. Except a repeat of the same vindictive attitude by him and by his cronies such as Khalil Ramday.

Only the time will tell and for the sake of Pakistan, I sincerely that I am proven wrong.

I just hope that he uses his popularity to improve the economical situation of employees in Pak judiciary. This is the only thing he can do to improve the judiciary.
I just hope that he uses his popularity to improve the economical situation of employees in Pak judiciary. This is the only thing he can do to improve the judiciary.

Maybe he can look into the gross mishandling of Pakistan's mineral assets.

We possess huge gold,copper and coal deposits but have been sitting on our behinds doing nothing to reap the benefits.

I read something about our gold deposits and i was really disturbed.
I think the current government renewed the lease of the gold mine with some foreign company at absolutely rubbish terms.

Where is the economic stability associated with the possession of such assets?
He has restored Shahbaz Sharif first and soon the time will come that he will avenge Musharraf along with the tough times Zardari has given him he will question him too but overall it will be another political era in the history of Pakistan.

Bane Blade;sir
i guss, your obsevation is quite right!
but doing things , as you described in your post will be a end of "JUSTICE CHOWDRY" SAHIB & this "independent pak judiciary". :lol::smokin:
i guss , he is already became a political person, thus any of his currnt actions will bound to bring more politics & more turmoil, to the terrorism hit pakistan.:tsk::cry:
I am amazed to see that people are trying to be fortune tellers here. As far as I know, the Ilm-ul-Ghaib is only for Allah. If you have so little or no confidence in the present CJ, why don’t you come up with an alternative? Name the person whom you think is better than the present CJ? If a certain group of people can hold rallies in support of the CJ, why you can’t hold rallies for the person of your choice? Who stopped you guys from bringing your own man? It has been more than a year, but I have yet to come across a name that can be a potential replacement of the present CJ. What kind of debate is this? or are we here just for some mud throwing?

hairaaN hooN dil ko ro'ooN ki peetooN jigar ko maiN
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I am amazed to see that people are trying to be fortune tellers here. As far as I know, the Ilm-ul-Ghaib is only for Allah. If you have so little or no confidence in the present CJ, why don’t you come up with an alternative? Name the person whom you think is better than the present CJ? If a certain group of people can hold rallies in support of the CJ, why you can’t hold rallies for the person of your choice? Who stopped you guys from bringing your own man? It has been more than a year, but I have yet to come across a name that can be a potential replacement of the present CJ. What kind of debate is this? or are we here just for some mud throwing?

hairaaN hooN dil ko ro'ooN ki peetooN jigar ko maiN

qsaark;dear sir:smitten:
fortune tellers no sir!
no one is trying to fortune telling here, but as the thread has a unique subject , it s everones predictations! or how they think what could be the next step of our hounrable" justice chowdry" sahib.:lol:
well about comming out against CJ goes, i certnly hope the day will be not far if he try to do things , against the national intersts of pakistan.:angry::agree:
i can promise you not! few people but , a jamppack crowd will be stromming the supreme court, same as was in the days of "hounrable NAWAZ SHARIF"?:azn:;):D:tup:
In my opinion CJ should first of all get rid of the NRO. After that he should work towards providing a better system of justice to the common man. We all know that the condition of justice and courts for the common man is way too frustrating for our awaam. If people will start getting cheap effective and fast justice they won't ask for any sharia law in their city/town/village.
qsaark;dear sir:smitten:
fortune tellers no sir!
no one is trying to fortune telling here, but as the thread has a unique subject , it s everones predictations! or how they think what could be the next step of our hounrable" justice chowdry" sahib.:lol:
well about comming out against CJ goes, i certnly hope the day will be not far if he try to do things , against the national intersts of pakistan.:angry::agree:
i can promise you not! few people but , a jamppack crowd will be stromming the supreme court, same as was in the days of "hounrable NAWAZ SHARIF"?:azn:;):D:tup:
The subject is "what he should do?" not "What he will do?".

Predictions based on what? And by whom? What moral, professional, and intellectual background we have that is required for making such predictions? We can not propose a single name who can take his place and we are throwing mud on him. This attitude as far from my understanding.
I just hope that he uses his popularity to improve the economical situation of employees in Pak judiciary. This is the only thing he can do to improve the judiciary.
Are we confused? I guess we really are. He is a Justice, not a law maker. Popular or not, he can only make decisions based on the evidence that has brought to him. His role is far more restricted than many of us believe or want to believe. He can take notice of unlawful activities of the Government but than again, he relies on the evidence to take any action. He can ask the responsible person to present the record, but the record can be changed, it can be burnt, it can not be presented based on 'national interest'. Come on folks, read the constitution and learn the limitations of the CJ.

1. The Legislature makes rules or laws that citizens agree to obey, and plays an oversight role, carefully scrutinizing the activities of the Executive.

2. The Judiciary ensures that the laws made by the Legislature are followed, and punishes anyone who breaks the law. The Courts assume the most prominent role in the Judiciary.

3. The Executive implements laws and decisions that are made by the Legislature. The Premier, who is the head of the ruling party, chooses Members of the Executive Council (MECs) from the MPLs of his or her party. Each MEC is responsible for a certain Department, and has the title of “Minister.” For instance, the MEC heading the Education Department is called the Minister of Education.

It must be remembered that there is no mixing of responsibilities between these three pillars, which means that:

The Legislature does not function as a court of law and does not administer laws;
The Executive does not have judicial or legislative powers; and
The Judiciary does not have legislative or executive powers. So even if he makes a decision, he can't really implement it since this is the job of the executive branch.
Are we confused? I guess we really are. He is a Justice, not a law maker. Popular or not, he can only make decisions based on the evidence that has brought to him. His role is far more restricted than many of us believe or want to believe.

He is head of the judicial branch therefore, it is CJ's responsibility to raise concerns regarding the budget of the judiciary.

If he can take notice of Karachi's traffic problems then he should also be able to openely raise the issue of pay and benefict structure of our judiciary.

If he is not willing to raise this issue then he should stop taking about a corruption free judiciary.
If you have so little or no confidence in the present CJ, why don’t you come up with an alternative? Name the person whom you think is better than the present CJ? If a certain group of people can hold rallies in support of the CJ, why you can’t hold rallies for the person of your choice? Who stopped you guys from bringing your own man? It has been more than a year, but I have yet to come across a name that can be a potential replacement of the present CJ. What kind of debate is this? or are we here just for some mud throwing?

There is a process for promotions and appointments in all depts of GoP and none of that include your prescribed method ... If Pakistanis are holding rallies for these appointments then there will be nothing left of Pakistan economically.

No one is throwing mud these ae just humble suggestions and wishes.

hazaroon khuwahisheen aisi ....
He is head of the judicial branch therefore, it is CJ's responsibility to raise concerns regarding the budget of the judiciary.

If he can take notice of Karachi's traffic problems then he should also be able to openely raise the issue of pay and benefict structure of our judiciary.

If he is not willing to raise this issue then he should stop taking about a corruption free judiciary.
He can make a case and that is all. Given the hostile circumstances, asking for the raise in the budget of Judiciary would be the last thing he would like to do. And the day he does that, everybody on this forum (except for few) would be calling him names for benefiting his institutions.

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