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OH NOES! China better stop before internet Viet monkeys threaten to destroy us with their military delusion, like "guerilla air tactics" and "taking Southern China".

You are Manchu, you can join to the movement for independence of Manchus with "reasonable policy tactics" and "taking back independence to Manchuria State from China" :undecided:

If it makes you feel better you can keep telling yourself that China is the world's biggest betrayer. Only those stupid Vietnamese people would believe these kind of lies. Why don't you ask many Russian people if China had betrayed them that caused the Sino-Soviet split or what happened after that. Don't forget to ask them HOW China betrayed them as well. Cos what right do you have to speak for the Russians if you are just another silly Vietnamese guy who is blinded by his own history books about being the liberator of Cambodia while many people around the world see North Vietnam as the invader and occupier of Cambodia. I'm quite sure that there are Cambodians who think Vietnam was occupying their country.

Chinese people know the occupation by foreign powers too well, so you want to remind us about humiliation?
That Vietnam was never humiliated before and defended the Mongols 3 times with success? Your history books only tell you people about how powerful you people are? China has defended against Mongolia with success in the past before they managed to win and got defeated again. I guess you can only remember that China got defeated by Mongolia and forget the rest of the story. So you want to tell us that Vietnam never had any humiliation? Like i said before part of Vietnam was part of China in certain dynasties. Know anything about French IndoChina? Know anything about Japan's invasion of French IndoChina? Know anything Vietnamese famine 1945 caused by France and Japan. Many Vietnamese starved to death moron. What about how USA dropping all those bombs on your poor bastards, burning you people with napalm attacks. So what are you trying to say that China was humiliated and Vietnam never got humiliated?

In Korea war, is PLA Chinese were liberators or occupiers ?
Vietnam wiped out Polpot genocide regime and his followers bcz they attacked Vietnam, and given back independence to Cambodians. Today, China Gov has official diplomacy relation with Cambodian Gov, who are established with helps of Vietnam. In fact, China Gov recognized that Vietnam liberated Cambodian from genocide regime and give back power to Cambodia people.

China lost to Mongolia. Mongolia defeated Chinese and ruled China many hundred of years. In Vietnam, Mongolia was loser and run away. It's difference.

I totally agree to form a Manchuria state on the west bank of South Sea.

It means Viet ruled China in Quing Dynastry ? :D No. Manchukuo is here, in North East part of China.


And national Flag of Manchuria.

Wow great news china is clearly put those islands into good use we will make it into a very profitable venture, and dont forget we started drilling in SCs for oil too.

Nanhaibaosha 001, a 32KT fish factory on the sea set sail to Haikou, about to start working in the South Sea.

China is also planning to build a fishing port at Xisha Islands.
"Master"? not necessary. We now have only a threat, it is China. But we had defeated China, not just once but many times, so the reason we need a "master"?

LOL said some one who we colonised for nearly 300 years :rofl: if you are so tough why not taking back an island we took in 1978:rofl: man i dont know to call you a comedian or fool i guess is a bit of both:rofl:
LOL said some one who we colonised for nearly 300 years :rofl: if you are so tough why not taking back an island we took in 1978:rofl: man i dont know to call you a comedian or fool i guess is a bit of both:rofl:

Exactly. These stupid Vietnamese people making up stories and i come up with proof to crush their accusations.

Now EastSea wants to compare China's involvement in the Korean War with their invasion of Cambodia. Don't you know anything about the Korean War? How can China be the liberator or the occupier of Korea? Everybody in the world knows that China helped North Korea and then withdraw the troops back to China after the stalemate with South Korea. You have the IQ of a baboon or something?

The North Korean contributions to the Chinese Communist victory were not forgotten after the creation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. As a token of gratitude, between 50,000 to 70,000 Korean veterans that served in the PLA were sent back along with their weapons, and they would later play a significant role in the initial invasion of South Korea. China promised to support the North Koreans in the event of a war against South Korea. The Soviet Union withdrew as agreed from Korea in 1948. (Just as the Soviets and China supported North Vietnam against South Vietnam and USA)

Soviet Union was collapsing and also wanted to restore ties with China. Deng Xiaoping said one of the condition for restoring ties is to stop supporting Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia. The collapsing Soviet Union ofcourse agreed. There's no need to repeat your story about how Vietnam freed the Cambodians because that's all you can talk about, repeating the same old story. Many people around the world and even some Cambodians think the opposite. No use to keep repeating about the Khmer Rouge's massacre activities. So Vietnam is the liberator and the occupier got it?

North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam and plenty South Vietnamese fled, those who stayed were captured, indoctrinated so they would all follow the communism ideology. I guess you guys would deny the Viet Cong has killed any South Vietnam civilians.

Tell me something why did it take so long for Cambodia to get independence? Does it take so long for the Cambodians to create a new government after being freed by North Vietnam? If the Soviet Union wasn't collapsing, Vietnam would still be occupying Cambodia.

One more thing you guys keep bragging about how Vietnam defended against the Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty era. Let me teach you another part of history. It was the Han Chinese who established the Ming Dynasty after they made the Mongolian rule collapse. Guess what? Northern part of Vietnam belonged to the Ming Dynasty.
The Trần Dynasty decided to accept Mongol supremacy in order to avoid further conflicts. Tran Nhon Tong acknowledged himself Kublai's vassal in late 1288. The Champa Kingdom did the same thing.
LOL said some one who we colonised for nearly 300 years :rofl: if you are so tough why not taking back an island we took in 1978:rofl: man i dont know to call you a comedian or fool i guess is a bit of both:rofl:

What was wrong in my comment? Is not so many times we have defeated China? I can list many battles we have defeated China if you want, most recently in 1979 spanking.

Exactly. These stupid Vietnamese people making up stories and i come up with proof to crush their accusations.

Now EastSea wants to compare China's involvement in the Korean War with their invasion of Cambodia. Don't you know anything about the Korean War? How can China be the liberator or the occupier of Korea? Everybody in the world knows that China helped North Korea and then withdraw the troops back to China after the stalemate with South Korea. You have the IQ of a baboon or something?

The North Korean contributions to the Chinese Communist victory were not forgotten after the creation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. As a token of gratitude, between 50,000 to 70,000 Korean veterans that served in the PLA were sent back along with their weapons, and they would later play a significant role in the initial invasion of South Korea. China promised to support the North Koreans in the event of a war against South Korea. The Soviet Union withdrew as agreed from Korea in 1948. (Just as the Soviets and China supported North Vietnam against South Vietnam and USA)

Soviet Union was collapsing and also wanted to restore ties with China. Deng Xiaoping said one of the condition for restoring ties is to stop supporting Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia. The collapsing Soviet Union ofcourse agreed. There's no need to repeat your story about how Vietnam freed the Cambodians because that's all you can talk about, repeating the same old story. Many people around the world and even some Cambodians think the opposite. No use to keep repeating about the Khmer Rouge's massacre activities. So Vietnam is the liberator and the occupier got it?

North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam and plenty South Vietnamese fled, those who stayed were captured, indoctrinated so they would all follow the communism ideology. I guess you guys would deny the Viet Cong has killed any South Vietnam civilians.

Tell me something why did it take so long for Cambodia to get independence? Does it take so long for the Cambodians to create a new government after being freed by North Vietnam? If the Soviet Union wasn't collapsing, Vietnam would still be occupying Cambodia.

One more thing you guys keep bragging about how Vietnam defended against the Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty era. Let me teach you another part of history. It was the Han Chinese who established the Ming Dynasty after they made the Mongolian rule collapse. Guess what? Northern part of Vietnam belonged to the Ming Dynasty.
The Trần Dynasty decided to accept Mongol supremacy in order to avoid further conflicts. Tran Nhon Tong acknowledged himself Kublai's vassal in late 1288. The Champa Kingdom did the same thing.

We invaded Cambodia? You do not know that PM Hun Sen said that if anyone does not remember Vietnam liberated Cambodia, who that is an animal, not human.
At present, Chinese allies, the Khmer Rouge, is being brought to trial by the UN court, do not you know it?
If it makes you feel better you can keep telling yourself that China is the world's biggest betrayer. Only those stupid Vietnamese people would believe these kind of lies. Why don't you ask many Russian people if China had betrayed them that caused the Sino-Soviet split or what happened after that. Don't forget to ask them HOW China betrayed them as well. Cos what right do you have to speak for the Russians if you are just another silly Vietnamese guy who is blinded by his own history books about being the liberator of Cambodia while many people around the world see North Vietnam as the invader and occupier of Cambodia. I'm quite sure that there are Cambodians who think Vietnam was occupying their country.

Chinese people know the occupation by foreign powers too well, so you want to remind us about humiliation?
That Vietnam was never humiliated before and defended the Mongols 3 times with success? Your history books only tell you people about how powerful you people are? China has defended against Mongolia with success in the past before they managed to win and got defeated again. I guess you can only remember that China got defeated by Mongolia and forget the rest of the story. So you want to tell us that Vietnam never had any humiliation? Like i said before part of Vietnam was part of China in certain dynasties. Know anything about French IndoChina? Know anything about Japan's invasion of French IndoChina? Know anything Vietnamese famine 1945 caused by France and Japan. Many Vietnamese starved to death moron. What about how USA dropping all those bombs on your poor bastards, burning you people with napalm attacks. So what are you trying to say that China was humiliated and Vietnam never got humiliated?

China stabbed in the back of Russians by betraying the Soviet. China joined hands with American surrounded and containment Soviet...
You have ever stabbed in the back of Russians, so who can confirm you will not stab them once again?

If we did not overthrow the genocidal Khmer Rouge, who would save the Cambodian people?
Today, Khmer Rouge's crimes are clear, why do you still cry for them?

Mongolia ruled over China, then it used China as a springboard to attack Vietnam, but all 3 times they were defeated. Don't you know it?
The Battle of Bạch Đằng, which took place at the Bach Dang River, near Ha Long Bay in present-day northern Vietnam, was a battle between Đại Việt and the invading army of the Yuan Dynasty. It's considered part of the Third Mongol Invasion (1287-88).
Result: Decisive Vietnamese Victory
Casualties and losses
Yuan Dynasty
80,000 killed, thousands captured, more than 400 ships destroyed[citation needed]
General Omar captured.
Do you read anywhere in my posts on this thread that i disagree that Khmer Rouge was a bad regime? You see me crying for them? Your English is extremely bad you know that? I already said Vietnam is the liberator and the occupier.
Go read the Sino-Soviet split on wiki and if the English is too difficult for you to understand go ask some help. Notice when the split happened, what the reasons were and what happened after the split. You can also read my explanation a few posts earlier cos that also sums up everything. But if you are too stupid, too lazy and too blinded by hatred then don't bother.

@EastSea: notice how Battle of Bach Dang River and you kept talking about how Vietnam won vs the Mongols?
He even repeats that Vietnam won, when did i ever say Vietnam lost to the Mongols? With this kind of mentality no wonder people think you people are moron. Nobody denies Vietnam liberated the Cambodians from the Khmer Rouge.
You people have to learn to read and understand the meaning of words.
Do you read anywhere in my posts on this thread that i disagree that Khmer Rouge was a bad regime? You see me crying for them? Your English is extremely bad you know that? I already said Vietnam is the liberator and the occupier.
Go read the Sino-Soviet split on wiki and if the English is too difficult for you to understand go ask some help. Notice when the split happened, what the reasons were and what happened after the split. You can also read my explanation a few posts earlier cos that also sums up everything. But if you are too stupid, too lazy and too blinded by hatred then don't bother.

@EastSea: notice how Battle of Bach Dang River and you kept talking about how Vietnam won vs the Mongols?
He even repeats that Vietnam won, when did i ever say Vietnam lost to the Mongols? With this kind of mentality no wonder people think you people are moron. Nobody denies Vietnam liberated the Cambodians from the Khmer Rouge.
You people have to learn to read and understand the meaning of words.


I only agree with you one point, you said "Your English is extremely bad". Yes, I confirm this.

But you are stupid even did not understand what yourself have written.
Please read again # 104, and relax!
You are Manchu, you can join to the movement for independence of Manchus with "reasonable policy tactics" and "taking back independence to Manchuria State from China" :undecided:

If I do, I'll be sure to carve a chunk of of Viet monkey's land, for use as public bathroom.
If I do, I'll be sure to carve a chunk of of Viet monkey's land, for use as public bathroom.

It's clearly that moderators of this thread accepts racist actions of these Chinese. Why? And I want to say with Vietnamese members that: We should stop arguing with these idiots, we cannot change their minds, they were brainwashed by their government and became evils. They're not our brothers and we need not to send our time for them. Let's learn Science, Technology to control our ability and build a strong and beautiful Vietnam. When we strong, we can defeat all enemies although who are they, furthermore, we can reclaim lost territories to have our Vietnam as original. When they have racist, dirty actions, we should not learn those wrongs, if we do that, we can be see like them. Let's be Vietnam, don't be Chinese.

I will never comeback this forums because it's stupid to send time for extreme people and nonsense.

Khổng Tử đã nói: Thông qua con đường khoan dung, mềm mỏng đẻ giáo dục người; đối với kẻ xằng bậy thì tha thứ mà không báo thù, đấy là sức mạnh của người phương Nam. Chúng ta không việc gì phải cãi với hạng người xằng bậy này làm gì, chúng đã quá ngu dốt và việc tranh luận với chúng chỉ làm mất thêm thời gian và chuốc bực tức cho chúng ta mà thôi.

Bye bye!:wave:
If I do, I'll be sure to carve a chunk of of Viet monkey's land, for use as public bathroom.

No need for personal attacks like that. better change mods won't be so nice.

I would encourage all to come, Xisha will be a hit with the Vietnamese tourists probably the closet they will ever get.
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