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Why is South Asia so tense?


Jan 3, 2009
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Why is South Asia so tense?
By Shahid R. Siddiqi
Sunday, 03 Jan, 2010

For the past 63 years, South Asia has remained in a state of tension. The eight countries that make up this geopolitically sensitive region do not share a friendly and harmonious relationship with each other. This is despite their efforts to come on a single platform of Saarc to develop a major economic and political bloc. All smaller countries were enthusiastic about this model of cooperation to succeed in gaining progress and getting rid of pervasive poverty. But in the end it just collapsed.

All these countries have a closely interwoven history and common ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious heritage but still they failed. It happened because all the contiguous states on India’s periphery are fearful of its hegemonic designs and its policy to dominate and dictate.

In case of India and Pakistan, given the historical divide between Hindus and Muslims, it is understandable that a certain amount of acrimony and distrust would impact their relationship. Instead of accepting Pakistan’s emergence in 1947 as a reality and resolving bilateral disputes in a spirit of understanding, India adopted a belligerent course. The resulting discord and three wars have plagued their relationship to this day, both countries diverting huge and precious financial resources to defence and development of nuclear weapons.

Even if Indo-Pakistan relationship is set aside for a moment as one of peculiar nature and even if Pakistan is presumed to be responsible for all the wicked behaviour, the question arises why do other countries of the region find it so difficult to forge a closer relationship with India? Why is it that India has failed to evoke trust and confidence among its neighbours to make any worthwhile collaboration impossible, including Saarc? Isn’t it time for hostilities to give way to a congenial environment among South Asian neighbours too?

The fact is that for regional alliances, political or economic, to succeed it is imperative for all stakeholders to treat each other as equals, irrespective of their size or strength. This comes with respecting each other’s sovereignty, willingness to set aside political differences and showing a degree of flexibility to promote a common cause. In case of South Asia, this has not happened. India has disputes with almost every neighbour, which has strained their relationships for years at end.

In Sri Lanka, India overtly and covertly supported the insurgency against the state by LTTE, a nationalist Tamil group in the northern Jaffna region of this small island country, which kept it politically and economically destabilised for decades. In the end, India paid a price for interference when its prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, was assassinated by a Tamil activist for having betrayed the movement.

With Bangladesh it is locked in an unresolved dispute over Farakka barrage that deprives Bangladesh of its water share. Despite the gratitude Bangladesh owes to India for having militarily dismembered Pakistan in 1971 to midwife its birth, relations between the two have often sunk to the rock bottom on a host of issues, including border dispute.

The tiny mountain state of Nepal has complained of persistent Indian dictation and interference in its internal affairs. That India employs economic blockades and manipulates transit facilities to this poor landlocked country for arm twisting is no secret.

Although not a part of South Asia, China’s relations with India for decades have remained frosty, at best. They went to war in 1962 over a border dispute. Competing for regional leadership, it does not hesitate to antagonise China by hoisting Dalai Lama off and on to keep the issue of Tibet alive. Lately, having aligned itself with America to contain China, India is bargaining for a tense Sino-Indian relationship in the years to come.

With Pakistan, India maintains the worst of relations mainly because of Pakistan’s political and military standing and its ability to reject Indian domination. Outstanding disputes including Kashmir, water distribution, dams that India constructs in violation Indus Water Treaty and border issues have remained unresolved.

By joining the American bandwagon in Afghanistan and positioning its troops in the name of infrastructure development, India created enough concerns for Pakistan. But by its collusion with CIA and Mossad to take out Pakistan’s nuclear assets through subversion in Fata, the NWFP and other areas using the militants of Tehrik-i-Taliban, India is slamming shut the door on the peace process that Pakistan has been persistently trying to keep open ever since 1947. With a history of constant endeavours to balkanise Pakistan, Indian military build up in Afghanistan is seen by Pakistan’s military as an effort to put it in a nutcracker.

That growing Indian influence in Afghanistan is a destabilising factor in the region, is acknowledged even by Gen McChrystal in his recent review of the war in Afghanistan. The make and types of sophisticated weapons, communications equipment and satellite pictures of troop movements recovered from the militants provide undeniable evidence about Indian involvement.

Mr. Ehsanullah Aryanzai, advisor to the Afghan regime has said that India is using Afghan soil to conduct anti-Pakistan activities. The executive editor of ‘News Indian Express’ has acknowledged the evidence of Indian activities in Balochistan in the issue of July 31, 2009. And evidence was recently handed over by Pakistani prime minister to his Indian counterpart.

The Indian psyche that breeds arrogance and expansionism is clear from the words of Pundit Nehru, India’s first prime minister, who said ‘India must dominate or perish’. Perish it will not. So dominate it must. To Hindu extremists, all others on this land are aliens who do not belong there and this includes Muslims and Christians. This justifies the commonly witnessed ethnic cleansing of non-Hindus and leads to the ultimate dream of the creation of Vrihata Bharat — a Greater India.

To ensure that this fatherland is reunited under Hindu rule, India pursues designs of expanding its boundaries to eventually include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan and create the huge Indian empire.

It would be very naive not to see the direction towards which India is headed. Far from becoming the sole ruler of the entire Indian Ocean, India is destabilising South Asia and working its way towards its own disintegration. This is not only because it is surrounding itself with angry and insecure neighbours, but also due to its troubles at home.


DAWN.COM | World | Why is South Asia so tense?
Complete utter nonsense. One expects better from a highly respected organization like the "dawn".

The Indian psyche that breeds arrogance and expansionism is clear from the words of Pundit Nehru, India’s first prime minister, who said ‘India must dominate or perish’. Perish it will not. So dominate it must. To Hindu extremists, all others on this land are aliens who do not belong there and this includes Muslims and Christians. This justifies the commonly witnessed ethnic cleansing of non-Hindus and leads to the ultimate dream of the creation of Vrihata Bharat — a Greater India.

To ensure that this fatherland is reunited under Hindu rule, India pursues designs of expanding its boundaries to eventually include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan and create the huge Indian empire.

:lol: Yeah okay. The right wing BJP was in power from 98 to 2003. Why did it not invade nations like Bhutan and Nepal as per the vision of "greater India"?? Could it be that no such designs exist? and even if it did in the minds of the extreme right in India, perhaps they are aware that the Indian people will not allow such a thing to occur.

he question arises why do other countries of the region find it so difficult to forge a closer relationship with India?

Please ask the government of Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Nepal which nation does it consider its closest friend? The answer is not Pakistan. We have problems with Pakistan and China. Our problems with Bangladesh only occur if a certain party is elected to power in Bangladesh. The Maoists in Nepal are ideologically against India and are pro China. Nothing can be done about that.

This type of article does not tell us much about Indian or rather Hindu foreign policy as much as it tells us about the hatred the author has for Indians in general and Hindus in particular. As i said before, one expects better from an organization like the "dawn".
Complete utter nonsense. One expects better from a highly respected organization like the "dawn".

They are posting what people want to read. No one would believe them if they post anything other than that.

it tells us about the hatred the author has for Indians in general and Hindus in particular.

Thats the summary of the article.
Complete utter nonsense. One expects better from a highly respected organization like the "dawn".

:lol: Yeah okay. The right wing BJP was in power from 98 to 2003. Why did it not invade nations like Bhutan and Nepal as per the vision of "greater India"?? Could it be that no such designs exist? and even if it did in the minds of the extreme right in India, perhaps they are aware that the Indian people will not allow such a thing to occur.

Pak-India standoff of 2002 anyone?
Main problem is INDIA.ok lets suppose Pakistan is bad then why all the other neighbors of INDIA are weary of it.The answer is simple INDIA wants just destruction in subcontinent.Fighting and war are motto of INDIA.
Well if people want to understand here is what I think.
In general only India shares borders with others, so when countries share borders there will be some issues and barring Pakistan none of the other countries have big issues. Now let me address country by country.
SL LTTE blame on India, yes India supported it in initial days, that support vanished long back atleast 2 decades ago, currently India helped SL win over LTTE. GOSL never blamed India for this, infact said India helped them win over LTTE. It is the Pakistani's who blame it on India, even attack on SL was tried to be blamed on India. Honestly we have good relations with SL. The LTTE story does not stand.
Bangaladesh is currently having good relationship with India, they 2 issue we have is water and civilians death on border.
Now it is known that terrorist have used BD soil against India so obviously there cannot be much tolerance at border, why they want cross illegally is not understood. Also one set of people there seems to hate India purely on basis on religion. Nothing major anyways.
Nepal it is only currently that we have seen some anti India feeling, there are certain sections there who want to spread hate against India. I can say it is easier to spread hate then otherwise. Again nothing major.
Now comes Pakistan, everyone knows about it.

Let's compare how Pakistan or Bangladesh is doing with their neighbors. I do not think they are doing that great.

India is the biggest country in the region that shares borders with most of the countries, so whenever there is sharing there is bound to be some issues.

To top it all I believe this region is full of illitrate people and getting them hate anyone is easy including Indians. You might want to disagree but think properly and you will understand what I mean.

The south east asian are most gullible prople who easily fall for conspirecy theories.
Look at our newspaper and you will see what I mean, there are so many stories where people acted against others without finding what the truth is, or breaking the rule of land.

Basically this was the reason British ruled India for 200 years including Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The south east Asian is most gullible prople who easily fall for conspirecy theiories.

i agree with this line.

Now let me address country by country.
SL LTTE blame on India, yes India supported it in initial days, that support vanished long back atleast 2 decades ago, currently India helped SL win over LTTE. GOSL never blamed India for this, infact said India helped them win over LTTE

If so then why was SL getting weapons from us instead of INDIA?And how did INDIA helped against LTTE it was Pakistan that helped SL not INDIA.
Why is South Asia so tense?
By Shahid R. Siddiqi
Sunday, 03 Jan, 2010

For the past 63 years, South Asia has remained in a state of tension. The eight countries that make up this geopolitically sensitive region do not share a friendly and harmonious relationship with each other. This is despite their efforts to come on a single platform of Saarc to develop a major economic and political bloc. All smaller countries were enthusiastic about this model of cooperation to succeed in gaining progress and getting rid of pervasive poverty. But in the end it just collapsed.

All these countries have a closely interwoven history and common ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious heritage but still they failed. It happened because all the contiguous states on India’s periphery are fearful of its hegemonic designs and its policy to dominate and dictate.


DAWN.COM | World | Why is South Asia so tense?

Typical south Asian mindset .

They would love to be dominated by foreigners be it all the invaders that came from west asia/central asia and Europe in the past ...or by the presense of USA and china as we see in present days rather than accept bigger and stronger fellow south asian country called india amongst them . The crap mindset is pervasive.

They have a history of welcoming foreigners only to be enslaved by them,but never learn to unite and stop feuding among themselves over pity issues instead of joining hands to become a powerful force for future.
Yes. India is the reason for tension in south asia.
This article is a big troll talking about absolutely imaginary Virat bharat!!

But when i reply that the real reason for tension is amply described in the thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/43105-road-ghazwa-e-hindh.html, my post gets deleted as troll. Good work Taimi.

Yeah, that was nothing more then a troll to derail the thread. This thread has a starting post, keep your comments to that, no need to bring in the Gazwa-e-hind thread into it. That is a separate thing, this is separate. Hope you can distinguish among them.

So next time before posting, do think.
i agree with this line.

If so then why was SL getting weapons from us instead of INDIA?And how did INDIA helped against LTTE it was Pakistan that helped SL not INDIA.

Get yourself corrected both countries did, while India has to take into account the feelings of Tamil population, it gave SL helicopters and its Navy blocked sea route and actively provided information to SL.

GOSL is on records that India helped, that matters, stop thinking what Zaid Hamid told.
^^^You didn't answer my question.Instead of defending a thing which does not exists(INDIA helping SL).The reality is that SL was back stabbed by India and then they turned to Pakistan for weapons and we gladly helped our South Asian Brother.
who was responsible for the stand off????????

India, unnecessarily pulls thousands of troops onto the border. Pakistan's defense budget was frozen so we could focus on other things like education and infrastructure. India see's this as an advantage. Musharraf threatens with nuclear destruction. India leaves.

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