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  • well, it depends. some things have gone up, especially the ones that are imported because the Iranian Rial has devalued. I personally had planned to visit Georgia in February, before the dollar gets doubled, and the reason was pretty cheap, but after they imposed sanctions on Iran all the prices got doubled in a week and even though they tried to control the dollar/IR. Rial ratio but they didn't succeed except some few days, but if we exclude those goods, I could say nothing has changed that much. Everything is like before and prices are like before, taking into account that Iran has had a 2 digit inflation in most of the time after revolution but in general I think everything is fine, also the government wants to execute the second phase of the economic reform plan which is very important because it wants to remove subsidies and gives direct cash to people (They're already doing that, but this time they'll cut subsidies more and give more money too).
    Why did you ask me where I was from? And what did you think of my answer to you?


    PS. It would have been "polite" of you to acknowledge my response without my having to prompt you to do so ......
    RayKalm, Sir,

    Where am I from? I was born in Virginia, educated in New Hampshire and Illinois, worked in New York for 25 years, and am now retired and living in Virginia, again.

    So where am I from?


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