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Situation in Pulwama

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What propels a suicide bomber to don a suicide vest and end his life. Naivety, and a belief, that their deaths will achieve some higher purpose.

When their deaths fail to achieve that purpose(as hardly, any country is giving into terrorism/militancy these days), other would be suicide bombers/terrorists/militants get demoralized and realize the futility of wasting their lives, going down the same path.
Suicide bombers and terrorists are just proxies used by nations to destabilize their enemies . Terrorists have no religion and killing Innocents can't make them achieve what they want .
Suicide bombers and terrorists are just proxies used by nations to destabilize their enemies . Terrorists have no religion and killing Innocents can't make them achieve what they want .

Any armed insurgency, may that be suicide bombing, terrorism or even local militancy are proxies, used by nations to destabilize their enemies.

Terrorism might not have a religion, but terrorists do.
haha correction. Freedom fighter,[emoji38] be watchful about that, there are salty mods who are austere about semantics.
We know exactly what freedom fighters are but your media calls them terrorists
What propels a suicide bomber to don a suicide vest and end his life. Naivety, and a belief, that their deaths will achieve some higher purpose.

When their deaths fail to achieve that purpose(as hardly, any country is giving into terrorism/militancy these days), other would be suicide bombers/terrorists/militants get demoralized and realize the futility of wasting their lives, going down the same path.
trust me non of them is suicider, because if they will be something similar .. you will listen mass explosions everyday in Kashmir and rest of india in that case causalities rates would be very high because in such attacks civilians pay the price more than security forces... they are more like ordinary kashmiri people who have no idea about military warfare that is why they are being killed cold blooded
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Any armed insurgency, may that be suicide bombing, terrorism or even local militancy are proxies, used by nations to destabilize their enemies.

Terrorism might not have a religion, but terrorists do.
To first part , I agree but terrorists think they have a religion and they are doing it in the name of their religion becoz their minds are trained by putting false beliefs in them . That's why a person kills Innocents in the name of religion but no religion allows killing of Innocents . So terrorists are not a part of any religion . They just use the name .

Kashmiri Teenagers Are Dying to Protect Militants

Same rules apply for sympathizers. It might take 1,2 or even dozen such incidents, they will come to a realization, that by inserting themselves between, militants and security forces they are neither able to save their own lives nor those of the militants.

trust me non of them is suicider, because if they will be something similar .. you will listen mass explosions everyday in Kashmir and rest of india in that case causalities rates would be very high because in such attacks civilians pay the price more than security forces... they are more like ordinary kashmiri people who have know idea about military warfare that is why they are being killed cold blooded

You need to read more about fidayeen attacks in Kashmir, it is an unending list.
Suicide bombers and terrorists are just proxies used by nations to destabilize their enemies
Terrorists have no religion and killing Innocents can't make them achieve what they want .
I Dont agree with this. If someone is shouting Allah-u-Akbar before blowing himself up, or firing a bullet on anyone, he does have a religion and faith. Its just that his faith is misplaced and hes been brainwashed by those who sit at the top and give out statements telling them about jihad and jannat.
Fidayeen's are completely different militants than these people, but yes killing such type of youth can contribute in growth of numbers in suiciding forces. the best way to clam down the situation is to bring economic stability in the region providing more jobs to locals and increase in regional autonomy
Nice going,
Wondering how did local kashmiris with no outside support were able to get war like ammunition stores ?
Must be some local jinn.

I Dont agree with this. If someone is shouting Allah-u-Akbar before blowing himself up, or firing a bullet on anyone, he does have a religion and faith. Its just that his faith is misplaced and hes been brainwashed by those who sit at the top and give out statements telling them about jihad and jannat.
Yes you are right . I am referring about terrorists having no religion as their beliefs about their religion is wrong . I meant it in this way .
And that jinn is visible but Indians Haven't had a really big accomplishment in stopping that jinn .
Really that jinn with all its magical powers is unable to help kashmiri militants,who are getting crushed by Indian Army daily .
What is his accomplishments in the past 10 years ?
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Really that jinn with all its magical powers is unable to help kashmiris ,who are getting crushed by Indian Army daily .
What is his accomplishments in the past 10 years ?
What are the accomplishments of that jinn in controlling referendum 2020 ?? .... What about Indian army's failure in controlling and suppressing Kashmiri independence movement ?? . The Indian Army with a lot of rape cases on them ??? . Indian army whose 750 BSF soldiers committed suicide , disclosed by IG of BSF ?? . What about that ?? .
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