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Why Jayalalitha Is India's Next Prime Minister


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
India's next federal elections are slated for 2014, but can happen sooner. Two obvious candidates for prime ministership are emerging. On the one side is Rahul Gandhi, whose family has been ruling India for the last nine years.

Ranged against him is Narendra Modi of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Gandhi starts with obvious advantages, but his Congress party's government has been so plagued with corruption that reelection is improbable. Rahul seems resigned to sitting in the opposition.

Which brings us to Modi. He started off his rule in the Indian state of Gujarat disastrously, presiding over a horrid massacre of Muslims after a train carrying Hindus was allegedly set on fire by a Muslim mob. Whether he was a detached Nero, or he actively encouraged the pogrom is still hotly debated across India and being decided in the courts. Suffice it to say that he went on to become a symbol of Hindu supremacy. He also justified the rioting as a reaction to the train burning.

India's strident liberals hounded him, but he focused on making his already-prosperous state the benchmark for development in India. The West boycotted him. The U.S. refused to grant him a visa, displaying an element of hypocrisy, because George W. Bush, whose regime barred Modi, was feted in India despite what many believe to be his culpability in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Modi in contrast stands accused of being responsible for about two thousand.

Over the preceding decade, Modi has made himself over. He has won three state elections in a row, making himself a top contender to be India's prime minister. The European Union has taken notice and is now courting him. Modi has toned down his anti-Muslim rhetoric, and won the endorsement of noted Indian industrialists like Ratan Tata, a non-Hindu. Many an Indian sick of corruption, stagnation, and weak leadership looks to him to turbo-charge the country.

Modi has also lost much of his abrasive style, at least in public. He dresses in designer clothing, and speaks like a savant. He runs his state like a dictator though, brooking no challengers. A few henchmen, whom he protects at all costs, unless they become extreme political liabilities, do his every bidding. Key English media, whom India's chatterati follow, root for him. His party's cadre see him as a savior, but its leadership squirms because they fear being sidelined by him.

The BJP runs as a collective, with no paramount leader, unlike the Congress. It forgets that despite having a parliamentary system, India votes for the leader over the party. It therefore has unwittingly confined itself as a permanent opposition.

If Modi has a friend in the BJP, it is the erudite lawyer, Arun Jaitley, who evokes India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh. Jaitley is popular among the middle class, just as Singh was when Sonia Gandhi appointed him PM. He is a member of the upper house of parliament, for which the common man doesn't vote, just like Singh is. They both lack the mass base of Modi or of the Gandhi family.

None of the two national parties, the Congress and the BJP, are expected to get a majority of delegates in the 570-seater parliament in the coming election. Whichever one that wins between 150-200 seats is positioned to cobble a ruling coalition. If the BJP agrees upon Modi as its prime ministerial candidate, he could very well get the requisite number of seats from his Hindu base. But some key party allies have made clear their refusal to have him as prime minister because of his anti-Muslim credentials.

An ally with no such qualms is the chief minister of the 70-million state of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa Jayaram. She is close to Modi. Just as she was getting tagged with being pro-Hindu, she burnished her secular credentials by banning a film with anti-Muslim overtones. Two scenarios emerge in case the BJP wins 150 seats or more. One is that Modi blesses Jaitley as prime minister, which would make it easier to attract allies.

But Modi knows from the Sonia Gandhi-Manmohan Singh experience that once a party colleague is appointed PM, it is hard to dislodge him. Being prime minister confers spine even to the pliable. And India would not like him to backstab one of his own. So the choice then falls on an outsider. If Jayalalithaa wins over 30 parliamentary seats, she can lay claim to being prime minister. Every Indian state craves that a homegrown person becomes the PM, the country's diversity being such that having one of your own ruling Delhi is a matter of self-pride.

Jayalalithaa is articulate and telegenic. Two years ago, she became her state's chief minister for the third time with a thumping majority. She clearly harbors national ambitions. And she has a friend in Modi.

For Modi, there is an advantage in promoting Jayalalithaa to premiership. India's history is replete with a bigger party supporting a smaller party's candidate as PM, and pulling the plug soon thereafter. It then calls for general elections, citing how only a big party can provide durable leadership.

Jayalalitha's English is excellent, which should be sufficient to make her PM. She needs to brush up on her Hindi though so that she can endear herself to the 400 million Indians who speak the language. That in itself will provide her more longevity of tenure than anything else. That is, until Modi pulls the plug.

Sunil Sharan: Why Jayalalitha Is India's Next Prime Minister
Jayalathia has done well TN and i guess same success can be replicated all over India if she becomes PM.

Her success Sheet:

(SBU) Summary: Movie-star turned politician J. Jayalalithaa's
political career embodies many of the contradictions inherent in the
history of successful female politicians in India's otherwise
patriarchical society. A man brought her into politics but she rose
to the height of power on her own, breaking new ground for women as
she went along. Known as Tamil Nadu's "Iron Lady," she is famous
for her toughness. Her autocratic style has led to complete
domination of her political party, whose followers fawn over her
with slavish displays of obedience to her commands. She has
succeeded in Tamil Nadu's male dominated political environment by
literally reversing traditional stereotypes: Jayalalithaa is widely
seen as the toughest, most muscular political figure in the state.
She has leveraged this image of strength into political power,
serving multiple terms as Chief Minister of a state of more than 65
million people and demonstrating that India's women can make a mark
on their nation's politics. End summary.

Brash young movie star follows lover into politics

¶2. (SBU) Sixty-one year-old J. Jayalalithaa (DOB 2/24/1948) stormed
the Tamil movie scene as a precocious, pathbreaking teen-ager.
Despite her staid image today, she started her career as a sharp
contrast to the middle-aged, saree-clad archetype of the Tamil
heroine. Jayalalithaa was the first Tamil film star to appear on
screen in a western-style skirt. She was best known as the leading
heroine and mistress of matinee idol M. G. Ramachandran (MGR). MGR,
who was considerably older than Jayalalithaa, founded the AIADMK
(All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam) party in 1972, as a break
away from the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, the grand old Tamil
nationalist party that led the Dravidian movement. MGR eventually
brought Jayalalithaa into politics, first giving her a position in
the AIADMK in 1982 and later nominating her to the Rajya Sabha in

First woman to serve full term
as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu

¶3. (SBU) Although she owed her early political career to her
relationship with MGR, Jayalalithaa asserted herself following MGR's
death in 1987. She struggled for three years with his widow for
control of the party, finally prevailing in 1990. She soon led the
AIADMK to a sweeping victory in the assembly elections of 1991,
riding a wave of revulsion against the party's arch-rival, the DMK,
which was seen as indirectly complicit in the assassination of Rajiv
Gandhi due to its closeness to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
(LTTE). She became Tamil Nadu's second female Chief Minister (MGR's
widow was the first, serving only 28 days following her husband's
death), and the first woman to serve a full term as Chief Minister
of the state from 1991-1996.

¶4. (SBU) Widespread allegations of corruption marked Jayalalithaa's
first term in office. She was arrested on corruption charges and
held in pre-trial detention for 28 days after leaving office. The
DMK government that succeeded her filed a dozen corruption cases
against her, which led to two convictions in the lower courts.
Although the two convictions prevented Jayalalithaa from personally
contesting, her AIADMK won a majority in the 2001 state assembly
elections. The state's Governor swore her in as Chief Minister in
May 2001, but three months later the Supreme Court of India ruled
her appointment as Chief Minister null and void. She stepped down
and named a party sidekick to the Chief Minister's post.
Jayalalithaa ruled from behind the throne until the Madras High
Court overturned both convictions. She then contested and won a
by-election, becoming Chief Minister again in March 2002 until her
party's defeat in 2006.

Tamil Nadu's "Iron Lady"

¶5. (SBU) Jayalalithaa developed a reputation for having an iron
hand as Chief Minister, especially on law and order issues. First
taking office soon after the Rajiv Gandhi assassination,
Jayalalithaa ordered a crackdown on the LTTE, which long had
operated openly in the state. A bureaucrat who held a key security
portfolio at the time told post that Jayalalithaa ordered him to do
"whatever it takes to finish off the LTTE" in Tamil Nadu, even if it

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required extrajudicial killings of LTTE associates in the state.
Even her fiercest critics acknowledge Jayalalithaa 's aggressive
approach went a long way towards pushing the LTTE out of Tamil Nadu.
Her tough-on-crime posture was not limited to the LTTE.
In 2004,
during her second term as Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu police shot and
killed the forest bandit Veerappan. Veerappan had defied the
authorities for decades, killing more than a hundred people
(including policemen and forest rangers) while reigning over vast
stretches of the state's forests.

¶6. (SBU) Jayalalithaa was hard on the state's bureaucrats. She
regularly punished civil servants who displeased her by suspending
or transferring them to unpleasant assignments and locations. For
example, she summarily suspended her Home Secretary for supporting
bail for an accused in a terrorist bombing case. The Home Secretary
had supported the bail plea on humanitarian grounds, as the accussed
was physically ill. In 2003 Jayalalithaa dismissed 170,000 striking
government employees; a court reinstated them shortly thereafter.
But her decision came back to haunt Jayalalithaa as the ire of the
fired employees and their families is believed to have played a
significant role in the electoral drubbing the AIADMK took in 2004.

Political party or cult of personality?

¶7. (SBU) Jayalalithaa is the consummate autocrat. Her total
domination of the AIADMK is legendary. A prominent Congress party
official described the Tamil Nadu political parties this way: "The
DMK isn't a party, it's a social movement. Congress isn't a party,
it's a mob that comes together for elections. And the AIADMK isn't
a political party, it's a personality cult." Jayalalithaa casts a
huge and menacing shadow over her party. Even in private meetings
with Consulate officers, AIADMK leaders never call her by her name;
they call her "Amma" (Tamil for mother), "Madam," or "our Leader."
Their offices, vehicles, and homes are festooned with multiple
pictures of Jayalalithaa. Senior AIADMK leaders, especially men,
used to physically prostrate themselves before her to demonstrate
their obeisance. Jayalalithaa has since started to discourage the
practice after the English language media began to mock it.

¶8. (SBU) Her party's devotion to her literally marks Chennai's
visual landscape. Visitors to Tamil Nadu soon take note of the
political parties' liberal use of billboards, flags, and posters.
But Jayalalithaa's AIADMK surpasses the others in using them to
demonstrate their political fealty. Gigantic cut-out posters and
paintings of the AIADMK leader *** the city, with representations of
Jayalalithaa through the ages -- from young movie star to today's
more matronly political look. Her supporters' fervor takes on a
religious tone. At a major intersection near the Consulate there is
a three-story picture of Jayalalithaa with the words "Amma is God"
directly above the AIADMK leader's head. In the past her supporters
have run into trouble with religious groups for depicting her
variously as a Hindu goddess and the Virgin Mary.

¶9. (SBU) Her dominance over the AIADMK extends beyond symbolism.
Jayalalithaa is the party's sole decision-maker; even the most
mundane matters require her personal approval. For example, an
AIADMK contact told post that he would need Jayalalithaa's
permission in order to participate in a three week IVLP program.
She accepts counsel from a very limited circle of advisors, none of
whom is allowed to become too powerful on their own.

An unusual relationship, extreme corruption

¶10. (SBU) The unmarried Jayalalithaa has long been associated with
Sasikala Natarajan. Sasikala, as she is widely known, is variously
referred to as Jayalalithaa's "confidante," "companion," and
"associate." Their relationship is widely assumed to be a sexual
one, but this is never been openly acknowledged by them or expressed
in the state's mainstream media. The 1995 marriage of Sasikala's
nephew V.N. Sudhakaran saw the intersection of their unique
relationship and the corruption allegations that have long hounded
Jayalalithaa. Then Chief Minister Jayalalithaa formally adopted
Sudhakaran as her son prior to the marriage. She hosted the
wedding, making liberal use of public facilities, workers, and funds
in the process. According to media reports, the wedding was

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performed before 100,000 guests in a thirty acre tent which had been
designed by movie art directors. The lavishness of the wedding made
national and international news, and is widely credited with leading
to her 1996 defeat at the polls. A senior member of The Hindu's
editorial staff told post that although Indian voters expect some
corruption from their political leaders, Jayalalithaa's
"ostentatiousness went too far" for the electorate. He added that
Sudhakaran's wedding was "the final straw."

Business-friendly and efficient

¶11. (SBU) Jayalalithaa, who took office just as India began to open
its economy, has been described by business executives and AIADMK
sources as a "pro-business" politician who is "friendly" to
multinational corporations. She worked to bring foreign investors
to Tamil Nadu, laying the groundwork for big-ticket projects by
Ford, DuPont, and Hyundai. Many Indian business leaders have told
post that although the AIADMK and DMK are both corrupt, they prefer
Jayalalithaa because her AIADMK is more efficient at delivering once
paid. Centralization of power in the AIADMK means that things move
quickly once Jayalalithaa gets her cut: her subordinates snap to
attention when she approves a project. "If I pay her, I know my job
will get done," one contact told post, "but with the DMK you can pay
Karunanidhi and another ten guys will still come asking for more."
International businesspeople also appreciate Jayalalithaa's
excellent convent-educated English speaking ability, which stands in
stark contrast to the majority of Tamil Nadu politicians who have
very limited English skills.

A tough woman succeeding a man's world

¶12. (SBU) Comment: Jayalalithaa stands alone in Tamil Nadu's male
dominated political world. Although a man helped her into politics,
she climbed to the peaks of power on her own drive, intellect, and
political acumen. She did so by going toe-to-toe with the DMK party
and its collection of hyper-masculine leaders, many of whom (Chief
Minister Karunanidhi included) publicly maintain "second wives."
Her ruthlessness -- including her willingness to sanction violence
in pursuit of her goals -- eventually reversed the traditional view
of gender roles, leading the public to see Jayalalithaa as the
toughest person in Tamil Nadu politics. Like the old joke that
Indira Gandhi was the only man in her cabinet, people frequently say
that Jayalalithaa is the only man in the AIADMK. Also like Indira
Gandhi, Jayalalithaa has tapped into the traditional Indian
veneration of the power of goddesses, going so far as to depict
herself as one.

¶13. (SBU) Comment continued: Caste and gender considerations also
fueled Jayalalithaa's rise to power. She shrewdly countered the
DMK's other backward caste (OBC) support base by pulling together a
coalition primarily based on the highest caste, (Brahmins like
herself), the lowest caste, (the Dalits), along with one OBC group,
the Thevars. Jayalalithaa won a substantial percentage of the
important female vote, which is prized for its reliably high
turnout. She did so by appealing to women in ways both subtle and
overt. She subtly portrayed herself as a woman bucking the
entrenched power of the historically masculine DMK party. She
overtly played for women's votes with programs directly aimed at
them, including offering free bicycles to young girls and providing
support to women's self-help groups. Jayalalithaa's multiple terms
as Chief Minister, ruling over a state of more than 65 million
people, remain a testament to the ability of women in India to make
their mark on politics. End comment.

Aam Admi party, or Jayalalita, Modi, Nitesh, Jetly are welcome. CONgress must not rule this time and make India more pauper. Sonia should vacate 300 crore worth 10 Janapath.
Jaya lacks in administrative skills.Already she is ruining TN,not the whole India at any cost:(
The thing about TN politicians is they always like to play the power brokers and never be the power themselves when it comes to central politics.

Right from the times of Kamaraj to now Karunanidhi that strategy has been working.

When the politician leave their home base to the Delhi they they might start loosing their hold on local politics which is their trump card. And Tamil Nadu politicians are too smart for that. Atleast I think so.
Aam Admi party, or Jayalalita, Modi, Nitesh, Jetly are welcome. CONgress must not rule this time and make India more pauper. Sonia should vacate 300 crore worth 10 Janapath.

Aam admi party will make everyone aam admi with their far left economic policies. Thanks but no thanks.
Jayalalitha's English is excellent, which should be sufficient to make her PM. She needs to brush up on her Hindi though so that she can endear herself to the 400 million Indians who speak the language. That in itself will provide her more longevity of tenure than anything else. That is, until Modi pulls the plug.

There can be a compromise.. Make Amma PM for half term & Behnji for the other half. While one lacks command over Hindi, the other one in English.. both can compliment each other pretty well. & India will be a much better place with these two ladies at the helm..:lol:
i personally feel that she has no chance of becoming our pm.

There can be a compromise.. Make Amma PM for half term & Behnji for the other half. While one lacks command over Hindi, the other one in English.. both can compliment each other pretty well. & India will be a much better place with these two ladies at the helm..:lol:

you qualify for a feminist.:feminist::P

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