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Why China Fears No One?

I'm really not trying to make fun of you SinoIndus, but your views of America are, to put it politely, bizaar. They are out there with little green men in Area 51 and the Abominable Snowman.
That would be Area 52. Area 51 was created as a tourist distraction. It works pretty good.

Then why do your flags say that you are from Pakistan and in China?

I'm a new member, I didn't realize the first flag means where you are from and the second flag where you live... either way, I don't mean to insult anyone. But if I'm attacked it's only my natural instinct to defend myself.:guns::yahoo:

Like I said earlier, the Sino-US relationship is too interdependent for any major conflict. Yes, there will be espionage and proxy fights but anything more is foolish. Whether people like it (or not) the future is a MULTI-POLAR world, and should be. Why should any one (or small group) control the destiny of 6+ billion people??? That is both insulting and absurd!:crazy::smokin:

Anyways, I've been blabbering on for too long. def.pk is just too cool!:blah:
First off both England and France have more than or equal amounts of nukes in England's case. Not only that their nukes are better hidden in submarines that are at least a generation ahead of china's also both nations have a power projection capability that wont be matched by china for another 15-20 years England is about to acquire 2 65000 ton a/c carriers while France has plans for another one. Heck even India has better power projection capability all china has is a navy with 75% old hunks of junk and 25% new stuff and that too is mostly submarines which by their very nature are not tools of power projection. In the next 5 years India's power projection capability is only set to grow with 2 new a\c along with 22 new/current frigates and 12 current/old destroyers with a long term goal of 20 destroyers and frigates backed up by up to 10 2500 ton corvettes and 20 diesel subs and 6 nuke subs.

and china have better power projection than Russia? lol what a joke, they have an a/c with plans for 5 more 60,000 ton a/c not to mention the worlds 2nd largest submarine fleet, with a fleet of battle cruisers, cruisers, destroyers, and frigates.

class I
class II
class III

power projection
class I
class II


India is more densely populated than china and is 3x smaller.
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china was the natural superpower before the USA it has enormous wealth and is primarily a trading nation and hence an economic superpower. It is steadily regaining it economic supremacy and as result become a military superpower. it has always maintained a semblence of independant. South Asia was held back due to occupation by western powers the south indians gave up the fight for continuous independance struggle unlike the chinese. even today the south asians have an inferority complex when it comes to the europeans. I have seen then treat europeans who have no stand in their own countries with much more repect than they deserve. The south asians need to say no more often and flex their muscles a bit and try to sort their problems out together rather thancalling on USA or others giving them a chance to interfere in accordance with their own interests. The Pakistanis call the USA when their democrats have problems with their democracy (Nawaz Sharif) and Musharaff gave into USA over 9/11. The Indains callws President Clinton to remove Pakistan from Kargil but the Sri Lankans did show some backbone against the appointment of european envoy 0ver their civil war they did not allow any one to interfere except when it suited their interests Ie accepting military help form China and pakistan.
let me tell you why china will NEVER dominate Asia.

USA, India, Russia, Japan, SK, Taiwan, and parts of SEA all do not trust it, and will always be in china's way to dominate Asia.

so every1's dreams of china becoming a super power or w.e. are all just dreams.

other Asian countries will always be there to check china's rise.

not to mention that those countries have alliances with each other while the only alliance china has is with u guys.


(India, USA, Japan, SK, Taiwan)
(India, and Russia)

and Obama also wants better ties with Russia which would mean another blow to china's ambitions.

remember our relations with Russia in 2001? if those relations are renewed than china is screwed.

The Chinese people and their civilization is THE world's oldest civilization, stretching back over 10,000 years. No other civilization comes even close, not the ancient Egyptians (7,000 yrs) nor ancient Hindus (8,000 yrs). It is this, coupled with our immensely large population (and their inter-married descendents) spread over the entire globe that garners the Sino Civilization the most unique position.

I would challenge u to submit proof for this stupid claim about oldest civilization status. Chinese is not the world's oldest civilization know to mankind, Its mesopotamia- todays middle east. However many consider Chinese as the "oldest CONTINUES civilization and its still under debate among archaeologists. The funny thing is its not mumbo jumbo 10,000 yrs its much less than that, look up. The author is just claiming whatever comming to his mind.:hitwall:. Also let us know who is the author.

It is from this self-understanding that gives Chinese their unique world view. We are proud but not arrogant. We are intelligent but humble. We are enterprising yet still strongly value family and community.

Now, that is the dumbest thing u could ever hear from a humble person.:lol:. A humble person never proclaim himself as "Intelligent" to everyone.:disagree:

That is why Russia and USA's threats of 'Nuking China' in the last century was only a joke, since back then China was much more rural and Russia + USA combined nukes could only take out a small % of population. The retaliation of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Chinese (not to mention overseas Chinese) and OTHER ASIANS, AFRICANS, ARABS, NATIVES would have wiped them out. So the USA/Russia/UK/France/Germany/Japan never could take on the DRAGON.

Here is the ultimate joke of this article...Keep an eye one the letters with RED colour below, then read the letters in BLUE above. Now tell me does RED and BLUE words make any sense to you??.:disagree:. If Russia,US, and China have "total world annilation capability how the hell Russia+US can only take out small % of population. Just hopeless.:lol:

That's why they say, 'Once you wake up the Dragon, the World will change (for the better)'.

Now, China is 30% urbanized in large cities. If you consider that many of China's small towns are equivalent to tier-II Euro cities, then you can say China is 40% urbanized. China has the 2nd strike capability (as does USA, Russia) to level the planet.

here we go again....

Pakistan Second strike capabity

Pakistan has developed second strike nuke capability
Pakistan Enhances Second Strike Nuclear Capability Pak Alert Press
Pak develops second strike capability: US report

Indian Second strike capability

India and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Draft Nuclear doctrine of India

author's stupidity in epic proportion!!!

Nations with Nukes are:

Class I (total world annilation capability):
USA > Russia > China

Class II (continental annilation with spillover):
Japan > France > Israel > India > Pakistan > UK > Germany

Class II (regional annilation with some trans-continental capability):
Japan > DPRK > Iran

* Note that Japan can easily move to Class I ahead of China if it converts spent reprocessed fuel to nukes. Japan can be classified as Class II if we consider they have a secret nuke program operation without the US knowing (which is difficult).

* Also ROK may also have a secret nuke program, same as Germany and UK. Ukraine and former USSR states may also have retained nukes. Not to mention the black market underground trade of WMD may give powerful mafias nuke capability.


The nations that have 'power projection' are:

Class A (trans-continental):
USA > China > Russia > Japan > France > ROK > UK

Class B (continental):
India > Pakistan > Brazil > DPRK > Iran

Class C (regional):
the rest of the small nations


Nations that have best survivability of Total World Nuke Destruction (TWND):

Class One (more than 70% survive):
India > Least developed sparsely populated African and Americas

Class Two (more than 50% survive):
China > Least developed Asians and Arabs

Class Three (more than 30% survive):
Least developed Euros

Beware: Author's imagination at play. Need proof for the above statistics and i couldnt find one on internet that supports with author.

* Surviving the immediately fallout of a total world nuclear war (in which every single nuclear state goes all out!) is one thing. REBUILDING THE NATION AND PEOPLE DEPENDS ON: people's will, remaining infrastructure, cultural strength, language pervasiveness, traditional heritage, religion, etc.

Of this, older civilizations have a more stronger grounding. Thus centuries later Sino Civilization will be restored to her former glory. Civilizations with small population will integrate with the domination ones. This is not to say localized traditions/cultures/civilzations will die out - on the contrary, those in sparsely located ares will THRIVE.

We all will all die sooner or later, so with a TWND most of us will die sooner. But human civilization will be rebuilt on the will and efforts of the remaining survivors. Thus, whatever may happen the world will continue to survive.

Last paragraph is the one and only paragraph i could find a common ground with the author.
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how will a country survive if she fears some one?when a country face other countries,all you need to do is respect,fear should've never on the diplomatic list,every country should do the same thing.Saddam fear US, he's trying so hard to convince US that there was not BC weapons in iraq,what happened next,US still killed over one million iraqis for a made-up excuse
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"If Russia,US, and China have "total world annilation capability how the hell Russia+US can only take out small % of population. Just hopeless."

i think the aurthor meant at the time of the threats us and russia has yet to have world killing stockpiles of nukes thus having your population spread out mean a better chance of survival. but today it a different story as the number of nuke will simple kill everything if not through direct blast then by radiation and nuclear fallout. also using a nuclear dirty bomb, that is a nuclear bomb modified to produce VERY heavy fallout and using materials such as cobalt it is possible to have 1 bomb be detonated then have radioactive clouds circle THE GLOBE for the next 50 years(very few is needed to kill billions). keep in mind this is different from a normal dirty bomb that has a much smaller effect and does not have a nuclear explosion associated with it.
i think the aurthor meant at the time of the threats us and russia has yet to have world killing stockpiles of nukes thus having your population spread out mean a better chance of survival. but today it a different story as the number of nuke will simple kill everything if not through direct blast then by radiation and nuclear fallout. also using a nuclear dirty bomb, that is a nuclear bomb modified to produce VERY heavy fallout and using materials such as cobalt it is possible to have 1 bomb be detonated then have radioactive clouds circle THE GLOBE for the next 50 years(very few is needed to kill billions). keep in mind this is different from a normal dirty bomb that has a much smaller effect and does not have a nuclear explosion associated with it.

China's first ever nuclear test conducted in 1964. By 1964 US and Soviet had conducted enough test to ruin the planet. In 1954 US tested "Castle Bravo" with 15000 KT yeild, In 1961 Soviet tested "Tsar Bomba", world's most powerfull nuclear bomb ever tested, with a whopping 50000 KT yeild( built within 16 weeks). So ur arguement of time line and stock pile at that time is irrelevant.

File:Worldwide nuclear testing.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear weapons testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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China's first ever nuclear test conducted in 1964. By 1964 US and Soviet had conducted enough test to ruin the planet. In 1954 US tested "Castle Bravo" with 15000 KT yeild, In 1961 Soviet tested "Tsar Bomba", world's most powerfull nuclear bomb ever tested, with a whopping 50000 KT yeild( built within 16 weeks). So ur arguement of time line and stock pile at that time is irrelevant.

File:Worldwide nuclear testing.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear weapons testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tsar Bomba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hmm seems i was mistaken, my bad
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