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Featured China says US ignoring Palestinians' plight by blocking UN meet


Nov 4, 2011
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China says US ignoring Palestinians' plight by blocking UN meet
14/05/2021 - 11:42

Beijing (AFP)

China on Friday accused the United States of "ignoring the suffering" of muslims, after Washington blocked a scheduled UN Security Council meeting aimed at addressing an intensifying conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

The US, Israel's diplomatic shield at the UN, blocked an originally scheduled Friday session despite the deepening bloodshed -- but eventually agreed to move it to Sunday, diplomats said.

As the crisis has unfurled, China has taken up the Palestinian cause at the Security Council, a venue where it frequently plays its veto card to block motions against its allies.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters the US had single handedly obstructed the Security Council from speaking out on the crisis, "standing on the opposite side of the international community".

"What we can feel is that the US keeps saying that it cares about the human rights of Muslims... but it was ignoring the suffering of the Palestinian people," Hua added.

She contrasted America's reluctance at the Security Council with calls by the US, Britain and Germany for China to end repression of its Uyghur Muslim minority -- an incendiary issue in US-China relations.

"The US should realise that the lives of Palestinian Muslims are equally precious," she said.

The US, Israel's key ally, has defended the Jewish state's deadly offensive, which comes in response to rocket fire from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip.

But President Joe Biden's administration has also voiced alarm over civilian casualties and earlier pushed Israel to hold off on evictions of Palestinians in Jerusalem, the immediate trigger for the flare-up.

Hua said Friday that efforts should be made to lower temperatures and prevent the crisis from escalating.

She restated that China will push the Security Council to take action soon, as well as reiterate its firm support for a two-state solution.

Security Council sessions, held by videoconference due to the pandemic, require support of all 15 members.

Well, as I had said in other threads on this forum, this is a chance for China to step up. Not in a military sense but as a real credible player which, sometimes, the Soviets, used to be in global affairs.

American foreign policy is hijacked by the Israeli Lobby beyond recognition. The Lobby led America to the Iraq war in 2003 and China benefited a lot. Another chance is being given.
It's an open secret that the israeli military is propped and funded by the US, unfortunately the US tax payers.
Israel gets support from other western countries too.

That is the major reason why israelis can commit atrocities with impunity.
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The hypocrisy of the US is once again for the world to see, they don't care about anyone but their own selfish self interests and they will use any people, nations and civilisations to further their cause and once their cause is furthered they will throw you out like trash that they think you are.
Its like the U.S. American population is living in some upsidedown world, where kids dancing on TikTok, parents celebrating Eid al Fitr and holding prayers in traditional fashion is genocidal repression, but enduring blockades and getting blasted and tortured at gunpoint if you survive it is freedom and peace.

That the vast majority still would support this outright evil U.S. regime and this entire system they cynically call democracy while never taking any responsiblity for their regimes crimes and abuse and exploitations beyond handwaving and letters of concern.
US is getting more shameless by the day, it'd lost all the respect the other countries used to have for it.

A chance for the Chinese. I am fairly sure the Chinese are gloating over the blunders after blunders America has been committing simply because the American political class, with very few exceptions, has been hijacked by a foreign power. This is actually well documented by Mearshiemer and Walt in their seminal 'The Israel Lobby' paper from 2006, and is often also echoed by Pat Buchannan.

Some years from now on, the world will realize how a corrupted American political system, especially beholden to the Israeli Lobby, led to America's decline in the world. There is already no doubt about it that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was, on long term strategic terms, a disaster for America. And China (and to lesser extent Russia) benefited from that.
Some Americans after the 2003 war called the Zionists as a 'Jewish Cabal' inside America who spearheaded the plunge into a disastrous war.
Good thing is a declining US is no longer able to invade any countries in the future, with a fast rising China constactly checking it out and sizing it up for weaknesses. checks and balance of world powers is finally being achieved.
Call itas it is....where are the Arabs rulers....pathetic vermin. May Allah humiate them in this world and the next
The Chinese people need to wake up and understand that Israel is a common existential enemy of not just the Palestinian people but of China itself. Who do you think is behind the massive global propaganda campaign to demonize the Chinese people and who do you think released covid and created this pandemic to blame and isolate China? Look no further than global Zionism. They are an existential threat to the Chinese people.

China must help Palestine. Israel is an existential enemy to both.
The Chinese people need to wake up and understand that Israel is a common existential enemy of not just the Palestinian people but of China itself. Who do you think is behind the massive global propaganda campaign to demonize the Chinese people and who do you think released covid and created this pandemic to blame and isolate China? Look no further than global Zionism. They are an existential threat to the Chinese people.

China must help Palestine. Israel is an existential enemy to both.
Nihilist nazi Jews run america and they are the most racist people on the planet.
I feel each day their dominance is reducing. The world view is turning InshAllah. Even though very slowly.
The Chinese people need to wake up and understand that Israel is a common existential enemy of not just the Palestinian people but of China itself. Who do you think is behind the massive global propaganda campaign to demonize the Chinese people and who do you think released covid and created this pandemic to blame and isolate China? Look no further than global Zionism. They are an existential threat to the Chinese people.

China must help Palestine. Israel is an existential enemy to both.

The very fact that they were able to take complete control of the US, and many Western countries, just shows that they want to DO THIS TO CHINA AND TO EVERY COUNTRY OF SIGNIFICANCE. But CHINA IS THEIR NO.1 TARGET because it is the largest populated country on Earth, and probably the RICHEST !

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