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you still want musharaff back?

are we aliens? not from the same world?

No. But we are certainly not united, are emotional, are 50% illiterate, have corrupts, have idealists, are unthankful,have short memories, are ignorant, have no morale values, hell bent on promoting ethnicism, infact we love it.

Is there any country having alltogether these "bad" qualities among some good?
No. But we are certainly not united, are emotional, are 50% illiterate, have corrupts, have idealists, are unthankful, have no morale values, hell bent on promoting ethnicism, infact we love it.

Is there any country having alltogether these "bad" qualities among some good?

All these bad qualities can be found in india as well, but they are enjoying democracy for the last 60 yrs.
Just wondering, would you support General Deepak Kapoor if he took power in a military coup?

Absolutely not , India is different country and pakistan is different country. Deepak kapoor is not a proven leader Musharraf is.
This thread is about pakistan not India.
India currently have a bit more stable political situation than pakistan.
Pakistan always had a great hold of its defense.And even now Musharraf have a good say in Pakistan's political , defense , diplomatic, social , situations.:cheers:
All these bad qualities can be found in india as well, but they are enjoying democracy for the last 60 yrs.

No. I dont see them being ignorant nor do they lack unity. Which keeps a check on their politicans to not stray too much off the line.
No. I dont see them being ignorant nor do they lack unity. Which keeps a check on their politicans to not stray too much off the line.

well, as many as 17 big freedom movements are going through all over the india, more over they have sikhs, muslim, christians dispute...

Every nation has some problems within...but it doesnt mean they are not united..
Absolutely not , India is different country and pakistan is different country. Deepak kapoor is not a proven leader Musharraf is.
This thread is about pakistan not India.
India currently have a bit more stable political situation than pakistan.
Pakistan always had a great hold of its defense.And even now Musharraf have a good say in Pakistan's political , defense , diplomatic, social , situations.:cheers:
Do you know why your country has a “bit more stable political situation than Pakistan”, because, thanks to your Generals, they did not overthrow your civilian Governments again and again, in the so-called national interest.

And NO there is not that much difference between our countries!
Sir pakistan had a political history which is very much different from india. Here i was just saying that political situations in these countries are so diffrent that some time they seem right opposite to each other. I just dont understand how can a jardari govt save pakistan from current turmoil, we already seen the situation getting worst.
The best choice which seems for pakistan is a well groomed - musharraf with full public support. and winning election
or otherwise.
Sir pakistan had a political history which is very much different from india. Here i was just saying that political situations in these countries are so diffrent that some time they seem right opposite to each other. I just dont understand how can a jardari govt save pakistan from current turmoil, we already seen the situation getting worst.
The best choice which seems for pakistan is a well groomed - musharraf with full public support. and winning election
or otherwise.
Duhastmist, the present Government has been in the office for only one year, they should be given more time, before we start passing judgments and jumping to conclusions.

I really don’t know what you’re taking, majority of Pakistanis don’t like that dictator and they don’t want him to come back.

Read this:

In the News Archive - Poll: Support for Musharraf Waning

According to the survey, 75 percent of the respondents want Musharraf to resign, and only 15 percent approve of his performance — an all-time low and down from 30 percent in a survey released by the Institute in December.
well, as many as 17 big freedom movements are going through all over the india, more over they have sikhs, muslim, christians dispute...

Yet their media, the people who dont belong to those movements, their politicians, their "common" man,doesnt get obsessesd about it nor do they whine about it 24/7 . Their main prioroty and action still remains to promote thier country up front, no matter how many internal issues there might be going on. That is called unity if you dont know.

Every nation has some problems within...but it doesnt mean they are not united..

Exactly. Barring Pakistan.
Lo and Behold!
who wants Musharraf back? I don't nor does the majority in Pakistan.I mean it,whether or not he meant these words about Pakistani women.I realise people who suport Musharraf ,they never lived in Pakistan..and they don't want to.They never saw, experienced and suffered as Pakistani populace did during the one man rule.The dictatorship is over and the despot is gone with the wind.I will not compare Musharraf with PPP or any other political party.I don't understand this nostalgia for him.Eight years and what he accomplished? promoted theatre ? entertainment huh? what about the economic slump?he renounced and Pakistan collapsed in a day? As if he was a lucky mascot.
Yess, If musharaff comes back through a political process, I have no problems with that...but before that..he needs to be tried in the court for the allegations that he has...same goes for PML N and PP leadership.:pakistan:

What about Ifthikhar Choudary? Aitazaz Ahsan? Kurd? For their role in destroying the economy, corruption, role in Karachi, trying to incite civil disobedience in the country and destruction of government property during processions?

Had this wannbe CJ resigned instead of begging the world for financial assistance we could have asked for investment!

If I'm not wrong they were awarded as the most corrupt leaders of the judiciary by Transparency International!

Why not try them in our courts? or are they above law?
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Eight years and what he accomplished? promoted theatre ? entertainment huh? what about the economic slump?he renounced and Pakistan collapsed in a day? As if he was a lucky mascot.

If you had a whisker's worth of curiosity of knowing the true picture, your thoughts would have been different. Don't be a ignorant, don't fool yourself.
So you mean that Mr. Jinnah who wanted to see pakistan as an democratic state...was wrong? you know better than him? you care more about paksitan than him?

Sir, please define democracy. What kind of democracy do you see within the political parties in Pakistan?

Democracy is when an elected individual with merit leads a political party and win the elections based on vision and ideals. Not political dynasties.
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What about Ifthikhar Choudary? Aitazaz Ahsan? Kurd? For their role in destroying the economy, corruption, role in Karachi, trying to incite civil disobedience in the country and destruction of government property during processions?

Had this wannbe CJ resigned instead of begging the world for financial assistance we could have asked for investment!

If I'm not wrong they were awarded as the most corrupt leaders of the judiciary by Amnesty International!

Why not try them in our courts? or are they above law?

Get you facts rite Mr. CJ Iftikhar has been honoured with the most prestigious award by newyork bar associataion and Haravrd university...only the second person to get it after Nelson Mandela!!!

Yes, you talk about CJ should have resigned? why? His stance was right why should have he resinged? and why not musharaff?

What happened in Karachi was not CJ's fault...it were Musharaff and his dearest Altaf Bhai and his MQM who killed people....go figure....
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