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Where will all the military hardware go once the occupation ends in


Mar 26, 2011
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After the end of occupation next year in Afghanistan where will all the military hardware go,like ofcourse they are gonna fly the planes and choppers out but what about tanks,jeeps,APCs and other stuff??Are they gonna gift it to Pakistan and Afghanistan :lol:?I dont think shipping them back to U.S.A via Pakistani ports would be economically viable .
There millions each 7 million for an Abrams I beleave, it's viable. The us and pakistans courtship is soon to end so I doubt it.
After the end of occupation next year in Afghanistan where will all the military hardware go,like ofcourse they are gonna fly the planes and choppers out but what about tanks,jeeps,APCs and other stuff??Are they gonna gift it to Pakistan and Afghanistan :lol:?I dont think shipping them back to U.S.A via Pakistani ports would be economically viable .

Who told you that they will gonna leave Afghanistan ????

Even Afghan people dnt want that cause they know devil Taliban waiting for this movement
I think they will fight each other in civil war with these weapons and then we will go in and save them
There millions each 7 million for an Abrams I beleave, it's viable. The us and pakistans courtship is soon to end so I doubt it.

if the courtship is to end then how will usa ship that stuff out?via iran?:lol:
it took 10 years to ship that stuff in...expect another 5 to ship the remaining out
After the end of occupation next year in Afghanistan where will all the military hardware go,like ofcourse they are gonna fly the planes and choppers out but what about tanks,jeeps,APCs and other stuff??Are they gonna gift it to Pakistan and Afghanistan :lol:?I dont think shipping them back to U.S.A via Pakistani ports would be economically viable .

I have really become sick of seeing such beggar attitude from most Pakistani memebrs, and most of the time these are the same members who would be the first ones to bash/blame US for everything bad that happens in Pakistan.

We keep on blaming our governments for bowing down/not standing up to US, but we ourselvs have the same mentality. Why do we keep looking at others for giving us things for free?

Do we as a nation have any self-respect???
The image of a beggar scavenging for leftovers crossed my mind.
my hometown is on national high way and when i was there in dec2010 i see daily tons of stof loaded going to afganistan . its almost impossible to bring it back.believe me daily hundreds of trucks and trailers loaded with hardware .
I have really become sick of seeing such beggar attitude from most Pakistani memebrs, and most of the time these are the same members who would be the first ones to bash/blame US for everything bad that happens in Pakistan.

We keep on blaming our governments for bowing down/not standing up to US, but we ourselvs have the same mentality. Why do we keep looking at others for giving us things for free?

Do we as a nation have any self-respect???

are u retarded?u missed sarcasm :cheers:
It's all going into Libya. :P

via iran?


it's likely they will follow a similar path as iraq- all expensive and essential kit (choppers, planes, tanks, MRAPs,Art etc) was shipped back via air and sea to US or the Afghan war aswell as any military base the US operates in the world- it was/is a mammoth task. However there are many items totalling billions of $$$ that it was just uneconomical to take with them so they were turned over to Iraqi security forces or just left to rot i.e portable toilets, hesco barriers, shelters, generators etc.

Don't forget the US operates the largest, by FAR, AF transport fleet in existence (200+ C17 beasts aswell as many 100s of C-5s and C-130s) along with the biggest logistics surface fleet in the world.

I think i saw a video of this regarding the Iraq war withdrawal on assests and they said the majority of equipment (excluding Abrams) were being directly forwarded to Afghanistan.

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