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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever earns $330M opening weekend globally

I can see that the Party's pressure on free speech is quite good. Reached all the way from China over to the US. Shut you up, did they not?

How many American blacks do you know, how long, and how well? Ever worked and socialized with them? I doubt it. You think Jamaican blacks have any care about Africa? Or how about Central/South American blacks? Clue for you, just like Asian Americans, American blacks are not monolithic as the Party misled you.

You’re pathetic dude. I was born in the US with several generations here. I have both white and black people in my family you dumbass. I’ve only had relationships with mostly nonAsian women which includes white and black women. I’ve had all kinds of relationships with black people from dating women to having close friends who are black and they were both from urban backgrounds and also rural southern churchgoing backgrounds.

You’re desperately trying to pigeonhole me as some recent immigrant from mainland China when your crusty old Asian *** is roleplaying Tom Clancy fantasies every day. Lmao Gtfo bro you don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s obvious.
You’re pathetic dude. I was born in the US with several generations here. I have both white and black people in my family you dumbass. I’ve only had relationships with mostly nonAsian women which includes white and black women. I’ve had all kinds of relationships with black people from dating women to having close friends who are black and they were both from urban backgrounds and also rural southern churchgoing backgrounds.
And how close are they to Africa? How emotional do they get when they talk about Africa? What histories do they know of Africa, assuming they even know their respective countries where their ancestors came from? Have any of them even been to Africa? You do not know? Or maybe more like they do not know, and they do not know because they do not care.

You’re desperately trying to pigeonhole me as some recent immigrant from mainland China when your crusty old Asian *** is roleplaying Tom Clancy fantasies every day. Lmao Gtfo bro you don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s obvious.
If you are US-borne, then why are you supporting China here? You pigeonholed yourself.
And how close are they to Africa? How emotional do they get when they talk about Africa? What histories do they know of Africa, assuming they even know their respective countries where their ancestors came from? Have any of them even been to Africa? You do not know? Or maybe more like they do not know, and they do not know because they do not care.

If you are US-borne, then why are you supporting China here? You pigeonholed yourself.

We weren’t talking about how much Aframs knew about africa, we were talking about how they felt about africa. Most feel a deep connection or resonance with the idea of an African motherland. And yes an extended in law of mine is Afram and was in the military, visited africa many times and he definitely felt a connection there. So while yeah, there are going to be a minority of Aframs who don’t care for africa at all, most are going to feel a connection.

Why do I defend China? Maybe because the media is dominated by the MIC and has an agenda full of fake news and lies to defame other countries. Yeah sorry dude I actually have critical thinking skills so I know the govt and media is full of shit and deeply corrupted by the Zionists and the MIC and their war agenda. I don’t just defend China but also the Middle East, South America, etc a ton of other countries who are victims of western aggression. The fact that you would be surprised that I would question the media narrative as an American just goes to show me how few black people you know cuz most black Americans are deeply suspicious of the government narrative because they’ve been fucked over by mainstream white society from day one so they know the govt is full of shit.
You mean you don't accept the fact that somewhere in Africa,there is a hidden country,technologically more advanced than any other country or civilization on earth with black africans far more advanced and intelligent than other humans?

Oh boy! You sooo racist! 😮

wait, I can't be Racist because I have black Friend :D Wait I can do better, I am 3 hours in sun away from been black myself lol
It's banned in China.
It's getting beaten by the new Makoto Shinkai movie, Suzume no Tojimari, in Japan.
Unfortunately, Vietnam movie industry is not developed so likely viets will still flock in this flick.
I am that level of been brown, when you took the toast out after been done and put them back in for round to lol
Man,I gotta say I like the acting in the Black Panther movies (the previous ones,I haven't watched this one),but the premise of an advanced african country...that felt like political correctness. Especially when the King's sister talks with the white guys about something (I don't remember what) and they say "we've tried this and this" and she goes like "why haven't you tried this?" ....implying they are so technologically inferior.

But the actors were great. The problem is...Hollywood that is dominated by leftists and you know who else....
Not going to watch. After Boseman is gone, Black Panther can't be the same anymore. So am I sexist?
very good movie. white conservatives gonna be sooo maaad
The film is BS and already being panned.

Hilariously there are lesbian characters Ayo and Aneka which are part of the officer corps of this fictional African country. Yes let's speak about what Africans really think about LGBTQ;

Of course, discussions around LGBTQ representation deserve to be as nuanced as possible. There is the possibility that Ayo and Aneka's relationship was significantly trimmed down due to homophobic international laws. Marvel has previously had issues with countries such as Saudi Arabia for their inclusion of LGBTQ characters, and the fact that 33 countries in Africa criminalize same-sex relationships through outdated colonial laws (via Human Rights Watch) could have also contributed to their exclusion in "Wakanda Forever." This hostility is actually part of the reason why Michaela Coel, who is British-Ghanaian, signed on for the role. Ghana is among the 33 African countries that criminalize LGBTQ individuals.

Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/1092993/b...-with-lgbtq-representation/?utm_campaign=clip

Imagine producing a film about a superpower African country which literally goes against their morals....
Hollywood truly is stupid and still tries to impose this woke BS on cultures they know nothing about.

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