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Who has the best avatar?

Try harder, cause i am not getting a new avatar anytime soon. :D
See mine,which cost me much time to find through the net.
Standing for typical Chinese balance.
Mine has to do with balance too....and a little spiritual concept.

Right now, my avatar is the nataraja - the lord of dance or the dancing lord.

This guy's got four hands.

On one hand he has a hand drum which is in the shape of two triangles penetrating each other to form a hexagon. Each triangle represents a gender. When two genders join together - new life is created/born. In his second hand he holds the fire. Its ofcourse the symbol of destruction. So the concept of creation and destruction - the balance sustained by the creator has been illustrated.

Now the third hand shows what we Hindus call the abhaya - do not fear symbol or mudra.So after telling you not fear he points to his feet - a gesture towards surrender, with his fourth hand. (it could also be a symbol denoting elephant god - the remover of all obstacles)

He's trying to tell you not to fear and surrender unto him. Surrender unto the Lord and all your obstacles will be taken care of.

The flame of fire surrounding the nataraja denotes the creative energy that sustains creation. He also stands on the lotus - lotus in Hindu/Buddhist traditions denote the consciousness of each individual. Om mani padme hum.

So in heart or consciousness of every individual/creation is the lord. He balances life and death. Surrender at his feet and do not fear. You can see a small little guy upon whom our hero is now standing and trying to dance. That guy is bad. He embodies ignorance...and the generally bad things in life whom our hero can crush.

Thankfully, Nataraja only has two legs and both of them can be seen clearly..Thank God, or these guys here are gonna want to find and pull it! I've forgotten what he's trying to say by dance on one foot!
On one hand he has a hand drum which is in the shape of two triangles penetrating each other to form a hexagon. Each triangle represents a gender. When two genders join together - new life is created/born.

Triangles fusing denoting male and female fusion.....where else have we heard about it before, gentlemen ?
Webmaster's and he does not want to tell where he flinched it from!
I have opened the settings of having avatar up to 120x100. So yeah, lets see if now we can get something better than mine. :D
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