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World must treat Pakistan with respect: Jeremy Corbyn

shahbaz baig

Aug 6, 2013
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World must treat Pakistan with respect: Jeremy Corbyn
By News Desk
Published: September 7, 2017


The Leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. PHOTO: REUTERS

Following the Trump administration’s allegations over Pakistan’s role in the war on terrorism, Labour Party chief Jeremy Corbyn has sided with Pakistan, saying the world must treat the country with respect.

“Pakistan must be treated with respect, and all countries should avoid criticising it,” said Corbyn, leader of the Britain’s main opposition party, during an interview with BBC Urdu.

Corbyn’s comments concern President Donald Trump August 22 speech in which he, while unveiling the new US policy for Afghanistan and South Asia, accused Pakistan of “supporting” and “harbouring” the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network.

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However, Pakistan rejects the accusations, insisting that its fight against terrorism is indiscriminate, targeting all militant groups.

“All the countries of the world should make all-possible efforts for the eradication of terrorism,” the Labour Party chief said.

Corbyn said that Trump’s proposed increase in the number of US troops in the war-torn country is a continuation of his failed policy in Afghanistan.

“I do not support it. The solution to the Afghan crisis is a political dialogue,” he added.

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Speaking about the Rohingya crisis, the opposition party leader said he respected Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi and would remind her “when you were under house arrest, we held marches for you and supported your struggle for human rights. Now you should also respect the human rights of Rohingya Muslims the same way… and ensure that they get their full rights as citizens and not be expelled from their homes”.
Pakistan will get respect when it starts acting respect-worthy. Their continued double games and sponsorship of terrorism are scorn worthy, not respect.

No Americans and Afghans will continue blaming all else around them for their own failures, and the rest of the world sees through their lies now.

Its why Trumps recent call for arms was met by reluctance by allies and criticism by others.
No Americans and Afghans will continue blaming all else around them for their own failures, and the rest of the world sees through their lies now.

Its why Trumps recent call for arms was met by reluctance by allies and criticism by others.

Ofcourse Trump does his best to lose respect for sure. That doesn't help Pakistan's cause any.

heir continued double games and sponsorship of terrorism are scorn worthy, not respect.

it is Pakistan that's going around requesting respect not LTTE or Mukti Bahini
Ofcourse Trump does his best to lose respect for sure. That doesn't help Pakistan's cause any.

Americans are losing ground in this conflict, and are hinting towards negotiations with the Taliban. Powerful players like Russia and China are also now openly criticising the Afghan policy. In the west Britains opposition leader is also saying that Pakistan needs to be treated with respect.

We just have to sit tight, as the situation deteriorates for the US day-by-day they are slowly realising how flawed their Afghan game has been.
Pakistan will get respect when it starts acting respect-worthy. Their continued double games and sponsorship of terrorism are scorn worthy, not respect.

pakistan already got respect by the mercy of ALLAH:
nuclear power
developing state
world powerful military
world powerful intelligence agency
every religion person could be found.

and for indian the last
Pakistan is known as the anti-rape state.

we dont give a damn about any other respect.

i will say to you dont bring your false belief here blaming pakistan for terrorism
as all over the world know that RAW CIA and MOSSAD is responsible for any kind of terrorism in the whole world specially on muslim land
you people have spoil the world with your rape mission.

but we will smash all head which come in our way.
what may come so.
What is respect if it come from liars and criminals who killed millions and millions people ?

What i found really funny is India's friend Israel says (i heard several rabbins telling it) : if somecountries say you are wrong and some others countries say the opposite aboit us, then we may be wrong. But if everyone is telling us we are wrong, then we are right in what we say or what we do without doubt.

When you shelter internationally sanctioned terrrorists like Dawood, Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar?

When almost every terror plot from San Bernardino to New York is found to have a Pakistan link?

When you treat a landlocked country like your mistress just for a fabled concept of Strategic Depth?

When you indulge in Nuclear Blackmail twice every day?

When you murder hundreds of thousands of dark skinned, short Bengalis just because they won an election?

When you launch four wars on another country, one without even telling your own Prime Minister and that too under a Nuclear umbrella?

Excuse me but Pakistan should also respect the world and not insult our intelligence.

Pakistan is a rogue state ruled by a rogue army and should be treated as such. It is worse than North Korea IMHO.

First shut down your terror factories, behave like adults and then respect will come to you.

When you shelter internationally sanctioned terrrorists like Dawood, Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar?

When almost every terror plot from San Bernardino to New York is found to have a Pakistan link?

When you treat a landlocked country like your mistress just for a fabled concept of Strategic Depth?

When you indulge in Nuclear Blackmail twice every day?

When you murder hundreds of thousands of dark skinned, short Bengalis just because they won an election?

When you launch four wars on another country, one without even telling your own Prime Minister and that too under a Nuclear umbrella?

Excuse me but Pakistan should also respect the world and not insult our intelligence.

Pakistan is a rogue state ruled by a rogue army and should be treated as such. It is worse than North Korea IMHO.

First shut down your terror factories, behave like adults and then respect will come to you.
Oh shut up.

Look at Narendra Modi who is the butcher and terrorist of Gujarat.

What about RSS and the Naxals in India.

India has more terrorists than Pakistan does.

Grow up and Get lost.
Oh shut up.

Look at Narendra Modi who is the butcher and terrorist of Gujarat.

We can discuss Narendra Modi. This isn't the thread for that.

What about RSS and the Naxals in India.

Not the thread for that either.

India has more terrorists than Pakistan does.

Not the thread for that either.

Grow up and Get lost.

First happened as a force of nature. Second is, sadly for you, not upto you to decide. Now shoo.

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