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PDF = CDF ( Callousness Defense Forum ) ?

Use the words of a Bhangi and you will be judged as a bhangi. is what made me laugh.
I have never met a sweet tongued or intelligent Bhangi, there language is indeed crude and unreasoned.

I have never met a typical PDFer and found him intelligent, sensitive and reasonable.

About Bhangis, I will post tomorrow.
A reasonably nice forum destroyed by its mods. So long. :wave:
It is not enough to exchange "Ramadaan mubaarak" on this forum without looking at what this forum has become : A den of cruelty, callousness, apathy, Capitalism, misogyny, irrationalism and priesthood-championing. Members laugh at pictures of people who have died of artificial hunger. Members do not shed a tear after watching kilometers upon kilometers of homeless people in Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, the richest film industry in the world. So-called Muslim members calling me "You Bhangi" ( a "low caste" community in India and Pakistan ) in a derisive manner despite Hazrat Muhammad's last khutba ( sermon ) including the words "All humans are children of Adam and Eve and no Arab is greater than a Black and no Black greater than an Arab but in thought and deed". So-called Muslim members calling independent women derisively as "She is a Kanjari" ( "Kanjar" is a performance art community in South Asia ) despite Hazrat Muhammad being a feminist, a humanist. Members who laugh at people torn up by dogs.

For my eight years of membership of PDF I have brought to light these aspects of Capitalist humanity yet it is me who ended up being banned multiple times, the last being for I think two months. Why ?

Laal Salaam,
Zan, Zindagi, Aazaadi.

@jamahir, is this you??
No but he's posted that particular clip of that budding activist young lady from Pakistan about 7bazzilion times. Noor something? "jab laal laal lhrayega.." .. tragicomic
"Arooj Aurangzeb, the leather jacket girl"

I don't get his obsession with her. Not even a pretty face.
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A reasonably nice forum destroyed by its mods. So long. :wave:
You bring a unique flavor to PDF. You should reconsider your decision. I'll leave you with some inspiration below

Think about that fact that NO ONE shares your ideas here. Those that are sympathetic, are turned away because of your inconsiderate comments and the fact that you want to fix all the world's problems yourself. I share your concerns about unchecked capitalism and all but then you also have to go and fix Islam. Choose your battles wisely. Maybe get more supporters and then you won't have to blame the mods for the fact that everyone disagrees with you.

@Paitoo , sir jee, would you say it's good advise?

@NagaBaba , I am sure you don't really want jamahir to go away, do you? You guys are like Tom and Jerry. Always fighting but nigh inseparable.

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