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Why is the name of Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Al-Saud written upon the covering of Ka'aba?


Oct 10, 2016
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The following is a screen grab from the Makkah Live channel on YouTube. If you see the red rectangle, it says in Arabic:

Hazihil kiswatu sana'aah fil Makkah tal Mukarramah wa hudan ha lil Ka'aba tul Musharrafah Khaadim Al Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud Taqabbal Allahu Minhu sanh 1440H

(This cover has been crafted in Holy Mecca and gifted for Ka'aba Musharrafah by the Servant of Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud May Allah Accept from him Year 1440 Hijrah)

This is the place towards which Muslims direct themselves for prayers from around the world and it is supposed to be selected only for Greatness of Allah the Almighty. Why is the name of an ordinary human being written here? What do religious scholars have to say about this?


NOTE: Post edited to add the year at the end of the text in both Arabic and English.
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@Slav Defence
I guess you just told me that no hate speech is allowed against any ethnicity?
When I asked you to allow criticism of Iran?
Look at this thread. Your argument becomes mute.

On topic , the same Arab tribes who had been looking after Kaaba were allowed to continue as such after they converted to Islam .
These are old traditions which are continuing.

These Yazid's are the servants of the Jews and pagans. They have no rights to oversee the holy sites of Muslims. The quicker they are dethroned the better it is for the Muslims.
Now look at this Iran potthoo ( vaseline boy) comment?
This is what I was on about. The proof is in the pudding @Slav Defence
This kind of sentences are imprinted on all kinds of religious work that is conducted under the Saudi religious ministry. Yes, it does mention the name of the current Saudi king.

Below you can see the same kind of sentence imprinted on the bottom page of the Quran printed by Saudi religious ministry under King Fahad. It is more of a tradition than anything else nothing related to politics.

These copies of the Quran are completely free to everyone and you can get them religious ministries offices with the option of translation in almost all major languages.

This is blasphemy to the highest level, clearly the heads of the saud scums must roll for the mockery of Islam, they also have been destroying religious sites since they illegally occupied the holy cities, with the help of their british masters in the early 20th century. The occupation of Juruselem by zionists is no different to the occupation of hejaz by the 'royal' house of barbarians.
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Gentlemen, let's not engage in name calling and bad mouthing. Even my heart is deeply saddened by this, but calling names doesn't change the situation.

On the other hand, please don't try to explain away or excuse this, except if you have something from valid religious scholars. My hope is that you guys will share this widely until it comes to the notice of some valid religious scholar who might issue a statement about this. Please help me in raising awareness of this issue. I thank you all in advance for your help.
I don't think it's religiously improper (in my extremely limited knowledge), i do think it is uncouth.
Stick to the topic
Avoid making anti Arab, Sunni or Iran, Shia post.

You will not like to see exit door.

The following is a screen grab from the Makkah Live channel on YouTube. If you see the red rectangle, it says in Arabic:

Hazihil kiswatu sana'aah fil Makkah tal Mukarramah wa hudan ha lil Ka'aba tul Musharrafah Khaadim Al Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud Taqabbal Allahu Minhu sanh 1440H

(This cover has been crafted in Holy Mecca and gifted for Ka'aba Musharrafah by the Servant of Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud May Allah Accept from him Year 1440 Hijrah)

This is the place towards which Muslims direct themselves for prayers from around the world and it is supposed to be selected only for Greatness of Allah the Almighty. Why is the name of an ordinary human being written here? What do religious scholars have to say about this?

View attachment 613750

NOTE: Post edited to add the year at the end of the text in both Arabic and English.
The text only displays credits which is fine. If shirk was written then it was something to worry about.
Before putting up complains further, try to observe old videos of Hajj. If you find the text missing then proceed ahead.
@Slav Defence
I guess you just told me that no hate speech is allowed against any ethnicity?
When I asked you to allow criticism of Iran?
Look at this thread. Your argument becomes mute.

On topic , the same Arab tribes who had been looking after Kaaba were allowed to continue as such after they converted to Islam .
These are old traditions which are continuing.

Now look at this Iran potthoo ( vaseline boy) comment?
This is what I was on about. The proof is in the pudding @Slav Defence

Why don't you ignore what you don't like about the poster and treat his post on merit? He is indeed right, isn't he?
Stick to the topic
Avoid making anti Arab, Sunni or Iran, Shia post.

You will not like to see exit door.

The text only displays credits which is fine. If shirk was written then it was something to worry about.
Before putting up complains further, try to observe old videos of Hajj. If you find the text missing then proceed ahead.

You are right. This has been going on for a while. This is a zoom-in on a picture from at least 2010:


This is my personal reservation, not something I have heard from a valid religious scholar. The custom of pinning poetry and deeds of forefathers was observed during the times of pagans before the advent of Islam. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam himself purged the Ka'aba of false idols and symbols. And the Saudis pride themselves for being Mawahhid - people who exalt the Oneness of Allah the Almighty. The Ka'aba is a direction of prayer, and a Symbol of Allah's Greatness. As far as I can see (and please correct me if I am wrong) even the name Muhammad isn't written anywhere. It goes against the very grain of puritanical Tawheed to sully the Symbol of Allah's Greatness with the name of a mere mortal.

This is my personal apprehension - it is not an objection because I am not a religious scholar who can opine on such matters. Since I am in Australia, I am hoping some brother will contact valid religious scholars and update the thread. Jazak Allah Khair to anyone who makes the effort.
The following is a screen grab from the Makkah Live channel on YouTube. If you see the red rectangle, it says in Arabic:

Hazihil kiswatu sana'aah fil Makkah tal Mukarramah wa hudan ha lil Ka'aba tul Musharrafah Khaadim Al Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud Taqabbal Allahu Minhu sanh 1440H

(This cover has been crafted in Holy Mecca and gifted for Ka'aba Musharrafah by the Servant of Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud May Allah Accept from him Year 1440 Hijrah)

This is the place towards which Muslims direct themselves for prayers from around the world and it is supposed to be selected only for Greatness of Allah the Almighty. Why is the name of an ordinary human being written here? What do religious scholars have to say about this?

View attachment 613750

NOTE: Post edited to add the year at the end of the text in both Arabic and English.
There should be no name on cover of Kaaba. Only Allah's name is the biggest.
I guess people are offended why its written in Arabic... they cannot write it in English to not make it look like Quranic Verse...

This situation makes me remember a joke about " Hammam" written in Arabic.... and Pakistanis reaction to it.. :angel:
Meanwhile Iran is conspiring with loyalists in Pakistani cabinet to spread pandemic in Pakistan, which will kill people indiscriminately, how can this be holy?

I take it as your admission against the Saudis using Islam for furthering their political interests.

There should be no name on cover of Kaaba. Only Allah's name is the biggest.
Qalima Shahaada?

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