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Zardari Still Going To London After Cameron's Fallacious Comments Against Pakistan


Feb 17, 2009
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President Zardari visiting London for fulfilling responsibilities: Babar Awan

Federal Minister for law and parliamentary affairs Babar Awan said that President Asif Ali Zardari is visiting UK for his national responsibilities rather than for fun adding that the public is well aware. Talking to media here on Sunday, he said that according to his viewpoint it was increasingly need of the hour to retaliate befittingly the negative propaganda at international level being hatched against Pakistan and its national security institutions.
He also pointed that Punjab government has been befooling the flood affectees and used to make only photo session instead of doing anything concrete for the flood affectees. Punjab has been facing challenges owing to poor governance system in the province adding that to address the problems of flood affectees a monitoring cell has been established in the President House. Federal Minister also said that Punjab government has not yet summoned session of Punjab cabinet regarding to address the difficulties of the masses pertaining to flood.


It's shameless how Zardari could do such a thing after his own country was falsely accused by Cameron.

Atleast the ISI and Army still have some ghairath and respect, as the ISI immediately cancelled a meeting in Britain after these false allegations were said by Cameron.

ISI head Lieut.-Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha (unlike Zardari) did not go to England in retaliation to these lies... But Zardari is a whole other story.
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!!!! All the talk of calling off the visit was just gas... :rofl: PDF members spending loads of time on discussing this I had gone out of my way and had appreciated Pakistan for the move. Looks like Zardari is doing his usual thing. He will go to UK and ask for more aid and UK will ask him to do more.

The PM of UK after all has the final laugh.
man he is not visiting for us or pakistan he has huge busniss there he before visit his busniss every month but after become head of state he can't do it so now he is going for private interest not for god damn nation which hate zardari from there heart.
Nothing wrong in Zardari's visit. He is the head of a state. He cannot behave in the same way as the DG ISI.

Relations between two countries cannot be bogged down because of few statements here and there.
Relations between two countries cannot be bogged down because of few statements here and there.

what cameron was not a mere statement

it was an insult to the thousands of lives pakistan has sacrificed to help britain and nato, hyperbole aside he has essentially spat on pakistani blood

there should be a firm response to this in any sphere of life
Nothing wrong in Zardari's visit. He is the head of a state. He cannot behave in the same way as the DG ISI.

Relations between two countries cannot be bogged down because of few statements here and there.

You speak like you know him... The only reason he is going :

Sucks to have a head of state like him.
Mods I am just pasting this under many topics so that I could get the maximum awareness. if any nuisance, then feel free to delete.


Dear Pakistani Brothers and Sisters!

Pakistan is facing one of the worst floods in its recorded history. Hundreds have lost their life, thousands have lost their loved ones and Millions have lost their belongings. People have been forced to live under the sky and hope that some of their fellow country men/women would extend a hand of help and rescue.

While the Nation mourns and suffers this azab/chaos and looks to the Political leaders/admin for some sort of order and rescue, our PPP leaders are planning to have a party in UK and celebrate the begining of next of kin (aka Dictator Family) Bilawal bhuttos political career. Thousands of Pounds worth of Tax payers money has already been spent for booking of hotels and halls in UK. Even the recent Bashing of Pakistan by Brit PM has not turned any heads. Even the Army officials have canceled the meetings on their own. Have our Poitical leaders no shame? Have they no Character? Is there agenda to lead Pakistan to Prosperity or to secure rein of their next Generation on Pakistan? I believe the answer is not hard to judge!

When will we rise up and say enough is enough? This is our Pakistan. Remember, no matter how long you live in foreign land you will never be a gora. period! Doest matter if you have a Passport of not. One more false flag operation and you will see which group you blong to. Remember Pakistan is not Bad .. its only us who have handed our land to corrupt thiefs. Pakistan does not need your money, Pakistan needs you! Pakistan needs its sons and its daughters. One generation must sacrifice in order for the next to prosper on a strong foundation. We must protest what is right and what is wrong. We must take what is rightfully ours.

I would call all my Pakistani brothers and sisters living in or around UK to arrange a protest against Zardari partying in UK. Please call or arrange all your family, friends, colleagues to come forward and protest, throw eggs, shoes on these shameless looters. REMEMBER! Pakistan is yours. You own it! You are responsible for it! Stop looking at others to do your work. Now is the time to let all the Pakistanis know that "WE WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE, WE WILL PROTEST AND STOP THESE LOOTERS FROM MAKING FUN OF US"

I have never been to UK so I dont know where to gather or what Pakistani societies are active in UK. I would welcome your comments on how to arrange this protest. Some one just suggest a place to assemble for this protest. Please pass this to different forums and forward this to all your friends.

It's okay to protest against anyone in Pakistan, you're free to do so. This forum respects your freedom for that - however we mandate civility is maintained at all times. You can be severely critical without going behn this maa that.
You are absolutely correct. There is no need to take law into our own hands .. but none the less .. i think this should not go un-noticed .. Any UK brother willing to take the lead ? ... I know many brothers filled the whole forum with 100's of JF-17 pics .. I am sure .. they will not shy away from this duty .. Remember we can have all the F-22's in the world but this will not solve our real problems .. Please come forward
I was looking at the vedio in (above) given link by 'jah'

Liaqat Baloch was mentioning that it is corruption to attend personal parties on official expense and it is also corruption when any of the state money will be spent on Balawal Bhutto!
I learned that one hall has been booked by govt. of Pakistan for the speech of Balawal Bhutto and even speech is paid by govt. of Pakistan.

Now it is upto opposition (sharif family) to take up this matter at appropirate forums.

On a lighter note... .
Hi Raazh.... don't forget to attend the speech of his son and take an extra pair of shoes with you.
Who cares what Cameron said anymore? The important thing is that your prez is talking about leaving Pakistan rather than staying put and concentrating on flood relief. What kind of public servant is that?

They are not public servants but public is servant to them and he is going to a party with his son's on tax payers money while that money can be spend on relief work.

Have you seen his public speech (on you tube) in which he is saying Shut Up to common people.

Musharraf cut off so many expenses after the earth quick for relief work, Miss him.
Musharraf was even earning money.... he took Pakistan out o fthe state of bankruptcy.
Musharraf was running hundereds of development projects... people trusted him.
There was no electricity shortage or shortage of any other comoditiy.... despite the fact that oil was around 150USD/barrel
Musharraf, strengthen Pak rupee... to day Pak rupee is getting devalued on daily basis.
Musharraf had served this nation for around 50 years and this guy is stealin gfrom Pakistan since perhaps he was born.

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