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PDF = CDF ( Callousness Defense Forum ) ?

basically, he has the solution.

nobody else has been able to figure it out.. 48, 65, 71 + other serious skirmishes ho gai, politicians on both sides have so far failed.

but @jamahir ka simple empathetic solution is the best one, he has the key to solve:

The India Pak conflict
To Eradicate world Hunger and poverty

so that humanity can reach for the stars and colonize Mars

oh, and he's also so damn brilliant he designed a microprocessor without any education.. how, but, did he do it ?

Bill Gates did it, he did it too.

basically, he has the solution.

nobody else has been able to figure it out.. 48, 65, 71 + other serious skirmishes ho gai, politicians on both sides have so far failed.

but @jamahir ka simple empathetic solution is the best one, he has the key to solve:

The India Pak conflict
To Eradicate world Hunger and poverty

so that humanity can reach for the stars and colonize Mars

oh, and he's also so damn brilliant he designed a microprocessor without any education.. how, but, did he do it ?

Bill Gates did it, he did it too.

It is a form of escapism combined with some sort of guilt feeling. Guilt feeling because one doesn't feel entitled to enjoy the fruits of life because someone else is unable to. So you want to find a solution but you can't come up with a realistic workable one. So you conjure up wild solutions of the 'humanity should be one', which you know are not going to be achieved, so when they aren't achieved, you can say I had the idea but no one wanted it, so it is not my fault. Guilt feeling over.
its a thing most people need to live a decent life, unless one is rich and has financial resources.

google it.

Why should I google ? Why can't you write it down in your own words in simple manner ?
Nahi janaab, I don't celebrate Eid. :) Not fasting. I see hollowness in this ritualistic one-month semi-fasting ( fasting for the day and gorging in the evening ) when millions of people in the Capitalist world either artificially die of hunger every day or go for a few days without a single meal or have to go the day on one meal. I find the Roza system a kick in the stomach of the hungry. :) This I find the same in the Hindu system of fasting ( "Upavaas" ) or fasting for "health reasons".

People have asked me "Are you Syed ?" but I have said "I don't know, I am just a Human". :)
What's this low and high caste stuffs you guys are talking about?
Why should I google ? Why can't you write it down in your own words in simple manner ?
My definition, without the help of any aids - "The process of becoming aware of the world around you". Period.

Now, education can be useless and an uneducated person can also be useful. But that is besides the point.

But, there are certain things, to perform which you need education. For example, if you want to drive a car, you need to learn to drive and prove it. Otherwise you will mow down people.

You need an education to build a rocket which will take you to Mars. That knowledge won't come by tearing your class 5 marksheet. Because rocket science is complex and you need to progress from easy subjects to medium to hard to very hard. You don't suddenly get a dream one day about how rocket is built.

Maybe you should ask your progressive JNU friends studying liberal arts why they spend a decade on campus failing every year even in liberal arts, just so that they can keep their accommodation in a posh area of Delhi and survive on subsidy. Why didn't they tear their marksheets and relieve us of the burden of sustaining them?
What's this low and high caste stuffs you guys are talking about?

Three thousand years ago an Iranic religion people went from Iran to India and settled there and captured power. It is not known if they called themselves Braahmans ( Brahmins ) during Iran times or after settling in India but they instituted an Apatheid system where they put themselves at the top of social, economic and political structure and others below them. One from them called Manu wrote a book called Manusmriti which defined the caste system where the Brahmans are at top, warriors ( Kshatriya ) at second, merchants ( Vaishya ) at third, the menials ( Shudra ) at fourth and beyond this four-layer structure were the others who were declared Acchoot ( Untouchable ). This is the Hindu caste system which unfortunately many Indian and Pakistani Muslims too follow, like @Titanium100 and @Mujahid Memon. Among my own Muslim family they use words like "Oh that one is a Dhaydd" to derisively refer to a poor or low caste person. "Dhaydd" must come from the Zarathushti / Zoroastrian word Dhera which our Parsi member @padamchen used to use.

Hindu casteist upper caste shop keepers refuse to keep a biscuit pack that a lower caste person has touched so the lower caste person has to purchase that pack and when he or she makes the payment the money has to be dropped from a height into the hands of the merchant because the merchant will feel "defiled" if the lower caste person touches his hand. In other places the lower castes had to walk on the side of lanes because the road would be "defiled" by their feet. In another place a water tank meant for the Dalits had its water dumped with human excrement by the upper castes in the village. Then there are lynchings of lower castes. Many such things. You can get a hint of this from this Twitter page.

My definition, without the help of any aids - "The process of becoming aware of the world around you". Period.

Add this too before the period : "and liberate oneself and others from the irrationality, injustice and oppressions of the family, neighborhood, city and nation, and contribute to making humanity harmonious and taking humanity towards natural evolution in technology and social living.".

Is @-=virus=- educated this way ? Are many others on PDF ?

You need an education to build a rocket which will take you to Mars. That knowledge won't come by tearing your class 5 marksheet. Because rocket science is complex and you need to progress from easy subjects to medium to hard to very hard. You don't suddenly get a dream one day about how rocket is built.

So which university in India or USA did Tipu Sultan graduate from with "flying colors" to be able to forward rocketry ?

If you don't understand the unnecessary complexity of NASA's rockets then devise your own simplifications-filled way. No need to stick to "industry standards" and text books.

@-=virus=- ☝️

Why don't we abolish JNU if education is meaningless?

We mustn't because it provides education, unlike the infamous coaching centers of Kota and universities like Lovely Professional University, BITS Pilani etc which regularly produce right-wing irrational idiots.
Add this too before the period : "and liberate oneself and others from the irrationality, injustice and oppressions of the family, neighborhood, city and nation, and contribute to making humanity harmonious and taking humanity towards natural evolution in technology and social living.".
No. Education may have no purpose. My definition was sufficient. You can add intent to it, but it is not required.

So which university in India or USA did Tipu Sultan graduate from with "flying colors" to be able to forward rocketry ?

If you don't understand the unnecessary complexity of NASA's rockets then devise your own simplifications-filled way. No need to stick to "industry standards" and text books.
Tipu used engineers to build rocket. He could pay them to do it. That does not negate the need to have engineers to build rocket. Far too many people these days want to be 'managers', 'visionaries', and 'Buddhu jeevis'. Everyone wants to be a backseat driver. Nobody wants to learn driving. It's high time we had more people of action and less people who just talk their way through life like JNU walas.

Where is your non industry, non text book rocket? Will it be realised in a dream? Ok, you are not qualified to build a rocket. Can you fund one such rocket?

We mustn't because it provides education, unlike the infamous coaching centers of Kota and universities like Lovely Professional University, BITS Pilani etc which regularly produce right-wing irrational idiots.
I do not endorse the Kota model. My point was limited about education being a real thing and not an imaginary notion. Of course we need universities. That was my whole point.
No hypocrisy on my part. I was saddened that desi people in 2023 perpetuate the 3000-year-old desi caste system and deprive the low castes from the comforts they have. Will @Mujahid Memon and @Titanium100 clean the gutters and sweep the roads that they have assigned a certain people to do ?
Islam is the continuity of all the Abrahamic religion before it and contains the same message.
" God is one and obey his laws "
But as Islam is a complete religion, it encircle every act of its believer.
if your mind doesn't grab all of it and get stuck.
Go see a psychiatric doctor or use west forum for a change.
Islam is the continuity of all the Abrahamic religion before it and contains the same message.
" God is one and obey his laws "
But as Islam is a complete religion, it encircle every act of its believer.
if your mind doesn't grab all of it and get stuck.
Go see a psychiatric doctor or use west forum for a change.

What are you talking about ? What is the connection between my post you quoted and your reply ? Are you justifying caste system ?

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