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Why is China behaving like a bully?

Sir all us Filipinos have internet access not private subscribe internet but mostly internet cafes and shops we always connected

I was referring to cars and internet access as a measure of progress for the country as they denote luxury and a rising middle class... in turn meaning a rise is discretionary income (economics)... most of our countries (developing nations) have a lack of both on account of poverty.

By the way even US does not have 100% internet ownership. According to statistics:
Population with internet Percentage of population
Pakistan: 29.1 Million (disputed at 20 Million) 15.5%
Philippines: 33.6 Million 33%
India: 150 Million 12.4%
China: 513.1 Million 38.4%

If Asian nations would focus on their economic growth we could possibly become independent of foreign influence and be assertive, because in that case we have both the economic power (and military power which comes with it) to tackle our issues.


We never heard about these issue 10 or even 5 years back, why it is so heated up now

China should be very very careful, war in the current century brings no good.

China should play delay tactic like Taiwan crisis, move along avoid any conflict

As you can see, these are no issues, these issues are brought up and made hot, so that US can benefit from the crisis

One mistake from china and boom, US will get a chance to exploit

Stands true for Pakistan. We are natural allies, that is if we stop sticking to US and Saudi Arabia and clear our godamn backyard from the terroristic monkeys.
China is making a big mistake. Instead of being love by its neighbors, China is being hated. Instead of playing as big brother, it’s playing bully to others.
China's not qualified to be a bully. Check this resume:


* 1890..................South Dakota................300 Lakota Indians massacred at Wounded Knee.

* 1890..................Argentina......................Buenos Aires interests protected

* 1891..................Chile.............................Marines clash with nationalist rebel

* 1891..................Haiti..............................Black revolt on Navassa defeated

* 1892...................Idaho............................Army suppresses silver miners' strike

* 1893- ................Hawaii............................Independent kingdom overthrown, annexed

* 1894..................Chicago.........................Breaking of rail strike, 34 killed

* 1894..................Nicaragua......................Month-long occupation of Bluefields

* 1894-5...............China.............................Marines land in Sino-Japanese War

* 1894-6...............Korea.............................Marines kept in Seoul during war

* 1895..................Panama.........................Marines land in Colombian province

* 1896..................Nicaragua.......................Marines land in port of Corinto

* 1898-1900..........China.............................Boxer Rebellion fought by foreign armies

* 1898-1910-.........Philippines.....................Seized from Spain, killed 600,000 Filipinos

* 1898-1902-.........Cuba.............................Seized from Spain, still hold Navy base

* 1898- .................Puerto Rico...................Seized from Spain, occupation continues

* 1898- .................Guam...........................Seized from Spain, still use as base

* 1898- .................Minnesota.....................Army battles Chippewa at Leech Lake

* 1898 ..................Nicaragua .....................Marines land at port of San Juan del Sur

* 1899- .................Samoa .........................Battle over succession to throne

* 1899 ..................Nicaragua .....................Marines land at port of Bluefields

* 1899-01 .............Idaho ............................Army occupies Coeur d'Alene mining region

* 1901 .................Oklahoma .....................Army battles Creek Indian revolt

* 1901-1914 .........Panama ........................Broke off from Colombia 1903, annexed Canal Zone; Opened canal 1914.

* 1903 .................Honduras ......................Marines intervene in revolution

* 1903-04 ..............Dominican Republic .......U.S. interests protected in Revolution

* 1904-05 ..............Korea ............................Marines land in Russo-Japanese War

* 1906-09 ..............Cuba ............................Marines land in democratic election

* 1907 ...................Nicaragua ....................."Dollar Diplomacy" protectorate set up

* 1907 ...................Honduras ......................Marines land during war with Nicaragua

* 1908 ...................Panama ........................Marines intervene in election contest.

* 1910 ...................Nicaragua ......................Marines land in Bluefields and Corinto

* 1911 ...................Honduras .......................U.S. interests protected in civil war

* 1911-1914 ...........China .............................Continuous occupation with flare-ups

* 1912 ...................Cuba ..............................U.S. interests protected in civil war

* 1912 ...................Panama ......................... Marines land during heated election

* 1912 ...................Honduras ........................Marines protect U.S. economic interest

* 1912-33 ...............Nicaragua .......................10-year occupation, fought guerrillas

* 1913 ....................Mexico ...........................Americans evacuated during revolution

* 1914 ....................Dominican republic ..........Fight with rebels over Santo Domingo

* 1914 ....................Colorado .........................Breaking of miners' strike by Army

* 1914-18 ................Mexico ...........................Series of interventions against nationalists

* 1914-34 ................Haiti ...............................19-year occupation after revolts

* 1915 .....................Texas .............................Federal soldiers crush "Plan of San Diego" Mexican-American rebellion

* 1916-24 ................Dominican Republic .........8-year Marine occupation

* 1917-33 ................Cuba ...............................Military occupation, economic protectorate

* 1917-18 ................WWI ...............................Ships sunk, fought Germany for 1 1/2 years

* 1918-22 ................Russia ............................Five landings to fight Bolsheviks

* 1918-20 ................Panama .........................."Police duty" during unrest after elections

* 1919 .....................Honduras .........................Marines land during election campaign

* 1919 .....................Yugoslavia ........................intervene for Italy against Serbs in Dalmatia

* 1920 .....................Gautemala .......................2-week intervention against unionists

* 1920-21 .................West Virginia ...................Army intervenes against mineworkers

* 1922 ......................Turkey ............................Fought nationalists in Smyrna

* 1922-27 ..................China ..............................Deployment during nationalist revolt

* 1923 ......................Mexico .............................Airpower defends Calles from rebellion

* 1924-25 ..................Honduras .........................Landed twice during election strife

* 1925 .......................Panama ...........................Marines suppress general strike

* 1927-34 ...................China ..............................Marines stationed throughout the country

* 1932 .......................El Salvador ......................Warships send during Marti revolt

* 1932 .......................Washington DC ................Army stops WWI vet bonus protest

* 1941-45 ...................WWII ...............................Hawaii bombed, fought Japan, Italy and Germany for 3 years; first nuclear war

* 1943 .......................Detroit ...............................Army put down Black rebellion

* 1946 .......................Iran ...................................Soviet troops told to leave north

* 1946 .......................Yugoslavia .........................Response to shoot-down of US plane

* 1947 ........................Uruguay ............................Bombers deployed as show of strength

* 1947-49 ...................Greece ..............................U.S. directs extreme-right in civil war

* 1948 ........................Germany ..........................Atomic-capable bombers guard Berlin Airlift

* 1948-49 ....................China ...............................evacuate Americans before Communist victory

* 1948-54 ....................Philippines ........................CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion

* 1950 .........................Puerto Rico ......................Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce

* 1951-53- ....................Korea ..............................U.S./So. Korea fights China/No. Korea to stalemate, still have bases

* 1953 .........................Iran ..................................CIA overthrows democracy, installs Shah

* 1954 .........................Vietnam ............................French offered bombs to use against siege

* 1954 .........................Guatemala ........................CIA directs exile invasion after new gov't nationalized U.S. company lands

* 1956 .........................Egypt ................................Soviets told to keep out of Suez crisis; Marines evacuate foreigners

* 1958 .........................Lebanon .............................Army & Marine occupation against rebels

* 1958 .........................Iraq ....................................Iraq warned against invading Kuwait

* 1958 .........................China .................................China told not to move on Taiwan isles

* 1958 .........................Panama .............................Flag protests erupt into confrontation

* 1960-75 .....................Vietnam .............................Fought South Vietnam revolt & North Vietnam, longest war for US

* 1961 .........................Cuba ..................................CIA-directed exile invasion fails

* 1961 .........................Germany ............................Alert during Berlin Wall crisis

* 1962 .........................Laos ..................................Military buildup during guerrilla war

* 1962 .........................Cuba .................................Blockade during missile crisis; near-war with Soviet Union

* 1963 .........................Iraq ....................................CIA organizes coup that killed president, brings Ba'ath Party to power

* 1964 .........................Panama ..............................Panamanians shot for urging canal's return

* 1965 .........................Indonesia .............................Million killed in CIA-assisted army coup

* 1965-66 ....................Dominican republic ...............Army & Marines land during election campaign

* 1966-67 ....................Guatemala ...........................Green Berets intervene against rebels

* 1967 .........................Detroit ..................................Army battles African Americans, 43 killed

* 1968 .........................US .......................................After King is shot; over 21,000 soldiers in cities

* 1969-75 .....................Cambodia .............................Up to 2 m killed in decade of bombing, starvation, and political chaos

* 1970 ..........................Oman ...................................U.S. directs Iranian marine invasion

* 1971-73 .....................Laos .....................................U.S. directs S Vietnamese invasion; "carpet-bombs" countryside

* 1973 ..........................South Dakota ........................Army directs Wounded Knee siege of Lakotas

* 1973 ..........................Mideast ................................World-wide alert during Mideast War

* 1973 ..........................Chile .....................................CIA-backed coup ousts elected marxist president

* 1975 ..........................Cambodia ..............................Gassing of captured ship Mayagüez, 28 die when copter shot down

* 1976-92 ......................Angola ..................................CIA assists South African-backed rebels

* 1980 .......................... Iran .......................................Hostage rescue, 8 troops die in copter-plane crash

* 1981 ...........................Libya .................................... Two Libyan jets shot down in maneuvers

* 1981-92 ......................El Salvador .............................Advisers, overflights aid anti-rebel war, soldiers involved actions

* 1981-90 ......................Nicaragua ...............................CIA directs exile (Contra) invasions, plants harbor mines

* 1982-84 ......................Lebanon ..................................Marines expel PLO and back Phalangists, Navy bombs and shells ..............................................................................Muslim positions. 241 Marines killed when Shi'a rebel bombs barracks.

* 1983-84 ......................Grenada ...................................Invasion four years after revolution

* 1983-89 ......................Honduras .................................Maneuvers help build bases near borders

* 1984 ...........................Iran .........................................Two Iranian jets shot down over Persian Gulf

* 1986 ...........................Libya .......................................Air strikes to topple Qaddafi gov't

* 1986 ...........................Bolivia ......................................Army assists raids on cocaine region

* 1987-88 ...................... Iran ..........................................On Iraq in war, defend reflagged tankers and shoot down civilian jet

* 1989 ...........................Libya ........................................Two Libyan jets shot down

* 1989 ...........................Virgin Islands .............................St. Croix Black unrest after storm

* 1989 ...........................Philippines .................................Air cover provided for government against coup

* 1989- ..........................Panama .....................................Nationalist government ousted by soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed.

* 1990 ...........................Liberia ........................................Foreigners evacuated during civil war

* 1990-91 ......................Saudi Arabia .............................. Iraq invade Kuwait,540,000 troops stationed nearby

* 1990-91 .......................Iraq ............................................Air strikes; 200,000+ killed

* 1991 ...........................Kuwait ........................................Kuwait royal family returned to throne

* 1991-2003 ...................Iraq .............................................No-fly zone over Kurdish north, Shiite south; constant air strikes ........................................................................................and naval-enforced economic sanctions

* 1992 ...........................Los Angeles ................................Army, Marines deployed against anti-police uprising

* 1992-94 ......................Somalia ......................................U.S led UN occupation during civil war; raids against Mogadishu faction

* 1992-94 ......................Yugoslavia ..................................NATO blockade of Serbia and Montenegro

* 1993- ..........................Bosnia .......................................No-fly zone patrolled in civil war; downed jets, bombed Serbs

* 1994 ...........................Haiti ..........................................Blockade against military gov't; troops restore Pres Aristide

* 1996-97 .......................Zaire (Congo) .............................Troops at Rwandan where Congo revolution begins

* 1997 ...........................Liberia ........................................Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners

* 1997 ...........................Albania .......................................Soldiers under fire during evacuation of foreigners

* 1998 ...........................Sudan .........................................Attack on pharm plant alleged to be "terrorist" nerve gas plant

* 1998 ...........................Afghanistan .................................Missiles on training camps

* 1998 ...........................Iraq .............................................Intensive air strikes after inspectors allege Iraqi obstructions

* 1999 ...........................Yugoslavia ...................................NATO air strikes after Serbia declines to withdraw from Kosovo, occupy

* 2000 ...........................Yeman ........................................USS Cole, docked in Aden, bombed

* 2001 ...........................Macedonia ..................................NATO forces deployed to move and disarm Albanian rebels

* 2001 ...........................US ..............................................Reaction to hijacker attacks on New York, DC

* 2001- ..........................Afghanistan .................................30,000 U.S. troops overthrow Taliban, hunt Al Qaeda

* 2002 ...........................Yeman .........................................Predator drone missile attack on Al Qaeda

* 2002- ...........................Philippines ..................................Train Philippine military fighting Abu Sayyaf rebels

* 2003- ...........................Columbia .....................................US special force back up Colombian military protect oil pipeline

* 2003-............................Iraq ..............................................US led UN force for WMD

* 2003 ............................Liberia ..........................................Peacekeeping as rebels drove out leader

* 2004-05 .......................Haiti .............................................Marines & Army land after right-wing rebels oust Aristide

* 2005- ...........................Pakistan .......................................Drone strikes

* 2006- ...........................Somalia ........................................Special Forces advise Ethiopian invasion

* 2008 ............................Syria ........................................... Special Forces in helicopter raid from Iraq

* 2009- ...........................Yeman .........................................Cruise missile attack on Al Qaeda kills 49 civilians

* 2011- ........................... Libya ...........................................NATO coordinates air strikes and missile attacks

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

LOL China's not qualified to be a bully. Start posting its past history before it was conquered by European countries and Japan. And its recent wars since 1949 revolution. And its military build up shows they are ready to invade other Asian countries. Otherwise other countries in Asia would have no fear of China because of its benign past right? China knows when its ready or not. Its not that stupid. Author of Art of War.
Interesting point and maybe it is selective reading on my part but has any one else noticed that the daily military Nationalist speaches about how China was going to kick everyone out of the Pacific and claimed every island west of San Francisco have stopped now the National Congress is over?
LOL China's not qualified to be a bully. Start posting its past history before it was conquered by European countries and Japan. And its recent wars since 1949 revolution. And its military build up shows they are ready to invade other Asian countries. Otherwise other countries in Asia would have no fear of China because of its benign past right? China knows when its ready or not. Its not that stupid. Author of Art of War.

So why don't you kindly list all the military offensive actions of China, historical or since 1890, and we'll put them right next to your country's list to see who's more qualified to be the world's best "THE BULLY". :tup:

Your bold part also means if a man takes Viagra he's ready to 'commit rape'. Hmm, FBI could use a director of your talent.

There are many thief and bullies in this world, isn't China allows to protect what she has. Otherwise a repeat of more than a century ago can happen again. London was trying to auction some of the loots she took from the Summer Palace a few months back if you haven't heard.
Sir please check your spelling and who the hell are you for us Filipinos to obey? your not god and we kick your ***** before why the hell do you think your better than us? so as the viets so who are you people to ask for our obedience? if your waiting for that well wait forever because its not coming my god how arrogant can people like you be? following your logic you should obey us the viets and filipinos because we kick your ***** hahaha but seriously be civilized obey International law.

you finos kicked our *** so hard that you cowards have now delegated the fighting to your loud-mouth foreign minister and him alone now, hahhaa. has china permitted you to return to the disputed area yet? noooooooooo.

you obey because you finos lack geopolitical weight of your own and always obey someone, and historically that someone has been anybody, and these anybodys actually sold you around and after each sale the slave just adapts to a new owner. that obedience is in your gene, and china need not "make" you.
China is making a big mistake. Instead of being love by its neighbors, China is being hated. Instead of playing as big brother, it’s playing bully to others.
You will love us. You have no choice. Or else we spank you some more.

LOL China's not qualified to be a bully. Start posting its past history before it was conquered by European countries and Japan. And its recent wars since 1949 revolution. And its military build up shows they are ready to invade other Asian countries. Otherwise other countries in Asia would have no fear of China because of its benign past right? China knows when its ready or not. Its not that stupid. Author of Art of War.
:lol: While we talked about peaceful rise we built up our nuclear arsenal. Now we are ready to rumble. Old debts now need to be repaid :)
LOL China's not qualified to be a bully. Start posting its past history before it was conquered by European countries and Japan. And its recent wars since 1949 revolution. And its military build up shows they are ready to invade other Asian countries. Otherwise other countries in Asia would have no fear of China because of its benign past right? China knows when its ready or not. Its not that stupid. Author of Art of War.

Just because your country has build up a very strong army and invaded plenty of countries doesn't mean China is following the same path. US has tried to overthrow plenty of governments when their policies didn't suit your government. CIA tried to overthrow Castro, trained some rebels so they can try to make Tibet independent, meddled with the Middle East when Iraq and Iran were fighting each other. The US has used propaganda on its own people instigating fear for Communism. What you are doing is the same as what your government did back then. You are trying to tell us that other Asian countries should fear China because we are modernizing our army. All you Americans want is to stay the most powerful country in the world and the rest have to stay weak.
Just look at the warnings to North Korea and Iran coming from US as examples.

It's quite some accusation coming from you if you trying to convince us China is going to invade Asian countries. The only country that has done this is now being occupied by your country. For thousands of years China has not tried to occupy the whole Asian continent when it was still the most powerful nation on this continent and still is. It has only occupied northern part of Vietnam throughout the history and a Chinese pirate with his gangs did try to occupy Manila but that has nothing to do with China itself. What a pirate does is not his country's responsibility.

The world's biggest thieves comes from the western countries (UK, Spain, The Netherlands, France and Portugal had colonized plenty of East Asian parts). I don't have to repeat what happened to Australia and America or the African slave trade. Funny part is when Europeans in America wanted independence they fought against their own people. You are all descendents of Europeans, the aggressiveness is inside your blood. The list of American operations just proofs it. (Ofcourse i didn't mean the Mexican Americans or the black Americans originated from Africa)
Lol the thing is, nobody saying the west is an angel, whatever the west did we owned up the past.

Everyone did bad thing in the past, it's not as important for someone to do bad thing but it's more important for someone to own up their past. The problem is, we will apologise for our mistake. China never will. White American apologise to American Indian for their land, Germany apologise for WW2, White Australian apologise for the stolen generation. What did china apologised to? Tienenment square? They don't even apologise to their own people in cultral revolution..........Let alone to other 'bout their mistake.

ANd how am i wrong with the ethnic situation in China? Is China more divert than i say? I am not the one saying 90% Chinese are Han Chinese, how many Chinese of European decent you have? How many Chinese of Latin Decent you have there? And how many Nergo Chinese are there?? YOu tell me 90% Han is a very diverse community?

we dont need nergo and white here. we are a yellow people country.
If China will not stop from his aggressiveness and assertiveness in the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea then we should start recognizing Taiwan as a nation and stop honoring the "One China Policy" :enjoy:

You should. Go ahead and try because as we speak, the Taiwanese are warming up to China. The taiwanese independence movement is in shambles, and their political party has already abandoned the cause.

You should read up on recent events. The Taiwanese independence movement is, for all intents and purposes, dead.
You should. Go ahead and try because as we speak, the Taiwanese are warming up to China. The taiwanese independence movement is in shambles, and their political party has already abandoned the cause.

You should read up on recent events. The Taiwanese independence movement is, for all intents and purposes, dead.

If they turn to recognize Taiwan(ROC), ROC(Taiwan) will also requires them to cut the relations with Mainland China. Because ROC also holds on to one china policy. there is no one single country in the world can keep formal relations with China and taiwan at the same time.
By the way, I'm pretty disappointed with the level of discourse from Vietnamese and Filipino members here. So far, I see scant evidence of deep thought or even a hint of consciousness from the posts. Is there nothing more you can offer other than China bad, China aggressive, SCS is ours etc?

If this is the way the Vietnamese and the Filipinos think, then I fear for the future of those countries.

Debate isn't about who shouts the loudest nor who can spout the most slogans. It's about airing out and discussing differences of opinion and basing your opinions from fact.
By the way, I'm pretty disappointed with the level of discourse from Vietnamese and Filipino members here. So far, I see scant evidence of deep thought or even a hint of consciousness from the posts. Is there nothing more you can offer other than China bad, China aggressive, SCS is ours etc?

If this is the way the Vietnamese and the Filipinos think, then I fear for the future of those countries.

Debate isn't about who shouts the loudest nor who can spout the most slogans. It's about airing out and discussing differences of opinion and basing your opinions from fact.

For Vietnam, they need to study the facts of their country from our history record, how can you require them to offer you some useful info?
For Philoys, they dont have their written history records, where can the facts come?
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