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Danish saleem

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  • I am not convincing you that Imran Khan is a leader because IK don't need you convinced to be a leader. Millions of people follow him so nobody gives a damn about you supporting him or not. The point is, I always proved you wrong while you ran away always. Even that edhi shb video in which he was talking about 1990 while IK was playing cricket. A fool can even understand that he was not the same IK.
    Okay you go and believe Javed Hashmi and Akbar Khan because they are pretty much present in politics :D. Everyone know General Imran Khan except you because you are not mature in politics yet and needs to grow up. You are 36 years old yet not mature?
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    bhai dont waste time with you, you never convince me that Imran khan is a even a leader, i am so fool in past that i supported PTI and voted for PTI, in Karachi PTI completely washed out, and results of every bi elections telling that PTI losing its space in every part of Pakistan.
    because Imran Khan never knew that there are people present like you who are not man enough to accept the reality. As far as pressurizing government for BETTERMENT OF MASSES is concerned, its the duty of opposition nothing new.
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    why after 26 years , after the death of Edhi Imran khan clarifying this?? that event took place in 1991, and from that day Imran khan not said any thing, nor Edhi shahib apologize.
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    read the last lines, he admitted
    Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan also clarified that it was not him who threatened Edhi. Imran maintained that he wanted to launch a pressure group against the government with Edhi for the betterment of the masses.
    Everyone here knows how bi-elections are held and we all know how peshawar assembly seat was won by your leaders. Peoples Party won that seat at night and when I woke up i found PML n won :D. What about NA-154 where not only your party but entire govt lost the election against PTI? Don't change the discussion, first accept that you lied about that video or I prove it wrong again with fact?
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    its the problem of all PTI'ers they not have answers, and u not prove me wrong, because Edhi shahib never said about that topic again, and no one even heard the name of General Imran khan till today, even the same thing Edhi shahib saying Chairman of PTI javed Hashmi said, and same also said by Akber khan, founder Member of PTI
    Nobody gives a damn about javed hashmi even his own constituency people rejected him by 12000 votes against Amir Dogar who was not a part of PTI during elections but was having supported by PTI. If you believe Javed Hashmi, than you should believe him because I remember that he many times stated "Only Imran Khan can change Pakistan".
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    and whole pakistan rejected Imran khan, in 2013 Elections, and afterwards almost in every bi election, now what u will say. even last bi election on provincial seat in peshawar PTI lost ??
    I cannot understand you, man. How can Imran Khan be with Gen Hammed Gul in 1990 when he was playing cricket? You are really impossible to talk with. You really need a mental checkup. I always proved you wrong and yes corruption has end in KPK. Substantially reducing corruption in 3 years is considered an end and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
    :D Its you and only you who can say corruption has reduced in all provinces. You seriously need a mental checkup. I have always proved you wrong and this is not a new thing for me. You keep on trolling and I'll keep on proving you wrong kiddo.
    You are the biggest idiot who is bashing Imran Khan despite the fact that you don't know anything. How can Imran Khan do this in 1990 when he was playing cricket. Even a fool can understand this but you didn't understood it. Corruption has reduced more than ever in KPK in 3 years and people of KPK told me this.
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    u never prove me wrong dear, and u not even not gave answer of my single question!
    asking you again " Corruption ended in KPK"
    Answer is NO. and you not have a courage to say the truth,

    about Video, if you say edhi shahib is wrong, then Javed Hashmi saying the same also .
    @Danish saleem
    I am more wiser than you because I speak on facts and don't troll.
    Secondly your leaders wasn't able to reduce corruption in 30 years while PTI has reduced corruption sunstantially in 3 years in KPK. It is not me, its transparency International who claimed it.
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    the biggest fool is, who think he is wiser! and thanks for admitting corruption not completely eliminated in KPK after 3 years, and your khan claim he will end corruption in 90 days. and brother now check your knowledge, and look the at ratings of corruptions in all four provinces and u will surprised that corruptions ratings decreasing in all the provinces not in KPK.
    @Danish saleem
    Edhi shb never clarified it because he didn't knew that there are worst trollers present here like you. I mean its pretty simple that he was Gen Imran Khan. If you know anything about Pak history you would have knew it. In 1990 Imran Khan was playing cricket, I mean how could you be so ignorant when everything is so clear. It's really pathetic
    You desperately needs to enhance your knowledge and please verify before posting blindly. @Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    i dont need you to tell me what to do, i am just ordinary student of politics, and as u r more wiser because u following PTI, so just give a answer of simple question. Corruption is only in Punjab??
    the video you shared of edhi shb is real. In that video Edhi shb was talking about General Imran Khan not politician Imran Khan.In 1990 IK was playing cricket and after winning world cup he retired in 1992. In 1996 IK formed Tehreek Insaf than how he could be with Gen Hamid Gul in 1990? @Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    Danish saleem
    that what u saying, but Edhi shahib never ever clarify on that issue,! but i will accept your view point.
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