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Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?


Sep 15, 2007
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Will war break out?

Recently South China Sea rages again, Vietnam saw America acting in Asia, trying to use American power to force China remove 981. However, what the Vietnamese is unclear is that under present international situation China must control SCS, the Vietnam’s provocations only encounter more counterpunch. So, we see friction between China and Vietnam become intense.

As we know, the Vietnam populist has went out of control, to respond Southern Vietnam riot, China reacted strongly, the Ministry of foreign affairs, and the Ministry of public security, the Ministry of Commerce all pressed on Vietnam. The working on oil rig will continue till finish.

During the riot, the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng played the role of adding fuel to the flames. As prime minister, he was simply called public demonstrate, which resulted populist and anti statism aroused, and then crazy looting.

Now not only Vietnam international reputation damaged, also the party struggle within Vietnam communist hotted, the populist and anti statism became a back fire to Viet Cong body.

There is the southern and the northern part within Vietnam Communist Party according to its geographic division, the southern led by Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, pro US; while the northern Nguyễn Phú Trọng and Trng Tn Sang, relatively pro China. The Southern, due to last several year’s better development of southern economy, is relatively stronger who led provocation against China after 2010, however, such strength of the south weakened as the southern economy weakened in the last 2-3 years. This time, led by Prime Minister Dung, the south try to use populist and anti statism to hit the north, but the results was out of the south control, not China reacted strongly, populist and anti statism turned back to fire to the government and Communist Party body. That is why Dung hurried up and called for a rational, to combat vandalism burning etc. But in any case, the internal rift in Vietnam Communist Party is obvious and serious, and therefore some Vietnam official may fall.

China showed unusual tough this time, not only multi department jointed issued a warning on Vietnam, the high official from military recently visited Laos, Kampuchea, Burma, Bangladesh and other countries, especially emphasized that China is Laos’ good friends, stabilized countries in Southeast Asia. At the same time, Sino Japanese relations sees some relaxation, all point that China will be tougher to Vietnam.

China has begun a large scale evacuation from Vietnam, if no unexpected events occur, China will take actions when the evacuation is completed. At the same time, Vietnamese Prime Minister is going to visit Philippines and talk to cope with China together. This is really save feather gather courage, what Philippines can work out? China has ways to deal with Philippines. While Vietnam is under Chinese nose, Vietnam will suffer apparently himself if conflict worsened. Now Vietnam’s attitude has indicated that the friction between China and Vietnam will aggravate. China now first carries out large evacuation, suspends and cancelled some cooperation with Vietnam, what China will do next? outbreak of war?

From the North part it is basically unlikely war, because the North and Chinese agreed to cooperatively develop, the Vietnamese President Trng Tn Sang, during his visit to China, made some bilatural agreement. However, the southern part is Anti China, so the game among Vietnam internal parties results in Vietnam policy plays an important role, if the north suffered domestic populist and southern pressure, it can not be ruled out there might be risk behavior which lead to military conflict. However, such possibility is very low.

But, another element may lead the Sino Vietnamese war, if the Vietnam populist fermented, even with outside power involved, the Vietnamese authorities can not control the situation, in order to pass out his internal contradiction, Vietnam may rush into danger, so may a military conflict between China and Vietnam. Before to judge this will happen or not, attention should be paid to Vietnam internal side, to see whether it will outbreak large-scale demonstrations, or social order is under control.

When the above two conditions are met, Vietnam may take adventure. If Vietnam ventured, the results will be very miserable, because of the strength and determination China has now, China will use full force and will not give the other opportunity to rebound.
(Reuters) - China's decision to place an oil rig in disputed waters in the South China Sea is a provocative act and raises tensions in the region, the White House said on Friday.

"We consider that act provocative and we consider it one that undermines the goal that we share, which is peaceful resolution of these disputes and general stability in the region," White House spokesman Jay Carney said at his regularly scheduled briefing.

"We're very concerned about dangerous conduct and intimidation by government-controlled assets operating in this area," Carney said.

Anti-Chinese violence flared in Vietnam this week after China put an oil rig in an spot claimed by Hanoi. The move is the latest in a series of confrontations between China and neighbours over small islands in the oil-and-gas rich body of water, prompting fears that Beijing has adopted a more assertive approach to territorial disputes after seeing Russia annex Crimea.

The White House statement was the most direct U.S. criticism of China since the placement of the oil rig escalated tensions in the region.

During a trip through Asia in April, Obama provided reassurances to several countries that while the United States wants to see maritime disputes settled through diplomacy, it would live up to its obligation to defend its allies in the region.

"These events highlight the need for the claimants to clarify their claims in accordance with international law and to reach agreement on appropriate behaviour and activities in disputed areas," Carney said. He added that while the United States does not take a position in the disputes, it opposes any efforts to settle them by intimidation or coercion.

The Philippines, one of Washington's closest allies in Asia, has said China is reclaiming land on a reef that both countries claim, and is building what appears to be an airstrip on it. It has offered the United States the use of an underdeveloped naval base on a nearby island to ensure U.S. warships can enter the vicinity.

Carney said he disagrees with a statement by China's foreign ministry that it is in fact the U.S. announcement it will pursue a more active role in Asia - the so-called rebalancing - that is stirring tensions by emboldening Vietnam and others to behave more aggressively to territorial standoffs.
White House : Do not threaten the South China Sea
Submitted by babilovemom on May 14th, 2014 –
Category: News

The White House yesterday said the tensions surrounding the South China Sea China oil rig deployed illegally on Vietnam's continental shelf should be solved by dialogue , not by intimidation.

Reuters quoted Jay Carney , White House spokesman , said the United States is not a party to the dispute but U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Asia in the past has repeatedly stressed the need for peaceful dialogue in the various disputes concerning the South China Sea and China .

This is the first U.S. presidential government refers to the South China Sea since the day fifth , when China put down illegally rig and make the situation more tense .

Tensions between Vietnam and China increased since the beginning of the month Beijing illegally deployed on the South China Sea oil rig , in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam .

These issues " to be resolved through dialogue , not by intimidation ," said Carney said in a press conference yesterday . "We are again calling for dialogue in resolving their way ."

The White House announcement comes amid axis rotation policy to Asia by President Obama faced some criticism that it substantially more melodramatic .

Tensions in the South China Sea just days after Obama's Asia trip ends in late April . Accordingly , the U.S. president pledged that Washington will carry out the obligation to protect allies in the region .

The U.S. is the first country expressed concern about tensions in the South China Sea under many levels and is repeated several times , expressing its interest in the job . The U.S. State Department and Secretary of State John Kerry have opposed the deployment actions in the South China Sea oil rig China , as this is a step in " provocative " , " harm to peace and security in the region. "

Several U.S. senators , including Senator John McCain , clearly indicate in their statement that the Chinese position that the drilling platform under the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam . My statement does not take sides in the territorial dispute , but have an interest in freedom of trade and navigation in the South China Sea , home to many bustling maritime routes intersect .White House : Do not threaten the South China Sea
Raise ships near its rigs, probable naval blockage, impose sanctions, border skirmishes so Vietnam will be forced to raise its forces on alert causing dent in its economy, reduce trade with Vietnam, political pressure. Which will be possible, lets wait and see!
Is it worth invading Vietnam? I don't think so :rofl:

Recent collision between US - China aircrafts, US - China nearly collide, China - Vietnam collision ...
cause the USA think that, if they ignore, next time their ships, airplanes must find another way to navigate in South China Sea ...
Or ... they must react
The Vietcong elites have conflict of interest. This is why they maintain a two-face approach. It also show VN is divided. We will not need to fight the Vietnam. As big brother, it is not worth for us. The little brother will eventually come to realization that fighting bigger brother is not their future interest.
Is it worth invading Vietnam? I don't think so :rofl:
you are welcome to invade Hawaii :welcome:

unlike China, Vietnam loves peace. We say SORRY.


Will war break out?

Recently South China Sea rages again, Vietnam saw America acting in Asia, trying to use American power to force China remove 981. However, what the Vietnamese is unclear is that under present international situation China must control SCS, the Vietnam’s provocations only encounter more counterpunch. So, we see friction between China and Vietnam become intense.

As we know, the Vietnam populist has went out of control, to respond Southern Vietnam riot, China reacted strongly, the Ministry of foreign affairs, and the Ministry of public security, the Ministry of Commerce all pressed on Vietnam. The working on oil rig will continue till finish.

During the riot, the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng played the role of adding fuel to the flames. As prime minister, he was simply called public demonstrate, which resulted populist and anti statism aroused, and then crazy looting.

Now not only Vietnam international reputation damaged, also the party struggle within Vietnam communist hotted, the populist and anti statism became a back fire to Viet Cong body.

There is the southern and the northern part within Vietnam Communist Party according to its geographic division, the southern led by Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, pro US; while the northern Nguyễn Phú Trọng and Trng Tn Sang, relatively pro China. The Southern, due to last several year’s better development of southern economy, is relatively stronger who led provocation against China after 2010, however, such strength of the south weakened as the southern economy weakened in the last 2-3 years. This time, led by Prime Minister Dung, the south try to use populist and anti statism to hit the north, but the results was out of the south control, not China reacted strongly, populist and anti statism turned back to fire to the government and Communist Party body. That is why Dung hurried up and called for a rational, to combat vandalism burning etc. But in any case, the internal rift in Vietnam Communist Party is obvious and serious, and therefore some Vietnam official may fall.

China showed unusual tough this time, not only multi department jointed issued a warning on Vietnam, the high official from military recently visited Laos, Kampuchea, Burma, Bangladesh and other countries, especially emphasized that China is Laos’ good friends, stabilized countries in Southeast Asia. At the same time, Sino Japanese relations sees some relaxation, all point that China will be tougher to Vietnam.

China has begun a large scale evacuation from Vietnam, if no unexpected events occur, China will take actions when the evacuation is completed. At the same time, Vietnamese Prime Minister is going to visit Philippines and talk to cope with China together. This is really save feather gather courage, what Philippines can work out? China has ways to deal with Philippines. While Vietnam is under Chinese nose, Vietnam will suffer apparently himself if conflict worsened. Now Vietnam’s attitude has indicated that the friction between China and Vietnam will aggravate. China now first carries out large evacuation, suspends and cancelled some cooperation with Vietnam, what China will do next? outbreak of war?

From the North part it is basically unlikely war, because the North and Chinese agreed to cooperatively develop, the Vietnamese President Trng Tn Sang, during his visit to China, made some bilatural agreement. However, the southern part is Anti China, so the game among Vietnam internal parties results in Vietnam policy plays an important role, if the north suffered domestic populist and southern pressure, it can not be ruled out there might be risk behavior which lead to military conflict. However, such possibility is very low.

But, another element may lead the Sino Vietnamese war, if the Vietnam populist fermented, even with outside power involved, the Vietnamese authorities can not control the situation, in order to pass out his internal contradiction, Vietnam may rush into danger, so may a military conflict between China and Vietnam. Before to judge this will happen or not, attention should be paid to Vietnam internal side, to see whether it will outbreak large-scale demonstrations, or social order is under control.

When the above two conditions are met, Vietnam may take adventure. If Vietnam ventured, the results will be very miserable, because of the strength and determination China has now, China will use full force and will not give the other opportunity to rebound.
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China will be stupid to go to war with Vietnam ,now they are doing good why would thay ruin all that by going to war.
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