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Who was the Greatest Emperor in South Asian History?

Who was the Greatest emperor in South Asia?

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Dark Warrior

Apr 20, 2012
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ChandraGupta Maurya-Established the largest empire ever in the history of the subcontinent.First to unite South Asia.


From "Historical Atlas of India," by Charles Joppen (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1907)

Ashoka-One of India's greatest emperors, Ashoka reigned over most of present-day India after a number of military conquests. His empire stretched from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan to the present-day Bangladesh and the Indian state of Assam in the east, and as far south as northern Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
In 1992, Ashoka was ranked #53 on Michael H. Hart's list of the most influential figures in history.

Akbar-At the end of his reign in 1605 the Mughal empire covered most of northern and central India. He is most appreciated for having a liberal outlook on all faiths and beliefs and during his era, culture and art reached a zenith as compared to his predecessors.

Chatrapati Shivaji-Weakened the Mughals to a point of no recovery.From a small contingent of 2,000 soldiers inherited from his father, he created a formidable force of 100,000 soldiers. He built and restored forts located strategically inland and on seashores for secure lands and coastline.

Ranjit Singh-
Created the Sikh Empire,which encompassed entire Punjab ,Kashmir etc.

Chandragupta Vikramaditya-is rule spanned c. 380–413/415 CE, during which the Gupta Empire achieved its zenith, art, architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India reached its climax. The period of prominence of the Gupta dynasty is very often referred to as the Golden Age of India.

Samudra Gupta-He is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history according to Historian V. A. Smith.

Aurangazeb-Loved by Islamists even though he started the decline of Mughal emperor.

Rajendra Chola-One of the greatest South Indian kings. Rajendra’s territories extended coastal Burma, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives, conquered the kings of Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and Malay Peninsula in South East Asia) and Pegu islands with his fleet of ships.

Babur-Established Mughal rule.Defeated Lodhi.

Please vote for the Emperor whom you think was the greatest.
Who was Bharat then???

I thought a king called Bharat was the first to rule entire sub-continent??? Or is that just mythology???

Also, when and why did Bharat pita become Bharat mata??? Isn't Bharat a male name???
My choices are:-
1) Chandragupta Maurya
2) Ashok the Great
3) Vikramaditya of Ujjain
4) Vikramditya or Chandragupta II
5) Akbar the Great
6) Rajaraja Chola
7) Maharaja Ranjeet Singh
8)Shivaji Bhosle
Atleast Akbar would have been understandable...but Babur and Aurangazeb....Hey bhagwan isko maaf karo *facepalm*


Chandragupta, Ashoka, Shivaji Maharaj and Rajaraja Chola would top my list.

Chatrapati Shivaji-Weakened the Mughals to a point of no recovery.From a small contingent of 2,000 soldiers inherited from his father, he created a formidable force of 100,000 soldiers. He built and restored forts located strategically inland and on seashores for secure lands and coastline.

Not only that, he was the one who awakened the Dharmic spirit of resistance that was dormant for a long time and pioneered the concept of Swarajya. His importance in Indian history cannot be stated more emphatically.
An Emperor whos not even on the list. Alaudin Khilji. He saved the subcontinent from the Mongol menace several times whilst Persia, Central Asia And Iraq fell. These regions were devastated to put it mildly by the Mongols. The subcontinent did not suffer the same fate but rather grew and prospered during this period.
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