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World Bank earmarks 1 bln USD for Ganga clean-up efforts


May 31, 2010
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World Bank earmarks 1 bln USD for Ganga clean-up efforts - People's Daily Online June 01, 2011


The World Bank announced Tuesday that it had approved 1 billion U.S. dollars credit and loan as part of its long-term support for Indian government's Mission Clean Ganga to clean up India's iconic river.

The Ganga accounts for one fourth of the nation's water resources and its basin is home to more than 400 million Indians. Despite its importance status and religious heritage, the Ganga today is facing extreme pollution pressures and threats to its biodiversity and environmental sustainability,the bank said in a statement.

Only about one third of the sewage generated by the towns and cities on the part of the river is treated, while a significant volume of untreated or poorly treated industrial effluents are also discharged into the river, noted the statement.

"The World Bank is honored to be able to support the government in its efforts to revitalize this holy and mighty river of India," said Roberto Zagha, World Bank's Country Director for India.

The government of India established the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in February 2009, in a bid to clean and conserve the Ganga, said the bank.

"The government of India is clearly committed to this, has a robust plan of action and is dedicating the required resources for this national effort. I am confident that with sustained public and political support for the NGRBA Program, significant progress towards cleaning the Ganga will be achieved,"Zagha added.

Source: Xinhua
It is a mammoth task to clean up the Ganges... hope the money is utilized properly. In the past millions of dollars have been spent without much concrete results... all effects were temporary. One of the more important things is public awareness as well, hope thats is accounted for.
Main thing is public awareness which is nil .

Even u go on cleaning everyday the dirt and garbage will go on increasing if ppl wont stop it
What about the effluent from industries on the riverbank? Are they going to relocate them? It's going to be literally another billion dollars down the drain.
What about the effluent from industries on the riverbank? Are they going to relocate them? It's going to be literally another billion dollars down the drain.

Thames river used to be like Yamuna in Delhi, look at it now.
I wish that would happen to Yamuna as well. But I just don't see the awareness nor the will to do that.

It will happen. Once people start getting richer, they ll start worrying about these finer things in life. As of yet Indians have worry about basic necessities. Gradually it will happen.
Damn ... this does not looks good , I mean form a hygienic point of view

Can't they funnel in water into Turkish Hamams and then use the water in these turkish baths , rather then do you have to take a dip in the middle of the stuff floating around ? :what:

What if someone pees in middle

I am sure , with little bit of innovation perhaps , swiming/washing booths , and ban on garbage etc things would improve but I would not be any close to Ganges
good news for india, hope some fund of world bank can be channeled to Pakistan as well.
Damn ... this does not looks good , I mean form a hygienic point of view

Can't they funnel in water into Turkish Hamams and then use the water in these turkish baths , rather then do you have to take a dip in the middle of the stuff floating around ? :what:

What if someone pees in middle

I am sure , with little bit of innovation perhaps , swiming/washing booths , and ban on garbage etc things would improve but I would not be any close to Ganges

That picture is a bit over the top. Situation is bad, but not that bad, and not in every stretch of the river.
I really fell pity , how we all have made this river a kind of drainage system....a river which meant to be worshiped .....lol
@Brotherhood... what was the purpose of adding the picture to the original article? I guess you wanted to highlight the issue ;)
@Brotherhood... what was the purpose of adding the picture to the original article? I guess you wanted to highlight the issue ;)

Hey pal, isn't it so obvious? the purpose was to flame it up :flame:, can't you see i'm a random troller on Indians related threads.:partay:
Actually i like to post pictures along with threads, its just seems to be more attractive, thats all.
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