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America bombs, China builds! China builds 1,000 schools in Iraq


Nov 4, 2011
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America bombs, China builds! China builds 1,000 schools in Iraq
Seetao 2022-06-22 15:00
  • China Electric Power Construction Corporation built 679, and China Electric Power International Co., Ltd. built 321

Recently, the news of "China's construction of thousands of schools in Iraq" by the Iraqi Shafaq News Agency has attracted the attention of foreign netizens. According to a report published on the 18th, the foundation stone laying ceremony was held on the same day for the education project of China-aided construction of 1,000 schools in Iraq. Many foreign netizens expressed the emotion of "American bombing, China building", and some people said that "in the great power competition, China is competing at a level that the United States will never understand".

On "World Refugee Day", some netizens also specially sent a meme picture of "China and the United States are very different in Iraq" to the US Secretary of State Blinken, who boasted that the United States has greatly helped refugees, and ridiculed him: "China's government in Iraq 1,000 schools, the United States directly killed 16,000 civilians in Iraq. This is how China and the United States 'practice human rights' in Iraq."

According to statistics released by NGOs in April 2022, since the outbreak of the Iraq War, the number of Iraqi civilians killed by the war may exceed 209,000. If military, police and other public officials are added, the total death toll far exceeds this figure.

According to earlier reports, on December 16, 2021, China and the Iraqi government signed an agreement, announcing that China will help Iraq rebuild its education system, including the construction of 1,000 schools. Institute) and China Power International Technology Co., Ltd. (321 Institute) participated in the construction.

Hassan Mejaham, an official from the Iraqi Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said at the time that the 1,000 schools to be built by Chinese companies will be built within two years. Mejaham also said Iraq would use oil products to pay for the project.


The Iraqi government's official Twitter post on this, the country's Prime Minister Mustafa Kadimi attended the signing ceremony
On June 18, 2022, this China-aided construction project in Iraq officially started. According to the Iraqi Shafazi News Agency, that morning, the groundbreaking ceremony of the "Iraq Demonstration School" project of China Power Construction was held in Baghdad Province.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kadimi attended the ceremony and delivered a warm speech. He said that the "Iraq Model School" project is an important strategic project related to the livelihood of the people. The project is committed to serving the society and cultivating future leaders for Iraq.

He specifically mentioned that since the end of the "Iraq War" in 2003, the restoration of the education system has not received enough attention, and the "Model School" project, as the first project implemented under the framework of China-Iraq cooperation, can be described as "contemporary and beneficial. In Qianqiu".

According to reports, the "Iraq Demonstration School" project is the first project in the Iraqi government's plan to build 8,000 schools by 2030. It is also the most urgent political project and livelihood project in Iraq. It is the hope of the whole country to resume sailing after the war.

According to the report, the groundbreaking ceremony marked the official implementation of the project plan. With the successive start of projects in different provinces of Iraq, the construction of the school project group has been fully rolled out and is progressing smoothly.

Taking POWERCHINA as an example, the construction of 679 schools in 10 Iraqi provinces has already entered the substantive stage of construction. As of May 4, 177 of the 236 schools in the project that are ready for construction have undergone substantial excavation, and the number is increasing at a rate of dozens of schools per week.

The groundbreaking ceremony on June 18
Although this news did not make waves in the Western media, it attracted a lot of attention on overseas social media. Many foreign netizens unanimously expressed the emotion of "American bombing, China building".

When reporting on the project in December 2021, Hong Kong's "South China Morning Post" also made a large-scale comparison, saying that when China signed a cooperation agreement with Iraq, the US military stationed in Iraq had just finished its combat mission, and the US "New York Times" also broke the Pentagon. The scandal claims a classified document shows that thousands of civilians, including many children, have been killed as a direct result of U.S. airstrikes in the Middle East.

The Russian media "Russia Today" also published a report titled "China is in Iraq, not like the United States", saying that the United States spent years bombing Iraq beyond recognition and killing local people recklessly; Build 1,000 schools that will serve children affected by the war in America.

Decades of conflict and underinvestment in Iraq have damaged what was once the region's best education system, according to the UNICEF website. Nearly 3.2 million school-age children are out of school in this country of 40 million.
Someone said: "What is destroyed by the United States, China will rebuild it."


A netizen calling himself a "journalist" said, "The US-led NATO destroyed 100 schools and killed 1,000 school-age children in Iraq, while China will build 1,000 schools here."
The U.S. destruction of Iraqi schools is far greater than this statistic. In 2007, UNICEF conducted its first comprehensive survey of schools in Iraq and found that in 2003 alone, more than 200 primary schools were damaged in the US bombing of Iraq. In addition, hundreds of schools were burned and more than 3,000 schools were looted.

Benjamin Norton, a well-known independent investigative journalist in the United States, forwarded relevant reports, saying that the United States has carried out brutal bombing and military occupation of Iraq for many years. On the contrary, China is building schools there.

Another American independent journalist, Danny Haiphong, also commented that "China and the United States are very different": China has built 1,000 schools, and the United States has dropped 17,000 bombs, an average of 46 per day.

Now that China's construction aid program is in full swing, some netizens even sighed: "The United States brings death and destruction, and China brings hope and development."

Others expressed that they are fair and comfortable. "The United States bombs, and China builds. The bombing of other countries is unpopular." "In this great power competition, China is competing at a different level that the United States will never understand."


"The United States destroyed Iraq, and China invested billions in aid to Iraq. Who do you think Iraqis most want to work with in the future? All countries should seriously consider it."

Coincidentally, just when foreign netizens were talking about the matter in the past few days, US Secretary of State Blinken's speech on social media happened to "hit the muzzle of the gun".
June 20 is "World Refugee Day". Blinken tweeted on this day that millions of refugees around the world are forced to leave their homes every year, and the United States will help these refugees through various means.

As the country most keen to launch foreign wars in the world, the United States is one of the culprits that has led to countless refugees. In the case of the Iraq War, the United States created the fastest-deteriorating refugee crisis in the world. The United Nations estimates that there are 4 million refugees in Iraq and those fleeing to neighbouring countries, with 3,000 leaving Iraq every day.

Therefore, some netizens made fun of this tweet with a meme that said "China and the United States are very different in Iraq": "China built 1,000 schools in Iraq, and the United States directly killed 16,000 civilians in Iraq. . This is how the US and China 'practice human rights' in Iraq."

According to a previous report by Reuters, the "Model School" project is the first project implemented under the framework of China-Iran cooperation. In addition, China will continue to provide assistance to the Middle East. According to a statement from the Iraqi Prime Minister's Office, Iraq signed an agreement with POWERCHINA to build a 2,000-megawatt photovoltaic power station, and POWERCHINA will first build an installed capacity of 750 megawatts.

On June 16, two days before the groundbreaking ceremony of the "Demonstration School" project, the 2.5MW off-grid photovoltaic energy storage project in Iraqi District 9, which was built by China Energy China Gezhouba Power Company, was successfully completed and successfully delivered and put into operation. The project is the first ground photovoltaic power station in Iraq. The Iraqi side said that it will promote and display the project as a model project, paving the way for the subsequent vigorous development of photovoltaic project construction.

China should go to Iraq when Saddam is still in charge so I don't need to, or China should go to Iraq and build when ISIS was there......I mean let's see if they will only "build"

I lost friends both American and Iraqi over there and this isn't even funny. It's a different thing when you see Chinese getting beheaded or have their ball cut off and being posted on the internet. Then you tell me if you will only "build"
China should go to Iraq when Saddam is still in charge so I don't need to, or China should go to Iraq and build when ISIS was there......I mean let's see if they will only "build"

I lost friends both American and Iraqi over there and this isn't even funny. It's a different thing when you see Chinese getting beheaded or have their ball cut off and being posted on the internet. Then you tell me if you will only "build"
Of course. It's easy to rebuild and get investments afterwards.

How did China prevent wars in Iraq and Syria? Heh...
Of course. It's easy to rebuild and get investments afterwards.

How did China prevent wars in Iraq and Syria? Heh...
Now, you blame on China for not stopping the wars, lol, what a joker you are, why didn't you Greece and EU ask and stop your ally and master US not to start the wars in the first place. Yeah, blame every problem in the world on China even if it's you EU and US own faults, lol.
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Of course. It's easy to rebuild and get investments afterwards.

How did China prevent wars in Iraq and Syria? Heh...
I knew a kid, 8 years old when I went to Iraq and he used to play soccer in front of our base, and we used to play soccer when we have down time and we sort of kept in touch since, that kid we all know was killed in 2016 by ISIS because their family move north to Mosul, there are no enough of him to fill a bag. That's what these savage do to their own people.

I hate people who try to score point from human misery. But was I surprised Mr Beijing would sink so low and to use this to lift China up literally from thousand of death? I am not surprised. If he had guts, he would have contribute to rid of these ISIS cancer from Iraq instead of trying to score point here.
I hate people who try to score point from human misery
So you hate all the american posters who only post about misfortunes of china/chinese peopleright? or are you just a typical hypocrite? I think i know the answer already
So you hate all the american posters who only post about misfortunes of china/chinese peopleright? or are you just a typical hypocrite? I think i know the answer already
Dude, re-read my post, I hate EVERYONE try to score point from human misery, that does not mean people cannot post people suffering, otherwise I would need to hate EVERY news outlet, but putting that and using that top elevate their own status is the thing that I hate, I don't care if that is an American poster or Chinese poster.

But then how many American poster post human suffering on here, more importantly, how many of them post them just to make one country down and think America is better?? You show me that post and I will go comment on it. And then you go look how many times Beijing, who self-profess never post anything from anyone suffering, posted?

You don't have to answer that, I knew the answer already.
china and usa have symbiotic relationship usa bombs and gets contract for china they both help each other.
They do something unethical (so you think), that's how they live and exist.

Many people hate the wolf because it eats a goat, but if they were in the wolf's place, they would do the same to the goat.

Idealism and realism are always at odds with each other.

That's why you try to condemn things you don't like from a moral perspective.
Or someone is just trying to be a giant a$$.

This is not about moral or immoral, I don't consider myself a character of moral beacon, in fact, you name any immoral thing I probably done it all, lying cheating etc, but using someone misery to try to prove a point is not just immoral, but pathetic. I mean you can glorify your country anyhow you want, you can slander a country anyway you want, but using people having drug problems, homelessness or even crime to try to prove a point is just low.
China should go to Iraq when Saddam is still in charge so I don't need to, or China should go to Iraq and build when ISIS was there......I mean let's see if they will only "build"

I lost friends both American and Iraqi over there and this isn't even funny. It's a different thing when you see Chinese getting beheaded or have their ball cut off and being posted on the internet. Then you tell me if you will only "build"
Many Chinese construction companies were working in Iraq before the gulf war, one of my friend's father worked in Iraq back then, but they had to come back after the war broke out , Chinese companies lost tons of money because of that war. Saddam Hussein was one of the best friends in ME back then.
Yes but are these schools free to preach against China killing and genocide of the Ughurs ?

Are the students able to criticize China over the dog festival ?

Are these people free to talk about bad stuff China is doing ?

Or are they simply executed

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