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Who is Khadim Hussain Rizvi?

On TV he was asked about his foul mouth.
He justified his foul language by saying that sahabah used to use stern language too, when it came to namoos-e-risaalatt.

So he wasn't ashamed at all. He was proud of it.

The real problem is not of religion, nor of the prophet.
The real war is that of class , of rich and poor, of have and have nots.
Mr Rizvi couldn't get his peer's attention for 2 mins,
such was his class
now he has international audience.
He can vent out his anger, against the feudal and capitalistic exploitation now.

What scares me even more, is that there are millions more poor, million more zombies to come out.
abuse religion in a new way.
he has used funeral of mumtaz qadri to start politics and no one knew him before.he used people deadbodies in faizabad to earn 50crore rs
yet another brain child of military establishment, launched in politics to curtail brailvee vote bank of Nawaz shareef in Punjab, using the slogan of islam and khatam Nawabat.

Sharifs have only 'Bank' to save. They've left vote bank or any other bank behind.

He is another “ Painn di Siri “

At least what is in his heart, is in his mouth. Than sugar coated mullahs who speak foul day and night.
Who is Khadim Rizvi?

Just another terrorist, and a cult worshipped by many illeterate Pakistanis.

His language was objectionable but that is it. How dare you call him a terrorist? What evidence you have? It is enough for us to know that sit in ended in a rather peaceful way. It is the fundamental right of the people to protest against the actions of govt that affect their lives. So don't fart here rather present some evidence. The issue they raised echoes with every Muslim Pakistani though there can be difference of opinion about their methodology or language but there are no two opinions about what they stood for.
does it matter? I supported his stance against oath tempering and his language and all acts, but i will never vote for him. My vote will always be for nationalist centrist parties like PTI.
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His language was objectionable but that is it. How dare you call him a terrorist? What evidence you have? It is enough for us to know that sit in ended in a rather peaceful way. It is the fundamental right of the people to protest against the actions of govt that affect their lives. So don't fart here rather present some evidence. The issue they raised echoes with every Muslim Pakistani though there can be difference of opinion about their methodology or language but there are no two opinions about what they stood for.

Talk on your behalf not for other Pakistanis. You will find majority here even in PDF against that rizvi terrorist. You are going to tell me that a staunch supporter of mumtaz terrorist who assassinated a govt official is an ordinary man? A person who dragged the country closer to becoming a failed state is not a terrorist, a man because of whom violence erupted in entire country is not a terrorist, a man who made the country suffer a loss of billions $$ is not a terrorist. Look at the definition of terrorist before farting here, it clearly states terrorism is when you use the violence to influence the actions of govt. The m0f0 terrorist rizvi who was against Ahmadis, Christians and Shia Muslims, is now claiming that his group is real sunni muslim and not deobandis or others, the more you feed snakes the more they will flourish. Remember tehreek e lab Baik is linked to LEJ terrorists. It is disturbing to see many people worshipping this cult terrorist.
Talk on your behalf not for other Pakistanis. You will find majority here even in PDF against that rizvi terrorist. You are going to tell me that a staunch supporter of mumtaz terrorist who assassinated a govt official is an ordinary man? A person who dragged the country closer to becoming a failed state is not a terrorist, a man because of whom violence erupted in entire country is not a terrorist, a man who made the country suffer a loss of billions $$ is not a terrorist. Look at the definition of terrorist before farting here, it clearly states terrorism is when you use the violence to influence the actions of govt. The m0f0 terrorist rizvi who was against Ahmadis, Christians and Shia Muslims, is now claiming that his group is real sunni muslim and not deobandis or others, the more you feed snakes the more they will flourish. Remember tehreek e lab Baik is linked to LEJ terrorists. It is disturbing to see many people worshipping this cult terrorist.
Utter none-sense.
Jinnah muslim league used moulvis like Rizvi to great effect in punjab to rile up muslims who till then were voting for kuffar unionist. Another thing I've noticed is barelvi moulvis don't care about using abusing language because they justify it by giving exemple of sahabas who used to defend Muhammad.
Talk on your behalf not for other Pakistanis. You will find majority here even in PDF against that rizvi terrorist. You are going to tell me that a staunch supporter of mumtaz terrorist who assassinated a govt official is an ordinary man? A person who dragged the country closer to becoming a failed state is not a terrorist, a man because of whom violence erupted in entire country is not a terrorist, a man who made the country suffer a loss of billions $$ is not a terrorist. Look at the definition of terrorist before farting here, it clearly states terrorism is when you use the violence to influence the actions of govt. The m0f0 terrorist rizvi who was against Ahmadis, Christians and Shia Muslims, is now claiming that his group is real sunni muslim and not deobandis or others, the more you feed snakes the more they will flourish. Remember tehreek e lab Baik is linked to LEJ terrorists. It is disturbing to see many people worshipping this cult terrorist.

If Mumtaz Qadri were a terrorist, he would have killed that woman Asiah Bibi which is not the case. Her case was smoothly running in the court. If Sulman Taseer had problem with the law, he would have challenged it in the court instead of terming it with highly offensive word 'Kala Qanoon'.

The act of Sulman Taseer and that of PML N changing Khatm-e-Nabuwat declaration law are identical, unprovoked and against the aspirations of majority, in fact all of mankind because Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is prophet of not just 'muslims'. Now may I ask, what grounds do you have to go against the whole of mankind.

People from all religions and walk of life should have unanimously filed a signed writ petition for the pardon Mumtaz Qadri.
Khadim hussain rizvi is jahil moron and goon who is doing ghunda ghardi and badmashi in the name of Islam. Such basmashi and ghunda Ghardi only happen in Pakistan in the name of Islam. Islamic character and following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is missing in lives of these so called Ashiq e Rasool but they are good in abusing others, judging others and passing fatwaz of killing on others
If Mumtaz Qadri were a terrorist, he would have killed that woman Asiah Bibi which is not the case. Her case was smoothly running in the court. If Sulman Taseer had problem with the law, he would have challenged it in the court instead of terming it with highly offensive word 'Kala Qanoon'.

Asiah Bibi was not easy target, probably was behind the bars or in police custody. Salman Taseer was easy target for mumtaz because law enforcement trusted mumtaz to provide security to Taseer. You are talking about courts as if you are unaware of how things goes in Pakistan. I can say same about mumtaz, if he had any problem with Taseer's words, he could go to the courts. What Salman Taseer did was his opinions and not very Pakistani me and you need to agree with him, but what mumtaz did was a crime far greater than Taseer's. He set a trend, killed a human and betrayed his job.

The act of Sulman Taseer and that of PML N changing Khatm-e-Nabuwat declaration law are identical, unprovoked and against the aspirations of majority, in fact all of mankind because Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is prophet of not just 'muslims'. Now may I ask, what grounds do you have to go against the whole of mankind

Those acts maybe against "aspirations" of majority, but majority never ask you to go on a killing spree. Pakistan doesn't need enemies when people living in Pakistan have self destruction mentality. Neither taseer's comments nor PMLN "declarations" demand answer from few terrorists and chaotic anarchit mullas. While you are the first ones to criticize India if they kill someone who slaughter a cow (which they consider their God) but you are intolerant and ready to kill someone who says something about Blasphemy law? Why hypocrisy and double standards? It should be same rule for everyone, rite? If by your logic majority have might so they should have right. I personally believe Blasphemy Law should be amended to make it more transparent, as of rite now any mulla can declare someone with whom they have personal beef, as blasphemous and courts are ready to sentence death penalty, if somehow they escape from being sentenced by courts then mentally ill public will execute the penalty themselves.

People from all religions and walk of life should have unanimously filed a signed writ petition for the pardon Mumtaz Qadri.

Because they are scared of mullas, so are majority Muslims. A normal Pakistani folk only care about roti, kapra, makaan.
Asiah Bibi was not easy target, probably was behind the bars or in police custody. Salman Taseer was easy target for mumtaz because law enforcement trusted mumtaz to provide security to Taseer. You are talking about courts as if you are unaware of how things goes in Pakistan. I can say same about mumtaz, if he had any problem with Taseer's words, he could go to the courts. What Salman Taseer did was his opinions and not very Pakistani me and you need to agree with him, but what mumtaz did was a crime far greater than Taseer's. He set a trend, killed a human and betrayed his job.

Those acts maybe against "aspirations" of majority, but majority never ask you to go on a killing spree. Pakistan doesn't need enemies when people living in Pakistan have self destruction mentality. Neither taseer's comments nor PMLN "declarations" demand answer from few terrorists and chaotic anarchit mullas. While you are the first ones to criticize India if they kill someone who slaughter a cow (which they consider their God) but you are intolerant and ready to kill someone who says something about Blasphemy law? Why hypocrisy and double standards? It should be same rule for everyone, rite? If by your logic majority have might so they should have right. I personally believe Blasphemy Law should be amended to make it more transparent, as of rite now any mulla can declare someone with whom they have personal beef, as blasphemous and courts are ready to sentence death penalty, if somehow they escape from being sentenced by courts then mentally ill public will execute the penalty themselves.

Because they are scared of mullas, so are majority Muslims. A normal Pakistani folk only care about roti, kapra, makaan.

If Asiah Bibi was in police custody, Mumtaz Qadri was also in police. It was easy for him to access her anywhere in the country.

Definitely aspirations of majority must be respected. Muslims living in Hindu majority areas should avoid cow slaughtering.

What is more transparent than speaking on media in disrespectful manner. This transparency made Mumtaz Qadri take that action.

Anyways, what Mumtaz Qadri did, he reached his fate. Khadim Rizvi should also have faced the law but corrupt PML N struck a deal. Ahsan Iqbal should have resigned before signing the agreement.

PML N earlier struck a deal with a dictator and Nawaz Sharif left the country. These people can compromise on anything to save their own skin.
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