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Which Asian country map looks most beautiful?

Hmm countries maps should be exempted at least from these degrading comparisons pretending to be funny but might be highly objectionable to citizens of that country
Frankly speaking for me its Armenia . It resembles the looks of a guitar if you watch closely . Surprisingly though India also looks kind of refreshing and a contender for top 3 spots .
Frankly speaking for me its Armenia . It resembles the looks of a guitar if you watch closely . Surprisingly though India also looks kind of refreshing and a contender for top 3 spots .

No offense but india looks like a dic.k!
Pakistan looks like a cheetah standing tall with its mouth wide open.
Anyone else noticed Israel ? It looks ruthless(just like it's foreign policy)! Kinda like a sharp dagger about to pierce the it's neighbour below.
India and BD map are so similar, only size differs.

What a coincident! LOL

Yeah, Indo-Bangla maps look so similar


And Pakistan and West Bengal regional map look similar

India maps does look good

but the position of pakistan suggest that as if pakistan is penetrating something into india

No offence :D

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