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Whats the deal with /r/wallstreetbets and can Pakistani's benefit?

Mind your language man. Don't you have etiquates ? If someone is not agreeing to you then simply call him stupid, is this how to prove a point ? This is low ?

Gambling is also done by professionals, there is a huge industry of finance world wide and is haram. So this is not the criteria of haram and halal.

Criteria is simple, if you earn on your money without taking the business risk it is haram i.e.interest. on the other hand if you earn something based on a chance where outcome is not based on your efforts and control but based on speculated outcome then its haram.

This is the criteria. All based on speculation of unknown uncotrolable future events known to none. This is haram

You're not my dad lol

Have some balls to accept another man's words...

Stocks and Options are completely halal. I have talked with religious professionals who know what they're talking about and they all say it's halal. You can have whatever opinion but the rest of us will keep doing what we do. :enjoy:
I have been following this group for almost a year and half now years now and that was only for meme and that Truth is that walstreetbets group contributes nothing. There is no technical analysis, no group discussion, no financial advice whatsoever. All the do is yolo, pump, fomo and call each others retard and autistic. In my opinion tradeview for viewing technical analysis ( opinions ofcourse) is way better. Then again you shouldn't invest your money by reading someone's post on the internet but making money involves taking risks so...

You clearly don't WSB.....right now most of the top posts are memes but they still post a lot of DD's....Due Diligence....basically research posts about different stocks.

Even if it's a meme, which it is most of the time, they still make money.....obviously people lose....but most make more than they ever do by working in their PT/FT jobs.
You're not my dad lol

Have some balls to accept another man's words...

Stocks and Options are completely halal. I have talked with religious professionals who know what they're talking about and they all say it's halal. You can have whatever opinion but the rest of us will keep doing what we do. :enjoy:

You clearly don't WSB.....right now most of the top posts are memes but they still post a lot of DD's....Due Diligence....basically research posts about different stocks.

Even if it's a meme, which it is most of the time, they still make money.....obviously people lose....but most make more than they ever do by working in their PT/FT jobs.
Professionals and religious scholars claims alot of thing. Mufti qavi claims alcohol is halal. Alot of professionals claim interest is halal. Even some people justify profession as halal.

I am not your dad and i am not stopping u or anyone for doing anything. U can have your view or do whatever u want. I being finance professional surely knows these transactions better than u as i dont have to ask others.
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