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Why India needs an ICBM

great... navy needs to be very potent in future. But we don't need to hit Finland,Sweden or Hawaii with an 8000Km SLBM.

And again 8000Km is a ICBM and that too submarine based thus costly again.

We can have our BMS far away in the Indian ocean, beyond China or Pakistan's naval reach.
SURYA series is a must 15 years down the road for peaceful unhindered development.
Indians who believe that we as a nation do not need true ICBM deterrent or that Surya I and II are wasteful pipedreams are either deluding themselves or are historically and politically naive.

Thankfully, I am pretty sure that our leadership on such core areas of national security are neither.

How we test and manage global perceptions when the time comes will be the real crux.

Not just Surya-1 and II, their under water versions are also required... Last years have been really eventful and who knows what next 20 are going to bring...
We will never realize our global ambitions without ICBM capabilities. If ICBM is good for US, China and Russia, it is good for India too
India needs ICBM...because it has to deal with "China" (right now)..and maybe other powers too in future..by the way,we needs K-4 SLBM real fast..and we need more capable "Boomers" that can hold atleast 10 K-4.
India need to decide whether they are going to remain confined to South Asia or be a global power with ICBMs and blue water navy. If you want to remain confined to South Asia in the name of peace, you are sadly mistaken that you won't be bothered. You have to look back at 2000 years of history to learn that you won't be left alone. Do not plan on the current situation. Who knows what is going to happen 15 years down the road.

Again I would want to quote Sun Tzu here.

The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.
India does not need any ICBM in the near term. It's security threats are within the Asian continent, namely China, Pakistan, central Asian transit routes, sea lanes in the Persian Gulf and Malacca Straits. Agni 5 range is not likely to be beyond the Asian continent, therefore wouldn't be "inter-continental". However DRDO must continue its R&D on the Surya missile project keeping long term interests in mind.
India need to decide whether they are going to remain confined to South Asia or be a global power with ICBMs and blue water navy. If you want to remain confined to South Asia in the name of peace, you are sadly mistaken that you won't be bothered. You have to look back at 2000 years of history to learn that you won't be left alone. Do not plan on the current situation. Who knows what is going to happen 15 years down the road.

Again I would want to quote Sun Tzu here.

The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.

Beautifully put.

I believe India is moving towards a blue water navy.

I also believe that India's rise will not go uncontested as power and economic dynamics change.

As the perception of India changes from just a big market to be tapped, to the one doing the tapping.

India has limited land and resources, and a growing population.

To fuel our growth we will need to tap resources and power remotely and globally.

Those ventures will need to be backed by more than just soft power.

We have never been in the business of projecting power. That may well have to change, even if only to maintain status quo.

But above all else, we need to maintain the punitive long arm of deterrence.

Because when push comes to shove, there is only one language that man understands. And no amount of time, evolution, and civilization is going to change that enduring constant.
US was once close ally to Iran,Pakistan,China and also Russia . We should have technology demonstrators for ICBMs .

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