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Ababeel Missile Tested

Thanks. Such a long time between the two tests is a bit odd. I would venture to say that MIRV capability has not yet been demonstrated and that further tests will be required. As you suggest, MIRV technology is very difficult to master and only 5 countries are confirmed to possess MIRV capability (USA, Russia, China, UK and France).

By BMD evasion I was referring to things like terminal velocity, ballistic trajectory, decoys, manoeuvrability etc. Nonetheless, solid fuel (quicker to prepare for launch) + mobile launcher (harder to track) + MIRV (can contain decoys) = a potent missile.
Shaheen BM series = solid-fuel technology
Both Shaheen-II and Shaheen-III have impressive first stage and second stage kN rating (L-SpaB-140B derivatives said to be in use)
MiRV cone have sufficient space to carry decoys
Ababeel = 3 warheads inside the cone (one or two can be dummy warheads)
What is the range of Ababeel 3 missile?

2,200 kilometres

The missile has a length of 21.5 meters and a diameter of 1.7 meters and is designed to carry both conventional and nuclear warheads. It has multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV), demonstrating South Asia's first MIRV payload. It has a maximum range of 2,200 kilometres (1,400 mi).

@JamD Opinions on this? Agree or disagree?
On purely technical grounds I agree that the design has a lot of room for refinement. If anyone expects Pakistan to develop Minuteman-III on day 1 they are delusional. We have to consider Pakistan's deficiencies, avoidable and unavoidable.

However, very clearly this member is troll-baiting everyone here and not here for an actual discussion. So I have no intention of engaging in this "discussion".
I still don't think it's Ababeel part as too small .
But even if it is, nothing usual. Missile parts are expected to fall in a certain area, and precautionary measures taken.
The fins match as they have the same white stripe and location too since the area it fell in is covered by the likely flight pattern. I don't think its anything unusual either.
Shaheen-III can reach Israel.

But Israel has advanced BMD capability in place, not an easy target to overwhelm. This is the problem of getting involved in an arms race. You develop something, others come up with a counter to it. The cycle continues. It will never be enough and Pakistan has more pressing concerns lately. One must have focus and realistic expectations.

Israel has not done anything to Pakistan, India mostly. Foreign affairs are not conducted on the basis of Jewish Talmud.

Pakistan should focus on developing an SLV and launching its own satellites. This capability will be helpful for both military and scientific applications.
I agree there’s more immediate enemies.
But Pakistan shouldn’t be unprepared.
There’s no reason why it shouldn’t have a few secret icbms for its own safety if the west suddenly turns against it or Israel does something against Pakistan or deploys nukes on any Muslim country.
ICBMs will be needed to hit Indias future overseas bases in countries like Mauritius.

The world still revolves around religion and will till the day of Judgement. Usa is evangelical Christians. Israel is Zionist. India is Hindus. Even UN and secularists follow a religion, the religion of secularism.

There’s no harm in preparing a defence against potential future enemies. You won’t get sanctioned for a few hidden icbms.

Slv is good. ICBM is also. No reason why two can’t happen simultaneously.
Shaheen BM series = solid-fuel technology
Both Shaheen-II and Shaheen-III have impressive first stage and second stage kN rating (L-SpaB-140B derivatives said to be in use)
MiRV cone have sufficient space to carry decoys
Ababeel = 3 warheads inside the cone (one or two can be dummy warheads)
Only three warheads than all three should be nuclear. When we have a missile with 6 war heads than why not 3 carry conventional warheads.
It's about keeping costs down and using tried and tested parts.
Lower two stages are from Shaheen 3 not 2.
The third stage on the top is a spin off from SUPARCO satellite launcher, and is Liquid fuel not solid.
If all assumptions are correct, we can ignore the looks. This is a very advanced and functional MIRV system, capable of injecting warheads into orbit

SUPARCO never made any launcher. SUPARCO’s involvement in the missile program though well rumored, isn’t substantiated and the organization doesn’t seem to have any know how or expertise beyond buying off the shelf satellites and contracting the Chinese to launch them.

It’s more of a retirement home for retired army generals than a functional space & research program.
SUPARCO never made any launcher. SUPARCO’s involvement in the missile program though well rumored, isn’t substantiated and the organization doesn’t seem to have any know how or expertise beyond buying off the shelf satellites and contracting the Chinese to launch them.

It’s more of a retirement home for retired army generals than a functional space & research program.
If I remember correctly Abdali Missile was first initiated by SUPARCO ....

Do you see anyone else specially the person I was replying to query what I said !!!! No
I wasn't even addressing you but as always desparate for attention you turn up with your pathetic logics.
Regardless what I smoke, its you who needs to keep taking the tablets.
Beegani shadi per abdullah deewana.

Pakistan trying to be relevant, its a irrelevant country in global standing.
You know, sometimes it's actually a good thing being irrelevant. We need some peace and quiet to focus inward and address our structural problems. We don't need to be in the mix of global geopolitical mess all the time.

Instead of being miffed, if we can get some quiet away from the sights of global powers, we should focus on fixing our issues before the next storm arrives.
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None of that logic holds. The reality is that Pakistan Army doesn't want to upset the real masters of the country. Where will the Faujis go to live and die after retirement? You will not be able to reconcile the establishment's actions with protecting Pakistan with logic.

The only conclusion you come to is that they are the local sepoys of the British Raj. They are here to ensure that Pakistan barely survives and within the parameters set by foreign powers. They are here to ensure Pakistan never becomes an independent and powerful country.
This logic is something that has been emanating from a particular quarter constantly and being rugurgitated.

Pakistan has no masters. Pakistan does what makes sense for its interests in the moment and sometimes it succeeds and other times it fails. If Pakistan had masters, we'd be de-nuclearized, would have acceded to Indian hegemony in South Asia like BD (under current government), broken our strategic link with China, recognized the state of Israel with Sudan, UAE et-al, and embraced Amreeka Khan Bahadur with both arms.

However, NONE of this has happened. This is not about some silly retirement plan for the faujis. 99.9% are born, and serve and die in Pakistan.

You unfortunately have one-track approach on this thread where our non-pursuit of ICBMs is linked by you to us becoming slaves of the Americans. There are multiple other dynamics at play and most of them have nothing to do with this suggested master-slave connotation that you are making.
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Israel is our enemy.
Al Aqsa defence requires us to have an ICBM.
Additionally, Pakistan should have ICBM’s in secret ready for any misadventure by anyone. If someday for some reason west has turned against you, you want have time to develop an ICBM then. Being prepared is important.
Brains is having a few ready for any possibility but not publicly announcing it.

Every Muslim is.
If you don’t think so you’re just delusional.
Zionists are no one’s friends.

Jewish Talmud:
Even the best of Goyim should all be killed.
(Soferim 15)
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Our IRBMs have sufficient reach if they were ever required. Case in point Ababeel.

Nobody has suggested any friendship with the enemies of Palestinians.

MRBM Ababeel - 3 Stage SF Surface-Surface Ballistic missile capable of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle (MIRV) technology.
Estimated range : 2,200 km
Can deploy multiple INS Warheads from Single ballistic missile to target different locations with same payload.

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