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Why US invest $ 1.2 billion, the largest expense in history to build a new embassy in Vietnam?

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Jun 26, 2011
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The US Embassy complex to be built in Vietnam has an investment capital of up to $1.2 billion, nearly $500 million more than the largest US embassy in the world. Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh gave three important reasons for the US to build a new embassy on a large scale in Vietnam.
August 27, 2021

Currently, the largest US embassy in the world is located in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Located on 42 hectares of land, this is also the largest embassy in the world, and about five times larger than the US embassy in Yerevan, which is the second largest US diplomatic facility abroad. The embassy complex in Baghdad cost up to $750 million to build.

The second largest US embassy in the world is in the Armenian capital Yerevan. Completed in 2005, this project is located on an area of nearly 90,000 m2. The third largest US embassy in the world is in Beijing, China. The 8-storey building is located on 46,000 m2, with a total cost of 434 million USD.

Especially, the US embassy built in London, England also cost only 1 billion USD to build, this is currently the most expensive US embassy ever built in the world.

It can be seen that, with a construction investment of up to 1.2 billion USD, the US embassy built in Vietnam will become the most expensive embassy in the world, 200 million USD larger than the UK court, more than 500 USD. million USD compared to the whole in Baghdad, especially worth nearly 3 times more than the US embassy in China.

Why did the US invest in building the most valuable embassy in Vietnam?

Speaking about the relationship between the two sides, US Vice President Kamala said that Southeast Asia in general and Vietnam in particular are of special importance and significance for the US. The fact that the US has signed a land lease agreement to build a new embassy in Hanoi for up to 99 years is evidence of the US's long-term commitment to the cooperative relationship with Vietnam.

In addition, deciphering the investment in building an embassy worth 1.2 billion USD in Vietnam, Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh - Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the US, said, when a country decides to invest in building an embassy, it is not just a building. The embassy demonstrates how important Vietnam is to America's cooperation with the region and with Vietnam. "It must be enough for the relationship between the two countries and the regional position for the US to decide on foreign policy priorities and make big investments here," Vinh commented.

According to Forbes, recently, the trade partner with the fastest growing bilateral turnover with the US is Vietnam. Bilateral turnover in the first 6 months of 2021 between Vietnam and the US increased by more than 50% over the same period in 2019. Vietnam's trade surplus to the US in the first 6 months of the year ranked third after China and Mexico.

According to a report by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, in the first 6 months of 2021, the US is Vietnam's largest export market with a total value of nearly 45.1 billion USD. This has proved the importance of Vietnam in the US trade promotion strategy.

In particular, Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh also pointed out three reasons why the US built the most valuable embassy compared to the US embassies that have been built in the world.

"First of all, the relationship between the two countries, both bilaterally and regionally, proves that the US needs to have an apparatus, including a larger building, enough to carry out the more important task because the momentum the two countries have created.

Secondly, it is definitely necessary to commit to a long-term cooperation with Vietnam, as well as the region, to have this event.

Third, this is a story of cooperation to remove procedural difficulties, "reciprocity" and mutual advantages between the two countries", said the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the US.

According to Ms. Kamala Harris, the 99-year term for the Embassy represents a long-term commitment. Mr. Pham Quang Vinh commented: "There will probably be many more 99 years, I believe so".

This is stupid.
The Baghadad's embassy was so big because it's practically an US army + CIA camp.

Really hope CPV isn't this fucking stupid to invite american troops in Vietnam in, in Hanoi of all places.
WHy u r so worry abt american troops in Vietnam ??:lol: They are just losers in VN war
Dumbass, this is like drinking bug poison and thinking it's fine because it's only for bugs.
They are inviting foreign troops right into their heart.
We also invited Soviet troops to VN , too and they (Soviet troops) helped VN to take control of Laos and Cambodia :laugh:
We also invited Soviet troops to VN , too and they (Soviet troops) helped VN to take control of Laos and Cambodia :laugh:
No, we didn't. We had Soviet advisors thorough the Vietnam war, and at the time, they didn't participate in the Cambodian liberation.

Also, comparing Soviet advisors to US troops, are you insane?

Dude, I'm not sure if you are a vietnamese if you are intentionally trying to cause troubles between Vietnam and China for no reasons at all, and sucking up to the US.
Be careful with the Americans boys...
Hope they will do some right things like Soviet troops in VN ( helped VN to take control of Laos and Cambodia )
No, we didn't. We had Soviet advisors thorough the Vietnam war, and at the time, they didn't participate in the Cambodian liberation.

Also, comparing Soviet advisors to US troops, are you insane?

Dude, I'm not sure if you are a vietnamese if you are intentionally trying to cause troubles between Vietnam and China for no reasons at all, and sucking up to the US.
Soviet and Russian use of Cam Ranh facilities[edit]

The base during the Soviet era (Tu-142Ms pictured)
In 1979, the Soviet Union started leasing the base rent-free from Vietnam under a 25-year leasing treaty. The base, aside from serving as a communications and signal-intelligence collection centre, eased Soviet logistical support of its naval forces that were deployed in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.[19] The base was especially important given the nature of the Soviet Union's Pacific bases in the Far East, which, unlike the warm-water Cam Ranh Base, were restricted to various degrees due to ice.[20] The first Soviet naval ships arrived at the base in March 1979. In addition to the two piers, the Soviets added five more, as well as building two dry docks, installations to admit nuclear submarines, fuel and weapons storage facilities, and barracks. Under Soviet administration, Cam Ranh became its largest naval base for forward deployment outside the Warsaw Pact. Some 20 ships were berthed daily at the base, along with six attack submarines.[20][21]

In addition, the Soviet Air Force stationed MiG-23 fighters, Tupolev Tu-16 tankers, Tupolev Tu-95 long-range bombers, and Tupolev Tu-142 maritime reconnaissance aircraft at Cam Ranh Air Base.[19] During the 1980s many Tokyo Express flights went to and from the base, sometimes violating Japanese airspace.

Offensive weapons, including the MiG-23s and Tu-16s, had been withdrawn by 1989, and the number of personnel was halved to 2,500 from a high of 5,000.[21]

The Russian government continued the earlier Soviet arrangement in a 1993 agreement that allowed for the continued use of the base for signal intelligence, primarily on Chinese communications in the South China Sea. By this time, Russian aircraft had been withdrawn, with only support personnel for the listening station remaining.

In June 2001, the Vietnamese government announced that following the expiration of Russia's lease in 2004, Vietnam would "not to sign an agreement with any country to use Cam Ranh Bay for military purposes".[21] On 17 October that year, the Russian government announced that it would be withdrawing from Cam Ranh Bay completely before its rent-free lease was to expire in 2004, due to what was assumed to be a dwindling defense budget.[21][22] The reversion of the base back to Vietnamese control took place on 2 May 2002.[23]

On 25 November 2014, an agreement was signed during a visit to Sochi by Nguyễn Phú Trọng, that established standards of use of Russian warships in the port of Cam Ranh simplified procedure:[24] Russian ships would only have to give prior notice to the Vietnamese authorities before calling on Cam Ranh Bay, while other foreign navies would be limited to only one annual ship visit to Vietnamese ports.[25]

In January 2015, Russia's Defense Ministry said that Russian Il-78 tanker aircraft had used Cam Ranh Bay in the previous year, enabling the refueling of the Tu-95 strategic bombers conducting flights in the Asia-Pacific region.[2]


A Soviet TU-95RT (Bear-D) launching on a patrol from Cam Ranh
The base, aside from serving as a communications and signal-intelligence collection centre, eased Soviet logistical support of its naval forces that were deployed in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.[19]
So not Soviet troops then, just a naval base.

I swear to god this retard is gonna make chinese invade Vietnam and the first thing he does is booking a flight to the US, laughing.
So not Soviet troops then, just a naval base.

I swear to god this retard is gonna make chinese invade Vietnam and the first thing he does is booking a flight to the US, laughing.
chinese invade Vietnam ?? How ?? By human wave attack like they did in 1979 ?? :lol:
It’s probably gonna function as a “trip wire”, like the force in West Berlin during the Cold War. any attack by China in Vietnam, putting at risk the foreign forces there, will trigger a response.

Vietnam probably requested this and the US obliged because it fit the interests of both nations.
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