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When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’


Feb 16, 2013
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Take a look at this picture. Do you know who it is?

Most people haven’t heard of him.

But you should have. When you see his face or hear his name you should get as sick in your stomach as when you read about Mussolini or Hitler or see one of their pictures. You see, he killed over 10 million people in the Congo.

His name is King Leopold II of Belgium.

He “owned” the Congo during his reign as the constitutional monarch of Belgium. After several failed colonial attempts in Asia and Africa, he settled on the Congo. He “bought” it and enslaved its people, turning the entire country into his own personal slave plantation. He disguised his business transactions as “philanthropic” and “scientific” efforts under the banner of the International African Society. He used their enslaved labor to extract Congolese resources and services. His reign was enforced through work camps, body mutilations, executions, torture, and his private army.

Most of us aren’t taught about him in school. We don’t hear about him in the media. He’s not part of the widely repeated narrative of oppression (which includes things like the Holocaust during World War II). He’s part of a long history of colonialism, imperialism, slavery and genocide in Africa that would clash with the social construction of the white supremacist narrative in our schools. It doesn’t fit neatly into a capitalist curriculum. Making overtly racist remarks is (sometimes) frowned upon in polite society, but it’s quite fine not to talk about genocides in Africa perpetrated by European capitalist monarchs.

Mark Twain wrote a satire about Leopold called “King Leopold’s soliloquy; a defense of his Congo rule“, where he mocked the King’s defense of his reign of terror, largely through Leopold’s own words. It’s an easy read at 49 pages long. Mark Twain is a popular author for American public schools. But like most political authors, we will often read some of their least political writings or read them without learning why the author wrote them (Orwell’s Animal Farm for example serves to re-inforce American anti-socialist propaganda, but Orwell was an anti-capitalist revolutionary of a different kind, and that is never pointed out). We can read about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, but King Leopold’s Soliloquy isn’t on the reading list. This isn’t by accident. Reading lists are created by boards of education in order to prepare students to follow orders and endure boredom well. From the point of view of the Education Department, Africans have no history.

When we learn about Africa, we learn about a caricaturized Egypt, about the HIV epidemic (but never its causes), about the surface level effects of the slave trade, and maybe about South African Apartheid (which of course now is long, long over). We also see lots of pictures of starving children on Christian Ministry commercials, we see safaris on animal shows, and we see pictures of deserts in films and movies. But we don’t learn about the Great African War or Leopold’s Reign of Terror during the Congolese Genocide. Nor do we learn about what the United States has done in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing millions of people through bombs, sanctions, disease and starvation. Body counts are important. And we don’t count Afghans, Iraqis, or Congolese.

There’s a Wikipedia page called “Genocides in History”. The Congolese Genocide isn’t included. The Congo is mentioned though. What’s now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo is listed in reference to the Second Congo War (also called Africa’s World War and the Great War of Africa), where both sides of the multinational conflict hunted down Bambenga and ate them. Cannibalism and slavery are horrendous evils which must be entered into history and talked about for sure, but I couldn’t help thinking whose interests were served when the only mention of the Congo on the page was in reference to multi-national incidents where a tiny minority of people were eating each other (completely devoid of the conditions which created the conflict). Stories which support the white supremacist narrative about the subhumanness of people in Africa are allowed to be entered into the records of history. The white guy who turned the Congo into his own personal part-plantation, part-concentration camp, part-Christian ministry and killed 10 to 15 million Conglese people in the process doesn’t make the cut.

You see, when you kill ten million Africans, you aren’t called ‘Hitler’. That is, your name doesn’t come to symbolize the living incarnation of evil. Your name and your picture don’t produce fear, hatred, and sorrow. Your victims aren’t talked about and your name isn’t remembered.

Leopold was just one part of thousands of things that helped construct white supremacy as both an ideological narrative and material reality. Of course I don’t want to pretend that in the Congo he was the source of all evil. He had generals, and foot soldiers, and managers who did his bidding and enforced his laws. It was a system. But that doesn’t negate the need to talk about the individuals who are symbolic of the system. But we don’t even get that. And since it isn’t talked about, what capitalism did to Africa, all the privileges that rich white people gained from the Congolese genocide are hidden. The victims of imperialism are made, like they usually are, invisible.

that is cause africans do not own media stations and communication satellites,,,,,,jews do

media has been used by rich minority to spread lies and propoganda against poor

all the european royalty are related to one another,,,,,,,,,,charles bapu philip is a greek so on and so forth,,, and house of windsor has always had close ties with jews and it was british who stole the land from palestine along with jews of poland and germany

white man from europe went to continental america and killed the native americans the real sons of america,,,then they looted their gold and sent it back to europe and built their cities from the gold looted from native american,,,,some time later dispute arose between two factions of white men on the division of gold,,,,,,the side who won with the help of the jewish media of that time termed it war of independence................

did native americans came to invade europe or you went to invade their land?
how is it war of independence if you killed native americans and later on fought with one another on native american soil?

previously jews were scattered all around the globe so when some one used to come after them to punish them for their ills,,,,he used to get hold of 20 or 30 jews,,,,,
now all jews have gathered in one place in occupied palestine and now if someone comes after them to punish them for their ills towards humanity i do not think they will get away.

in 2002 jewish employees of federal reserve bank were protesting against the illegal mexican immigrants in front of town hall,,,,,,,,,,native american passed by,,,,,,he shouted,,,you are all illegals here,,,,,get out of here,,,,none of you is welcome,,,,
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The colonial Europeans ravaged the entire globe. Entire populations were enslaved, proud nations brought to their knees and wealth looted.
Many of the conflicts today stem from past colonial exploitation ranging from genocide in Rwanda, war in the middle east and the sorry state of India.
The issue with colonialism is that the colonialists did not see any wrong in their actions. Collateral damage which involved huge scale slaughter of the colonized was acceptable on the basis that the mission was to "civilize the barbarian and convert them to Christianity thus making them more human". One can indeed ask, what has changed today ? The colonialists are now replaced with various missions such as the mission to introduce "democracy and liberty" or to introduce sharia law etc . At the end of the day its all about the profits though and that has never changed. It all depends on how well you can sugar coat your mission
The colonial Europeans ravaged the entire globe. Entire populations were enslaved, proud nations brought to their knees and wealth looted.
Many of the conflicts today stem from past colonial exploitation ranging from genocide in Rwanda, war in the middle east and the sorry state of India.


This is just about it. In general...they did leave a huge effect which carried on after they left and is the reason behind a lot of today's conflicts.

Such as Rwanda, they pitched a minority against the majority and wanted the minority to rule. The minority committed massacres as well, eventually it went back and forth. Still going on today.
What about Columbus? he is even celebrated in some part of the world....
Kill 1 zionist and you gonna see the scandale

When their Al Qaeda dogs kill arabs by thousands it's freedom

Who knew that the belgians had it in them.

Anyway,useless digging of the past,the chinese genocided the dzungars some time ago,you don't see them feeling sorry for that,it's always "ze evil whites". 
What about Columbus? he is even celebrated in some part of the world....

And rightfully so,he's a great explorer,the whole world owes him big time.He was a man of his time,we can't judge him by today's standards,people were ruthless all over the globe in the 15th century,portraying some of them only in a negative light just to suit biased agendas against europeans is ridiculous.
10 million? And no one even knows about it!
Under Stalin executed 800,000 in 30 years - and everyone on the planet knows (thanks to Western propaganda) that Stalin - a bloody tyrant and a maniac!
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The west want history written according to their blueprint..

10 million? And no one even knows about it!
Under Stalin executed 800,000 in 30 years - and everyone on the planet knows (thanks to Western propaganda) that Stalin - a bloody tyrant and a maniac!

Stalin killed between 20 and 60 million people.

Mao killed some 45 million people.

No westerner can ever compare to these 2 communist monsters.All the sleazy propagandists can take this to the bank.
These people are acting like victims, if you had the power you have done much worse to us.
What about Columbus? he is even celebrated in some part of the world....

You are forgetting Winston Churchill and the death of millions of people in Bengal because of him. He even stopped others to help the dying people of Bengal.
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