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Why Overseas Pakistanis In America Should Consider Voting Republican


Mar 15, 2023
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We all know what the current war criminal Joe Biden's administration has done not only in Pakistan but around the world. Meddling in others countries affairs.

What's more hilarious is watching "progressive liberal" Americans (read Democrat sheep) completely ignore what misery Obama-Biden brought with their drone warfare program.

Pakistan enjoyed better relations with the United States during the years under Trump, as tensions eased and the drone program slowed to a trickle.

In Pakistan, people often prefer Republican administrations to Democratic ones.

Republicans are not ashamed of being warmongers, and in some odd way we respect that they are upfront about it. Plus, Trump’s efforts to begin peace negotiations in Afghanistan and his offer to broker a deal between Pakistan and India over Kashmir struck a chord with many.

Democrats have historically been seen as snakes and those who double speak. They are incredibly untrustworthy and never upfront about their true motives. With Biden now taking office, what does he do? Appoints Avril D. Haines as his director of national intelligence - the architect of Obama's drone warfare in Pakistan's former Tribal Regions.

Very progressive indeed!

“I am not a big fan of Obama,” said Nasar Ahmad, a 36-year-old lawyer from Lahore. “I think his suits are much nicer. He's got the Harvard finesse of course...But if it comes down to policy, and if it comes down to who did less damage to Pakistan, I'd say Trump, he probably did less damage. Biden is not Obama and he’s coming into a very different climate. But there are concerns that there might be more of the same-old-same-old.”

American-Pakistani relations have rarely been good, with polls showing that the citizens of both countries share a mutual distrust.

But after a drone-happy Obama administration, it’s understandable why Trump may have been a breath of fresh air for many Pakistanis — while Trump escalated drone warfare in countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Somalia, in Pakistan, there were only six confirmed strikes over the last four years, a 16-year low.

Go take your pills.
just trying to make the point that when Trump came in the war was practically over. More importantly Pakistani military had by that time destroyed whatever local enemies they wanted to by supplying gps coordinates to the Americans for drone bombings. Can you really compare the three presidencies therefore?

There is no clear indication whether a republican or democrat at the WH is better for any other country , not uniquely Pakistan. Therefore Pakistani Americans IMO should vote based on what party / who will be better for THEIR country which the USA. And not be misled by Pakistani Indian Isrealy or whatever other external interests
I think after the recent news, I hope Pakistanis in America consider taking a hard RIGHT.

The Republicans share more in common with Pakistani interests right now than any soor di aulad Democrat rat.
We all know what the current war criminal Joe Biden's administration has done not only in Pakistan but around the world. Meddling in others countries affairs.

What's more hilarious is watching "progressive liberal" Americans (read Democrat sheep) completely ignore what misery Obama-Biden brought with their drone warfare program.

Pakistan enjoyed better relations with the United States during the years under Trump, as tensions eased and the drone program slowed to a trickle.

In Pakistan, people often prefer Republican administrations to Democratic ones.

Republicans are not ashamed of being warmongers, and in some odd way we respect that they are upfront about it. Plus, Trump’s efforts to begin peace negotiations in Afghanistan and his offer to broker a deal between Pakistan and India over Kashmir struck a chord with many.

Democrats have historically been seen as snakes and those who double speak. They are incredibly untrustworthy and never upfront about their true motives. With Biden now taking office, what does he do? Appoints Avril D. Haines as his director of national intelligence - the architect of Obama's drone warfare in Pakistan's former Tribal Regions.

Very progressive indeed!

“I am not a big fan of Obama,” said Nasar Ahmad, a 36-year-old lawyer from Lahore. “I think his suits are much nicer. He's got the Harvard finesse of course...But if it comes down to policy, and if it comes down to who did less damage to Pakistan, I'd say Trump, he probably did less damage. Biden is not Obama and he’s coming into a very different climate. But there are concerns that there might be more of the same-old-same-old.”

American-Pakistani relations have rarely been good, with polls showing that the citizens of both countries share a mutual distrust.

But after a drone-happy Obama administration, it’s understandable why Trump may have been a breath of fresh air for many Pakistanis — while Trump escalated drone warfare in countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Somalia, in Pakistan, there were only six confirmed strikes over the last four years, a 16-year low.

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Biden is a bastard. He has surpassed Clinton and Obama.
Biden is a bastard. He has surpassed Clinton and Obama.
The Pakistani American community should focus on voting him out. If people can’t bring themselves to vote for a Republican, at least convincing people to vote third party.

There are many swing states and key congressional elections that could be swung to make sure Biden and the democrats don’t get back in power.

It’s not just about Pakistani-American votes, but convincing other communities to to see how poorly Biden and the democrats have run the country these past few years.


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