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Why 'secular' Narendra Modi bashers must be ignored

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I know history repeats...

I afraid Modi whould have done a Hitler.

But people like you repeat history by supporting him.. yes you're behaving like 30/40's Germans.
I know history repeats...

I afraid Modi whould have done a Hitler.

But people like you repeat history by supporting him.. yes you're behaving like 30/40's Germans.

oh oh hold on hold on u are going too far as far as modi is concerned. he is bad but not that bad. there was only one Hitler.
I know history repeats...

I afraid Modi whould have done a Hitler.

But people like you repeat history by supporting him.. yes you're behaving like 30/40's Germans.

Please don't insult my history knowledge by comparing Modi with Hitler.

If anyone can be compared with Hitler in India post indepenence it is Rajiv Gandhi who thundered "When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake" and his party goons went door by door hunting 3500 Sikhs while the Army was just nearby. And even that is far.

Modi to his credit controlled the riots in 3 days and checked the spread to other areas. In 2004 during the equally gruesome Akshardham attacks not one incident of rioting was there.

With a terrible shortage of man-power and a terrible lack in training what do you expect the Gujarat (Indian) police to do ?

Since you are from Chennai I am asking what did our police (said to be one of the best in India) do during the Chennai Law college agitations ? They just stood by and watched. That is the level of training.
Please don't insult my history knowledge by comparing Modi with Hitler.

If anyone can be compared with Hitler in India post indepenence it is Rajiv Gandhi who thundered "When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake" and his party goons went door by door hunting 3500 Sikhs while the Army was just nearby. And even that is far.

Modi to his credit controlled the riots in 3 days and checked the spread to other areas. In 2004 during the equally gruesome Akshardham attacks not one incident of rioting was there.

With a terrible shortage of man-power and a terrible lack in training what do you expect the Gujarat (Indian) police to do ?

Since you are from Chennai I am asking what did our police (said to be one of the best in India) do during the Chennai Law college agitations ? They just stood by and watched. That is the level of training.

Rajeev Gandhi is the pioneer of IT revolution and green revolution .Why do you compare him with a man who killed million and wanted to take over the world. Though i agree his brother was as stupid a politician as one could be, but then again no one can beat Nehru in stupidity.
Back to square one.. :hitwall:

Thread should be closed now.
Rajeev Gandhi is the pioneer of IT revolution and green revolution .Why do you compare him with a man who killed million and wanted to take over the world. Though i agree his brother was as stupid a politician as one could be, but then again no one can beat Nehru in stupidity.

praising rajeev gandhi & cursing modi will be hypocrisy & they both cannot be compared with hitler. as far as nehru is concerned yes he did some stupid things but we should not forgot he had a tough task in uniting india in beginning.
Rajeev Gandhi is the pioneer of IT revolution and green revolution .Why do you compare him with a man who killed million and wanted to take over the world. Though i agree his brother was as stupid a politician as one could be, but then again no one can beat Nehru in stupidity.

Wow dude ,you are getting your facts mixed up.

Green revolution -- credit goes to Nehru,Shastri and Indira and I never knew IT revolution came to India in the 80s itself.

Aside from the Anti-Sikh riots another foreign policy disaster of Rajiv was sending the IPKF to Sri Lanka. That man was a disaster upon disaster.

Coming to Nehru apart from his foreign policy blunders, domestically he did do some very good job. Lets give credit where it is due.
Please don't insult my history knowledge by comparing Modi with Hitler. (1)

Since you are from Chennai I am asking what did our police (said to be one of the best in India) do during the Chennai Law college agitations ? They just stood by and watched. That is the level of training.(2)

(1) You insulted your histroy knowledge yourself by comparing Hitler with Rajiv :)

(2) Don't ask me about 'Scotland Yard' :rofl: of India, ie TN Police. They're not as lethal as Modi's force. Atleast we dont have riots (poor guy, you're comparing law collage incident with Gujat riot:what:) and the great 'THREE DAY CONCESSION' to rioters.
Wow dude you are getting your facts mixed up.

Green revolution credit goes to Nehru,Shastri and Indira and I never knew IT revolution came to India in the 80s itself.

Aside from the Anti-Sikh riots another foreign policy disaster of Rajiv was sending the IPKF to Sri Lanka. That man was a disaster upon disaster.

You are right but after Indira, Rajeev still had to take effective steps to sustain agricultural growth. And Rajeev is the PM that started the national technical knowledge program (forgot the exact name) which spread education and is regarded for the IT boom in India. Regarding man of disaster, i feel it was nehru and because of him not only we lost 1/4th the country but did blunders like 1962 and UNSC. The list5 can go on yaar. He was terrible.
(1) You insulted your histroy knowledge yourself by comparing Hitler with Rajiv

Still that comparison was much more apt than Hitler = Modi.

While Gujarat riots were just riots caused by burning alive of 60 Hindus, the Anti-Sikh riots were calculated door-to-door exercise hunting for Sikhs just like Hitler hunted for Jews.

(2) Don't ask me about 'Scotland Yard' of India, ie TN Police. They're not as lethal as Modi's force. Atleast we dont have riots (poor guy, you're comparing law collage incident with Gujat riot) and the great 'THREE DAY CONCESSION' to rioters.

You did not get that ? When the Police is so pathetically trained that they cant even stop student fights how can they be expected to stop such a riot on a huge scale ?

You think the Guj police is as trained as SWAT in America to immediately do everything ?

C'mon this is not the first time riots have happened in India.Given Gujarat's history and the amount of emotion on ground the riots could not have been controlled in any way.

As for the myth of 3 day concession, take your time to read this - Link
praising rajeev gandhi & cursing modi will be hypocrisy & they both cannot be compared with hitler. as far as nehru is concerned yes he did some stupid things but we should not forgot he had a tough task in uniting india in beginning.

Yaar nations are built with strong leaders unfortunately at our very start we had what should i say a showoff. And results are in front of us. No other leader can damage more than what this guy did.
Aww everyone simply LOVES modi sahib! Someone give this girl here a trophy... Anyway, paid for endorsments does not hold water in this discussion. Like i said, stop bitching around about narendra modi's "awesomeness".

If india wants to descend once again into the chaos of communal violence, this retard will be given the captains chair. Although, i hope sanity prevails.

yeah, i hope sanity prevails. india will choose modi because it wants to rise above religion, rise above cast, rise above corruption and wants development.
Modi is a tough guy, he will make India a LOT stronger.

I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing for us though.

He is Sir, I am sure you have followed news about him over the years.

He is a tough nut to crack, he has been continuously maligned over the last 8 years, since the riots in 2002, but he has proved to be more than a match for these "Secular" elements.

You know, the entire English language media (Electronic and Print) have vilified him all in the name of "Secularism"..

I am sure that he is much more conversant with PR China and I am sure that our relationship will grow much stronger.

And another thing, he has great fan following in the Civil Bureaucracy across India, across states and regions.

Be it the Police, Administrative, Foreign or even Revenue services, they all swear by this man and his "no nonsense" approach.
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